Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Eroninja: The Limelight

The Sh@! I do for Love

by TheLemonSage

A story which shines a spotlight on the kunoichi in Naruto's life as he continues in his goal to unite the shinobi world in a way that would make Jiraiya proud.

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2014-03-31 - 11565 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks. Furthermore I’m not making any money from this story.

Chapter 7: Tayuya

The Sh@! I do for Love

Author’s Note: The following events take place over the course of chapters 49 up to 51

Tayuya’s alarm woke her causing her to sigh as she reached for it with her face still buried in her pillow. She grew frustrated as she couldn’t find the snooze button so grabbed the alarm and smashed it onto the floor. Unfortunately, despite her victory over the evil noise making device, she knew that she still needed to get out of bed. Defying the increased gravity that her bed seemed to exude, she pulled herself out of it with a muttered, “Fuck…”

Walking across the wooden floor barefoot and mindful of the broken clock, she pulled the oversized shirt over her head revealing that beneath it she was nude and tossed it into her hamper. After a quick shower, she brushed her teeth before walking to a large walk in closet. She looked longingly at her shinobi clothes, but bypassed them for a white business dress suit and matching heels. With her outer coverings decided, she picked some undergarments and was tempted to pick something risqué, but with Naruto busy playing missing-nin in the desert with Gaara, she doubted there would be much of a reason.

She left the room that she had in the house Koyuki had bought in Paramount City, which was located in Fire Country and where most of the movies enjoyed by the Elemental Nations were made. She walked by Koyuki’s room, which Tayuya supposed could be thought of as Koyuki and Fubuki’s room considering all the time the bodyguard spent in it. She paused at the door and heard a moan followed by Fubuki saying, “Oh, oh, yes right there Koyuki. Fuck…your tongue feels…cumming!!!”

Tayuya shook her head amused as she thought, “Shouldn’t the bodyguard be the one doing the waking like that.”

Moving on, she headed down to the kitchen as she thought about the two women’s close relationship and how they had on more than one occasion invited her to join them. Tayuya often refused since although she had on occasion since joining Naruto’s pantheon of lovers pleasured a woman, what truly made the experience worthwhile for her was the blond being present to watch.

Reaching the kitchen, she prepared a quick breakfast of toast which she held in her mouth between bites as she gathered everything that she needed. Stuffing them into an attaché case that she used to make herself look more professional, she paused as she picked up the item that would be the focus of the most important of the many meetings that she would be having that day. It was a script that Shiho had written for the next Princess Gale movie, and was everything that Koyuki had been hoping for. Unfortunately for Tayuya, what the Snow/Spring Country Princess loved about it was likely going to make it a tough pill for the studio execs to swallow. Which made it her job, as Koyuki’s manager, to force it down their throats if need be.

“Morning,” the princess she had just been thinking of said from behind her.

Tayuya turned to face the woman and smirked at her dress as she was wearing a tight shirt that only covered about mid-waist leaving her succulent pussy on display. Seeing it still wet with arousal she asked, “Taking a break?”

Koyuki smiled at her question giving the red-head a glimpse of why she had so many fans. She wasn’t surprised that the Princess had become even more popular after her adventure with Naruto since the smile was no longer just her acting. “Just a quick one,” she answered, “I heard you leaving and wanted to again thank you. The shooting on my last movie has wrapped so Fubuki and I will be heading back to Spring. I don’t know if we’ll be here when you get back.”

Tayuya was touched by the woman’s gratitude but said, “You don’t need to thank me. I’m just doing what any good manager would do.”

Koyuki nodded even as she said, “True, but I know you’d much rather be out there helping scout out new recruits to move Naruto’s goals forward. You must feel a little trapped in your current position.”

Tayuya couldn’t deny that at times she did indeed feel as such, particularly due to the number of assholes she had to deal with. But it was a task that she was excelling at and recently she had been approached by several of Koyuki’s peers seeking for her to represent them. For the moment she had turned them down as she found a good portion of them to be vapid airheads. But, it did make her feel good about the job she was doing for Koyuki since the reason they wanted her to manage them was due to her reputation for not taking any gruff from the powerbrokers in the movie business.

Although, she did long for the freedom she had enjoyed as Naruto’s first talent scout as she had dubbed herself, she said, “This is where I can be of the most use, especially now that he has Rin and Kin as talent scouts. With Shiho’s script, this next Princess Gale movie is going to be the golden ticket we need to gain a foothold in Earth Country. Some of the locations she described are perfect fits for some of the areas that Kin scouted during her recent time in the Land of Earth.”

Koyuki came closer and kissed Tayuya on the cheek before saying, “Still, I’m glad to have you. Good luck today, I know the studio hotshots aren’t too thrilled with Shiho’s script.”

“Don’t worry,” Tayuya said with a slightly menacing smile, “I’ll get them to agree this is the script we’ll be using.”

Koyuki smirked as she turned to head back to her bodyguard to pick up where she had left off. Tayuya watched the woman’s naked backside sway as the princess said, “Try not to beat them up too badly.”

“I can’t make any promises,” Tayuya said before going to start her day.


Tayuya approached the front gate of the studio and gave a courteous nod to the guard that was there every morning, and as he often pointed out if she stopped to talk for any reason had been for over forty-five years. Not willing to let today be one of the ones where she’d get roped into listening to some of his stories, which she admitted had been entertaining, at least until she had heard them several times, she tried to give off the aura of someone in a hurry.

The guard returned the nod, and raised the gate. But just as she walked past the guardhouse a woman’s voice called out, “Excuse me, where is your pass?”

Tayuya knew the woman was talking to her, but considered ignoring her. However, with a sigh she dug in her pocket and held it out towards the woman. “Here, are you happy?”

“I would be happier still if you were aware of rule thirty-four in the employee and visitor handbook,” the woman said as Tayuya turned to face her. Spending a moment to examine the nosey bitch, as she was beginning to define the woman holding her up, from the quick glance she gave, she saw that the woman’s image seemed to fit the stick in the mud attitude that she was giving off. Giving her a more detailed orientated onceover, she saw the woman was wearing a powder blue suit that was made in a similar style as the white one Tayuya was wearing. She also noticed a more pronounced flair to the woman’s hips which suggested to some powerfully built thighs. Tayuya’s gaze traveled to her face which was adorned with some oval shaped reading glasses and whose black frames highlighted the woman’s eyes. Her long brown hair was currently being worn up with an intricate braid design in back.

