Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Eroninja: The Limelight

This Might Just Be Heaven After All

by TheLemonSage

A story which shines a spotlight on the women in Naruto's life as he continues in his goal to unite the shinobi world in a way that would make Jiraiya proud

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-12-01 - 7786 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks. Furthermore I’m not making any money from this story.

Author’s Note: The following events take place over the course of chapters 43 thru 46.

Chapter 6: Tsunami

This Might Just Be Heaven After All

Tsunami was enjoying her lunch break from heading up the project to repair several apartment buildings that Kiyomi had procured in the aftermath of the Pain Invasion. One of the buildings though sat directly above the Den, the group of tunnels that acted as both the base of operations and true home of Naruto and the women bond to him. Tsunami, could count herself among those women, although she didn’t know if she could say that she felt the same level of devotion as most of the other women in the blond man’s life. A fact she was just confronted with as a result of what she had learned was one of the potential benefits of becoming one of Naruto’s lovers.

“Mom, hey earth to mom,” a voice said cutting into her thoughts.

Realizing it was her son, she looked up as she replied, “What is it…Inari?” She could see her father and son looked concerned at her pause which was brought about due to her looking up and seeing her child as an elderly old man for a moment.

“Is everything alright?” her son questioned as he gave her a concerned look.

“Yes, why do you ask?” Tsunami replied with a question of her own.

“Well it’s just for someone that went to the Hot Springs to relax you don’t appear to at ease,” Inari said looking around at some of the workers also lounging around eating their lunches. “None of these guys have been bothering you, have they?”

“Oh stop, do you honestly think I couldn’t handle someone ogling me?” Tsunami asked allowing a little annoyance to seep into her voice. Feeling a little guilty as Inari appeared like he was about to ask for forgiveness so she let out a sigh as she said apologetically, “I’m sorry honey. It’s just I received some distressing news while at the Hot Springs. It turns out the woman I am working for has made some pretty drastic changes…and I’m not sure how I feel about them.”

Inari nodded as although relatively new as carpenter, he had already encountered customers that would upset weeks of planning on a last minute whim. Tsunami felt another small pang of guilt at misleading her child about what was behind her melancholy. Aware that someday she’d have a lot to explain, she wasn’t sure how she’d broach the subject once Naruto’s dream became a reality.

She felt some of her melancholy fade as she thought of the young man that she had taken as a lover. She always found it strange that as she thought about his great ambition she never really doubted that one day he would be successful. Ultimately, she supposed that was due to the number of women he had managed to already attract to him and his cause. She felt that if he could arrange that in his personal life then building a coalition of shinobi that shared his goals should be child’s play.

Still the recent revelation that she could be in line to live forever as a result of her relationship with him did force her to reconsider exactly what she wanted from it. If Tsunami was to be honest with herself, she had never really thought too far in advance when she had slept with Naruto. Her decision to do so had simply been a byproduct of a bored widow whose son was on the cusp of adulthood and who had found herself in the orbit of a highly sexual environment during Naruto’s return trip to Wave.

Of course, she still was in such a highly sexual environment. But if she was being honest with herself when she had first allowed herself to be seduced, she hadn’t really given much thought about where she would be in regards to her relationship with Naruto in five or even ten years. While she had been happy to help his ambition and felt her aiding him by following her dream of reopening the Whirling Tides Manor would be just the ticket a bored housewife needed to make her remaining years meaningful. In truth, she had always felt that at some point Naruto and she would perhaps go their separate ways as she grew older and he inevitably attracted more women to his cause as well as to him.

That to her had almost made it okay for her to keep her revitalized sex life a secret from Inari and her father. There just had been no need for her to tell them if it was something that would eventually fade with the passing of time. Yet with Kiyomi’s meddling she now found herself in a situation where she would never grow older. Not only that, she now knew that the recent and minor changes she had noticed in her appearance were due to the fact that she was actually growing younger. Granted she had only been in her earlier thirties, but she had still noticed the few signs of her getting older had been slowly lessening. She had just attributed it to her relationship with Naruto making her feel younger.

