Categories > Books > Harry Potter

The Hidden Charm

by Buttsex_R_Us 3 reviews

Dumbledore must teach Harry a secret new spell so he can use it wisely to defeat Voldemort. But is Harry skilled enough to be able to use it to his advantage?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-08-28 - 235 words - Complete

Harry wolked through the korridorer. Dumbledoor wanted him. He nedded to cum to his offise as aoon as possibl.wen he was waltzing, he bummed into Mouthy und mad him droop his apel and it smashed every wear and scarred Nevul.
‘Watch it pitter’ he sard angrily
‘pis af Malfy’’ he repled and carried on walking. Æfer a few minuts he fund Dunbedores office and walked insid sexily. dummydore was shitting on the hard. ‘Hell ther hairy’ he said wisly.
“Hej Dumn;rdire, wat did uou wany to sí me four” he repped
‘I hav an imprtnt spel to tech yu using mad magik wnd. Itcanb unprdivtball thogh so yiul hev ti wctch iutr’
Herry clamped hs hnds nd rn to shift with dummdeleedore. Doubledoor gaqrbed Hsrtys hånd snd puut ir in hush rd dock.
‘dummeldir wet is tat it fells werd’ itsaso strangle.
‘is coz I live yii wso muc I wanna fill yu ul nd cum inside off ur tght as’
‘okai den’
So dummgerdyut pit hes hrd cick intoid heartys butt and the starsdsed to cum. afta menny ours of hot but sex snake walced in
‘’wut is all the noize cumming from in her’
‘o hallo snake, dumbledoodøø iz teching mee a new spel, do yuo ano it??’
‘no butt i wood lick two’
And ten snack joned inn and putt his clock insid downthedoor and thay hades å orgasms sexily.
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