Categories > Anime/Manga > .hack//Sign

dobre nawyki

by paigewhite187 0 reviews

Category: .hack//Sign - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-10-21 - 992 words

Have you ever tried to get rid of a poor habit like smoking or overeating? Did you succeed? I know it's hard to successfully break bad habits, so why not concentrate on the good stuff? Why not strive to establish some good habits worth having?

Sounds easy, but how to start? What are good habits worth having? Which are worth to put the effort in, to improve myself step by step?

I have my own list of good habits I believe are worth having or developing. No, I've not conquered all of them, but I am working towards it. There are other, so my list is by far not complete, however, you have to start somewhere.

10 Good Habits Worth Having

So, here we go - my own list of good habits to support my self improvement:

Daily Exercise It has to be on the top of my list because your physical state influences your mind so much - not a way of getting around that. I understand, it's hard to interrupt the bad practice of doing nothing, however, you will have more energy, more stamina; lose weight (if you want to) and be more relaxed and at ease. Don't choose a marathon immediately, start small, just 10min Three times per week will do. Increase it slowly to every day, boost the daily time - ensure miss it when you are in the rhythm.
Relax - Also Daily This is a point most of us tend to forget. Your Body (and Mind) need both - stimulation and relaxation. Your defense mechanisms and all around health will benefit out of this habit. Daily Relaxation does not mean just hanging on the sofa - sorry. Consider using a more active approach: taking time out and being aware of it. Give meditation, yoga or relaxation techniques like Progressive Muscle Relaxation a try. Your body and mind will recover far better compared to just hanging out in front of the TV. Best is to develop it into a daily habit - it's really a good habit to possess!
Healthy Food "You are what You eat". Your body (and mind) place their energy from the food you provide. The better the quality of your nutrition the greater you will feel. If you're not there yet start with small steps. Introduce one bit of fruit and something vegetable to your meals every single day to start with and move from there. Good habits need time for you to develop.

Positive Self Image You are the person who is going to be with you all your life, 24/7. You are the most important part of your life. You are totally unique, and you may be proud of yourself. Make a list of what you have achieved in your lifetime, dream big and ensure you remember of all your good attributes. Start with saying "I love you" to yourself every day in the mirror. Ever tried? It felt very strange in my experience to say it out aloud, however it helps to feel good with yourself.
Wealthy Thoughts "Wealth" is not limited to money, you can be wealthy (or poor) in all areas of life, like in relationships, emotions, experience. But additionally financially. Acknowledge what you have achieved already and strive for more. Imagine how it can be, where you can develop more wealth. Think it on a regular (daily) basis as well as your life will be abundant. We become our opinion about.
Get a great Night's Sleep In our fast paced society sometimes I hear that "sleep is overrated". From your body's perspective it is not. Make sure that you get enough rest (and enough) every evening. Your mind and the body need that point to recover and digest what went down throughout the day. Don't cut yourself short, you deserve the very best.
Life Long Learning When did you last learn new things? That doesn't necessarily mean getting (another) degree - reading a new book about a topic that you're interested in, trying a brand new sport or learning a brand new language counts towards your learning. Your mind is like a muscle and needs that stimulus to stay fit. Developing a new good habit means you learn something new too.

Don't Sweat The little Stuff Would you get annoyed easily? Are you angry since you got stuck inside a traffic jam? Or the food took ages at the restaurant? There's so much happening in your lifetime, make sure you don't spend all of your energy on things that are not worthwhile (and anger uses energy big time). So get into the habit of checking on your own "Will this matter in One year time?". When the answer is no - why waste energy onto it today?
Know What you would like Make sure you know what you want - and request it. If you do not do that, how are others (and also the universe) supposed to know what you want? It is amazing how easy you can get the things you want should you actually manage to ask for them (in a nice way of course). It will increase your confidence and self confidence when you develop this good habit.
Practice Gratitude Have you considered all the good stuff in your life? I know, it's much easier to complain and find out what is missing. But could it be really that important to own the latest gadget? Envying others for which they have isn't healthy and doesn't get you to achieve your primary goal. A much better habit is to practice gratitude. That you can do the following experiment: for 30 days every evening when you go to bed think about your day and remember the good things. Write them down. Appreciate them. Find out if it changes your feelings about your life. Otherwise, nothing is lost. Whether it does - continue practising this great habit.
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