However, now that it appeared her relationship to Naruto might not be the fling she had originally envisioned, she had been trying to determine exactly what she expected from it going forward. She realized that her own thoughts on the relationship had been rooted in a mild inferiority complex since the women she had known about when she had joined had been younger and to her eyes more attractive. In hindsight she guessed she should have realized how serious Naruto would take it due to his protective nature. Despite having the bevy of beautiful women at his beck and call, she should have known Naruto wouldn’t have slept with her if he wasn’t willing to let her into his heart as well. A fact he had shown as he would often show up in Wave when he knew she was alone to spend time with her or even help her with her chores around the house since she didn’t have the necessary skills to maintain a henge more complicated than the one that hide the color of her chakra and thus they couldn’t travel outside her home.

The truth though was that she felt she should have known that her feelings for the young man could easily blossom into love if she let them. This was due to the fact that he possessed all the strength of character that had led to her marrying Kaiza. Therefore it had only taken a small push for her feelings to move from their relationship being purely sexual in nature to her perhaps desiring more. That push had come when she had learned that he had asked Karin to procure the Whirling Tides Manor. Learning that Naruto upon returning home had incorporated her desire to save the luxurious hotel from becoming a casino into his ambition had made her heart swell with emotion.

Yet, she had still tried to convince herself that things between them were primarily sexual due to her feelings that she couldn’t compete with some of the women already in the harem. To her, it was almost like she, a mere mortal, had been chosen as a lover by a god, like from the stories of old. Furthermore, all of the women she had seen at the time had been around Naruto’s age so she figured she’d reach an age where he wasn’t interested in her much sooner. She now recognized that she had underestimated Naruto’s character as she had come to believe that while all of his lovers were beautiful, it was truly their character that attracted him to them.

A whistle blew signaling to the work crews that lunch was coming to an end. Standing she kissed her son on the cheek embarrassing him slightly as several of his co-workers teased him. She smiled as she heard him respond to one of them, “You all are just jealous.”

Seeing her son’s maturity on display was another reminder that he was growing older. Deciding that before speaking with Naruto, she would first speak with the woman who had made the decision.

It had been several weeks since the day at the hot-spring where Tsunami had learned that an added benefit to being Naruto’s lover was that she no longer aged. Recently Kiyomi, in a bid to get away from Naruto after an argument about her treatment of the Taki-nin she had captured, had appeared before Tsunami as she worked on a room that Naruto’s lovers had come up with so they could entertain him as well as be entertained. It had afforded her a chance to finally confront the Bijuu about the change she had made, as well as some of the decrees she had made. Primarily that in order to keep the ability to no longer age they must also decide not to have any children. In the end she was able to at least understand why Kiyomi would make it a condition, but she still wished to hear Naruto’s thoughts on the matter. But despite a few days having passed since her talk with Kiyomi, she found broaching the subject with Naruto rather difficult in spite of their spending so much time together as they renovated the apartment buildings Kiyomi had purchased.

Currently Tsunami was watching a shirtless Naruto hanging a sheet of drywall. He began hammering in the nails that would hold it up, but then accidently dropped one. She watched as he bent over to pick it up and stared at his butt. She turned her gaze quickly as the sound of someone clearing their throat next to her attracted her attention. She blushed as she stared into the face of the man whose butt she had just been admiring. The clone winked at her telling her that it had noticed before saying, “Tsunami, we’re out of paint. We’re going to need more to finish some of the apartments on the second floor.”

The woman nodded as she moved to a lock box and then extracted enough money to cover the cost of the supplies. Noting it a ledger, she smiled at how much of a surplus she was running due to the fact that she had the foresight to hire Naruto. She was actually surprised, when despite the fact that he had saved the village she was still only being charged the same rate she would have been for hiring any other genin. That, plus the fact that her entire work crew was him and his clones meant she would be able to restore the several buildings that Kiyomi had bought in the aftermath of Pain’s Invasion for practically nothing.

A good place to be finically, since Naruto and the women that would be moving into the building she and the blond were currently restoring would be living there free of charge and supported by the income generated by the other buildings surrounded it. Therefore the surplus budget could be used to support the building’s needs until the apartments in the other ones had been sold. She watched a pair of clones finish mudding the section of the wall where Naruto had already hung the drywall so headed outside to prepare to work on the section he was currently finishing up on.

