Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Balence of Gaia

Alone Plus 2

by Myrddin-Ignis-Magus 0 reviews

In a world threatened by war, the dark fails & many secrets come to the light. The balance is tipped too far one side, & awakens an ancient evil. New dark enemies present themselves as gods. The li...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Characters: Harry,Tonks - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2013-12-15 - Updated: 2013-12-15 - 4107 words

Balance in the Power of Gaia

Chapter I

Alone Plus 2

It was one of those rare, but boring days, that today, Harry James Potter, the reluctant forth occupant of Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England was left alone outside in the green lush grass of the back garden undisturbed. He lay on his back on the neatly cut grass, (that his jerky relations forced him to cut while calling him useless while he did it without complaint; it's better than being around the lazy tossers), watching the fluffy white clouds drift by.

He knew he would not be left alone to peace and quiet for long, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and they'll be back. It is 'their' favourite pastime getting on Harry's nerves and treating him like crap. He has to wonder what would happen if he ever reported them to the police or something. Though, he's already decided not to bother. He's sure the old man will spring them straight away so they won't have learnt their lesson, and he doubts the old man will think they deserve it.

Wondering at the sanity of that old head teacher will drive him crazy if he is not careful. Sure, he knows that the old man is not bad, or evil, just stupid when it comes to believing in the best of people, even when given no sign of this… best. The old man has to open his eyes sometime and take off his rose tinted specs. Then to top things off, no matter what the children prove, they are just that, ignorant 'children' who do not know what is best for themselves. Somebody needs to get him a dictionary so he can see the picture of himself standing next to the words ignorant, arrogant, and naive.

The piercing sun lit up the brilliant blue morning sky. Harry cannot remember the last time he saw such a clear blue sky with drops and wisps of fluffy white clouds making shapes in the light inky void. It was a day he considered lazy. It just had that slow and calm feeling to it, like something in the scent in the air, just how you can somehow smell Christmas, not that he cared about Christmas until he went away to school where people actually like him, and he finally gets to enjoy that holiday, the celebrating, and the food, and others things too.

He lay, content, his brilliant emerald green eyes catching the light in such a way that makes them seem to glow. He lay back with his fingers locked behind his head, thread slightly through his ruffled raven black hair. This summer had been nice enough that he actually has a slight tan to his usually pale skin. He is only wearing some cream coloured cargo shorts and a white tee shirt, with white running shoes. His body is slender, mainly because he is not fed well while here, but he still has nicely defined muscles.

Harry had been sneaky this year to get some new muggle clothes that actually fit as his 'relatives' had just dumped him with his huge, fat cousins' hand-me-down clothes that never fit as they're all so huge. He had gotten some muggle money sent to him while still at Hogwarts from the goblin bank Gringotts. He asked for it while there so he could use a school own as he has a sneaky suspicion Dumbledore is always intercepting his own, and does not want him to feel too comfortable in the muggle world. He had even bought some food, but it is hard to get out without being followed by the invisible and somehow turning back before reaching the local mini-market.

It does not make sense why Dumbledore's hidden minions would pull that crap, but if they do it again he is going to start firing on them, and dam the consequences. It has been annoying the crap out of him, and he just wants to hex the person or persons responsible. They're not even very good 'spies', well the few he's detected aren't at any rate, he wouldn't know about any he had not picked up on, if there were any, which he doesn't think there are. The old man would not waste time and energy sending useful minions just to spy on a teenager.

He sighed as he looked down at himself. He is only about five foot eight, nearing nine, but he supposes he has a little more growing to do at only fifteen, well, fifteen tomorrow. At least he has it all where it counts and he is not exactly short. He sighed again, stretching some kinks out of his muscles.

Harry hated it here, not because of the muggles; he does not hate muggles; he just hates his family who just so happen to be muggles. If anything, he likes muggles more than he likes sorcerers: sorcerers; his people of magic, hidden from the world of non-magic, 'normal' people, but what is normal but another person's abnormal.

He is a wizard, which is why his 'relatives' hate him. Petty jealousy disguised as fear and hate. They call him as freak, but really, from what he knows of magic, it is everywhere, all over the world and a critical part of nature and the world they live, and even muggles have magic in their blood, just not enough to control. He had actually heard of Shaolin or something using those tiny bits of magic to manipulate outside magiks.

His life thus far has not been rainbow and peaches as anyone could see just looking at his 'home', if they opened their eyes from the bull-crap they want to believe. The Dursley's are the worse kind of humans, even if the adults of his people, who are supposed to protect him do not see the truth. He seriously has to wonder about some of them, and he thought Sirius (his godfather) was childish, at least that is all in fun, not in any kind of naive faith.

