Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Balence of Gaia


by Myrddin-Ignis-Magus 0 reviews

Harry makes a new friend.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2013-12-16 - 5654 words

Balance in the Power of Gaia

Chapter III


Harry tried his hardest not to look at the fairies while the pixies with shorter attention spans had taken a nap holding the money they stole earlier, though Harry didn't know whether they could spend it, it being muggle money and them being pixies, but they ate the sweets.

He was laying on his bed on his stomach trying to finish off some homework and ignore the smell of food outside too. He was using a pen and paper notebook as he found he can get things done a lot quicker without magical world bulls in his way.

The fairies were getting to him as they blatantly pretended to cry, which thankfully the pixies were sleeping through. It was so obviously fake as every once in a while one would stop with a hopeful grin and look at him, but he had not, and hopefully won't fall for such a lame trick.

"I'm not letting you girls out until the spell has worn off," he playfully reprimanded amused with their adorable antics. He laughed more as they startled as Hedwig, his snowy post owl hooted at them angrily as she was trying to take a nap, which finally shut them up.

Then they started whispering in a huddle so he couldn't hear what they're up to even though he doesn't speak Arcadian, but promised himself to learn, just in case there is a next time.

He shook his head in exasperation as he listened to some of the music drifting through the house for a moment as he drunk some of the soda he robbed before he was forced away like a bad toy.

At least the muggles didn't have bagpipes in their bands and the tune was quite awesome, apparently a winner from X Factor or something; he wondered whether he has the X Factor, or whether he could get away with using real magic on Britain's got Talent; he'd be a sure win.

However, he shook away those amusing thoughts as a knock on the door startled him. He looked to the fairies as they looked to him trying to hide under a few pieces of cloth and bedding he had given them to hopefully make them more comfortable, knowing they have to hide from the muggles.

The door knocked again and Harry quickly jumped up, prioritising he pulled his blanket from where it lay on the floor, making a 'shh' gesture before throwing it over the cages, Hedwig's included before taking a few deep breaths and opening the door.

He had expected his aunt or uncle there to tell him he's a useless loser or something, which seems to upset his new 'pets'. However, he wasn't expecting a girl; her long brown hair tied back at her waist. Her hazel eyes are warm, and her pretty face, smiling, she is slender, but has a bust, and wearing some tight blue hipsters with a white tee shirt, a few inches shorter than him, but about his age.

"Can… I help you with something?" Harry asked, befuddled why this muggle girl was here, near in his room, or what she or any of the Dursley's guests would want with him.

"So, you're the mysterious, 'evil' 'troublemaking' cousin I've heard about from that loser Dursley?!" she asked looking around him in suspicion. "Though, without needing to guess, you're the good one," she informed him, amused as she offered her hand and he took it. "I'm Amanda, but Ami, Amy, or Manda are all suitable nicknames that I have my friends use."

"W-well thanks I guess," he said sheepishly shaking her hand before letting go. "I'm Harry, nice to meet you, but if you know my cousin is a dipshit bully, then why'd you come to this dump?"

She laughed with a beautiful smile. "Dad owns a farm and runs his own milk, eggs, juice, veggies delivery service, you know, milkman delivery that kind of stuff, meat too. I go to school with Dudley because apparently he was kicked out of some exclusive boys school for bullying," she said nodding.

She realised he hadn't known that, and amused it seemed to make his day before continuing. "Dad pretty much begged me to come when I was invited to try getting some extra clients on the books or something even though we're doing pretty well considering he does like to deliver fine product and you know; he likes his work and always looking for more…"

"Sounds like it, if he's willing to suffer through the Dursley's," he replied, laughing. "But if I were him, I would run, run far away and then hire a sniper to rid us of this evil!" he said with dramatic flair, which caused her to laugh.

"I like that, a good guy needs a good sense of humour… well so mums always telling me," she replied, her smile wider. "But then she also says he needs a nice body," she said touching up his chest and nodding in approval. "And a handsome face," she added with another nod. "So I guess until I find out you're an evil warlock bend on world conquest, we could hang out!" she said giggling so didn't notice his relief as she hadn't called him out.

"Well, not an evil warlock, I'm the good one," he replied, playing along with a grin. "Myrddin Emrys, at your service?" he said putting on a very bad fake Welsh accent, taking her hand and kissing the back.