She watched them go and although she knew it was silly since the clones were in a sense, just extensions of Naruto, she still preferred an audience not be present for the conversation she planned to have with him. Once they were gone she stepped up behind Naruto and asked, “Can I speak with you for a moment?”

Naruto finished hammering in the last nail, and turned to face her with a warm smile. He wiped some sweat from his forehead causing Tsunami to nearly forget what she wanted to talk about as the primitive part of her brain simply wanted her shirtless young lover to take her in his arms and do some of the things she had found herself fantasizing about due to her being surrounded by so many Naruto’s. She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind since letting the sexual part of herself run wild had led her to her current predicament and the swirling emotions she found herself with.

“What’s on your mind?”

“It’s about what Kiyomi has done to us?” Naruto frowned at how Tsunami had phrased her question, causing her to say, “What I mean is how she’s made it so that we won’t grow older, and in some cases are even regressing in age.”

“And you’re not sure what that means for us?”

“Is there really an us?” Tsunami asked quickly and regretted it from the hurt look that appeared on Naruto’s face. “I’m sorry that was horrible of me to ask. I know you’ve done so much for me and my home. You even incorporated my hope that the Whirling Tides Manor would be saved into your ambition. But Naruto, when compared to some of your other lovers, I’m just so plain. I mean if Karin hadn’t made me manager of the hotel, I wouldn’t be able to truly offer any assistance to you.”

Naruto shook his head with a sigh before stepping closer to Tsunami. Giving her a disarming smile he said, “I know that considering my plan is to seduce women that can help my ambition along you feel that you have to be of use. But the truth is, I would be happy to be with you regardless of your choosing to or not. I asked Karin to purchase the hotel, not for my ambition, but for you. It was obviously important to you. Plus, since one of the three shinobi tenants speaks against gambling. I was afraid a casino opening in your village would attract the wrong kind of people. Considering those were the S.I N. Corporation’s plans, and who they had working for them, it would seem to me that it was a good thing I was concerned.”

Tsunami nodded in agreement before asking, “But, some of the women you have bedded, you did so because they are useful to your goals. I-I can’t help but feel useless when compared to them.”

Naruto cupped her face and clicked his tongue disapprovingly before saying, “I’m sorry then for not doing a better job of making you feel valued.”

“I didn’t mean that as a…”

“I know Tsunami,” Naruto interrupted. “But look around you. You’re helping to rebuild my village, and creating a home for us over the Den so we don’t attract too much attention. These are skills that you possessed that I didn’t even realize you had. None of them though add or detract from your value to me as a person though.” Naruto chuckled as he added, “Truthfully, I sometimes worry that the women I have charmed for their value to my dream feel I did so only for that value. I know this was the case for Hinata. But the truth is, that can never be the only reason for my choice or else all this falls apart. Because if it was, then all I am seeing you all as is pawns on a board to be moved. But you are not, as you have proved many times over with your willingness to help me move my dream forwarded all without me prompting you to do so. I’m just sorry that you did it because you felt that you must.”

Tsunami shook her head in the negative as she replied, “Don’t be. I guess I was just letting my own feelings of self-worth convince me that I needed to be something more to be with you. I just can’t help but feel like some plain mortal woman who has caught the favor of a handsome deity like in an ancient fable.”

Naruto’s face turned red from the compliment as he reached up to rub the back of his head as he tended to do when he felt embarrassed. Tsunami smiled at the gesture as it reminded her of how he had been an earnest youth, who although hadn’t appeared to be the most skilled, had through guts and determination reawakened the spirit of her village, which had previously been personified in her deceased husband, Kaiza.

“Ah, come on Tsunami. You give me too much credit. I’m no deity. I’m just a simple shinobi.”

“You’re anything but simple Naruto,” the woman from Wave said cheerfully. Her mood grew somber though as she continued, “I mean in time people may actually consider that you were one, especially as Kiyomi has made it so that we aren’t going to grow old and die. Are you really okay with that if the cost is that none of your lovers can bear your children?”

Naruto grew reflective as he turned away from her. Moving to the wall he had just put up, he ran his hand over it for a moment before saying, “I suppose I should be.” He turned back to Tsunami as he added, “I think that a part of Kiyomi’s reasoning is because I’m not too sure I want to have kids.”

“But you’re so good with them,” Tsunami said genuinely surprised.

