Categories > TV > Young and the Restless

Watching the Good go Bad

by HP_Fairy 0 reviews

I strummed along to my guitar, watching Sharon watch Nick from the corner of my eye, as Kevin poured a steaming-hot Latte' in the background. The music ended, and furious with myself, and with Nick...

Category: Young and the Restless - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Daniel, Drucilla, J.T., Jack, Lily, Mackenzie, Nicholas, Nikki, Phyllis, Sharon, Victor, Other - Published: 2006-08-05 - Updated: 2006-08-05 - 939 words - Complete

I stepped onto the stage, brushing back the hair from my eyes. Beams of bright, flourescent, light blinded me.

"Lizzy, turn that down, would you? I'm trying to find the other blender, and you're about to blow my eardrums."

I rolled my eyes. "The blender is on your left, Kev, two shelves down, and I like my music loud, so get over it."

Kevin lifted the blender from the second shelf. "Ah, sweet, thanks, Lizzy! You're a lifesaver! But please, turn it down! You have plenty of time to play loud music later, when everyone is here!"

I sighed. "Fine. Everything sounds peachy, anyway. Everyone should be here soon."

Kevin nodded. "Alright, thank you. Now let me get some work done. Have you seen the cookies?"

I rolled my eyes. "On the third shelf, right beside the vanilla flavoring."

He sighed. "Sorry, my brain does not function well under pressure."

I laughed sarcastically. "You? Underpressure? I'm the one preforming in front of the entire town! You're just serving cake and lemonade!"

Kevin laughed. "Yeah, but you see, the thing is, Lizzy, you're related to the entire town!"

Oooh. Good point. I made a face. "Shut up, Kevin."


"Lizzy, get your butt on stage, your fans are waiting."

I rolled my eyes. "Knock it off, Colleen, I don't have fans, I have a bunch of relatives with nothing better to do."

She laughed. "Probably true. So...have anything out of the ordinary planned for tonight's show?"

I grinned. "Oh, yes, you could say that."


I stepped out onto the stage, taking a deep breath. Taking it all in. In front of me, arranged among unevenly placed circular tables, sat my family. The entire town.

I stepped up to the mike. "Hey, everyone. Thank you for coming tonight. I have a special performance for you all tonight, and I'm sure you're all going to love it."

Clapping. Cheers. A few, "Go, Lizzy!" 's from the crowd.

I sighed. "Alright, well...First, I'd like to thank Kevin, for, um...the food. And Jana for helping out..and all of you for coming. So, now...I'll, uh, start!"

Daniel laughed from the front row. I ignored him, as the music started, and I began strumming my guitar.

I took a deep breath, and I started to sing.

We used to be happy
What a thing to chase (a thing to chase)

I looked up Sharon, standing in the back in front of the counter, ten feet from where Nicholas stood.

My heart is all broken
Yeah Well I'm sad better when you look at my face

Sharon's eyes were already filling, four lines into the song. It was working.

Don' tell me "No" I'm done (tell me no I'm done..)
Don't tell me I'm the only one

Break up
You seem to have enough
I'm sick and tired of watching the good go bad
Watching the good go bad (yeah let's..)
Break Up
You see I've had enough
I'm sick and tired of watching the good go bad
Watching the good go bad
And I'm not coming back

I sang, putting every ounce of feeling I had into it. The power behind the words. I was sick and tired of watching Nick and Sharon's marriage go from good to bad.

Turn out the loud static
Cuz it's killin my ears (killin my ears) oh
Well I'm not one to panic
So I'm shaking it off and getting rid of these fears

Nick was watching Sharon, everyone once in a while, taking a glance to watch me sing. Very good, Nicholas, I see you catch on fast.

Don't tell me it's the end (tell me it's the end)
No I don't wanna go through that again (nuh uh)
I don't wanna go through that again...LET'S...

Break up
You seem to have enough
I'm sick and tired of watching the good go bad
Watching the good go bad(yeah let's..)
Break Up
You see I've had enough
I'm sick and tired of watching the good go bad
Watching the good go bad
And I'm not coming back

They hadn't loved each other for so long now, and although I'd never liked them together in the first place, it was Cassie's last wish. It was sad to see them falling apart. But it was for the best. Break up, Nick and Sharon, break up and get this over with.

We used to be happy
What a thing to chase
We used to be happy
What a thing to waste


Break up
You seem to have enough
I'm sick and tired of watching the good go bad
Watching the good go bad (yeah let's..)
Break Up
You see I've had enough
I'm sick and tired of watching the good go bad
Watching the good go bad
And I'm not coming back

Sharon was crying, Nicholas was looking angry. Kevin started fidgeting uncomfortably. Calm down, Kev, you're not going to get fired for letting me sing, you moron.

All these thoughts raced through my head. Sharon's face looked deadly. I was in for it. Everyone seemed to have caught on to the meaning of my song. They were all looking back intently at Nick and Sharon.

I strummed along to my guitar, watching Sharon watch Nick from the corner of my eye, as Kevin poured a steaming-hot Latte' in the background. The music ended, and furious with myself, and with Nick and Sharon, I stormed off the stage, crashing into the refreshments table, and spilling hot coffee and Double-Fudge Chocolate Chunk Cookies everywhere. After all, I was so sick of watching the good go bad.
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