Categories > Original > Drama > Misfortune and Gold
February 15, 2008
Los Angeles, California
Today they would be flying to New York to talk to executives from Havoc Records. They were so excited. Martin called his parents to tell them the good news but his mother was anything but pleased. She thought he was wasting his talent. She hated the thought of her baby in the whole rock scene. She worried about the excess life style that rockers led. Danny called Chloe and Brock but Chloe only wanted money. Brock barely spoke to him at all anymore and didnt even say goodbye or good luck. Brian's parents were so proud of him. Proud of him for making his dreams come true. Devin's warned not to let Brian get him in any trouble. They all went to their respective homes to pack. Their plane left in four hours.
To D's surprise Seth opted to share a cab since they only lived a few blocks apart. It was so quiet in the back of that taxi that the silence hummed in their ears. D didnt have a clue of how to act around him after the kiss Friday night. She really thought he would be mad for teasing her like that. They rode several blocks in awkward uncomfortable silence. It was naturally Seth who found the courage to break the deafening silence in the back of the cab.
He gazed out the window at the sights as they passed. "I's keep thankin dis shit aint real." His tone was soft and day dreamish. "I's scared it gone jus all dissappear likes a dream."
D glanced at him but didnt speak. She was still far too nervous.He glanced in her direction to find her nervously staring out the window as he had been. He sighed in disappointment at the weirdness between them and looked back out the window. He knew what was on her mind, it was all that was on his mind too. He had taken a 5 year friendship and mangled it with complications because he had been too weak to resist her. He knew it fell on him to fix the uneasiness they both felt.
"D..." he drew his breath in, "dont's trip da otha night. We's friends, no matta what...ride or die." He turned back to look at her and caught her eyes by surprise. He watched as they fluttered away. "They's jus somethin wit us...always has been. Caint ya see how much I's wants ya? I's aint wantin thangs ta change neitha...I likes how we is...but..."
D could only look at her hands and listen.
"You's aint like da rest a dees hoes. I aint gots ta put on no show for you's You's I' caint stop thankin bouts ya. Jus caint keep it in no mo. We's could still stay friends...dis aint gots ta get complicated iffin we dont let it..."
D finslly managed to choke out some words. "Seth...Im not that kind of girl...I..."
"I's feel ya," Seth cut her off, "but when we' on dat stage an we's dancin an touchin...tell me da wolds dont jus go 'way. It feel like they aint nobody but you's an me. He scoot over in the seat a few inches closer to her, "what da problem is wit us gettin what we's both want"
D sighed, "Things never work out that simple. People always say no strings attached, but there always is."
"What we gots stronga dan dat," his half grin formed on his face, "we's got needs though."
D thought long and hard about what he was saying. God knows she wanted him. She wanted him more than flowery sentences from a romance novel could explain. She wanted him in any wat she could get him. But she capable of just meaningless sex with him? She was in love with him. "I...I dont know," she uttered softly.
Seth outstretched his arm and rested it on the back of the seat behind her head. He scoot even closer to her and cocked his head with that devils smile. "Come on D," he whispered, his voice so seductive, "ya know you's wants me."
D scoffed, "I get all of you I can handle on stage."
She soon felt Seth taking her hand and pulling it down in her lap. "Truss me...You's can handle it," he smiled cooing.
D pulled her hand back turning red, "Its kissing a cousin or something."
"Funny," he spoke looking down at his lap and pointing, "I's aint feelin too weird bout shit."
D rolled her eyes continuing to smile, "Why are you doing this to me?"
Seth placed his hand on her thigh and moved in yet even closer to her. He whispered into her ear once more in a sultry moan, "Cuz I want you's." He lightly ran his tongue across her earlobe. She sat paralyzed with excitement and fear. Seth began slowly inching his hand up her thigh. "I wants ta see what happen when we's dont stop."
She grabbed his wrist shying away from his advances. It was too strange. Seth was someone she truly loved and she had grown rather accustom to the idea of never having him. She had fantasized about him but she never thought it would happen. But she wanted more than to be his friend with benefits. She wanted the whole grand commitment even though she knew it was nowhere in his plans. If she couldnt have him in all the ways she wanted maybe she could learn to accept what he was willing to give. After all, a little Seth in her life was better than no Seth at all.
