Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 0 reviews

Our lovely Helena and Gerard appear to us again.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-09-02 - 947 words

The man who was knocked down by the stranger sneaked out the trolley and was now walking alone down the dirt road of Holy Redeemer. He was getting close to Ophelia’s Field, the place where he heard that it was haunted. Said to be vampires living there. He didn’t worry about vampires. He was too pissed off to believe in them or even care. First a girl found out he was behind her without even turning around and blurted out that he was the mysterious groper. Then she beat the living shit out of him.
He kicked the dirt hard and rose up a cloud of dust. He was so immense in his anger that he didn’t notice a girl standing by the road, staring out into the grassy field. When he did, he stopped and let out a mental wolf whistle.
She’s a knockout! His mind did a victory fist. The girl was tall with long black hair, sea green eyes, and pink full lips, which were wrapped around a cherry Blow-Pop.
He imagined that he was that lollypop.
She was wearing a black faux leather halter-top, black leather pants, and black engineer boots. She looked like a biker’s wet dream.
She turned her head to him and said, “Hi”
“Hey there,” he said and ambled over to her. “What’s cha staring at?”
“Nothing,” she said with a laugh. “I’m about to head home, actually.”
“Well, let me walk you,” he offered with the thoughts of her spawning naked in her bed in his mind. “It’s not safe for young girls like yourself to be out here this late. Especially out here.”
“Oh?” she asked and took a slow lick of her lollypop. “Why is that?”
“Weelll…” he began. “People say vampires haunt this place, Ophelia’s Field. Not the messy haired, goo-goo eyed, lovelorn kind. The rip-your-throat-out-before-you-get-a-chance-to-scream kind.”
The girl shuddered, “That’s scary.”
“So,” he prodded. “Can I be your escort, Miss…?”
“Helena,” she said and flicked out the sticky lollypop into the field. “Helena Sheridan. And yes.”

They walked down the road until they approached an old house.
“You live here?” the guy asked.
Helena nodded, “For a year now, and I haven’t seen any vampires yet.”
She climbed up the stairs and turned her head to him, “Care for a nightcap before you go?”
“I’m never one to turn down a drink,” he said.
He followed her up and she opened the door. They came inside and they headed to the living room.
“Hell of a house you got here,” he commented.
“Thank you,” said Helena.
He sat down on the couch while Helena went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of bourbon. She poured it into two tumblers and went to the couch. She sat right beside him and drank her bourbon in one shot.
She sat her glass on the table and licked her lips, “Well, after you’re done with that, you can show yourself ou-“
She didn’t get a chance to finish because he was grabbed her waist and snaked his hand down her pants.
“You weren’t gonna send me off with that token of appreciation, are you?” he slobbered. “That would be un-ladylike.”
Helena struggled to get away but she froze when she felt his fingers probing in her through the fabric of her lace panties. But she regained herself and shoved him off her. She growled like a lioness ready to make a leap for the kill.
“You just signed your fucking death warrant,” she whispered.
“Oh?” he sneered. “And what are you gonna do?”
“Not me,” she said and, with a tilt to her head upward, she said the next word. “Him.”
He didn’t know what she meant until he felt his head being turned around and he was face to face with a guy wearing all black, with black hair, pale skin, and a pretty pair of fangs baring out. The creature hissed viciously and he sank his fangs into the guy’s neck so fast that he didn’t have time to scream. When he was done, he let the unconscious body of the scumbag drop to the ground.
Gerard went over to Helena, “Are you okay?”
“He put his fingers in me,” she said bitterly. “Do I look like I’m okay?”
Gerard didn’t show it, but he was erupting with rage and carnage inside. How dare this degenerate bastard touch Helena, his mate, his bride?
Helena looked at him, “What do we do with him?”
Gerard thought it would be fun for them to drain the fucker dry, but he got another idea. A more sinister idea. Best not to tell Helena, though. It’ll be too much to for her to take.
“Head up to the shower and wash everywhere he touched you,” he told her. “Then head to your room.”
Helena then smiled knowingly, “Oh? Comforting me with sex again? What happened to just talking?”
He flashed her a wicked smile, “Just get your sweet ass up there before I decide to fuck you right here and now.”
Helena obeyed and got up, “Y’know, that isn’t really a threat, babe.”
“I know.”
She went upstairs and straight to the bathroom. Once he heard the shower being turned on, Gerard dragged the guy out of the house and went into the grassy field.
“It was so nice of Helena,” he said to the guy. “She brought Frank dinner.”

A/N: Hang on to your stomachs, kiddies! Next chapter's a bloody one! (And Frankie's in it too!) R&R, if you please.
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