"Wow, a boy who actually knows his myths," she said in surprise. "So, do you know much about the Arthurian Legends, or just Merlin's Welsh name?"

He chuckled sheepishly. "I know a little bit, but not too much," he said wishing he paid more attention in history, but who would ever think it could possibly pay off to getting a cute girl to like him more.

"That's OK," she said pleased he knows something. "Other than what I've read on Wikipedia I've mostly gotten from TV and movies. I just like the thought of all these weird old legends. I guess for a girl that's quite odd?"

Harry shook his head. "Na, why not enjoy them. If you follow the crowd with Barbie or whatever, then you would be too boring and I wouldn't want to hang out now would I?"

"I see, so can I come in to hang out with you?" she asked hopefully, bouncing on the balls of her feet, eager.

Harry gave the blanket hiding his new 'pets' a glance before looking to the beautiful young muggle girl who wanted to spend time with him before stepping aside.

"Sure thing," he said, letting her in he closed the door and she looked around.

"The Dursley's are jerks," she muttered, looking around at the sparse room. "You should contact the authorities…-."

"No," he replied, startling her. "They'll eventually meet karmas wrath."

She smiled as she looked around, not noticing him pale when she saw the book on his bed, his Standard Book of Spells grade 4. She looked at it frowning, and went to pick it up when a tiny sneeze caught her attention causing Harry to panic, as he didn't know what he can do, and doesn't want to set fairies on her.

"W-what was that?" she asked suspiciously.

"Umm… nothing," he replied, nervous. "J-just my pet hamster, she likes the dark, which is why my…"

He couldn't finish or intercept her as she rushed over and pulled off the blanket revealing the sleeping pixies and napping white owl with the sheepish looking fairies waving at her. She waved nervously back before turning to Harry.

"You have fairies in cage's!" she said, near shell-shocked, but he also surprisingly noticed the reprimand.

"A-actually the blue ones are pixies… umm… Cornish pixies," he said impishly. "You see, they're all under some evil guys… or just some bastards love spell so they've been trying to molest me, so I have to keep them captive until the spell wears off in a few days. I'm going to let them leave after, and look after them until the spell has worn off," he added the last feeling he had to explain that.

She seemed to deflate as she shook off her shock, looking at him in awe. "I knew I had seen you somewhere before, my brother are always trying to steal photos of you. I don't care if they're gay or what, but the way they talk about you can be creepy. I'm Amanda Creevey; I think my brother Colin is stalking you."

"Wow, didn't know the git had a sister," he said in surprise. "So you're nemagus?" he asked, surprised as he heard that it's uncommon for a muggle-born to have non magical siblings for whatever weird magic related reason.

"N-nemagus?" she asked, confounded.

He laughed. "Its Latin and it literally means not magician. I have just never had a big fondness for the word muggle so looked for something else. It always sounds so racist. It sounds like I'm insulting none magical peoples intellect, and though dicks like Dudley and the Dursley's may be idiots, the majority are smarter-ish."

"Wow, a magician that actually thinks we're more intelligent," she said in awe while the fairies shook their little fists at the girl homing in on their boy, not that she or Harry noticed.

He had been distracted enough by Amanda to ignore them, for now at least, even while they're being so cute. "I swear Colin and Denis get more dense the longer they've been a part of the magical world."

"You sure they weren't always that dense?" he asked jokingly.

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Now you mention it, you're right, they were," she replied laughing with him as they sat on the bed together. "You're really different to how I pictured you. I had never thought you would be so kind, and look, even though those pixies and fairies are under a spell, I think, looking they trust you, and care about you."

He smiled looking to the little fairies as they smiled at him in devotion; he just wondered how they will feel when he frees them after the spell has worn off.

"They're stunning creatures, and I need to look out for them because some douche has spelled them into loving me. I really do want to protect them, and keep them all safe, and it helps that they're adorable."

Amanda laughed as she saw the fairies spirits lift further at the compliment. "So, you want to grab a bite to eat downstairs. If nothing more, it will freak out your 'family'. I should have insisted my brothers tag along, that would have been something to see."

"OK," he couldn't help but agree as he took her hand and stood, helping her stand after him, amused he looked to his sulking 'pets'. "Don't complain too much, we're just going to get something to eat, so be good; understand?" he asked in mild reprimand, reassuring them, they sulk-sighed and nodded readily.