Naruto gave her a quick nod but replied, “Still, that doesn’t necessarily mean I want to be a father. I can give you lots of reasons, one of which is that I want to be able to shower more time and affection on my lovers once everything is said and done. A feat that is already difficult, but would be almost impossible with a kid. A child just requires a lot more care and affection than a man with a harem can truly give. As a mother I’m sure you can understand this.”

Tsunami could but countered, “I’m sure that whichever of your lovers did decide to carry your child would understand…”

“My giving her and the child less than my undivided attention, perhaps… but would the child. As you know I was an orphan Tsunami. Having a child that I couldn’t devote myself to completely would just seem to be overindulgent if you ask me. One of the reasons people have children is so that they can leave a legacy of flesh behind after they are gone. This just no longer applies to me.”

“But what if one of your lovers wishes to experience the joy of motherhood?”

“Then I’ll respect her wishes, but feel that she must also respect Kiyomi’s. This is Kiyomi’s gift to us, but it is one that comes with a cost.”

Tsunami sighed since it seemed that both Kiyomi and Naruto were of the same mind on the matter. Mentioning that she had talked to the Bijuu about it, she said, “Kiyomi phrased it much the same way. She also said it was due to how the Sage of the Six Paths children acted after he passed.” She noticed that Naruto seemed to also agree with that reasoning so said, “You’re afraid that it may happen to your children as well.”

“Yeah, I think nothing would be more painful than to one day find yourself facing your own child.” Naruto could see that Tsunami believe it to be a fear that was rather far-fetched so said, “I understand your skepticism. But keep in mind that it is a particular fear that Mikoto likely now finds herself living with. I know there is something about having a child that can almost be described as magical. I’m living proof of the unconditional love and belief that parents have for their child. Despite their village being attacked by Tobi and an enraged Bijuu, my father and mother sacrificed their lives for me. All with the belief that when the great catastrophe that Tobi’s appearance heralded appeared, I’d be there to stop it.” Naruto gave Tsunami a sad smile as he continued, “But the truth is I could have in many ways proved to be unworthy of that sacrifice. I still can.”

“There’s no way…” Tsunami began but trailed off as Naruto held up his hand.

“There are no absolutes Tsunami,” the jinchuriki said. “I could have given into the hatred that I felt for the village due to my being shunned by it and lost my way. The same can be said for when I faced Nagato. Sadly, even if we achieve the dream that Jiraiya had, it doesn’t mean that the world will be incapable of inflicting pain on our family or any offspring I have. Pain, which may cause a child to lash out in ways I can’t condone and may one day have to stop.”

Although Tsunami still felt that perhaps Naruto was worried over nothing, since she liked to believe a child of his would be filled with the same goodness. At the same time, she couldn’t deny that his fears weren’t without precedence, considering the many times in history where a child had committed patricide for one reason or another. Furthermore, she did think it spoke volumes to Naruto’s maturity since rather than getting caught up in the idea of simply having children without regards to the impact his lifestyle would have on them, it was apparent he had given the matter quite a bit of thought. She supposed it was a byproduct of his being an orphan and knowing how it felt to long for a parent that wasn’t there, and believed that Naruto understood having a child wasn’t something one did if they couldn’t give one hundred percent in the raising of it.

Naruto’s asking her, “Do you want to bear my child Tsunami?” caused the woman to quickly shake her head in the negative. This prompted him to then ask, “I take it then that it is related to Inari?”

“I…I don’t know to be honest,” the woman replied. Turning away from Naruto she said, “I just don’t know if I could watch Inari grow old and die if he decided to have a family.”

Naruto nodded but asked, “Have you had the same trouble coming to terms about your father?” Tsunami was about to respond that of course she had, but stopped as she realized that in truth she really hadn’t. Naruto picked up on her hesitance to answer so said, “I’m not surprised. It doesn’t really say anything other than whether you wanted to or not, you had already come to terms with the idea that you would outlive your father. I imagine though that most parents shudder at the idea of outliving their children, which is why you are so bothered by the idea of living forever.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Tsunami conceded. “So how do you suppose I come to terms with the idea that my son may choose to live as a mortal in order to have a family?”

