Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oneshot Trade?


by MCR_Vampire_321 3 reviews

Summer's hunting a vampire nest when she meets up with the Winchesters again.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2014-01-06 - 2231 words

[A/N] – Hi! Sorry this took so long – On the bright side I’m starting to feel better now :D So long as I stay indoors then my nose is okay and I don’t have a sore throat anymore, I just get thirsty really quickly so yeah, I’m doing good :D Hope you like this Poppana, it’s not my best but I’ve realised that I’m not very good at Supernatural fan fiction...

Summer pulled her knife from the vampire’s neck, having successfully cut his head off and killed him. She wiped her face then shoved her knife back into her bag, swinging it over her shoulder. Her clothes were stained in blood but she couldn’t worry about that for the moment. She knew there was a whole nest of vampires nearby so she couldn’t stay for too long. After looking around for security cameras one more time, she took off and ran back to the empty house she’d been living in for the past couple of months.

She changed her clothes then washed her body with the bucket of water she’d got that morning. It didn’t take her long and then she settled down onto the saggy sofa that had been left behind in the abandoned house to go to sleep.

Around eight the following morning she was woken up by the sound of a loud truck roaring past the house. She sat up slowly, yawned and then stretched before reaching into her bag to see what she had for breakfast. After eating a slightly bruised apple and combing her hair with her fingers, she decided she should go and do some research before interviewing some more people in the town to figure out all she could about the vampire nest.

On her way to the library she noticed a familiar black car approaching the same library and grinned. It was Sam and Dean Winchester, the brothers she’d met a couple of months ago in Kansas. They were hunters just like she was and they were probably here to find the same vampire’s she was hunting. On one hand she was happy to see them but on the other she wasn’t sure how she felt about hunting with them. She liked being in charge of things and she knew how Dean liked to take over things.

She watched as the two of them walked into the library, looking as if they were bickering about something and Summer smiled as she ran over to the building. She peered inside and saw the two brothers sat in front of one of the computers, still bickering about something. Summer opened the door and approached them, starting to feel a little shy now. They met a lot of people, what if they didn’t remember her?

As she got closer she started to hear their argument “I’m just saying, we’ve travelled further for less.” Dean said.

Sam rolled his eyes “We’re here because Benny sent us. Are you forgetting what Benny is?”

“He’s my friend Sam, he told me there were vampires around here and so we’re here to check it out. Now shut up and help me research.”

“Are you guys seriously still arguing?” Summer asked, making both of them turn around to face them “You were arguing as I said goodbye to you last time I saw you.”

“Summer!” Sam smiled, stood up and held out his arms to her. Summer took a breath and then hugged him. She didn’t like touching strangers and although Sam wasn’t a stranger, they still didn’t know each other very well yet.

“I think we were now that you mention it.” Dean said, laughing “So what brings you here? Where’s your Dad?”

Summer swallowed “Here for the same reason you are I guess. Nest of vampires. Who’s Benny, anyway?”

“Dean’s new vampire friend.” Sam said, not looking impressed “Let’s not get into it, shall we?”

“Good idea.” Dean said, throwing Sam a look “Since we’re all here to hunt the same thing we might as well work together, right?”

“I suppose so.” Summer said, taking a seat and looking at the computer screen “Let’s get started then.”

“Thank you for your time.” Dean said as he came out the bar he’d been asking questions in “Okay, so it’s getting late now. We should wait until tomorrow to go into the nest because vampires are at their weakest during the day. Where are you staying Summer?” He thought for a second “Where’s your Dad?”

“I’m doing this hunt alone.” Summer said truthfully enough “I’m staying in an abandoned house.”

“Not tonight you’re not.” Sam said “You can’t stay in an abandoned house; you can stay in our motel room.” Summer looked uncomfortable “In your own bed obviously.” Summer grinned “So you’ll come to the motel?”

“Sure. I’ll just run to the house to get my stuff then meet you back here in ten minutes, okay?”

“We can drop you off there-”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine.” Summer said “I’ll see you both in a second.” She started walking down the street while Sam and Dean kept an eye on her until she went out of sight.

Half-an-hour later she still hadn’t returned “Do you think she’s okay?” Sam asked worriedly “She’s been gone twice as long as she said she would be.”

“I don’t know...” Dean looked around “Come on, get in the car. We’ll go and look for her.”

The brothers got in the car and started driving down the road Summer had walked down with no sign of her. Dean pulled up outside an old abandoned house “She must’ve been talking about this place.” He said “But I can’t see her anywhere. Go inside and see if she’s there.”

Sam rolled his eyes but got out of the car to go and find her. He climbed into the abandoned house through an open window round the back that Summer had been using “Summer?” He called, looking around “Summer?” That was when he noticed all her bags were still sat on the sofa where she’d left them that morning. She’d never made it back to the house.

Sam raced back to the car “Dean, she never made it back to the house. Something must have happened to her.”

“The vampires.” Dean hissed “Get in the car Sam.”

“We can’t take on a whole nest.”

“What, do you wanna leave her there overnight? She might not survive!”