"Come on Ami, let's go get something to eat," Harry said leading the girl out of his room with him, closing and securing the door after them. "Though, the Dursley's are going to be pissed, and quite frankly I don't want to eat what they prepare!"

"You have a point there," she said smilingly as she held his left arm to her body. "I suppose they hate you because you're a mage?" she asked and he nodded. "Seems quite ironic since you're like the hero and stuff who protects people like them."

He couldn't help but laugh as he held her hand, his arm held to her. "They don't give a dam about what I am or what I do. Half the time I think my aunt hates me because her younger sister, my mother was smarter than her, even after joining the nutter brigade," he said watching her smile wide as they reached the bottom floor.

"Could well be true," she replied, leading him passed some people who nodded politely or greeted them to the back door where a small teen charged in soaking wet and looking annoyed, shivering. He has brown hair and eyes, shorter than Harry, about the same height Amanda is.

"Sorry," he mumbled as he got Harry and Amanda wet. "Dudley and gang of jerks just attacked me with water guns!"

"You mean they're being dicks?" Harry suggested.

He nodded his head. "Yeah, pretty much man, but they're always dicks!"

"No need to tell me, man, I'm his cousin," he answered, shocking the boy.

"Shit man, you're Harry Potter," he said in surprise. "You don't look like a hardened criminal!"

"Oh right," Harry laughed while Amanda looked baffled. "The Dursley's say I go to some criminal school because they're jealous I was accepted into a prestigious boarding school for gifted kids."

"Wow dude, I knew they were lying jerks," he said, annoyed. "Oh, I'm Jeffery by the way, or Jeff, I don't mind too much," he said, shrugging as he shook Harry's hand. "It was nice meeting you, but I need to go home and change. I don't live far, and if I choose to come back we should hang and stuff if you don't ditch," he said before charging round them and out of the kitchen just as Petunia entered with a mop to clean up after him with a sour look.

However, Petunia paused as she saw Harry. "Boy why are you not in your room where hooligans like you belong?!" she demanded, her eyes narrowed in anger.

"Yeah, not going to play along with your stupid little games anymore," he said, rather amused. "Throw me out all you like; I quite honestly would love that. I could go anywhere if I didn't have you, but alas, while I do, Dumbledore forces you to accept me. You do realise though that he is a push over, all you need do is tell him to fuck off, and though he'll try to convince you, he will NOT hurt you! And he will give in quite quickly if he knows you're serious, and trust me, he'll know."

Harry then led his 'date', Amanda around his aunt out into the back yard into the bright sunlight. He took great amusement in the looks of Dudley as his gang spotted him with Amanda. However, it was Vernon's look of chewing a lemon that got Harry smiling while the fatty proved he can cook something as he stood at the barbeque.

"That's my mum and dad," Amanda said pointing to the blonde woman and brown haired man eating very little, just some sausages and a little salad, leading him over. "Mum, dad, this is Harry Potter, one of the most famous magicians on the planet," she said excitedly, startling them.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Harry," Mr. Creevey said in shock. "I must admit I didn't expect my son's favourite celebrity to be related to such…?"

"Scum, hell spawn, turds, take your pick or add one," Harry replied laughingly, amused, the 'party' still going on the majority not noticing anything odd. "I know what the Dursley's are, and you my friend should not do business with people like them. They are vile and would sooner beat your sons to death than look at them if they were ever clued in."

Mr. Creevey looked to his wife and she nodded quickly as he turned back to Harry. "Then we'll be leaving, all four of us," he said it as a command and Harry realised he meant him too.

"Really?" he asked, surprised. He wondered what Dumbledore would think, but with what he told Petunia, it's likely she'll just tell Dumbledore to get lost herself.

"Of course, we couldn't leave you with these people," he said, smiling. "It just wouldn't feel right, and we pride ourselves on doing what is right."

"Y-you're OK with pets, right?" Harry asked thoughtfully, and wanting to get away.

"We run a farm, so of course we are," he replied chuckling, but ten minutes later, he was nervous, after an argument with Vernon Dursley and sneaking down a few cages containing lovesick pixies and fairies into the car with a snowy white owl.

They had just settled in the Land Rover, the adults in the front and 'kids' in the back with fairies and pixies while Mrs. Creevey held Hedwig in her cage where they pulled off, zooming towards home.