Thinking of his godfather, if only he was not a hunted 'criminal' he would be able to leave this cesspool of moronic losers. It would be nice to get a break from it all, for good, really. Its worse that he cannot fight back against these people. First, if he tried fighting without magic he would probably be beaten to a pulp by his giant uncle and cousin using their tons of weight in their 'riotous' rage, (which will make them forget about magic for that moment). If he uses magic, he will likely be accused of muggle-hate, and illegal use of magic, no matter the truth, or contradicting evidence.

He sighed as he looked to the clouds, thinking of things like this was painful emotionally, but at lazy times like this he couldn't help himself. He was not wearing his glasses as he normally would for one strange fact. They were not working well for him, being reading glasses bought from a cheap shop for about a pound. He decided he would go to a muggle place to get his eyes properly tested, but he never got that far so when he realised some hidden force stopped him he just crumpled his glasses and tossed them in the trash.

Harry was furious to find them fixed the next morning and on his dresser, so he waited and purposefully threw them into the garbage truck that morning, making sure his stalkers saw. It just seemed to be a miracle of magic or whatever that over the past few weeks, his vision has been clearing. He's certain, soon he won't need them full-stop, which made him wonder whether he ever needed them to begin with, and confusing himself, thinking and not recalling when he first realised he could not see like the other kids.

Tomorrow is the thirty first of July, Harry's birthday, and he could not feel more depressed about another birthday stuck in this purgatory with these wasters of humanity. None of his friends seem to have ever thought much about him on his birthday, short of a gift and them telling him, quite condescendingly that they're 'sorry' he has to stay with the Dursleys' a little longer, or whatever, but Dumbledore, the Great and Powerful commands it, so it be done!

He had sent a few letters to Professor Albus Dumbledore the Headmaster of Hogwarts School, asking whether he could leave Privet Drive and go to his friend's house, The Burrow. Alas, (as the old jerk would say), he had said that under the certain circumstances that it would be unwise to leave the protection of Number 4 Privet Drive. Though, what protection that could be, Harry doesn't know, the old man keeps changing the subject all the time the slippery little closet Slytherin!

He had no clue what these so-called protections might be, because they most certainly do not work against the Dursley family. In fact, Harry had often wondered whether these protections are just the imaginings of the old headmaster's senility. But what can he do, he is only fifteen tomorrow, and is far from powerful enough to go against Dumbledore's orders, yet at least, give him time he can be quite resourceful, or at least something awesome will fall in his lap nicely, preferably cute and female… and human, mage, muggle, he doesn't care.

Though, thinking of that the word muggle, really…? He had never liked using that word; it was too close to mug, which is slang for simpleminded person who is easily swayed. If anything, the real muggles are the Death Eaters and members of whatever gang Dumbledore doubtlessly has. He sighed, if it were not for Dumbledore and the resurrection thing, he might be feeling a little better, just a little.

The 'dark' 'lord' Voldemort was the most feared Dark Sorcerer for over two hundred years. He was somewhat not quite dead, but almost. He had captured Harry just a few months ago, and with the assistance of his cowardly servant, he used Harry's blood to help some pathetic ritual, so he can get his body back, and he did. Harry asked Dumbledore about this, and what it means, but Dumbledore in all his 'greatness' didn't care what Harry wanted to know and brushed it off with, 'don't let it worry you m'boy, you just have a wonderful childhood, blah, blah, blah'. It makes Harry sick that Dumbledore would say such crap when he lost his childhood when the old man himself dumped him at fifteen months on the Dursley's doorstep, and they would never allow him a happy childhood. He has grown up far more than any child in a time of peace should have too.

Voldemort was more chatty about it than Dumbledore, and he's the enemy, but then the bad guys do like to hear themselves talk about how great they are and how smart their plans were, until Harry's fouled them, then they clam up for rage. He seems to believe that Harry's blood will make him stronger than if he were to use any other enemies. However, like all good schoolboy heroes, Harry escaped the megalomaniac psychopath and his nut job minions.

That whole Tri-wizard tournament thing was bad mojo from the moment Dumbledore told the whole school about it, and the way Harry was forced to compete, though he at least saw it coming. It seemed suspicious that after been gone from the school for so long that when Harry is at the school, the Boy-Who-Lived, survivor of the Killing Curse, and 'defeater' of Voldemort the tournament is brought back. It all seemed fishy to him, especially after the previous year's messes.

He's still certain that if Dumbledore cared to, he could have overridden the minister and gotten Sirius a fair and just trial. However, thinking of that, then Harry would leave the Dursleys, and if he finds out that is the real reason he wasn't helping, he'll squash him.

It had taken Harry a year to realise the dangerous truth, but come on, giving Hermione that timeturner? Shouldn't there be LAWS against giving thirteen-year-old schoolgirls time machines, not to mention temporal and magical lore. Then the fact, they gave it to her so she could do needless extra classes that she could have studied after she graduates.