“I don’t have an answer that would make it any easier to accept,” Naruto said coming up behind the woman. Wrapping his arms around her, he continued, “All I can tell you is that whatever he may choose, you should find solace in the fact that he made it in pursuit of what would make him happy.” Naruto kissed her neck before bringing his lips to her ear to whisper, “Just as I would respect yours, should you decide to enjoy a normal life-span so as not to outlive your child.”

Tsunami turned in his arms to stare into his blue eyes to ask, “Y-you would let me go if I decided not to accept Kiyomi’s gift?”

“I would, even though it would be painful. I only wish for you to be happy and if you wish for our time together to be limited so that you can grow old alongside your son should he reject Kiyomi’s gift. Then so long as you are happy, I will bear the sadness of your passing and cherish these moments all the more. But these are worries for the future, for now let’s just take time to enjoy the present.”

Naruto pressed his lips to hers and she surrendered her concerns about the future for the time being as a result. She guessed the reason for Naruto’s lack of concern on the matter of his potentially long lifespan and what that meant for his family was due to his focusing on the big picture and his understanding that the path he had undertaken was still riff with danger with no guarantee of a happy ending. Which made enjoying the present all the more necessary, something it seemed that Naruto intended to do as Tsunami felt his hand begin to cup her breast.

Tsunami broke the kiss and held back a moan to say, “N-naruto…not here…”

Naruto undid one of the buckles on the black overalls she had taken to wearing upon her return to the carpentry profession. She felt her face grow flushed at the dark spot on her pink halter top that appeared from behind the jeans as it fell away. She knew there was an identical spot on her shirt over her other breast due to the milk her aroused body was producing and slowly seeping due to Naruto’s actions. Naruto looked into her eyes as he said pleadingly, “But Tsunami I’m thirsty and you wouldn’t want me to dehydrate.”

“T-there’s water…over there,” she said, but found it difficult as Naruto kissed her collarbone. Despite herself she found that her right leg arched up to wrap around his hips as he continued to focus on the spot.

“But water won’t help me stay big and strong,” Naruto said into her neck moments before he placed a kiss against it. Tsunami could practically feel the smile that she was sure he was wearing as he worked his lips up her neck. Coming face to face with her again he caressed her partially exposed breast and asked, “Can I?”

Tsunami couldn’t resist the hungry blue eyes being directed towards her so gave a quick nod. She held back a moan as Naruto quickly pushed up one side of her halter top to expose her breast and began sucking on her aching nipple. She couldn’t describe the euphoria that washed over her as she felt her tit begin to give up its liquid bounty which Naruto eagerly drank. “T-the other…the other one also…”

Naruto quickly unlatched the other side of her overalls and Tsunami pushed her chest out as he likewise pulled her shirt up to expose her other tit. He ran his tongue around her aureole, before latching onto her breast to drain it as well. His hands meanwhile pushed her overalls down her body, before pulling Tsunami up off her feet, prompting the woman to wrap her legs around his hips. Naruto grew sated on her milk so let her nipple slip from his mouth to place his lips to hers. Their tongues swirled around each other in a passionate dance and tasting the vestiges of her milk on his tongue caused the flames of her lust for the young man to burn even hotter.

“Naruto,” Tsunami said in a lust induced throaty whisper, “I need you.” She leaned back in his arms to reach down between them and cupping his pants where they were tenting up said, “I need this inside me.”

She didn’t wait for his nod, which he eagerly gave nonetheless, as she pulled his fly down releasing his one-eyed beast. With the same hand she then slid her panties to the side before guiding him into her slick passage. Tsunami shuddered as she basked in the pleasure of being filled with her lover once more. Yet soon needing more, she began to work her inner muscles around his shaft in order to coax him into giving her the seed her body desired.

Naruto groaned from Tsunami’s pussy massaging his dick and wanting to let the mother go wild pulled them both to the floor. As soon as Tsunami’s knees touched the floor she pushed up and sunk down causing both her and her lover to groan in delight. She set a blistering pace as she rode her lover while cupping her tits causing what little milk remained to run down her body. Naruto held onto her hips as he met her thrusts enjoying the deeper moans Tsunami let out each time his cock kissed the entrance of her womb.

Tsunami stiffened although it wasn’t due to an impending orgasm as a voice called out, “Yo boss, you finish hanging the rest of that drywall yet. We’ve got everything…what the fuck!!!”