"When you said pets I thought a cat or two, maybe an owl," Mr. Creevey said, driving, nervous, none of them except Harry noticed the free dark fairy. She had snuck into his jacket, cuddling with him, but he didn't want to worry them, but that explains why everyone was off on the barbeque if she was up to no good, or good depending on who you are.

"I can set them free once the love spell breaks," he said nervously. "As long as we don't let them out until then, they'll be fine. If you let them out early they'll molest me."

"Wow, villains will come up with all sorts of odd ways to defeat you," Mrs. Creevey said holding back a giggle while he sighed, nodding in agreement.

"Mum!" Amanda reprimanded making odd gestures.

"Yes, yes, I know hunnie, you're making your 'moves' so I should back off," she replied making her daughters cheeks explode with flames. "It's also a part of my job to be embarrassing."

Amanda felt like she should cry or wine more, but not with a cute boy next to her as he had been distracted. Forcing the fairies to keep their dresses covering their bits, so she forgot about her mother and started helping him as he was having trouble, and eyes widening as she realised one is free in his jacket, but she doesn't seem to be causing any trouble yet.

She gave him a glance, gesturing the free fairy and he nodded that he noticed, and how could he not have? He looked concerned, obviously not knowing what to do with her, or how to capture her without using magic.

Harry was still surprised he has not gotten a letter for underage magic, and wondering when Dumbledore will come to try making him see 'reason' like the irresponsible grandfather figure he is to many people, or great grandfather considering how old he is.

He sighed as he knew the adorable little creature was pleasuring herself while tucked away and Amanda didn't know whether she should find that funny or not. She sat, holding Harry's arm and hand as they drove along to get home and far from the moronic Dursley's.

It didn't take long to get to the farmhouse just outside of town with its roaming lands, barns and stables. They could smell the countryside and animals, and Amanda promised to teach him to ride a horse so they can ride together. It's apparently fun, but then he thought ridding a hippogriff might have been fun with a saddle, so agreed to give it a try.

Harry was pleasantly surprised, it was a little isolated to so there is the possibility of flying his broom without being seen, better chance at night though, (he will have to take Amanda for a ride). He noted the sun was slowly beginning to set, which during the summer can take quite a long time.

Harry grabbed two of the cages as they parked up, while Amanda grabbed the other two and her mother had Hedwig, and her father grabbed Harry's trunk from the boot.

Harry also had a passenger having calmed down quite a bit sitting quietly like the good little dark fairy on his head, little wings flittering occasionally to keep her balance as he moved.

An old woman at the front door to the large old cottage greeted them. "John, Martha, you're home quite a bit earlier than I expected. If you knew you weren't going to be very late you could have left the boys by themselves and I wouldn't have to TiVo my shows, I just hope I got it right this time. I would hate disturbing anyone to help me find them on-demand."

"Mum, we have plenty of TVs," her son said with a sigh. "We just had to change plans," he added at her look and letting out a sigh, he knows she prefers her chair at her house to watch what she wants to watch. "It turns out you were right about those Dursley's being trouble, and I don't want any dealings with people like that, do I."

"I told you so, but you never listen to me," she said snootily. "Anyway, who's this boy and what is that horrible little thing on his head?"

Harry chuckled nervously while the fairies were all shaking their fists at her for being rude. "I'm Harry Potter ma'am… a friend of Colin's from school. I was invited to stay and they picked me up… yeah, and these are just some… robot fairy dolls that belong to Amanda, right?"

"Oh, umm… right," she agreed nervously.

"I see," she answered doubtfully. "Well, make sure they don't poop all over the house, I'm going home," she said as Amanda dragged Harry off into the house quickly.

"Phew, I thought she realised they're real for a moment there," Amanda said, sighing in relief and having not noticed what the old woman had said, or the doubt in her voice, but Harry's honed his observation of people's behaviour over years as a way of self-preservation. "Nan really can be oblivious to the truth even when its standing right in front of her."


He was called as a mousy haired boy a year younger came from a room, his eyes wide with surprise and suppressed delight. Harry was just happy to see he didn't have his camera with him. He peered behind him to see Colin's younger brother sitting opposite a large TV on the wall with a paused fighting video game.

"Oh, umm… hey Colin," he said with a sheepish smile. "Denis, fancy meeting you guys here."