Tayuya gave her a smile as she replied, “What’s that? If it exists, then there is porn of it.”

The woman frowned at her, obviously not amused by her joke as she said, “I would appreciate it if you would take the rules meant to enforce the studio lot’s security as seriously as they should be.”

Tayuya rolled her eyes well aware that the rule the woman was quoting was for visitors and employees to always be wearing the identification badges they were issued when on the studio lot. It was a rule that she often flaunted primarily because the studio didn’t make the big name actors or actresses wear them. The second she explained as she said, “You’re fucking joking right? We live in a world populated by fucking people that could make themselves look like your mother and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. You really think a cheap ass badge is going to keep them out?”

“That isn’t your concern,” the woman said coolly, “It’s mine. But what is your concern is that if I see you on this lot without your I.D. badge on, I’ll have you escorted off the property. Forcibly if need be.”

Tayuya felt her temper flare but kept a calm exterior as she replied, “I’d like to see you try.”

The woman returned Tayuya’s frosty gaze with one of her own as she replied, “No, I don’t think that you would.”

The two women stared each other down as the air between them seemed to crackle with electricity, but before anything exploded a messenger ran up to them. “Miss Tayuya, thank goodness you’re here. I’m afraid we had to move up your appointment. There’s a problem at one of the filming locations so Mr. Makino needs to leave to oversee the relocation.”

Tayuya smirked as she made a show of putting her badge away before beginning to enter the studio lot. The woman stepped in front of her, but before either Tayuya or she could resume their mini-battle of wills the obviously flustered assistant said, “Miss Fujitani, everyone knows Miss Tayuya. She is Koyuki Kazahana’s manager. I know you’re trying to improve the security on the lot, but it hardly makes sense to harass such a person. Why don’t you concentrate your efforts on finding the pervert who’s been stealing Yuri Kousaka’s underwear?”

The brown-haired woman crossed her arms annoyed as she said, “Has she tried searching any of the places she likes to use to sneak a quickie with her little boy toys? It would make my task of tracking down these quote, perverts, if she wasn’t the one sneaking them onto the lot in the first place.”

“Look Miss Fujitani, I don’t have time to go over your gripes with the various talents right now. If you don’t like working with difficult people why did you appear so eager when we hired you?” The man said in a tone that told Tayuya the woman who had recently taken over as the head to security for the studio had a large list of complaints that she likely brought up regularly. Tayuya could sympathize with the woman on one level since she knew several of the actors and actresses tended to be overgrown children.

Still, it didn’t stop her from flicking her off as the man didn’t wait for the woman to explain her reasoning as he quickly turned to escort Tayuya to her meeting with the producers behind the Prince Gale movies. The red-head felt the Security Woman’s gaze on her, but something about it told her that it wasn’t related to her gesture. She looked back in time to witness another of the studio’s actors walk passed the guardhouse without his badge on, only to be allowed in without incident. Tayuya turned away and frowned as while the reason could have been due to the dismissive attitude the assistant had just given her about the job she was doing. The former Sound-nin didn’t think that was the case, which caused her to wonder if perhaps the entire exchange between them had been something the woman had arranged.

Frowning at what such a thing could potentially mean, she pushed the idea of looking into the matter until after she had secured her current objectives.

Tayuya was escorted into an office that contained three of the executive producers for the Princess Gale series of movies. She tried to not come off too frigid to two of the men since she found both to be rather loathsome due to the reputations they had, but she did favor Makino since the man was obviously passionate about his profession and who had been the director during Princess Gale movie that they had tried to film in the Land of Snow. She had spoken with the former director who had surprised her by being rather supportive of the script that Shiho had prepared, yet she would need to get the other two on board since they controlled most of the studio’s money.

Tayuya shook the hands of all three men and resisted the urge wipe it on her dress to clean it of the slime that she imagined coated it from Han as a result of how cool and clammy it had been. The man gave her a smile that did little to divest her of the opinion that the rumors about him were true, as it practically screamed he was picturing her naked and liked what he saw. Tayuya didn’t let it bother her since if she played her cards right she could potential use it to secure the funding needed to have the next Princess Gale feature film be made using the script written by Shiho. She did fight back a sigh that she needed to deal with people like Han in the first place, but since the three men in front of her controlled the intellectual rights to Princess Gale and it was their greatest grossing series, she doubted that even Koyuki could offer enough to purchase them outright.

Favoring Han with a smile, which never reached her eyes, not that he was looking to see if it was genuine. Since according to quite a few people that the man had propelled to stardom, he would be more than willing to give people he found attractive parts in his films. Provided he was able to get a certain part of himself into them. For the few that resisted such a deal, he had been rumored to use more criminal like means to get what he wanted, but had yet to be brought up on charges due to the would-be actresses finding themselves with gainful employment and the lives that they always dreamed of in short order. Rather than see it all go away, they remained silent only to allow him to continue his predations. For a brief moment she wondered why the man needed to use such methods as he was rather powerfully built, and handsome. But she recognized that it was less about the sex as it being the idea of despoiling someone that a lot of people would come to adore, and the feeling that he had tainted it.

She directed her gaze to the other producer a man named Harukawa. He was a rather spindly man with a bad comb over and thick glasses. He wasn’t a bastard in the same vein as Han as far as she knew, but she suspected that out of the three men in the room he’d put up the biggest fight against what she was going to propose. The primary reason being that he was simply involved in the movie business to make money, and as such was the biggest prescriber to the notion of; if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. Naturally, as such he had been against the decision to kill off the three traveling companions of Princess Gale, but had been browbeaten into agreeing by the third of the producers in the room. Harukawa thoughts on the matter had been that changing any part of the recipe for success would invite failure. An idea that did have some merit, but since as long as he turned a profit he didn’t care about much else he had nearly run the franchise into the ground until Makino had come aboard.

In fact it was the first Princess Gale movie that Makino had directed that had brought the movie series roaring back. This had been the one that had preceded the film set in the Land of Snow, which didn’t get made due to it becoming a documentary about Team Seven’s adventure in the country.

