Categories > Original > Poetry


by AlexisSCREAM 0 reviews

Take me away.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2013-10-09 - 98 words

Take them away,
Take me away,
My memories are a plague,
My heart is empty,
In the world, I shut myself away,
Razor blade romance, addicted to hurt,
All needles and no hope,
So long ago,
Do you remember the way poison felt?
Can't breathe, won't speak,
Muted suffocation,
Got to give up,
Squealing tires in my mind,
Oh, fuck, why won't you shut up?!
Do you remember those fingers dancing down your-
Someone help me, someone hurt me,
I can't help myself, can't hurt myself,

Does anyone notice this?
Or am I just invisible?
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