D turned to see the yearning stare on his face. It was the same look he had had in the moment before he kissed her. An uncertain and incomprehensible expression lay just behind his eyes. She swallowed the lump in her throat and parted her lips to speak. She drew in her breath. "If I say you promise I wont just be another notch on your bed post? You sware you wont ignore me and act all stand offish?"
Seth smiled in victory. "Neva you D," he shook his head. His eyebrows began to raise looking a bit shocked. "S'a dats a yes den?" He asked his smile beaming brighter than the sun. The cab came to a hault in front of his building. D was silent but managed a smile which gave him all the answer he needed. He smiled studying her pink lips. He wanted to kiss them again but there wasnt any time for that now. "Catch ya's at da airport." With that deviant smile of his he forced himself to slide away from her and exit the cab.
"Bye," she nervously spoke feeling like a giddy teen. Her face was so red it felt like it was sporting a fresh sunburn. The cab took off and she melted into the seat like butter.
A couple hours later they were at the airport waiting on their 2pm flight to New York. None of them could sit for the unprecedented excitement. But not Seth, like always he was cool calm and collected. He simply sat playing a game on his phone. He never showed signs of anticipation or nervousness, only around D. Occasionally he would throw a glance and a smile in D's direction, just to keep the spark ignited until he could seal the deal. Even though he appeared calm to everyone on the outside his insides were screaming for D. He wasnt sure how much longer he could wait for her.
Two hours later they were boarded, seated, and buckled in with their trays in their upright positions and they were reaching cruising altitude. This was Seth's first time on an airplane. Despite the fact that he supressed most emotions he was extremely excited. He watched as flight attendants began passing out drinks and magazines. He amused himself by pushing buttons and playing with the gadgets around him to see what they did.
"Oh hey," Danny spoke to the flight attendant as she approached he and Martin. "Can I get about a dozen of those little bottles of Quervo?" He asked motioning to them on the cart.
She frowned, "Sir theres a limit of two bottles each time I pass."
"Well," he sighed, "how often do you pass by?" he asked with all seriousness.
"About every 30 minutes," she flatly replied.
"Great," he winked at her, "Ill take two then."
"And Ill take two," Martin nodded holding up two fingers, "and two more when you come back. Is there any salt or lemons?"
She only rolled her eyes and shoved their drinks at them. She made her way up to the next row of seats.
"Guess thats a no on salt and lemons," Martin huffed and looked to Danny with a shrug.
"Can I get you anything to drink? Magazine?" Asked the flight attendant approaching Seth and D's aisle.
"No thanks," D shook her head and stood, "Could you tell me where the bathrooms are?"
"All the way to the back," she smiled to D and pointed her in the right direction. D turned and went in the direction she had pointed. Seth glanced over his shoulder watching her walk away.
"Sir, can I get you anything?" She smiled at him widely
"Uh...naw...I's straight," he muttered not really paying attention. He was too fixated on D. The flight attendant went up to the next row. A sly grin came to Seth's face as he turned back around and stared at the back of the seat in front of him. He quickly rose to his feet and followed D. He could see her approaching the bathrooms. He hastened his pace to catch up with her. As she opened the door to go in she felt hands on her hips gently pushing her from behind. She knew it was Seth's hands, she had felt them a thousand times before. She heard the click of the lock behind them.
She spun around with a smile. "What are you doing?"
He bent down and brushed his lips across hers. "Hopefully joinin da mile high club," he whispered as he began kissing at her neck.
"We dont have time for that now," She said lost in the warmth of his lips.
She felt his hands move slowly down the backs of her thighs. He stooped slightly and with a single swift movement, raised her to a seated position on the sink. "They's time. I's can be fast," he said kissing her again, his hands reaching for the button on her jeans.
She moved away from his kiss and pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it onto the counter next to her. She could start to see his eyes twinkle and his smile widen. He began tugging at the legs of her jeans to remove them. D reached out to unbutton his jeans. "You owe me one later, she said wiggling her panties off her hips. Seth quickly shoved his boxers to his knees and moved forward with D,s thighs on either side of his hips. He wrapped her in an embrace and kissed her feverishly. He soon heard D drawing in her breath. Seth was pretty endowed. Seth could see her biting her lower lip as he slowly began to move.