As such, Tayuya knew that if she could perhaps make Han a believer then she should be able to get what she wanted. If she failed in that, then she had made a contingency plan for that as well. However, as she would have to spend more time with the loathsome man, she truly hoped it didn’t come to that, even though it would have the greater advantages in the long run. Yet, as she was still fighting the urge to wipe her hand free of the slime she imagined Han had left behind after she had shook his found that she hoped she could go that route at a later date if possible.

However, she put those feeling aside as she sat down in the chair that had been placed for her and pulled the script that Shiho had written out of her bag. “Thank you for agreeing to see me,” she said politely as she placed the script on the table between her and the three men.

The pleasure is all ours,” Han replied with a smirk that Tayuya was sure he found dashing, but she found rather disturbing.

“Well, let’s not mince words I’d like to hear what you thought of the script that Koyuki commissioned to be written. She’s quite pleased with it and hopes you are just as eager to get rolling with it as she is.”

Tayuya fought back a sigh as she saw Harukawa directed a quick but pointed glance towards Han, which told her all that she needed to about where the two producers stood. Han leaned forward as he said, “Look Tayuya, the script Koyuki produced is certainly bold, and hell I for one would love to see that bedroom scene brought to life. But Harukawa and I just can’t back this script and the moneylenders that we work with aren’t going to without our say so.

The red-head frowned as she countered, “Look if it is an issue of money Koyuki has already agreed to front the cash needed.”

“Yes, I’m sure she’d love to do that,” Harukawa said sending a snide look toward Makino, who had earned his executive producer title through the deal he had cut in order to direct the movie that had gotten the Princess Gale movies back on everyone’s must watch list. Something that Tayuya knew the two other producers regretted as it cut into their own profits, but also because the director didn’t just want to churn out crap to rake in the cash.

It had been Makino, who had supported Koyuki’s decision not to rush into filming the sequel to the last film, which had allowed Tayuya time to scout the Western Border that the Land of Earth shared with the lesser countries there and was quietly assimilating after its agents destabilized their governments, while under the cover of searching for suitable filming locations.

A fact that Harukawa tossed in her face as he added, “Plus, let’s not forget how much wasted time and money that we’ve already lost due to Koyuki’s desire for us to look for shooting locations along the Land of Earth’s Western border. Locations that we don’t dare use now, unless we want to take the chance of getting caught up in some of the potential conflicts brewing there.”

“Look F…” Tayuya paused rather than go off on a profanity laden tirade. She took a deep breath to calm herself before saying, “The only time that was wasted was mine, and Koyuki even reimbursed the studio for the photographer’s pay.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that she still wants to film this sequel in the Land of Earth except now on the eastern side,” Harukawa said annoyed at Tayuya’s blunting of his criticism.

“That’s because unlike you, she has an artist’s soul,” Makino said adamantly. “I was there to see it awaken thanks to that Leaf brat. She knows that filming there will make for spectacular shots that very few have ever seen on camera before. We would be one of the first major motion pictures to actual film in the Land of Earth.”

Tayuya held back a smirk as she thought about how Koyuki’s soul wasn’t the only thing to have awakened in thanks to Naruto. But, she felt her amusement fade as Han said, “I think we can all agree that Koyuki is no longer the spoiled brat that she once was. However, I think I’m safe in saying that this new direction that she wants to take Princess Gale is rather extreme. Based off of what I read, we would likely be somewhere in the R territory with the ratings board. Not something you necessarily want to be in a film geared towards young girls.”

Tayuya knew the man had a point since there was a love scene that Shiho had included in her script. But Tayuya countered, “You haven’t been capturing that targeted group for years. Instead, your audience is made up of women that much like Koyuki have grown up and matured, not to mention fanboys who started tuning in once Makino took the series in its current more action oriented direction. Something tells me it was an uphill battle for him in order to get you two to agree to his vision.”

“Tell me about it,” the director and producer said recalling the many arguments he had with the men. “Look, this script is great. Rather than gloss over the deaths of her remaining guardians like you two want to do so you can introduce some new characters. It deals with the heartache that she is sure the character must be feeling. Koyuki has played Princess Gale for almost twenty years. She understands that her character wouldn’t just get over those men’s deaths.”

Harukawa sighed as he said, “You talk about Princess Gale as if she is alive.”

“She is alive you moron,” Makino said angrily as he slammed his hand on the table. “She’s alive for the millions of adoring fans who almost religiously tune into the movies this studio produces. Who gather at conventions dressed up as their favorite characters and hope to hear the latest spoilers. Idiots like you can’t understand that those fans want to watch their heroes grow and occasional stumble so that they can root for them as they pick themselves up. Koyuki does, which is why she is so adamant about going with this script, and let me tell you when an actress has the kind of passion Koyuki is showing for this story. Then the performance that she is going to give will be fantastic.”

Han snorted mockingly as he said, “She’s an actress. We pay her to give a performance whether she likes the material or not. But it is our reputation and money on the line, and I’m not willing to risk either because Koyuki finally gives a damn. We started Princess Gale when she was just some no name actress, and if necessary we’ll find another one to take her place. The beautiful thing about this town is there’s always someone willing to do what you want in order to see their names on some theater’s marque in lights.” Standing Han straightened his suit as he added, “Take this message to your client. She can either get with the program or we’ll replace her with someone who will.”

The man left the room with a smug look on his face as he was followed out by Harukawa. Makino sighed annoyed as he said, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be damned before I let the overgrown ape and that penny-pinching asshat recast a character that Koyuki has given life to throughout her career. We’ll find a way to get this movie made.”

Tayuya smiled at the man as she stood. “Yep, and it’s called plan B.”


Tayuya was leaning on a bar in a manner that was displaying her ass in a predominant way, something which had captured the attention of quite a few of the men sitting at the tables and booths behind her. Turning her glass, which was filled with an amber liquid, she looked at the reflection shown in it of one of those men, whose eyes seemed glued to her backside. Reading the lips of the man sitting next to him she could practically hear Harukawa’s annoying voice as he said, “Are you insane Han? Threatening to recast Koyuki was monumentally stupid. Half of the investors for the next movie would walk if they learned she wasn’t going to star in it. We should have accepted the offer to at least let Koyuki help finance the film.”

