Categories > Original > Poetry

Apologies (From my Dead Heart)

by AlexisSCREAM 1 review

This is all it is.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2013-10-29 - 143 words

This is all it is,
Razor’s kiss,
Slashed wrists,
Sick of this,
Write a list,
What have I missed?
Cyanide lipstick,
Hemlock kisses,
Sleeves pulled own,
Pathetic frown,
Lies, lies, lies,
Severing ties,
Questioning why,
Why do you want to die?
Scars that won’t fade,
“Kill yourself,”
They chant, chant on,
March on, head up,
Head down,
Down to hell, bitch,
And burn,
You never learn,
They hang from their ropes,
Invisible nooses creating a burning sensation,
Words you choke on,
Didn’t eat again today,
But that’s okay,
Couldn’t cut right,
Where are the headlights?
Repeat her actions,
To get rid of these memories of fingers,
Fingers down your spine,
You shiver,
Deer in headlights,
One foot in front of the other,
One foot in front of the other,
One foot-
It’s over.
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