"This is our house," Colin replied, baffled. "Umm… what are you doing with all of those pixies, and those… are they dark fairies?"

"Umm… well, yeah, some dark foe of yet undetermined origins love spelled them to me," he replied, sighing as he noticed all of the flirty behaviour.

"Well at least only one is out," he replied looking to the quiet one on his head, the pink circles having faded more, but still there, and not being with her sisters to goad her on she was being good, for now at least as she was secretly biding her time and enjoying Harry's company like this.

"Yeah, we caught the rest," he laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Well what are you doing with our muggle sister, are you two dating, now?!" he asked, excited at the thought, imagining all sorts, and enjoying the thought of becoming the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter's brother-in-law.

"Nemagus," he corrected thoughtfully; he might as well use his influence to make people a little more considerate. However, Colin obviously hadn't bothered with any Latin to English, English to Latin help guides and dictionaries like Hermione forced on him second year when she realised his Latin pronunciation was really that bad.

So he got into it, especially during the summers when he had nothing better to do, (plus Hermione bought him plenty of books to help), and might be as good as Hermione now for all he knows, or better, (well maybe not better, but close).

"Umm… what's a nemagus?" Denis asked as Colin led them into the game room where there is even a pool/snooker table and darts board with a juice and other things bar. It is quite the huge room, and had a clear table to place the cages so they can watch the game, the pixies having womken during the trip.

"It means not magician in Latin," Harry replied shrugging as he flopped down on one of the squishy white leather chairs opposite the huge TV, and since it was only a chair, Amanda took the liberty to sit on his lap, which seemed to embarrass the boys a little.

"I've always felt that the word muggle is a little…" he continued, trailing off a little in thought as he held Amanda around the waist as she leaned into him. "…or maybe a lot offensive. I just don't like it, but… well, do as you do, I won't force anyone to change what they call people."

It was a little later that Amanda was getting a little annoyed as they were all sitting on a large white leather couch… no scratch that, a lot annoyed with her younger brothers as they were monopolising Harry's time, time he could be spending alone with her. They get to go to school with him while she only has the rest of the summer holidays.

However, Harry kept giving her little glances and these smiles as if he knew she was getting impatient, and wants him to herself. Though, she already knows Harry's quite the stand-up guy and doesn't want to make her brothers feel bad so agreed to play with them, or as they call it, hang and play video games.

She could also tell Harry was getting annoyed, but for a completely different reason. He has faced a giant snake and won. He had faced off against the most powerful Dark Wizard in a century four times in his meagre fifteen years of life and come out on top. He had even faced down the most vicious dragon on the planet and walked away with only a gash on his shoulder as proof, which magic easily healed leaving no trace. He had even been hunted down by hoards of pixies and fairies, and now he has them (most) in cages, and not to mention his whole patronus thing and the dementors earlier that day.

However, he couldn't get Sub Zero, his Mortal Combat character to defeat Scorpion, Colin's character while they play the game on their PlayStation 3. What will it take him to at least win one round, it doesn't even have to be the two to win, win.

It was frustrating to say the least. At least he had finally figured out how to fire his ice beam power thing and even managed to figure out how to create an ice statue to capture and freeze his opponent for some free shots, but the git still won.

It didn't help that Amanda kept laughing at him because of the annoyed look on his face was amusing, which wasn't nice for her to say, but she was only playing. They had been playing this game for the past hour, and he had not even come close to winning. He had even lost to Amanda.

He had thought that she wouldn't be into video games, (being one of those girls who prefer going out with friends to the movies and whatnot), but she had even beat Colin and Denis, something he had cheered at though, and they had sulked too, which made him feel better. They didn't seem to like losing to a girl, but being their sister made it worse.

Harry had been using the Sub Zero character since the beginning in the hopes that if he could at the very least get the hang of this one character he might actually get the hang of the game enough to win, since this is the first time he had ever played a video game in his life.

He was wrong. Sure, he had gotten pretty good, and fast, but they had been playing a lot longer than him so have more practice time with their favourite characters in the game. Plus they have more experience with computers than him. Why couldn't the magical world have things like this?

It would be awesome to play a quidditch game, or other wizarding based games even. Like a tri-wizard tournament game. He would have enjoyed the tournament a lot more if he never actually had to do the tasks in person, not that he's lazy but, it would have been less dangerous. Though, thinking of the tournament he wondered how Fleur and her sister are doing.