“Oh shut the fuck up,” was Han’s reply as Tayuya read his lips. “Did you really want to invite another person in who would question our decisions? It’s bad enough putting up with Makino’s bullshit. I’m starting to miss the goddamn days when Koyuki was just another spoiled pain in the ass actress. Ever since she started giving a shit it’s been one annoying thing after another.” Han took a deep gulp of his drink which he slammed down before continuing, “Do you know who I had lined up to play the Masked Shinobi that we introduced in the last film? Fucking none other than Shigeki Odagiri from those god awful vampire romance flicks, and despite the fact that his fucking appearing in the movie would put a bunch of overly hormonal teen girls’ asses in the theater seats, Koyuki fucking told me no, that she already has someone that she wants to star opposite her.”

“Who?” Harukawa asked.

“Some fucking no name,” Han said annoyed at his being unable to recall the name or face of the person Koyuki had mentioned. Tayuya smirked as she knew who it was that Koyuki had in mind to play the part, although the name that she had given Han was a fake. “The point is neither of us wants another person feeding at the same money trough we are. If we let Koyuki become a producer then we’re just going to have to put up with more of their artistic bullshit.”

Harukawa nodded but frowned as he said, “Still, we might not have a choice. As far as the fans are concerned Koyuki is Princess Gale. That stupid documentary that Makino did all but solidified it in their minds. I don’t need to point out that the reason Koyuki loves this script so much is it does pull a great deal from where she was emotional after her uncle took over Snow Country. Heck, we might as well name the masked ninja character after that blond shinobi from the Leaf considering the role he plays in the story Koyuki is pushing.”

Han frowned as he replied, “Which is why we can’t go through with this story. The last thing we want to do is even further entrench Koyuki with Princess Gale. We should commission a writer to come up with a script that kills off Gale.”

“Koyuki would never sign off on that,” Harukawa stated.

Tayuya could practically feel Han’s eye boring into her backside as he said, “Leave that to me. She seems to do whatever her manager says. I’ll get her to see things from our point of view.”

Harukawa followed his partner’s line of sight to Tayuya and recognizing her said concerned, “Don’t even think about it. She’s not one of those desperate starlets you fuck around with. I’ve heard her cuss out men twice her size until they were…”

“Stop worrying,” Han said annoyed, “I…”

Tayuya was a little surprised as some steel entered Harukawa voice as he cut the larger man off, “I have plenty of reason to worry. Who do you think you’re going to call if she ends up causing trouble like that idol from Honey did? It’s going to be me, and I don’t think we’ll be able to blackmail her into being silent with a few dirty pics. She has Koyuki backing her and I shouldn’t need to remind you that means that there is the shinobi Fubuki that we would need to worry about.”

“Calm down, I’ve got this,” Han said tapping something in his pocket. “Trust me; those bitches with the loudest bark are the fastest to come to heel after a night with me. That is one of the reasons you keep me around after all isn’t it, to charm the frigid bitches at the banks into backing some of our risker films.”

Harukawa sighed but didn’t dispute Han’s statement as he went a step further, “And to supply us with some of the starlets that you’ve ruined for our little pornographic side business. But, I’ve got a bad feeling about this one.”

Han chuckled as he stood while saying, “Relax, just like there’s always some young thing looking to be the next big star willing to sit on my casting couch and do whatever I ask. This bitch will soon be eating out of the palm of my hand.”

Han made his way to the bar where he slid up to Tayuya as he said, “Fancy running into you here. I hope there are no hard feelings about our not green lighting that script you pitched.”

Despite Tayuya wanting to do nothing more than slam her knee into the man’s junk and then his head into the bar, the red-head smiled as she said, “It wasn’t a coincidence. I tend to get what I want, and I don’t like taking no for an answer.”

Tayuya had to fight against the urge to break the man’s hand as he slid it along her ass before grabbing it possessively as he said, “Really, perhaps we could come to some sort of arrangement.”

Tayuya smiled as she stood straight and turned away while replying with forced regret, “Perhaps, but the window for negotiating that arrangement has closed for the night. I need to tell Koyuki your decision in person so I will have to leave early tomorrow if I want to catch her before her ship leaves for Spring Country. But we can hopefully get together when I get back for a prolonged and I’m sure energetic meeting.” Tayuya could tell exactly what Han expected from such a meeting as his eyes traveled down her body and pictured her naked. Despite feeling her skin crawl, she let his imagination work to her advantage as she said, “Who knows, if you play nice with me, I might be willing to let Koyuki join in on our negotiation. She is quite passionate about this script.”

Tayuya watched as the man’s cock began to tent his pants, but turned away without another word feeling the urge to take a nice long shower due to the time spent with the sleazebag. Still her reconnaissance of her targets proved rather useful as she felt she had learned enough to put Plan B into motion.


Tayuya’s alarm began screaming, causing her to almost immediately grab it and toss it out the window. Sadly despite the fall from her third story window, the clock continued ringing and while softer was still annoying enough that she sat up in bed to throw a kunai at it silencing it forever. She sighed as she fought against the bed again to pull herself free, and yawned as she managed to stand.

It had been a busy four days for Tayuya, who had only slept a few hours as she traveled all over the elemental country. Luckily for her, she had been able to enlist Kiyomi’s help in teleporting her to a few of the places she had needed to visit in order to put her plan into effect. Coupled with that, she had been worried about her lover, having learned about his run in with the four resurrected Kazekage and his being drained of some of his Bijuu chakra. To her knowledge, Naruto was still unconscious in a Suna hospital bed, but despite receiving assurances that he was fine. She would have liked nothing better than to be by his side.

She realized that the feeling had to likely be stronger for the Kunoichi of Suna bound to Naruto since they had to keep up appearances despite his being right there. As such, Tayuya had been rather grateful for her self-appointed mission since she hadn’t had a lot of downtime to fret over his condition.

Thinking over her actions during the past several days, she marveled at how easy it had been to find the Idol that Harukawa had mentioned. The young woman, whose name was Tsuu Terakado, had apparently never left Paramount City. She had at one time been the number one idol in the Land of Honey, whose fans had affectionately called her Otsu, and had left in order to pursue an acting career. Unfortunately for her, she had bought into the promises that Han had made, but when he had made it know what he wanted from her. Namely to sleep with him, she had refused at which point the drugs that she had been slipped kicked in. Both fortunately and unfortunately for her, Han had decided to take some pictures which had given her a chance to wake up before things had progressed further, but the suggestive photos were what Harukawa had used to keep her silent about the incident.

