Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ++Drowning Lessons+With Gerard Way++

++Chapter#4+Good Or Evil?++

by RavenxBlack 1 review

Aralyn has a dream about a Ship called Titanic and its tragic end. The next morning she finds herself being forced to board by her abusive father. 5 days through the trip, her worries seem to float...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-07 - Updated: 2006-08-07 - 640 words

I ran as fast as I could back to my
room. I knew someone would be looking for me, so I had to be quick. I grabbed my
Fathers gun, but then I heard something in the bathroom. It was incredibly dark,
so I had no idea about anything around me.

"It's me again" A voice said from no where.

"FOR GOD SAKE GO AWAY!" I said, bashing myself in the head with my fist. I
landed on the floor, and sensed something get closer. I ran to the door and
opened it. Everything was dark, even though it was midday. "What's going on?" I
whispered. I felt him right behind me. Not like the warmth of another
human-being, but a frosty breeze, blowing against me. I felt his lips on my
neck, and shuddered.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you..." He whispered, and I relaxed a
little. "YET." The bold words that I knew were coming, slipped out of his mouth.
Like a gun telling me when to run in a race. I fled down the corridor, and
looked back at my door and he wasn't there, I knew he was coming for me, he had
already bitten me, and he had to Finnish the deed, before I told anyone. Which
was exactly what I was about to do.

I stopped running, after seeing the balcony of the ship, leading to the water. I
turned around and there he was. It was like a ghost ship, He was the only person

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" I yelled. He leaned forward slightly.

"You." He said in a sharp whisper.

"Well you can't have me!" I shouted pulling my Fathers gun out my corset. I
pointed it at him, and unlocked it, with a click.

"You know you could shoot me. If it wasn't suck a waste of time." He said
calmly. I aimed it at his head, but felt something in my chest that hurt. My
heart. I put down the gun and put it to my own head. "WHAT!?" I thought. I'm not
doing this, what is he making me do!? I felt my finger slip a bit, and got
really worried. When I looked back at him he was gone. I heard the shot of the
gun, and closed my eyes tight, but felt nothing. I opened my eyes and saw that
he had shot another vampire hiding behind a pier.

"Come with me!" He said, and grabbed my hand and took me to his room. I stared
at him.

seemed perfectly calm.

"No. That other vampire was though"

"OMG! There are more of them!"

"Jesus! You should have known I showed to in your dream."

"Okay, this is getting too confusing, I'm going back to my room." I turned
around and tried to open the door.

"You can't." He said.

"Why not?"

"Because as soon as you leave here, they will kill you."

"Why?" I looked puzzled, what had I done so wrong.

"Err... Because I'm supposed to kill you." I went to the door again, and tried
to open it even more.

"HELP! SOMEONE LET ME OUT!" I yelled. He grabbed me round the mouth.

"Sh! Please! I'm not going to hurt you." He looked me in the eyes. I had finally
calmed down.

"What's your name?" I said.

"Gerard" He said.

"Well Gerard, looks like I'm staying here for the night." I winked at him.


I took off my dress and un-tied my hair, and looked around for something to
wear. Gerard took of his shirt and offered it to me. I put it on, and soon went
to bed. While Gerard sat by the door, with a wooden stake in his hand...
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