Categories > Original > Fantasy


by ZombieKilljoy 1 review

Dedicated to a friend who killed herself last year. My version of what she had gone through based off of what she posted to friends.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2013-10-25 - Updated: 2014-05-25 - 405 words

It was like any other day in summer. Hot and moist. But to Alisha it was the most wonderful feeling she had felt in months. She had just gotten out of the hospital for her second suicide attempt and she had been taken in to a hospital 'to vacation from the stess of her life.' She got picked up by the main worker at the care home picked her up and after the main doctor warned her that next time she would spend months there if she was brought back again, she was allowd to leave.
The streets rung in happiness as the car loudly hummed along the streets toward the hell called 'home'.
"I don't want you putting any none sense in Lou's head Alisha. None of the crap you pulled is cool in the least sense. No bull from you to her." the worker, Lupe warned.
Lucia, or Lou as everyone at the orphanage called her. She had been there since she was 7 and had the same back ground as herself. Both their parents died in a car crash and it left a major scar over both their lives. Her own parents died when she was 11 and then her brother attacked her and when she defended herself, he called the cops and she was taken to a hospital and after she left there she was brought to a group home. Her older brother couldnt win her back cause their younger brother was being difficult.
"She can take care of herslef and doesn't need to follow my lead." Allie said as she played with her dyed, dark cherry red hair.
Lupe just grumbled at that remark. Allie and Lou have been like two peas in a pea pod and are never separated unless Allie was getting treatment. Allie hopped out of the car and walked up to the 14 year old girl waiting for her at the front door. Lou and her were night and day almost. Allie had darkc cherry red hair and big navy blue eyes and porcelain skin and was unhealthyly skinny. Lou on the other hand had dirty blonde hair and blue gray eyes and pale skin. She was skinny too but had some meat on her bones.
"Inside you two. We have some visitors coming and I don't want them thinking that we let you girls run rugged." Lupe announced as she pulled the two in the home tyue


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