Rather than return home in embarrassment the young woman had remained in Paramount City in hopes of making her dream a reality. But, with Han and Harukawa giving her a black mark, none of the studios were willing to give her a chance. The best she had been able to achieve thus far was work as a singer in a rather poorly lit and rundown bar. Tayuya suspected what kept her from returning home was the fear that one day should she return to her previous popularity the embarrassing photos would come out and with so much time having passed since the attack no one would believe her when she explained what truly happened.

Kiyomi had teleported Tayuya to a kunai she had left in the Land of Honey during her search for Kanji. It hadn’t taken long for her to find out all she had needed to about Tsuu before her move to Paramount City. What had taken the majority of the time was finding the means that Tayuya planned to use in order to help the woman confront Han and Harukawa without revealing that she was a kunoichi. Normally, she’d simply turn Naruto loose on the target with the confidence he would provide the woman the strength she needed. With Naruto being out of commission, not to mention how she felt it would be better for the former number one idol if a fan was the person to help her. Tayuya had decided to turn the task of helping of helping Tsuu to a young man she had heard about and who had been the captain of her fan club. Unfortunately, he had also disappeared a short time after Tsuu had.

Tayuya had turned to Kin and Rin to help locate him, since they had taken over for her as talent scouts. She had hated to admit it, but the two kunoichi were quite skilled at their task as they had quickly found the trail for the young man. When Tayuya had approached him, while he was acting as a bodyguard for a merchant, she would admit to being surprised at what she found having expected to find a barely competent bespectacled cherry-boy based on some of the descriptions that she had received. What she had encountered was something quite different, although he still wore glasses and she suspected that he was still a cherry-boy.

Tayuya smiled as she had heard that he had already arrived in Paramount City which likely meant he had moved as quickly as she had in making her way back from the Land of Birds where they had met. She figured the delay had only been so his client could arrange for a new bodyguard to escort him. With the players all set for her game, she pulled a dress from her closet and sighed as she knew it would invite Han’s lecherous gaze. Still she knew it would help move her lover’s ambition along so said to herself, “The shit I’m willing to do because I love that shithead.”

Despite her words, she only felt a warmth pass through her which was transmitted through her foxmark to the man in her thoughts. She felt her eyes widened as she felt a return mental caress which told her that he was awake, it also held a promise that he would be with her soon so Tayuya quickly set about getting ready in order to have an open calendar to meet with her lover.


Tayuya wore a smirk on her face as she sat in a booth within the Pussycat Lounge, with Han. The reason for her amusement was due to just how uncomfortable the Producer was and had been since spotting the entertainment playing her guitar on the stage. He had tried to convince Tayuya that they should find another, classier, place to go. However, she had simply ignored him stating that negotiations such as the one he was interested in should be conduct in such establishments. She had managed to coax him inside by adding that the atmosphere of such places tended to help lubricate a center place he hoped to be exploring later.

In truth Tayuya hadn’t needed much help in that department since feeling Naruto’s mental promise. Still, it had been the motivation that Han had needed to ignore the smart part of his brain telling him that being in the same place as one of his victims was a very stupid thing to do. As a result despite Tayuya wearing a rather revealing dress, Han had barely paid her much attention as his gaze kept traveling up to the woman playing on the stage.

Putting a little annoyance in her voice she asked, “Hey, do you know her or something. You keep staring at her.”

“No!” Han said quickly before calming to add, “I…I just can’t shake the feeling that I’ve seen her somewhere before. But I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, this town is full with former somebodies who never made it big. L-let’s get back to discussing us…”

Tayuya resisted the urge to knock his hand away as he placed it on her knee and slid it up her thigh. Still despite his words it wasn’t long before he sent another look towards Tsuu and as a result of the close proximity it allowed Tayuya to slip her hand into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. She procured the small paper envelope filled with a powder that she knew he used to drug the women whom he truly desired but resisted his charms. Once she had it, she knocked his hand off her thigh as she said, “Let’s not get carried away. Thus far you’ve done very little negotiating to be so fresh with me. Don’t forget I want you to support the script Koyuki had written.”

Han recovered some of his swagger as he said, “Typically, I sample the goods before I’m willing to commit. Let’s not forget I’m the key to getting what you need.”

Tayuya slid closer bringing her lips close to his as she said, “And don’t you forget that I have what you desire, otherwise you wouldn’t be wasting your time.” Tayuya poured the contents of the envelope into his drink while his focus was on her before sliding back.

She smirked as he adjusted his collar and then downed his drink. While she waited for the effects to kick in, she directed her attention to the woman on stage, and despite the fact that the man who had tried to drug her was present most of Tsuu’s attention seemed focused on a man wearing black while drinking a glass of milk. Barely visible due to the cloak he wore was a pair of swords that he wore on his right hip with one of them being a wooden practice blade. Tayuya could tell that the Idol was nervous at his presence which told the red-head that she remembered the former captain of her fan club the Tsuu Terakado Imperial Guards and if what she had heard of Tsuu’s rise to stardom was true, her first fan.

To Tayuya it looked like she would almost rather be in the room with Han then to confront her fan about what had happened to her since leaving the Land of Honey. Still, she continued to play as if she hoped his presence was just a coincidence. Tayuya hadn’t told the man anything other than where he could find the idol, he had long adored even after the rest of her fanclub had moved onto newer and younger girls.

Han began to rock in his seat as he said drowsily while he tried to keep his head up by propping it on his hand, “I don’t feel so good.”

Tayuya smiled at him as she replied, “Probably, a lifetime of sin catching up to you.” She then pushed the elbow he had resting on the table causing his head to slam down into it. The loud thud, which caused Tsuu to stop playing while she directed a look towards Tayuya as she stood from the booth, attracted everyone’s attention as well.

The purple-haired woman couldn’t stop herself from asking, “W-what’s going on.”

“That’s what I would like to know,” Harukawa said from near the entrance while surrounded by some of the local gang members. Seeing Han passed out he said angrily, “That idiot. I knew he was getting in over his head. Just who the fuck are you?”

Tayuya smiled as she answered, “I’m Koyuki’s manager, and I pride myself on getting my client everything she wants and right now she wants to make a sequel which you two dipshits are fucking standing in the way of. I tried to do things the reasonable way, but no you greedy fucks had to be difficult. So now this is plan B.”

