Categories > Original > Horror > Journal For the Slightly Insane

Night 18

by upinflames 0 reviews

rest in peace

Category: Horror - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2013-12-09 - 276 words

We love. It settles into our existence, and we are remembered for that. Who and what we loved.

I dreamed about loving and found myself lost, so blissfully lost in a rose colored haze. I smelled the warmth and wanted to touch, feel it reverberate into my bones. Blind, I was wrapped in an embrace that held on to my ugly hands, kissed each mutilated finger with plush lips. I cried, the kind that hiccups and clogs your throat.

When I woke up, I was tired. So tired.


We didn't think you would die so soon. I didn't think it would happen so fast.

The air down there...was so fresh, so alive. So cold. But now it was empty. I had no connection to that place, only now your memory. Only already fading memories.

It was the first time I heard him cry.

I hope you're somewhere better, Annie. You lived a tough life. You were an amazing woman. I should have tried harder to tell you as much.

"That long black cloud is comin` down...I feel I`m knocking on heaven`s door":
"Take you in the sun to promised lands, to show you every`s the time of the season for loving":
"Oh, darling, make it go away. Just make it go away now":

He made the ceremony beautiful. They got rid of all that gospel music, he knew you wouldn't have liked that. He played those instead. Everyone cried by the end.
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