D was so nervous she could feel her legs shaking. Electric pulses were flowing through her. Her chest felt pressure in it. She was finally with Seth. She didnt even care that it was in a smelly cramped airplane toilet. Nor did she even mind that it was merely for benefit and she would get nothing from it. Her pleasure was derive from simply having him there inside her.
Seth's pace couldnt help but build from the mounting excitement inside him. The exhilaration was almost too much to bear. He had longed for this, dreamed of this. He was nervous in a way he hadnt been since his first time. He liked the way it felt. He could hear D lightly wincing under her breath. It was a shame they didnt have more time. He wasnt accustom to rushing things. He prefered taking his time with girls. He didnt want the reputation of a minute man or a lousy lay. He wasnt ready for this to be over. He wanted her to enjoy this just as much as he was.
However D kept the time in mind. She began rushing him along. "Are you close?"
"I's could be," he panted with a nod.
"Then quit playing and do it," she smiled kissing him deeply.
Seth picked up his pace as he extended his left hand out over the sensor of the automatic paper towel dispensor. He kissed her once more and pulled them off and backed away from D. D began redressing. She watched as Seth rest his weight with the palm of his hands on the door frame, trying to regain his wits.
"Sorry we's aint have mo time," he spoke softly almost appearing shy all of the sudden if D didnt know any better.
"I had fun all the same," D smiled pulling on her shirt.
That made him feel a bit better about his lack of performance for her benefit. Her smile had changed now. It was one he had never seen before. He was finding it difficult to even look at her. "Thanks," he shyly nodded, "real mem'rable...first time on a plane an shit."
D smiled that new smile and exited the bathroom. What did that smile mean? Seth rested his weight on the sink and looked down smiling. He couldnt believe he just had sex on an airplane...and with D. He took a few moments to lose the flustered look on his face. He collected himself and exited the bathroom.
Martin was standing outside the door waiting to go in. He had watched D exit the same one just moments ago as he was headed up the hallway. Now Seth was coming out of the same one? "No way dude," Martin beamed shaking his head in disbelief.
Seth could only shrug with a guilty smile knowing that he had been busted. He returned to his seat to see D gazing out the window with a secretive smile on her face. One crossed his face too as he settled in next to her. He grabbed some headphones and nestled in for the rest of the flight. In no time he was sound asleep.
February 15, 2008
Los Angeles, California
Today they would be flying to New York to talk to executives from Havoc Records. They were so excited. Martin called his parents to tell them the good news but his mother was anything but pleased. She thought he was wasting his talent. She hated the thought of her baby in the whole rock scene. She worried about the excess life style that rockers led. Danny called Chloe and Brock but Chloe only wanted money. Brock barely spoke to him at all anymore and didnt even say goodbye or good luck. Brian's parents were so proud of him. Proud of him for making his dreams come true. Devin's warned not to let Brian get him in any trouble. They all went to their respective homes to pack. Their plane left in four hours.
To D's surprise Seth opted to share a cab since they only lived a few blocks apart. It was so quiet in the back of that taxi that the silence hummed in their ears. D didnt have a clue of how to act around him after the kiss Friday night. She really thought he would be mad for teasing her like that. They rode several blocks in awkward uncomfortable silence. It was naturally Seth who found the courage to break the deafening silence in the back of the cab.
He gazed out the window at the sights as they passed. "I's keep thankin dis shit aint real." His tone was soft and day dreamish. "I's scared it gone jus all dissappear likes a dream."
D glanced at him but didnt speak. She was still far too nervous.He glanced in her direction to find her nervously staring out the window as he had been. He sighed in disappointment at the weirdness between them and looked back out the window. He knew what was on her mind, it was all that was on his mind too. He had taken a 5 year friendship and mangled it with complications because he had been too weak to resist her. He knew it fell on him to fix the uneasiness they both felt.
"D..." he drew his breath in, "dont's trip da otha night. We's friends, no matta what...ride or die." He turned back to look at her and caught her eyes by surprise. He watched as they fluttered away. "They's jus somethin wit us...always has been. Caint ya see how much I's wants ya? I's aint wantin thangs ta change neitha...I likes how we is...but..."
D could only look at her hands and listen.
"You's aint like da rest a dees hoes. I aint gots ta put on no show for you's You's I' caint stop thankin bouts ya. Jus caint keep it in no mo. We's could still stay friends...dis aint gots ta get complicated iffin we dont let it..."