“And what is Plan B?” Harukawa asked, “Drug Han and put him in a compromising position using that slut on the stage as a little payback.”

Tayuya shook her head as she gave a wide and predatory smile, “Fuck no! That’s what you two pussies like to do.” She then pulled the photos that she had liberated from Harukawa safe as she continued, “Speaking of which, I took the liberty of having Fubuki collect these for me. You really should consider keeping such dirty photos in a more secure place, especially if you wanted to continue using them to keep people silent. A wall safe in the office is so passé.”

Tayuya stuck the photos into the flame of the candle prompting Tsuu to say hopefully, “A-are those…”

Tayuya nodded, and felt her own blood begin to boil at the look of palatable relief that appeared on the woman’s face. Still, she knew she had her own role to play so remained calm as Harukawa said, “What good does that do? No one is going to believe her word over ours anyway, not…”

“Not that we’ll be alive to say anything,” Tayuya replied sounding less than impressed, even as some of the other patrons began to realize the danger. “I’m aware that those punks with you aren’t just for show, and this is a rather unsavory part of town. Let me guess the storyline, local gang goes berserk with innocent patrons caught in the crossfire. I’m guessing you’ll be looking for a new partner since he is going to be one of the victims.”

Harukawa shrugged as he replied, “I was getting tired of cleaning up his messes anyway. The oaf was too stupid to even keep tracks of the little slut we were blackmailing to keep quiet. I realized what you were up to the moment the people I hired to keep tabs on you told me where you were heading.”

“I doubt that,” Tayuya said amused. “For one, I already told you blackmail is for pussies. If I’m going to go through all this trouble then it’s going to be for something big. Like removing you fucks out of the equation, not to keep you around on some leash which you’ll be constantly trying to find a way off of.”

“Then you should have kept the fucking Spring-nin around,” Harukawa said snidely. “I’ll be sure to send Koyuki a fruit basket to convey my condolences at your passing.”

Harukawa was about to give his men the order to attack, but stopped as Tayuya said, “For being the brains between you and Han, you’re pretty fucking stupid yourself.”

“And why is that?”

“Because you completely forgot about what was gained by my destroying those pictures,” Tayuya said pulling a chair and sitting in it as she finished with a smirk, “It doesn’t gain me much I admit, other than perhaps some gratitude from the captain of the Tsuu Terakado Imperial Guards, which I previously described as Plan B. I guess now we find out if those swords he wears are just for show or not.”

“What?!” Harukawa said surprised more sensing that something had moved then seeing it. That was until a man wearing a black cloak appeared in front of him in a crouch in a sword dueling stance. Throwing the cloak back to reveal he was wearing a black robe beneath it, he pulled the wooden blade at his belt and slashed it across the jaw of Harukawa. The blow lifted the man out of his expensive shoes as it sent him flying until he smashed into the wall.

Tayuya wasn’t sure if the man was dead or not, as he fell to the ground bonelessly but admitted she was fine with either being the case. The gang members obviously knew that some of the people in the restaurant were more than likely going to fight back, so they didn’t let the removal of the man that had paid them slow them down as they attacked the cloaked figure. Still the difference in skill was easy to see as the swordsman made quick work of them using just the wooden blade he held.

He adjusted his glasses after he finished off the last gang member. He approached Tayuya with some anger in his eyes likely due to her putting his idol at risk which softened as Tsuu said, “S-shinpachi…”

“Otsu,” Shinpachi Shimura said surprised as the woman threw herself at him in a hug. He gazed down affectionately as he said, “Lady Otsu, you should have returned home. Your fanclub would have…”

“You should be more honest,” Tayuya said standing. “There is only one member that remains of the Tsuu Terakado Imperial Guards, a lone cherry-boy that refused to move on in the world of idols.”

“I’m not a cherry-boy,” Shinpachi said quickly. “I refuse to cheat on Otsu by tainting myself with some other woman. Loving an idol means remaining devoted to her in all things.”

His cheeks quickly colored as a few people snorted at his declaration, but Tsuu’s eyes had grown wide at his statement. But before anything further could be said, Han groaned in his drugged induced sleep. Shinpachi’s eyes hardened as he stepped away from his crush to face the man he thought had despoiled her. Sliding the wooden sword into his belt he pulled his real one, and began to close with Han.

Tsuu sensing what he intended, quickly moved in front of him and tried to stop his forward movement by placing her hands on his chest as she said, “Shinpachi stop.”

“I will not let him get away with what’s he’s done to you,” Shinpachi replied easily moving forward despite the small woman putting all her weight into stopping him.

“He, didn’t do as much as you think,” she said quickly. “He did drug me, and took some horrible pictures, but…I got away before he did worse. Please don’t do this.”

Shinpachi slowed and came to a stop as Tayuya leaned over the end of the booth Han was still sleeping in, “Besides, killing him in his sleep is letting him off too easy. I think the fucker deserves to suffer, don’t you?” She brought her mouth close to his ear and whispered something placing him in a weak genjutsu. Almost immediately Han’s face changed into a mask of fear as he began to whimper.

“What did you do?” Shinpachi asked confused.

Tayuya shrugged as she replied, “I just planted an idea of what he’s likely going to expect in prison. I don’t think too many people are going to be pleased once they learned some of what their favorite actresses experienced at his hands. I imagine quite a few prisoners are rather passionate movie buffs seeing as they have so much free time.”

A small smile did appear on Shinpachi’s face which faded as he looked at Otsu as he asked, “Would it be alright if I escorted you home Lady O…”

“Please just call me Otsu…or Tsuu if you prefer,” the Idol said softly as she took the man’s outstretched hand.

Tayuya smiled as she imagined that at the moment the woman was feeling a similar mixture of emotions as she had when Naruto had appeared in Kanji’s mansion to save her. Tayuya remembered it as the moment when her positive feelings crystalized into love. Tayuya felt it must be something similar for Tsuu, as she realized that the young man that had used to watch her perform in the street when she had first started out whenever he was feeling down about needing to work as a waiter, due to his family’s dojo being in trouble financial, actually cared for her as more than just a source of the songs that he enjoyed.

The red-head didn’t doubt that much like Koyuki had with Naruto. Tsuu recognized how lucky she was to have a fan like Shinpachi. She didn’t doubt that at some point the two might end up in a similar relationship as the actress and shinobi as they began to walk out of the rundown lounger. However, the tender moment was ruined as suddenly a bunch of police official burst into the building demanding for everyone to surrender.


