Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bromance or more?

Unexpected Surprise

by Punk_Fizz 1 review

Gerard's Point Of View

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-09-01 - 708 words - Complete

I should have told Frank that it was nothing personal. It would seem less mean, cause I can't stop thinking of him. Not as in a gay way, but as in that "I feel sorry" way. I can't believe I just left him there.
Anyways, it's art class and I love painting and art, so I should get this whole situation off my mind.
"Mr Way, are you okay?" I heard the teacher ask, and then realised that my body had turned pale white.
"Mr Way, I think you should probably go the rest room", she continued.
"Thank you", I replied and swiftly ran out of the class room.
As I entered the restroom, I noticed that Frank was still there. He had a silver object in his hands, and tears flooded from his eyes.
"Frank! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled, as I ran to him, and hit the blade out of his fingers.
"Just leave me alone. I'm gay. I thought you didn't care." He said, as he started biting his lip.
"Frank, you're my friend. Yes, I hate the fact that you're gay. I hate gay people. Especially the fact that you're in love with me... You do know that this could end out friendship?" I said, as I looked at his scars.
"Fuck off, and give me my fucking blade. I don't fucking need or want you in my life. I need no one and no one needs me. Give me my blade so I can end this." He had a stern look on, and I could tell he was serious.
"Frank-" I was cut off by the beeping of my phone.
I took my phone out of my pocket and read the text, which was from Ray, it read :
Hey Gee, just had the brilliantest idea ever. Band. Start. Meet at treehouse after school.

"-As I was saying", I continued, "You're my friend. Maybe if you just get over your feelings for me... We could be best friends again... But for now, you're still my friend. And I don't want anything to happen to you. I'm sorry for kicking you today... I was just frustrated...", as I said that, I wrapped my arms around him. I could tell he was enjoying this, because I could hear him sigh, and he had his hands on my chest.
"Now, come. We have to go. Let's get you cleaned up first." And with that, I picked him up. He was a bit heavy for a guy shorter than me, but I didn't want anything to happen to him. He's my friend.

After school
We walked to the treehouse-Mikey, Frank and Bob- after school, and yes, even though what happened at school today, Frank is still our friend.
There was a weird athmosphere as we walked.
Mikey kept looking at me, with disappointment.
I bit my lip, and started thinking of Lyn-Z, that beautiful angelic girlfriend of mine. We've been dating for about a day now, and we've already decided on baby names!
Bandit Lee, that's gonna be our first borns name.
"So, thinking about Lyn?" Mikey said, and winked.
Just then, I noticed the tent that was formed in my jeans.
I blushed and quickly took out my phone, when it started beeping.
Fuck, it's Friday, which means selfie Friday.
Loads of girls were mentioning me on twitter, saying that they can't wait to see my beautiful face. I blushed, and quickly took a selfie. It looked retarded, but it doesn't matter.
"Hey guys! Guess what? Well, don't, cause the surprise is that Avenged Fucking Sevenfold is in my fucking treehouse!" Ray said, with excitement.
We all started jumping for joy, and calmed down, because we knew it was a trick.
As we climbed up the treehouse, we noticed a familiar face.
Arin Ilejay.
"Hey guys, there's enough space, gosh, I didn't know that treehouses could fit so many people in it." Arin said.
As we got in, we saw the whole band sitting there.
Synyster Gates looking out of the window.
M.Shadows, eating an apple.
Johnny, sleeping.
Zacky was sucking a lollipop.
Arin just smiled nervously and hugged us.
Did Ray kidnap A7X or was this just a dream?
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