D finslly managed to choke out some words. "Seth...Im not that kind of girl...I..."
"I's feel ya," Seth cut her off, "but when we' on dat stage an we's dancin an touchin...tell me da wolds dont jus go 'way. It feel like they aint nobody but you's an me. He scoot over in the seat a few inches closer to her, "what da problem is wit us gettin what we's both want"
D sighed, "Things never work out that simple. People always say no strings attached, but there always is."
"What we gots stronga dan dat," his half grin formed on his face, "we's got needs though."
D thought long and hard about what he was saying. God knows she wanted him. She wanted him more than flowery sentences from a romance novel could explain. She wanted him in any wat she could get him. But she capable of just meaningless sex with him? She was in love with him. "I...I dont know," she uttered softly.
Seth outstretched his arm and rested it on the back of the seat behind her head. He scoot even closer to her and cocked his head with that devils smile. "Come on D," he whispered, his voice so seductive, "ya know you's wants me."
D scoffed, "I get all of you I can handle on stage."
She soon felt Seth taking her hand and pulling it down in her lap. "Truss me...You's can handle it," he smiled cooing.
D pulled her hand back turning red, "Its kissing a cousin or something."
"Funny," he spoke looking down at his lap and pointing, "I's aint feelin too weird bout shit."
D rolled her eyes continuing to smile, "Why are you doing this to me?"
Seth placed his hand on her thigh and moved in yet even closer to her. He whispered into her ear once more in a sultry moan, "Cuz I want you's." He lightly ran his tongue across her earlobe. She sat paralyzed with excitement and fear. Seth began slowly inching his hand up her thigh. "I wants ta see what happen when we's dont stop."
She grabbed his wrist shying away from his advances. It was too strange. Seth was someone she truly loved and she had grown rather accustom to the idea of never having him. She had fantasized about him but she never thought it would happen. But she wanted more than to be his friend with benefits. She wanted the whole grand commitment even though she knew it was nowhere in his plans. If she couldnt have him in all the ways she wanted maybe she could learn to accept what he was willing to give. After all, a little Seth in her life was better than no Seth at all.
D turned to see the yearning stare on his face. It was the same look he had had in the moment before he kissed her. An uncertain and incomprehensible expression lay just behind his eyes. She swallowed the lump in her throat and parted her lips to speak. She drew in her breath. "If I say you promise I wont just be another notch on your bed post? You sware you wont ignore me and act all stand offish?"
Seth smiled in victory. "Neva you D," he shook his head. His eyebrows began to raise looking a bit shocked. "S'a dats a yes den?" He asked his smile beaming brighter than the sun. The cab came to a hault in front of his building. D was silent but managed a smile which gave him all the answer he needed. He smiled studying her pink lips. He wanted to kiss them again but there wasnt any time for that now. "Catch ya's at da airport." With that deviant smile of his he forced himself to slide away from her and exit the cab.
"Bye," she nervously spoke feeling like a giddy teen. Her face was so red it felt like it was sporting a fresh sunburn. The cab took off and she melted into the seat like butter.
A couple hours later they were at the airport waiting on their 2pm flight to New York. None of them could sit for the unprecedented excitement. But not Seth, like always he was cool calm and collected. He simply sat playing a game on his phone. He never showed signs of anticipation or nervousness, only around D. Occasionally he would throw a glance and a smile in D's direction, just to keep the spark ignited until he could seal the deal. Even though he appeared calm to everyone on the outside his insides were screaming for D. He wasnt sure how much longer he could wait for her.
Two hours later they were boarded, seated, and buckled in with their trays in their upright positions and they were reaching cruising altitude. This was Seth's first time on an airplane. Despite the fact that he supressed most emotions he was extremely excited. He watched as flight attendants began passing out drinks and magazines. He amused himself by pushing buttons and playing with the gadgets around him to see what they did.
"Oh hey," Danny spoke to the flight attendant as she approached he and Martin. "Can I get about a dozen of those little bottles of Quervo?" He asked motioning to them on the cart.
She frowned, "Sir theres a limit of two bottles each time I pass."
"Well," he sighed, "how often do you pass by?" he asked with all seriousness.
"About every 30 minutes," she flatly replied.
"Great," he winked at her, "Ill take two then."
"And Ill take two," Martin nodded holding up two fingers, "and two more when you come back. Is there any salt or lemons?"