“I just wanted to say thank you again,” a visibly much happier Tsuu said with a small bow.

Tayuya smiled from behind the desk in her small office as she said, “You don’t need to thank me. I was just working an angle to get my client what she wanted. You’re just very fortunate to have such a loyal fan.”

Tsuu’s cheeks colored as she nodded while confirming, “I am.”

Tayuya stood as she came around from behind her desk as she said while offering her hand, “I know your past experiences have probably left a bad taste in your mouth. But if you still want to give being an actress a try I’ll be more than happy to represent you.”

“Thank you, but for now I want to return home and rediscover my roots.”

“I can understand that,” Tayuya said as Tsuu shook her hand. “Still my offer stands, give my thanks to Shinpachi as well. I’m guessing he’ll be the one escorting you back.”

Tayuya noticed that Tsuu’s cheeks turned a darker shade of red making the kunoichi suspect she wouldn’t be able to call the swordsmen a cherry-boy the next time they met. “I shouldn’t keep him waiting,” Tsuu said as she moved to leave and nearly ran into a man wearing a mask.

“Excuse me,” the masked man said, “I should have knocked.”

“It’s okay,” the idol replied, “I was just leaving. Good-bye Tayuya.”

“Take care,” the red-head replied as the masked man entered after Tsuu walked past him.

Upon closing the door he asked, “Why did you make me wear this shinobi hood, and go have my measurements taken in the prop department?”

“Don’t fucking worry about it, shithead,” Tayuya said before leaping into his arms and pulling the mask off. She kissed him passionately enjoying being held in his arms as a blushing bride would be. When the kiss ended she added, “Just concentrate on doing what I tell you.”

“My, someone seems to be in a foul mood,” Naruto said teasingly.

“Why shouldn’t I be,” Tayuya replied quickly, “Do you know how much shit I had to put up with while you were building fucking sand castles with Gaara? Not to mention I had to listen to another fucking lecture from that security bitch today because she nearly caught us fucking in the studio.”

“Hey to be fair, I did tell…” Naruto trailed off as a scowl appeared on Tayuya’s face which told him that she didn’t want to hear about how he had told her to keep her voice down. “So what is my sexy Demoness’s next command?”

“Take me home and finish what the bitch interrupted,” Tayuya said gently.

“As you wish,” he replied Hirashining her away from her office.

As soon as they reappeared in her bedroom, Tayuya sealed her lips to his as she slipped out of his arms to stand before him on her toes as they made out. Her tongue swirled around his which she only broke in order to push the black T-shirt that he wore up over his head. She quickly leaned in to pick up where they left off, while Naruto unbuttoned the business jacket that she wore. He pushed it from her shoulders, but finding the shirt she wore beneath it filled with more and smaller buttons, he decided to cheat so ripped the shirt apart sending them flying everywhere.

Tayuya was glad that he did as a moment later he was kissing down her neck and chest in order to suck on one of her breast’s hardened nubs. “Fuck…” she moaned as she wrapped her hands in his hair. She fell back against her bed taking him down with her as he continued to suckle on her tit, before moving on to the next one.

Naruto’s hand slipped up her skirt where he began to rub her pussy through the thin panties that she wore. Her hips moved against his hand as he pet along her nether lips and she tensed as his teeth bit down gently on the nipple his tongue had just been teasing. He kissed it again, before kissing just below it on her breast and then down her stomach as he made his way to her wet folds. Tayuya raised her hips as Naruto pushed up her skirt before sliding her panties down her thighs which he then pulled free of her feet.

His red-headed lover lay with her legs spread widely for him while her beautiful pussy glistened in order to entice him towards it. He smiled at the red downward arrow she had shaved above it as if he had needed directions. Leaning in, he basked in the heady scent of her arousal for a moment before kissing her nether lips.

Tayuya moaned loudly as his tongue slipped past her folds as he drank in more and more of her essence. Naruto’s hands reached up her body where his left stopped at her tit, while his right and the one he had used to rub her cunt cupped her face. She got a taste of what he was as she sucked on the fingers which had just been bringing her pleasure as Naruto continued to dine on her pussy. Soon though, her body tensed as she exploded into bliss while she coated his tongue in more of her sweet and sour flavor.

Naruto pulled back to stand as she caught her breath, but Tayuya quickly sat up in order to unbuckle his black pants for him. Once loosened, she pulled down his pants and boxers down to his knees in one push. With his beefstick free it was her turn to enjoy the scent of her lover as his hard cock bounced before her. Finding it already slick from his arousal, she moaned into it from the taste as she swallowed half his length. She brought up both her hands to stroke what she couldn’t comfortably swallow as she bobbed her head over the rest.

As she worked Naruto stepped out of his clothes before Tayuya pulled him onto the bed as she switched places with him. She knelt on the floor between his legs as she continued to suck him and enjoyed the way he groaned every time she stopped nodding her head over his dick to tease the underside of his cockhead with her tongue. She let him pop out of her mouth so she could run her tongue down his meatrod before sucking on his sack as she stroked his shaft.

She felt his nuts contract, so quickly swallowed his tip in time to catch his jizz as he exploded in her mouth. Her cheeks began to bulge as he kept cumming, but it tapered off allowing her to savory his flavor for a moment. She opened her mouth to show him his white cream which she swished with her tongue before closing it and making it disappear down her throat. She moaned having groaned addicted to his taste and her already once satisfied pussy began to burn as it let its desire to swallow a load be known.

Naruto cupped her cheek to pull her into a kiss, which lasted until he pulled her up onto the bed. He pivoted her so that she was on all fours, and quickly mounted her from behind as he buried his dick inside her to the hilt with a single powerful thrust. Tayuya’s arms gave out as she shouted, “Fuck!!!” as she came from having her womb kissed by the tip of his cock after what seemed like forever. Her orgasm only grew more intense as he pumped his length inside her while her inner muscles tried to milk him of his seed.

Naruto’s hands were on her hips which he used to pull her towards and away from him while he drilled her tunnel. The red-head moaned feverishly as she didn’t have the strength to do anything but be used as a cocksleeve as he powered through her orgasm which thus prolonged and intensified it. She didn’t know how long she remained face down in the mattress while cumming constantly, only that she was riding a wave of pleasure that seemed to be never ending with only minor dips which led to higher peaks.