Harry once again wonders about these people, and their competency. He just hopes Hermione isn't too far gone, or she'll cry or something if she notices herself getting stupid enough to not know simple muggle words like telephone. It drives him crazy that he is quite capable of remembering some simple things like quidditch, and whatever, but they're too stupid to get things like football. Then, Ron, his best mate, laughs and calls it mad that muggle photos don't move when muggles can record hours, with audio, in HD.

Then thinking of something he heard Ron say about some wizard claiming to have flown a broom to the moon. Harry rolled his eyes, feeling amused at the thought of how stupid you would have to be to believe that. No broom could fly that high for one, then the higher you go without breathing apparatus, the more likely you are to starve of oxygen and pass out, plummeting to your doom, not to mention the explosive hot atmosphere, and the problem with no air in space. Then he knows enough about brooms to know that if you were to use gravity manipulating charms on a flying broom it won't obey you, so who knows what it would try in zero g's. he doubts Ron would believe that the muggles have sent ships to Mars and further, even with proof, that's how far gone he is.

Anyway, after shaking off those disturbing images from some standard science he learnt in Junior School, his mind drifted back to that tournament. All things considered, the underwater task, and the dragon one weren't so bad. It was the maze, where he drew with the real Hogwarts Champion of the tournament, so both being idiots chose to draw the competition. The cup in the centre of the maze was a portkey, so Cedric Diggory got the Killing Curse to his chest for his troubles, and that was the end of him, they only wanted Harry alive.

Harry had been having nightmares about the events, waking in a cold sweat, but they lessoned since being away from Hogwarts Castle. He had blamed himself for Cedric's death at first, but realised soon that he shouldn't, and moping and being some retarded emo-kid isn't his style. Instead, he figured he can just honour Cedric by someday, beating the shit out of a Death Eater, humiliating them, then taking a piss on them before sending them to Cedric, the other side, goddess, allow.

He hadn't exactly sworn an oaf to actually do it, but why not. He is passed caring about what people think of his moral character. Why shouldn't he be allowed to beat the shit out of Death Eaters like that? He'll just have to choose, which Death Eater would be the biggest sissy if he caught. He thought about the traitor, Pettigrew, but that made him shudder, Pettigrew obviously gets off on that sort of thing or he wouldn't have crawled into Voldemort's pants.

"Hmm… maybe I'll skip the peeing on them part," he muttered lazily to himself as he sat up, his eyes flickering to the garden gate as he swore it had just opened and closed, and looking, the bolt is now open. He just stared hard, he could sense them when he concentrated, and looking hard enough it was like he could almost see them, or maybe he was imagining what they look like, or their shape from his sense of them.

He knows that magical people seem to have a heightened sixth sense, and also knows from it things like magical sight and - well he can only think of that - are derived from that heightened sense. Therefore, maybe he's just been so bored and lonely here all alone that he has started developing skills in sensing invisible jerks who won't leave him the hell alone.

His eyes wouldn't leave the hidden figure, and she, if he were right, had paused, hardly breathing, and with some more effort that made his sweaty brow crease he could hear, or feel, or whatever, the erratic and fast paced heartbeat.

Harry jumped up to his feet sharply when he realised there was another, just behind the first, her breathing a bit deeper as she stood stock still, no doubt able to see him looking at her friend. He doubts she realised that he had noticed her too. Now really paying attention, one of them was a familiar stalker, the other was new, but he couldn't quite tell them apart since they're so close to each other.

He couldn't help but smile a little, curious, but his smile just made them more nervous, which, ironically was making them easier to sense. His aunt, uncle, and cousin won't be back until around one PM to set up for this barbeque party they're having, which is why Harry is locked out of the house, as they don't want him touching stuff, not that he would want too.

Laughing a little made them shift and he grinned, full-fledge as he spoke. "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of two Wiccan!" he said causing them to both intake breath as he stepped closer having the time of his life. He wondered what Dumbledore's orders are, but he bets it's not to interact with him for whatever reason. "Call the law, or have my bed, for one I know, they'll reveal themselves!" he said, snickering as they were shifting more under their cloaks and he heard one stifle a laugh while near feeling the reproach and fear of the other.

However, as expected, neither of them removed their invisibility cloaks. "Come on, for a last minute rhyme, and play on Jack and the Beanstalk, I thought it was pretty good. So are you going to come out or am I going to have to call the Department for Magical Law Enforcement because if you hadn't realised, you are trespassing, and stalking, both of which are crimes if you weren't aware, though with these governing morons I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't aware! Oh, and you," he said pointing to the one behind. "Don't try to sneak away; it's not very becoming of a young lady now is it?"