She only rolled her eyes and shoved their drinks at them. She made her way up to the next row of seats.
"Guess thats a no on salt and lemons," Martin huffed and looked to Danny with a shrug.
"Can I get you anything to drink? Magazine?" Asked the flight attendant approaching Seth and D's aisle.
"No thanks," D shook her head and stood, "Could you tell me where the bathrooms are?"
"All the way to the back," she smiled to D and pointed her in the right direction. D turned and went in the direction she had pointed. Seth glanced over his shoulder watching her walk away.
"Sir, can I get you anything?" She smiled at him widely
"Uh...naw...I's straight," he muttered not really paying attention. He was too fixated on D. The flight attendant went up to the next row. A sly grin came to Seth's face as he turned back around and stared at the back of the seat in front of him. He quickly rose to his feet and followed D. He could see her approaching the bathrooms. He hastened his pace to catch up with her. As she opened the door to go in she felt hands on her hips gently pushing her from behind. She knew it was Seth's hands, she had felt them a thousand times before. She heard the click of the lock behind them.
She spun around with a smile. "What are you doing?"
He bent down and brushed his lips across hers. "Hopefully joinin da mile high club," he whispered as he began kissing at her neck.
"We dont have time for that now," She said lost in the warmth of his lips.
She felt his hands move slowly down the backs of her thighs. He stooped slightly and with a single swift movement, raised her to a seated position on the sink. "They's time. I's can be fast," he said kissing her again, his hands reaching for the button on her jeans.
She moved away from his kiss and pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it onto the counter next to her. She could start to see his eyes twinkle and his smile widen. He began tugging at the legs of her jeans to remove them. D reached out to unbutton his jeans. "You owe me one later, she said wiggling her panties off her hips. Seth quickly shoved his boxers to his knees and moved forward with D,s thighs on either side of his hips. He wrapped her in an embrace and kissed her feverishly. He soon heard D drawing in her breath. Seth was pretty endowed. Seth could see her biting her lower lip as he slowly began to move.
D was so nervous she could feel her legs shaking. Electric pulses were flowing through her. Her chest felt pressure in it. She was finally with Seth. She didnt even care that it was in a smelly cramped airplane toilet. Nor did she even mind that it was merely for benefit and she would get nothing from it. Her pleasure was derive from simply having him there inside her.
Seth's pace couldnt help but build from the mounting excitement inside him. The exhilaration was almost too much to bear. He had longed for this, dreamed of this. He was nervous in a way he hadnt been since his first time. He liked the way it felt. He could hear D lightly wincing under her breath. It was a shame they didnt have more time. He wasnt accustom to rushing things. He prefered taking his time with girls. He didnt want the reputation of a minute man or a lousy lay. He wasnt ready for this to be over. He wanted her to enjoy this just as much as he was.
However D kept the time in mind. She began rushing him along. "Are you close?"
"I's could be," he panted with a nod.
"Then quit playing and do it," she smiled kissing him deeply.
Seth picked up his pace as he extended his left hand out over the sensor of the automatic paper towel dispensor. He kissed her once more and pulled them off and backed away from D. D began redressing. She watched as Seth rest his weight with the palm of his hands on the door frame, trying to regain his wits.
"Sorry we's aint have mo time," he spoke softly almost appearing shy all of the sudden if D didnt know any better.
"I had fun all the same," D smiled pulling on her shirt.
That made him feel a bit better about his lack of performance for her benefit. Her smile had changed now. It was one he had never seen before. He was finding it difficult to even look at her. "Thanks," he shyly nodded, "real mem'rable...first time on a plane an shit."
D smiled that new smile and exited the bathroom. What did that smile mean? Seth rested his weight on the sink and looked down smiling. He couldnt believe he just had sex on an airplane...and with D. He took a few moments to lose the flustered look on his face. He collected himself and exited the bathroom.
Martin was standing outside the door waiting to go in. He had watched D exit the same one just moments ago as he was headed up the hallway. Now Seth was coming out of the same one? "No way dude," Martin beamed shaking his head in disbelief.
Seth could only shrug with a guilty smile knowing that he had been busted. He returned to his seat to see D gazing out the window with a secretive smile on her face. One crossed his face too as he settled in next to her. He grabbed some headphones and nestled in for the rest of the flight. In no time he was sound asleep.
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