"So… why don't you like the word muggle?" Colin had to ask again.

Harry frowned, gathering his thoughts. "It's a word with a similar vein to mud-blood really, only everyone uses it as if that's OK. Though, I really don't get why those, non-'purebloods' get so worked up over. I can think of worse things to be called. Mud-blood is kind of amusing really if you think about it, it's an insult against your nemagus blood as if you should be ashamed. So I don't get why anyone would be offended if they love their nemagus families, parents, or grandparents.

"If it offends you, I think, thinking over the truth behind its meaning, then you're a pretender who wants to follow in the footsteps of morons who would use the word. We should just look at morons like them and reply with a 'yep, and proud of it', then bring out the really good put downs!"

"Wow that actually makes so much sense!" Colin gasped out looking at Harry in hero-worship, his brother nodding along just as eagerly.

"Yeah, well I hadn't even heard about it till my second year at Hogwarts," he said, thoughtful and amused as he thought about it. "Hagrid and Ron both told me what it means, and they both looked appalled, but I'm still confused as to why Hermione cared so much, or who told her about it and what it means in the first place because no one told me…-?"

He stopped as Colin waved his hand as if he was in class before he answering the 'question'. "The woman who took me to Diagon Alley told me and the others with me, and told us that purebloods are allowed to call us it or something, mum slapped her so hard she broke the woman's jaw," he said proudly, shocking Amanda as she didn't know her mum had it in her. "Flitwick had been at the Leaky Cauldron for lunch, saw what happened as the woman was helped away and offered to finish taking us shopping, look pretty amused that the pureblood lady got beat by a 'weak' 'muggle'."

"The nemagus have come a long way since the magus have… it means magician," he added at the boy's blank looks. "Well, since the magus really took real notice, so why, when the nemagus have invented useful tools like computers and TVs, not to mention light bulbs and even pens do the wizards choose to not use them, having quills and inkwells that even a great Japanese calligrapher has to be slow, steady and cautious with?"

"Umm… because they don't work in the wards?" Denis answered, neither he nor his brother having thought about it before.

"Possibly, but then magic could shield them too," he replied, shrugging. "I think part of the reason is they're scared they're not smart enough to understand it. Then if they bring in and maybe even improve on technology, they could lose pureblood magus control.

"That's not to mention all of the pureblood racists with so much power in the magical world. They hate the scientific world so much that they will deprive everyone, and then teach their kids to be tossers too. Wow, I really have too much time on my hands to contemplate this crap. Anyway, enough about that rubbish… it's time to kick your butts at this bloody game!"

The three of them smirked at him in doubt, amused with him, and finding it refreshing to hear a wizard of his calibre outing the magical world as less than the awesome they are led to believe.

"That isn't likely," replied Amanda as she snatched a wireless controller out of Colin's hand and began selecting her character preparing to defeat Harry once again. "You may be able to kick butt in the real world, but in the virtual world, I'm the dark goddess of butt kicking," she added with an imitation evil cackle.

Harry rolled his eyes and smirked as he chose Sub Zero once again wondering whether he should perhaps choose a different character next time even though he probably will not. He is too invested in this one right now. He only chose this character the first time because he looked cool and seemed to have the most awesome powers. He wished he could be an awesome ninja with super cool ice powers to kick his enemies' asses too.

"Maybe, but in the real world you're my demoness, waiting to take me into a hell load of… fun," he said as he gave her a suggestive wink.

Amanda blushed lightly while her brothers looked away uncomfortably, most likely too scared and intimidated by Harry to even attempt some brotherly teasing.

"Flattery won't get you victory, Harry," she chimed singsong, mockingly. He groaned as the fight began and her character started laying waste to his.

Poor Sub Zero... WON?!

Amanda looked at Harry, to the control pad he was holding to see the free little fairy looking at her smugly where she fluttered above, her little feet and hands pressing buttons on all fours.

"Hell, there is no way I'm losing to Tinkerbelle!" she said while the boys were shocked as they watched the battle commence, but Harry couldn't not laugh, it was practically mandatory as he found the ultimate cheat code, and she's adorably a bad winner.

He figured he has a partner in learning Arcadian in Amanda now so she can cuss out her video gaming archrival in her own language.

to be continued…
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