Categories > Original > Poetry > Poem Therapy and Such

Contrition, My Dear

by GettingHighOnCyanide 0 reviews

Warning: Domestic abuse

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-09-16 - 189 words

I could have pulled away
The first time I felt my blood along your lips

I could have changed my hair
Or my makeup
Or my clothes
And then maybe you wouldn’t turn my eyes to purple and black every night

I could have killed you
Taken the same belt you used to whip me
Tied it around your neck
And watched as you fought its warm leather grip
But for once
I would be stronger than you

I could have taken your pills
And your Friday night whiskey
And ended the nightmare my life has become
Once and for all

I could have thrown your cruel words right back at you
And shattered the windows with my screams
I could have torn down the walls
That hide your true identity
And maybe
You’d feel even a quarter of the fear
That I feel every time you slam the door behind us

I suppose
I could have been the cold blooded vengeance
That I spent my lonely nights dreaming of
But instead
I trusted you
Each and every time you whispered in my ear

“I’ll change.”
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