He heard her sigh as she stopped. "OK, OK, cover blown, but we're here to protect you, well, from Death Eaters!" she said as she pulled off her cloak to reveal a beautiful, slender young woman with short ruffled bubble-gum pink hair and green eyes. "Dumbledore says we're not supposed to make contact, Hestia here's a friend from when we went to Hogwarts, she's new to this and…well, wanted to see you," she said, her cheeks stained pink slightly.

Her friend, 'Hestia' pulled her cloak off next; she was just as stunning as Pinkie, but with long, silky flowing brunette hair to her lower shoulder blades and onyx eyes that looked straight through his eyes, her cheeks stained pink as she nodded her head in greeting.

"Well, this is Hestia Jones, and I'm Tonks," she continued now her friend has revealed herself. "I'm an Auror… well, still in the on the job training part, and Hestia is studying to be a medi-witch."

"Now you're both stalking celebrities, who next, Will Smith?" he asked, getting blank looks, though they both did seem a little annoyed with his accusation.

"We're just here to watch you…" Hestia started, her voice playful to the begging but trailing off as she realised that sounded like she was stalking him. "I mean, it's all on Dumbledore's authority that we… umm… make sure that you don't get kidnapped, and you're safe!"

"How old are you both?" he asked them, startling them with his change.

"Twenty-one," Tonks answered, looking at Hestia, she nodded in agreement, confused.

"So, two twenty-one year old girls, who can't even hide from me," he said slowly as if they were younger than he was. "Think that their five years over me can protect me from the forces of darkness and evil the likes of Voldemort?" he asked and they both flinched and whimpered at the name like most everyone he know. He rolled his eyes, amused. "Wow, that just proves my point, because do you know what would happen if Death Eaters and Voldemort turned up here. I would be coming to rescue and protect you because your panties would be soaked through with pee and you would be crying within the first two seconds.

"You're not here to protect me, you're here to spy on me," he continued, shrugging as he realised that the more he thinks outside the confines of the box the magical people usually sit in the more it comes together. "I think you're both really here to spy on me because if Dumbledore were that worried about me he wouldn't have me here in the first place now would he?"

They just stared at him with open mouths, flapping while he continued. "If you want to consider yourselves my bodyguards, or even my equals when it comes to fighting dick-weeds like them, say his name with flawless nonchalant. Only then can you truly begin to grasp what standing between the Death Eaters and me entails," he finished, shrugging, actually marvelling at his own insight and wisdom, maybe he's grown up a little, after all, he really doesn't want to become an emo-kid, that would suck.

"So, we're just spies," Tonks said, surprised. "Well, it's no wonder at Order meetings that we're drilled for so much information about what you do."

"And do you think I'm too stupid to know you also have orders to stop me shopping, not that I mind sneaking around, but seriously!" he reprimanded, and Tonks at least had the decency to look ashamed, Hestia had only just started today so had no reason too.

He rolled his eyes as he stretched his muscles, getting the kinks out from where he lay before, nonchalant while they watched him, wetting their lips with little pink tongues. "Well, whatever girls, do what you like, obey everything the old man demands or whatever, but I'm going to warn you now… raise your twigs to me again, and that goes for all you nosy bastards. You'll wish you just hung out like normal people instead, who don't follow Dumbledore around like Death eaters follow Voldemort!" he said, amused as they flinched and gulped, though he looked amused, his eyes told them he was being serious. "Anyway, two… oh what's the word… babes like you are better seen in all your splendour."

He smiled, winking as he turned from them to hide his own deep blush as his bravery could not go further right now. He quickly made it out of the gate while both girls looked to each other, embarrassed, and feeling odd about how Harry compared them for Dumbledore's Death Eaters, and worse that they could see exactly what he meant.

"You didn't quite tell me he's that cute," Hestia said after a few moments, once she was sure he was out of hearing range. "Or that open, but then well… I don't know. It isn't like you really interacted with him while watching."

"I told you plenty how hot he is," Tonks retorted, glare pouting. "You've seen his pictures in the paper, that's why we're here, but you should have just believed me. He's got a great body too, and gorgeous eyes, I didn't know he could be upfront like that, and wow, he could practically 'see' us under the invisibility cloaks! I've only seen Dumbledore doing that before."

"I guess that is pretty cool," Hestia said thoughtfully. "So, you going to try getting in his pants first or should I?"

"Of course… my first time with The Harry Potter, but, two bods will be harder to resist than one?" she suggested, eyebrows raised, smirking.

Hestia let a grin slip onto her lips. "I guess that does make sense, plus we've seen each other naked before, so that won't be too embarrassing," she said while Tonks grinned at her. "We agreed to do this, but I think we should hurry before he gets away, we have to play this right!" she said, not bothering with their cloaks as they stuffed them away and charged after Harry.

to be continued…
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