Naruto looked passed Tsunami at the pair of his clones which had been helping in the room with him, “I’m kind of busy right now. Tsunami’s rewarding me for all my hard work.”

“Hey, we’ve worked just as hard as you,” one of the clones said.

Naruto gave Tsunami a smile as he said, “That’s rather true. Would you like to reward them as well?”

Tsunami looked back feeling more than a little nervous since although she had been present when Naruto had used his clones before. The women had still outnumbered them. Still, she watched as the clones rubbed their groins and eyed her hungrily, and while finding the idea of being at the center of three Naruto’s lusts rather daunting, regardless she said, “I doubt they’d be able to work properly with such extensive swelling between their legs. As forewoman I guess it’s my job to relieve them so they can focus on work.”

She watched as a pair of identical smiles appeared on the clones’ faces as they quickly divested themselves of their clothes. She returned to riding Naruto, but soon came face to face with one of the clones dicks. She eagerly swallowed it, and ran her tongue around the head causing the clone to moan as it buried its hands in her hair. Her eyes grew wide as she felt a finger begin to circle the rosebud of her ass. The clone teasing her ass, slid its finger in as it asked, “You don’t mind if I play with this hole do you Tsunami?”

Before the mother could make her answer known the clone leaned down and began tonguing her puckered asshole causing her to moan deeply around the cock she was sucking. Her pussy clamped down around Naruto causing him to groan, “Fuck Tsunami, you’ve gotten so tight. You must really like having your butt teased.”

Tsunami wanted to deny it on principle, but couldn’t as she felt a decidedly dirty thrill pass through her as the clone ended its tonguing of her ass to crouch behind her as it said, “Then she’s going to love this.”

Tsunami let the dick slip out of her mouth as she tensed up against the chest of the clone behind her as she felt its dick begin to push against her anus. She moaned loudly as it slipped passed the ring, and she found herself speared upon two large pillars of flesh. “Oh so good,” she moaned out in a daze as Naruto and the clone began to move within her.

“Don’t forget about me,” the clone she had been sucking said as it stood in front of her and sandwiched its cock between her breasts. Tsunami held her tits together as the clone began thrusting between them easily due to the lubrication of her saliva, sweat, and leaking milk. The woman from Wave lowered her mouth down to capture the head of his cock and began to swirl her tongue around it as she sucked noisily.

The clone groaned pleasantly as she used her mouth to please the portion of his dick not surrounded by her tits. It also served to muffle her cries which grew in volume as the two cocks working her lower half began to slide within her faster as their owners’ neared release. She felt her ass get bathed in the clone’s warm seed first which caused her to let the cock in her mouth slip free as she gave voice to her orgasm, “Oh gods, I’m cumming from my ass being filled!”

Her womb was soon bathed in the same white sauce as Naruto gave her milking cunt what it desired. The new feeling of heat triggered a second more powerful orgasm for the woman. As she rode out the second release, the clone sandwiched between her breasts also let go with a volley of its own which hit her in the side of the face. It then stepped aside as she fell forward onto Naruto as her strength left her.

The clone buried in her ass fell back pulling it dick loose causing some of the cum it had deposited to leak out. It was breathing heavily as it said, “That was incredible, boss.”

Tsunami hummed in agreement before sticking her tongue out to swipe at some of the jizz dribbling closer to her mouth. Naruto was about to agree when a familiar voice said, “Nobody told us we were taking a break.”

He chuckled as the voice was his and looking at the entrance to what would become the dining room, Naruto saw the majority of the clones he had created to aid in fixing the building. Tsunami sat up to look at the new arrivals before standing to approach them. She couldn’t help basking in the looks of desire directed her way as she neared the group as well as the lust that she felt as she watched their dicks grow taunt under their clothes. Her tongue swiped at another strand of cum that came near her mouth before she said, “Don’t fret. It’s my job to make sure you all know how much I appreciate your hard work.” Running her hand over her slit, she moaned softly as she asked, “Who wants to go first?”


