Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're the one that I need, I'm the one that you loathe

Know Your Enemy

by XenaTheBean 1 review

Mikey's in for a surprise about his brother when he realizes that it wasn't Billie who changed Gerard into a douche.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-11-23 - Updated: 2013-11-28 - 2025 words

Frank woke up the morning after on Gerard's bedroom floor. He'd stayed overnight because they'd left the party at like 2am and he didn't want to face his mom and her constant shouting. He sent her a quick text telling her that he was over at Mikey's and would be back later. Frank looked over at Gerard sleeping on the bed next to him. It was already about lunchtime, but Frank figured that he should let Gerard sleep. Mikey poked his head round the door. “Jeeze, he's still sleeping?” he asked, rolling his eyes. “Yep. He's still going to be pretty cut up about the whole Lisa thing,” Frank replied, watching Gerard thoughtfully. “What?” Gerard said out loud, suddenly stirring from his sleep.
“Morning Gee,” Mikey said cheerfully.
“What?” Gerard repeated, “Mikes, it's like 6am, fuck off.”
“It's 1pm. And stop being so rude to your guest.” Mikey said, gesturing towards Frank.
“Ooops.. Hey, I sort of forgot you were here,” Gerard said to Frank.
“No worries. But do you think we could eat yet? I'm starving,”

After Frank and Gerard had got dressed, Mikey made them French toast. “Shit Mikey, you're such a better cook than your brother,” Frank commented, earning a slap from Gerard. They watched TV for a while after, but soon got bored. The subject of last night's events never came up. Neither Frank or Mikey wanted to mention Lisa. “Anyone want to go into town?” Gerard asked finally.
“Sure. I think we should all go to the record store – remember when you used to buy me albums Gee? Now it's like you never listen to any music.” Mikey said.
“I do listen to music! Sometimes...” Gerard admitted.
“Oh really? Like what?” Mikey asked.
“Well, I listen to Black Veil Brides a lot with Lisa. They're her favorite band... Oh wait, shit...” Gerard replied, his face crumpling when he remembered the events of last night.
“Black Veil Brides? Are you fucking kidding me? They're like the shittest band of the century,” Mikey said in disgust, desperately trying to divert the topic.
“I don't think so, their whole image and everything, they're pushing boundaries,” Gerard replied, grateful that Mikey didn't mention Lisa.
“Pushing boundaries? Yeah right, their image is the only reason they have fans. Fans who are 12 year old girls who delude themselves into thinking that they're 'metalheads'. None of that stuff is new any more, Marilyn Manson finished it all years ago,” Mikey ranted.
“I obviously can't win here. Frank? You with me?” Gerard ask hopefully.
“Nah, sorry. I'm afraid I'm with Mikes on this,” Frank said.

The three of them finally arrived at the record store, and the bell rang as they went in. Posters of various indie bands no-one had ever heard of covered the walls. There were shelves of CD's and vinyl, and buckets of rolled up posters and various band merch. “Mikey, Frank! Jeeze, I haven't seen you in ages,” Bob, the shop assistant said from behind the counter.
“I know right. This is Gerard, my brother. We've brought him here today to educate him on decent music – he likes Black Veil Brides,” Mikey explained. Bob nodded hello at Gerard.
“Mikes, are you serious? This is your brother who apparently got you into all the awesome bands you love today, and he likes Black Veil Brides?” Bob said jokingly. “Well Gerard, you've come to the right place. We can save you, there still is hope okay.”
Gerard blushed and laughed slightly.
“NOFX!” Frank shouted, running over to a copy of So Long and Thanks for All the Shoes. “This,” he announced, “Is my favorite album ever.”
“Who even are they?” Gerard asked.
“Mikey's right, Gee. You need to be educated,” Frank said in mock disappointment.

Some time later, they arrived back at the Way household. Gerard had bought a copy of Famous Monsters because Mikey had 'borrowed' and lost Gerard's other copy a few years back. “I'm proud of you, Gee” Mikey said, pretending to tear up when he saw Gerard pick up the album. Frank had bought two NOFX shirts, and Mikey hadn't bought anything. The three of them sat down in front of the TV. Not long after, the doorbell rang. “It can't be mom and dad,” Mikey commented, “They said they wouldn't be back until tomorrow evening.” Gerard and Mikey's parents had gone to visit some relatives in another state. Frank went to answer the door. Billie was standing there, staring at his feet guiltily. He looked up, and his face formed an expression of surprise when he saw Frank. “What do you want?” snapped Frank. Billie didn't bother to question Frank's presence.
“Look, I just need to speak to Gee, okay,”
“Well, I don't think he wants to speak to you,” Frank said, closing the door. Billie pushed it back from being shut. Gerard appeared in the hall. “Billie?” he said in confusion.
“Gerard, look we need to talk. I need to apologize,” Billie said. Gerard motioned to Frank that it was okay to let Billie in. “I don't think there's anything to talk about,” Gerard said calmly.
“Look, I'm sorry Gee. It was a mistake, okay, I genuinely didn't know you and her were still together,” Billie started.
“Bullshit,” Gerard interrupted.
“I know it looks bad, but I honestly didn't know. I'm just as angry with her as you are, okay. Last night, she told me that you'd dumped her on Tuesday but that you both were apparently trying to keep it a secret from me. I shouldn't have fallen for it, I guess. I'm so sorry.”
“Even so,” Gerard replied, “Only assholes go and sleep with their best friend's ex just three days after they apparently broke up.”
“Yeah, I get that, but it's not as bad because you were apparently the dumper, and she was the dumpee.” Billie explained hopefully.
“Whatever. Even so, how fucking stupid are you?” Gerard snapped.
“Alright! I came here to apologize, you dick. Take it or leave it,”
“I'm choosing to leave it,” Gerard replied. Billie looked shocked.
“Oh right, I get it. You obviously don't need me because apparently now you're suddenly friends with him,” Billie spat, glaring at Frank.
“Yeah, me and Frank are friends now – do you have a problem with that?”
“No, I don't fucking have a problem with that, I was just wondering how you could hate him one minute then suddenly have him round your house the next minute,”
“Do I really need to explain myself to you after everything that's happened?” Gerard hissed.
“Jesus Christ, I said I'm sorry, okay. I genuinely feel bad and yeah, I accept that I was wrong and it was a douchey thing to do despite me thinking that you'd broken up with her. But just quit being a little bitch, I was asking you a reasonable question, you don't need to go all defensive on my ass,” Billie replied.
“Me being a little bitch!? What, and you think I don't have reason to?” Gerard said. Billie just glared at him. “I'm sorry okay. Y'know, I haven't spoken to Lisa since, and I don't plan to. I'm on your side as well, I think she's the main one to be angry at right now because she screwed me over as well.” he explained. Gerard paused thoughtfully.
“Okay, yep, I get that you're sorry. I'm obviously not going to trust you ever again like I did before, but yeah, I guess we can be friends again,” Gerard finally said.
“Fucking finally. Thank you,” Billie sighed.