As such it almost came as a relief when the white world of pleasure she had been trapped in like a genjutsu exploded into a Technicolor one as his cock swelled triggering her biggest orgasm yet as a result of the seed he deposited into her womb. They both yelled loudly as they climaxed as Naruto filled her womb to the brim and then some.

Naruto felt particularly drained from having fought off the urge to come for so long despite the insistent caresses of her inner muscles. Finally being able to release his seed, caused him to go weak-kneed which cause him to slip free of her spasming cunt after he released the last rope of thick cream. Naruto breathed heavily along with his lover as he watched his cum begin to slowly leak from Tayuya’s hot box.

Tayuya watched Naruto and enjoyed the way it made her feel for him to be staring at her pussy. She basked in the feel of his cum’s warmth in her womb and how it seemed to spread as gravity allowed some of it to travel down her tunnel back out. But the satisfied feeling, made another place that had grown used to receiving such warmth begin to long for its own cum bath. She marveled at how despite his own earth shattering orgasm, his cock still was rock hard. Wanting it inside her, but still unable to move she received an energy pick me up as she activated her foxmark. Lines began to spread out over her body from it and she was able to pick herself off of the bed.

She pushed Naruto onto his back before squatting above him with her legs spread out widely. She reached beneath her and guided his cock towards her puckered anus. She groaned as she pushed back against his cockhead until he slipped past the tight ring. She then slid down about half his length before coming to a rest.

Naruto watched transfixed as his Demoness’s skin grew darker as the lines spread out over her body to connect. A crown of horns appeared from her head as her red-hair turned pink while it grew longer and wilder. He groaned as her asshole squeezed around him even tighter as a result from her switching into her Level Two form. Tayuya looked over her shoulder at him, her now yellow eyes reflecting the pleasure that she felt from his rod being inside her. She then impaled herself the rest of the way before sliding back up until she was raised up on her toes and he almost slipped free before falling back down again.

“Fuck yes!” she shouted towards the ceiling as she fucked herself on his manhood. Her shout turned into a scream as he grabbed her hips and slammed up into her during a downward thrust. They both grunted and moaned as they began to thrust against each other, until Tayuya found that once more her strength was failing her.

Naruto pulled her back against his chest causing her to moan, “O-oh fuck…n-not my horns...” as Naruto ran a hand over the one protruding from the right side of her head as his other rolled her tit around. Naruto picked up her slack as he slammed his hips up against her ass furiously as Tayuya became puddy in his hands.

“Fuck, I’m ccccccuuuuummmmiiiiinnnnggggg!!!!!!!!” she shouted as Naruto simultaneously pinched her nipple, tongued her ear, and stroked her horn. He groaned almost painfully as her ass squeezed around his cock while she shook atop of him. She relaxed in his arms once she felt his seed begin to flood her back passage while her orgasm subsided.

She grew smaller atop him as she reverted to normal and in a sleepy voice said, “I fucking love you.”

Naruto rolled them over onto their sides still buried in her ass as he kissed her cheek lovingly while saying, “I love you too, Tayuya. Thank you for being Koyuki’s manager. I know it’s not something you particularly want to be doing.”

“No, but you make it worth it,” she said allowing the warmth of his body to lull her to sleep.


The blaring of her alarm came as a devastating means to awaken the next morning. She wasn’t sure if everything she thought had happened was a dream or not, until she felt an arm drape around her as Naruto shut off her alarm clock and groggily said, “Why’d you set the alarm. I wanted to sleep in with my warm and sexy Tayuya.”

The red-head smiled as he pulled her closer, but pulled away as she said, “Sorry, I forgot it was on.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll be right back,” Tayuya said wanting a quick bite to eat in order to have some energy for what she intended to be a busy morning of lovemaking. Quickly heading down stairs to the kitchen, she popped in some toast and made her way to the front door to get the entertainment paper that she had delivered. Opening the door, she cursed the fucking paperboy that couldn’t be bothered to toss it against the door so stepped out in the buff to travel the handful of steps to collect it. Heading back to the kitchen she unfolded it and smiled as the headline read, “Princess Gale producers charged with multiple counts of blackmail, date rape and extortion. Fans’ fears of it being a deathblow to Princess Gale sequel calmed as Princess Koyuki steps in along with Makino as executive producer. Promises next movie will show an unseen side of Gale.”

She placed the paper down as another article caught her eye which although the paper didn’t make the connection, she knew that there was one as it read, “Princess Koyuki uses Spring’s resources to force Earth Country to open its borders to the possibility of future films being shot there.”

Tayuya put the paper down as she heard Naruto call down, “Tayuya your side of the bed is getting cold.” She smiled as she thought, “Dealing with these studio fuck nuts is a pain in the ass. But he makes it worth it.” She left the toast in the toaster as she instead decided to have a liquid breakfast as she quickly returned to bed.

Next Chapter: Birthday Blowout

Author’s Note: Well I hope this chapter was worth the wait. As I previously stated, I hope to have these Limelight chapters to act as a supplementary tool to the main story. Sometimes, they’ll give some insight into the current relationship between Naruto and the lady that stars. But more often than not, I want it to reflect what a girl bound to Naruto is doing while not necessary having a big part to play in the current arcs of the main story. To me, Tayuya served as a perfect example for this, primarily since a lot of where things stood between her and Naruto were cemented in the Why Me chapters, and resolved in Recovering Lost Mojo.

A few reviews had asked where Tayuya was at, among other, and why she hasn’t appeared. I hope the above partially answers it. I also hope it shows that just because a character hasn’t appeared lately, doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about her or that she isn’t relevant or even a minor character. None of what happened above is going to be necessary to know when Tayuya does reappear, since a few short sentences I think can accurately summarize it, but this is all stuff that is happening in the deeper resource that is my imagination, but would bog down the main story too much if I had to write it there.*]

[*With that said, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Also, please check out the poll on my Fanfiction Profile to vote for who should appear in the next few chapters of Limelight. I’ll probably pick several characters from the poll based on how well they do, so just because the character you want isn’t winning doesn’t mean they won’t get picked.

Thank you to all those that take the time to review or to comment. So until next time take care, sincerely, The Lemon Sage.
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