Naruto chuckled as he watched his clones trip over themselves to reach the woman first. Taking a seat on a tarp which covered some stacked pieces of drywall, he enjoyed a sight that he doubted anyone had ever seen before. Namely, the sweet and kind mother surrounded by men all eager to fuck her and her loving it all. He felt his dick once more swell as Tsunami stood bent over at the waist with one clone behind her pounding her cunt as another stood in front of her with its dick halfway down her throat. Her hands weren’t idle either as she used them to stroke the cocks of two clones that were within reach.

If Naruto was to be honest with himself, outside of the reasons he had given to Tsunami, another reason he didn’t wish to have any children was due to the belief that kids would put an end to such hedonistic sights. He imagined it would be hard to enjoy nights of indescribable pleasure if there was a fear a toddler might wonder in looking for their mommy and daddy. Plus while his lovers might understand that under their current circumstance Naruto couldn’t spend as much time with them as he did the ones in the Leaf Village. He doubted a child would be as understanding about it. Not to mention, he doubted some of his lovers would be pleased at the idea of their time being taken by a child they didn’t necessarily want around either. All in all, Naruto felt that being a father was something that one undertook only if they could give a hundred percent to the endeavor. Something he knew he would likely never be able to give. Still there was a possibility one of his lovers may choose that path, but for now he decide to focus on the present.


Tsunami’s moan was cut short as the clone in her mouth erupted. She didn’t know how long she had been at the center of the clones’ lusts, but when the dick wasn’t immediately replaced she saw that she was the last one standing as the clone buried in her pussy erupted a few moments later and fell back to pant in exhaustion along with its fellows. Standing at the center of the group she felt so dirty due to all the semen which covered her, but also alive in a way she didn’t know was possible until Naruto had taken her as a lover. Despite servicing all the clones, she still desired more and her eyes zeroed in on the only hard cock in the room.

Crossing the room and stepping over the drained clones, she grinned lustfully as Naruto fisted his cock at her approach. Reaching the stack he was sitting upon, she turned to sit in his lap and was pleased as he read her mind by aiming his cock for her backdoor. Tsunami moaned as he penetrated her ass, and immediately began aiding her in sliding along his pole.

Naruto looked at his exhausted clones and said, “It doesn’t look like we’ll be getting a lot done today.”

Tsunami couldn’t help but agree, but replied, “But think of how motivated they’ll be tomorrow.”

Naruto chuckled, “Are you saying you’ll be servicing your crew like this again tomorrow?”

“I…I don’t know,” Tsunami moaned, “Anything’s possible. Let’s just focus on the present.”

Naruto couldn’t help but smile at her words as he leaned back to pull Tsunami off her feet. Holding her by her hips he began to rapidly thrust inside her rectum causing her to cry out in bliss as she felt another orgasm approaching. Naruto moved one of his hands to her pussy which he began to rub causing the woman’s moans to grow in volume. She threw her head back against his shoulder as she shouted, “Oh shit…yes…cumming!!!!”

Naruto released his load as well filling her ass with his jizz as Tsunami began to shake atop him. They both relaxed as they basked in the afterglow of their respective orgasms. They laid together for several minutes before they heard more voices approaching.

“Seriously where the hell is everyone? I’m going to be seriously pissed if they’re slacking off while we were busy getting more paint.”

“Well they didn’t dispel otherwise we’d know about it,” the second voice said. “We should check on Tsunami.”

“Relax the boss is with her. What the hell…”

The two clones that went to get paint stared in shock at their naked brethren that seemed on the verge of dispelling. Their eyes then zeroed in on Tsunami and Naruto where they laid atop the stack of drywall. Tsunami cooed happily as the clones’ gazes grew cloudy with lust as they stared at her. Raising her legs to show where Naruto was still buried in her ass, she reached down to spread her pussy causing some of the copious amount of semen that had been deposited inside her to leak out as she said, “Don’t worry your fellow clones weren’t slacking off as you can see. Now I need you to pick up where they left off.”

“Yes ma’am,” the clones said charging forward in a race to see which one could be buried inside her first.


“Mom, hey earth to mom,” a voice said cutting into Tsunami’s thoughts.

“Hmm, did you say something,” Tsunami said turning her face towards Inari, who noted that the smile that she had worn since he picked her up from her work site still hadn’t faded in the slightest.

“I was just asking what you wanted for dinner. How about we go to that noodle stand? We might run into Naruto again.”