Billie followed Gerard into the living room. Mikey and Frank had listened in on everything. “Hey,” Billie said awkwardly. Mikey and Frank, still wary about him, just nodded and grunted in reply. “Is that Famous Monsters?” Billie asked, squinting at the CD on the coffee table.
“Yep, I never knew you liked the Misfits?” Mikey said in surprise.
“Are you fucking kidding me, they've been one of my favorite bands since I was like 12,” Billie replied, his face lighting up.
“Seriously? I assumed you were just another BVB fag like Gee and Lisa,” Mikey said.
“Fuck no, and I never got those two for liking that shit. Nah, I'm more into my old school punk like Black Flag, Ramones, that kind of thing,”
“Holy shit, Black Flag are like my favorite band,” Frank interrupted.
“Really? I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff,” Billie admitted.
“Same goes for you. It's weird, right,” Frank replied.
“But wait,” Mikey spoke up, “If you're into the same kind of stuff that Gee used to be into, how come he changed suddenly right after he met you?”
“Fuck knows, in fact I always wondered that too. So how come Gee? You used to be so much awesomer – it was why I became friends with you in the first place. Shit, those comics you used to draw were fucking amazing but then it was like you suddenly stopped.” Billie said.
“Well, I guess I was more conscious about myself when you introduced me to your friends, they weren't like you after all, and I just hid certain traits of me away,” Gerard admitted, blushing.
“Really? Who gives a fuck about them, Gee, they wouldn't have judged you. I'm not friends with half of them anymore anyway,” Billie replied.
“I know, I guess I just didn't realize that before,”
“Wow guys, I always got the impression that Billie was the douche who changed you, no offense Billie, but turns out it was you who changed of your on free will because you thought it was what they wanted. Jesus Gerard, you fucking moron,” Mikey joked.
“Yeah, I always tried to tell you that my friends were decent people,” Gerard replied.
“But what about you two always making digs and trying to start fights with us?” Mikey asked Gerard and Billie. “Hey, I was never that mean was I?” Billie said only half-seriously.
“Um, yeah we kinda were. But the important thing is that I'm not like that anymore, okay Frankie?” Gerard said, blushing when he realized that he'd called Frank 'Frankie'.
“Hey, what do you mean you're not like that anymore?” Billie said to Gerard accusingly, “Are you suggesting that I'm a dick?”
“That depends on how you act towards Frank on Monday,” Gerard laughed.
“Well, I actually think you're alright Frank,” Billie said, “I never realized you had such a fucking awesome music taste,”
“Yeah, same goes to you. It's awesome how like, your opinions can change about people so fast when you've heard there side of things,” Frank said. Billie nodded in agreement.
“Awww so everyone's friends,” Mikey said sarcastically.
“Yeah, I know right. We're a bunch of fucking cheeseballs,” Gerard laughed.

Frank went home later that day dreading the words that his mother would say. He turned the key in the front door, praying that she'd already be in bed. But no, she was sat at the kitchen table reading a book. She looked up when he entered, definitely not happy to see him. “Oh, it's so nice of you to finally turn up. Obviously it's perfectly fine that last night I was worried sick about where you were,” she snapped.
“Look, mom, I'm sorry. I had detention after school yesterday and after I went back to Mikey's and we went to a party and it sort of escaped my mind to tell you. I'm really sorry,” Frank sighed.
“It 'sort of escaped your mind'? What kind of excuse is that? I spent all night trying to reach you, you could have at least answered your phone or texted me,”
“I'm sorry, I left it in the car,”
“I don't care. You can't just disappear like that without explanation,”
“Mom, I'm almost legallly an adult. I didn't come home yesterday, big fucking deal,” Frank snapped. His mom was almost in tears.
“Don't swear, Frank, you know I hate it. And I don't care how old you are, I'm your mom and you still live under my roof,”
“Whatever,” Frank snapped, and stormed up to his room.
“Yeah, you sure act like you're almost an adult!” she screamed after him.
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