Categories > Original > Poetry

It's the Way

by BipolarUnicorn 0 reviews

Don't ask.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-10-26 - 211 words

It's the way I never know what to say.

It's the way I don't care.

It's the way I care so much at the same time.

It's the way my thoughts get the best of me.

It's the way my shoulders feel heavier every day.

It's the way my trust is so low, I don't open up.

It's the way I can't stand to look in the mirror.

It's the way that I like you so much.

It's the way I don't know what to do anymore.

It's the way I'm giving up.

It's the way I feel foggy everyday.

It's the way that I'm going to breakdown soon.

It's the way I'm a done.

It's the way when you catch me on a bad day.

It's the way school make me want to have a second breakdown.

It's the way you keep asking me if I'm depressed.

It's the way I can't handle anything anymore.

It's the way I won't do anything because I feel like I can't physically or mentally want to.

It's the way that every day just feels fake.

It's the way I can feel myself fading away.

It's the way I feel my existent getting less meaningful.

It's the way that I might be gone soon.
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