Tsunami felt a tingle pass through her at the mention of her lover. She nodded as she replied, “That sounds lovely. I quite enjoy spending time with him.”

Inari nodded as they began heading to Ichiraku. After several moments, Inari said, “Mom, you know I wouldn’t be upset if you found someone new to be with, right?”

Tsunami stared at her son in surprise before asking, “What’s bringing this on?”

Inari shrugged as he answered, “I was just thinking about our conversation at lunch a while back. I know I gave the impression that I didn’t like guys ogling you, but I didn’t want you to think that it would bother me if you did find someone you wanted to be with. I wouldn’t want you to feel that you have to grow old by yourself in order to protect my memories of my stepdad.”

Tsunami fought back a giggle as she wanted to tell her son that it didn’t appear to be an issue. But touched by her son’s words said, “Thank you Inari. But I assure you, when the right man comes around. I fully intend to allow him to sweep me off my feet.” Her son smiled and seeing an opportunity to do her motherly duty of teasing him added, “Perhaps your sudden preoccupation with my love life might have to do with my baby finding himself a girl he’s interested in.” She saw a little color appear in his cheeks so continued, “Maybe you’re hoping I’ll be so preoccupied with a new man in my life that I won’t be able to properly scrutinize any girl you bring around. It’s the girl on the crew repairing the Jounin Station isn’t.” Seeing his cheeks beginning to positively glow she said, “Perhaps I should swing by there tomorrow.”

“Mom” Inari whined as he came to stop, “Can we just drop it?”

“Nope,” Tsunami said with a giggle, “you’re the one trying to pass off his old mother so he can run off with some girl that he just met.”

“I’m not running off with anyone,” Inari said in a huff, “We’re just going on a date.”

Inari turned pale as he realized what he admitted even as Tsunami’s grin grew even wider. “Oh you have to tell me everything.”

“Mom, you’re embarrassing me,” Inari said as he began walking quickly to the restaurant.

Tsunami smiled at his back as she took a more leisurely pace enjoying the night air. A part of her was a little sad at the idea her son was taking another step into adulthood and thus away from being the boy that needed her. But she knew it was a part of the growing process. She also knew that despite her teasing about the need for her to approve of the girl that it would ultimately be Inari’s decision. One that she would need to respect when he made it, much like he would need to on the day he learned about the man in her life and what it could mean for both of them.

“Hey mom hurry up I’m hungry,” Inari called back seeing how far behind she was.

“Don’t wait on my account,” Tsunami replied. Still feeling filled from the cum that had been deposited in her from her thoroughly pleased orifices she added, “I had a mid-afternoon snack with Naruto.”

“Okay,” Inari said before turning to get some dinner.

Tsunami watched him go and although she knew the future would hold some hard decisions for her and Inari, she nonetheless would wait until they arrived to fret about them. But a part of her already knew that should Naruto’s ambition come to pass, and she was there to see it, then she would likely be unable to pass up an eternity with the blond. Much like Naruto had pointed out that her concerns about remaining young centered on Inari and not her father because of the natural order of life and death, she knew in time Inari’s decisions would factor her in less and less as his responsibilities shifted onto the woman he choose to love. Therefore, since a part of her already felt that she had died and gone to heaven, especially considering the afternoon she had enjoyed, she knew at some point her decision would have to hinge on what made her the happiest as well.

Reaching Ichiraku Ramen and hearing Naruto’s voice along with her son’s as they conversed boisterously, Tsunami already believed she knew what choice would insure that.

Next Chapter: Tayuya

Author’s note: Well I hope you enjoyed the latest side story in the Eroninja Saga. For those that read one of my comments on DeviantArt you probably saw who was staring in the next Limelight and are saying, “Wait a second I thought Kin was next.” Truth is considering Kin’s recent admission into the Harem; I decided it might be best to give a character that hadn’t appeared for a while a chance to shine. It will also serve to highlight one of the reasons that I’m writing these supplemental stories, which is just because they aren’t a visible part of the current story arcs doesn’t mean they aren’t doing important things. It’ll also set the table nicely for some future developments in the story. Although most of them will happen after the outline of chapters I already posted.

Also, let me take the time to thank those that have read and took the time to review the latest chapter that I posted to the main story. So until next time, take care. Sincerely, The Lemon Sage.
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