Categories > Original > Romance > Strip the Mask

Strip the Mask

by PlainJane 1 review

Stella is worn out with the two straining lives she endures on a daily basis. Raised by conservative parents, Stella aches to be free and fosters the secret of being a burlesque queen at a cabaret....

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2013-10-10 - Updated: 2013-10-10 - 897 words - Complete


Stella is worn out with the two straining lives she endures on a daily basis. Raised by conservative parents, Stella aches to be free and fosters the secret of being a burlesque queen at a cabaret. She's content with living her double life, and she has no problem keeping it under wraps and concealed from everyone around her. Only her best mate Terri is aware of this secret. She plans on keeping it this way. What she doesn't plan on is a mysterious young man catching her eye who will be taking her down a winding road full of shenanigans and impetuous feats.


Ahh, damn it. My mom is in the living room. How am I supposed to pass by without being noticed? I retreated back into my room. I’m going to be late. I check the clock. 11:26 pm. Come on, come on. Mom, go please go back to your room. I repeat this in my head over and over again hoping she’ll do so. I peek out the door again. She hasn’t budged. I slouch onto the ground.

“Please… Please… Make something happen,” I groan.

I hear her phone’s ringtone trill. I stick my head out the door once again. She hastily jumps from the couch and enters her room to retrieve her phone. What a miracle.

I quickly grab my bag with all my belongings I need for the night and tiptoe to the backdoor. I ever so carefully open it, and shut it silently behind me. I place my key in the keyhole and lock it.

I look back at my house. The color of the soft pink brick is being reflected by the moonlight. There’s a garden full of tomatoes, lettuce, and carrots directly behind my mom’s room’s window. Behind my room is a white wooden gazebo my dad made this past summer. It’s so peaceful at night. The only things that sound are the cicadas and grasshoppers. I open my fence and close it behind me. I look around. I have to say… I live in a damn good neighborhood. Everyone is pretty well off in this subdivision.

I check the time on my phone. 11:35 pm. I sprint to the end of the road hoping to see a white 2006 Honda Civic waiting for me. Surely enough I see one. I exhale loudly in relief and slip into the passenger seat.

“Sorry I’m so late. Mom wouldn’t go back to her room,” I explained.

Terri turns her head to me with a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it, love. I only got here ten minutes ago.”

With that said she shifts the gear to drive and speeds down the road.

“How long are you planning on working tonight?” She asks.

“I don’t know… What time are you willing to pick me up?” I look at her.

Her eyes remain on the road and she carefully chews the gum in her mouth. “Hmm… Just hit me up when you feel like leaving. I’ll be in town anyway,” she states. She blows a bubble and lets it pop.

“You’re so lucky you don’t have to deal with high school anymore. College life must be hella great, huh?” I say with a hint of jealousy.

She winks at me and says, “Damn right! It’s the life. Don’t worry your pretty little head. You only have a couple more months until graduation. You can make it.”

“I hope to God I can,” I mumble.

“Alright, doll. We’re here.” She pulls in front of the building to drop me off. “You better keep your ass in check and don’t do anything stupid, you hear? I don’t want to be dragging your drunk self out of here or anything. Got it?” She spits. She composes herself and her eyes soften. “I just don’t want anything happening to you, okay? You’re practically blood. You’re like my sister,” she says.

I look at her and grin. “Thanks, Terri. You’re a real pull-through, you know that? I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you. Thanks for everything.”

She dramatically places a hand on her heart and pretends to wipe away the imaginary tears from her eyes. “No need to thank me. I’m just doing what I can to help you out. I’m always here for you. Now go on! It’s almost 12! Holler at me if you need anything, ‘kay?” She nods off in the entrance’s direction.

I nod back and open the door. I walk to the entrance and look back at Terri giving her a thumbs up. She blows me a kiss and drives off.

I slip my black and gold Bianca mask with proud feathers sticking up and out from the center and fix my platinum blonde wig before I enter the complex. I let the loose, long curls dangle from my head and shake away the nightly anxiety. I take a deep breath. I walk in.

(This is the beginning of my first story!! I hope you're enjoying it so far, whoever is reading it out there! :) Please tell me what you think! It would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you!)
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