Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frank's Only Friend

Chapter 3

by drtylttlscrt 2 reviews

Frank can't get the man he served at work out of his head.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-11-09 - 563 words - Complete

Frank went to bed that night thinking of the man. The attractive, kind man who he was sad to see go. He showed respect and was polite toward Frank, and he actually made him smile. He took in every detail - his bright, red hair, his hazel-brown eyes, his small, cute nose, his happy, cheerful grin, his pale skin and his natural charm. He didn't know why - especially as he hardly even knew him - but he just came across as a wonderful, charming man with and interesting and intelligent personality.

Frank thought for a moment...

(He was really nice... and charming... and...)


(No. That can't possibly be true.

There's no such thing as love at first sight...

It's silly...)

His parents had always tried to convince him that homosexuality was a bad thing, but Frank would always retaliate with "Homophobia is gay". He didn't believe his parents or ever agree with them, but he'd never imagined himself as gay. Frank thought again...

(Frank, drop it, you're probably never gonna see him again. I might! Probably doesn't mean certainly. But really, Frank, how would you ever see him again? He might come over to the burger joint tomorrow... Pah! And? He's everything, Frank. And you're nothing! You're pathetic!)

It was like his parents had climbed into his own mind and were yelling at him, tormenting him, insulting him, belittling him. He punched his own head after a while in an attempt to shut it up, but it just made his thoughts more upsetting. His mind was reminding him how worthless he was compared to the man... or at least trying to convince him that he was worthless.

The next day at work was one like any other. Rude, stupid, impolite people ordering Frank to get their food, giving him a time limit - even though he only served the food and took orders, he didn't cook it.

Eventually, the charming, red-haired man walked in!

"Oh, hey!" said Frank excitedly before he had even walked up to the counter, placing his hands on it without hesitation and lifting himself up off of the floor so that his feet were dangling in the air.

"Hi...?" replied the man with a strange look on his face. Frank couldn't quite tell if it was a concerned are-you-alright face or a what-the-fuck face.


Shit, shit, shit.

Frank was a bit too eager to see him and he greeted him a little too loudly. So loudly, in fact, that everyone else in the building was staring at him with a similar look to the one the man gave him. He quickly took his hands off the counter and nervously moved some hair from over his right eye and, when the man finally walked (Well, trudged a little reluctantly) over to Frank, he said shakily "H-hi, can I take your order?"

"Uh... yeah, can I please get -"

"A cheeseburger and a large soda? Comin' right up."


Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Shit. Why the fuck would you say that? You fucking idiot.

However, instead of freaking out, the man actually smiled at Frank.

"Wow, you remembered? Awesome!"

He then giggled, which made Frank giggle also and blush a little as well.

He hoped to see him the next day, and he was stuck in Frank's head until he fell asleep, this time with happier thoughts.
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