“Goddammit.” Sam got in the car “Fine, let’s go. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Dean rolled his eyes and started the engine.

Summer shifted uncomfortably, her wrists tied behind her back, as she tried to edge away from the main vampire Desmond stroked her hair “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered “Maybe instead of eating you, I should just change you. Then we can be together.”

“I’d rather die, thank you.” Summer hissed, pulling away from him sharply.

Desmond laughed “That can be arranged Darling. I think I’ll save you for the morning.” Summer shuddered, knowing she’d have to spend the whole night in this nest of vampire’s.

Vampires were rowdy, especially at night time. There were a couple of other human’s that had been kidnapped that looked terrified at the vampire’s behaviour. They were drinking, shouting, fighting one another, planning where they’d move to next. Summer’s eyes filled with tears and she tried not to let them spill over. Maybe Sam and Dean would be able to save them?

Sam and Dean pulled up outside, looking down at the barn the vampire’s were staying in. They could hear the noise from the impala “What are we gonna do?” Sam asked “If we just walk straight on in then we’re going to get killed.”

“Yes, well done Captain Obvious.” Dean said, rolling his eyes “I’ll go down and look through one of the windows to try and spot Summer. I’ll be back in a second.”

“Don’t get seen.”

“Do I look stupid?” Dean snapped, getting out the car and slamming the door shut behind him. He winced at the loud noise it made then realised that vampire’s wouldn’t be able to hear him over their own noise.

He walked to the barn and looked through a window round the back. There were vampire’s everywhere and he took him a long time to see Summer. She was near the two large front doors with a vampire standing in front of her, saying things to her while she tried to break free. Dean sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to figure out what to do.

Dean walked back to the car and opened the door “She’s by the front door. There’s two other human’s in there and there has to be at least fifteen vampires in there- Is that?” Dean grinned when he saw an old pick-up truck pull up behind the impala and Bobby got out the front seat “How’d Bobby know where to find us?”

“I called him earlier. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”

Dean’s smiled increased when Jo and Ellen got out the back and walked over to them “Hey boys.” Ellen greeted “So who is it we’re trying to save?”

“Our friend Summer.”

“How many vampire’s are there?”

“Around fifteen, maybe more, maybe less.” Dean said as Sam got out the car “What’s the plan then?”

“We go in and hope for the best I suppose.” Jo said, shrugging her shoulders “If we go in through the back then hopefully we can kill off a good few before some of them even notice.”

Sam and Dean knew this was highly unlikely but they went with it because they were desperate to save Summer “Okay, let’s go in then.” Sam said, swallowing and opening the boot of the car. He got out the colt and a machete, gave the colt to Dean and then the group walked down towards the barn.

“Seriously, leave me alone.” Summer hissed “Get off of me.”

Desmond laughed and put his hands on her cheeks “Are you having a good time Beautiful?” Summer didn’t even bother to respond “Come on, don’t be like that.” He heard screeching from the back door and glanced over then his eyes widened when he saw the Winchesters and their friends “I’ll be right back.” He hissed, his fangs coming out and running at Dean. He floored him and tried to bite into him while Dean tried to push him off.

Sam ran through the barn and made it to Summer. He untied her then threw his arms around her “Are you okay?” He asked her.

She nodded, hugging him back “I’m fine, I’m fine. Thanks for coming to save me.”

“Don’t be dim; we wouldn’t have left you here overnight.” Sam said then hearing Dean yell, he turned around and saw Desmond on top of him. He ran over and sliced Desmond’s head off then pulled his body off his older brother “Dean? Dean? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine; it’s only a small wound.” Dean winced.

“Are you mad?” Summer asked, showing up behind Sam “That’s really bad, maybe you should go to hospital.”

“I’m fine; we can patch it up ourselves. Just help me up, okay?” Sam and Summer helped Dean up and the group went out to the car “Sam, do you fancy driving?”

“Sure. Get in the back seat.”

Summer and Dean sat in the back of the car while Sam drove back to the motel room with Bobby, Ellen and Jo following them “You feeling okay?” Summer asked “I’m so sorry. You got hurt trying to save me.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Dean grinned then his smile disappeared “I’ve been meaning to ask. You haven’t said a lot about your Father, Summer. Where is he?”

Summer sighed, looking Dean in the face. He’d gotten hurt pretty badly trying to save her; the least she could do was tell him the truth “My Dad died last month.” Summer whispered “So I’ve been hunting by myself ever since. It’s been... It’s been so hard but I have to carry on.”

“Not by yourself.” Dean said “I know how hard it can hit you, when a parent dies. You shouldn’t have to cope with that by yourself. Why don’t you come with me and Sam?”

Summer thought about it “That... That would be great. But I don’t want to intrude or anything.”

“No way, it’d be great to finally have someone else around. It might make me and Sam argue less.” Dean grinned “Come on... Don’t make me beg.”

Summer laughed “Okay, fine. I’ll come with you.”

Dean smiled “Great. This is gonna be awesome.”

[A/N] - Sorry if it's a crap ending but I hope you liked it :D
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