Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Songs?


by atomickilljoy 1 review

Title: Snapdragons

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-01-13 - Updated: 2014-06-14 - 284 words

I finally wrote a song! Woooo!
Maybe days sick aren't THAT bad.

Title: Snapdragons

Beautiful babies holding onto the soul of a king
Just take your heart, you won't feel a thing
Relax and leave yourself to unwind
A lonely summer sunrise will be just fine

And they all sing:

Don't be afraid to let your heartbreak
Let them put your heart at ease
Rest your weary head in a field of dreams

Take control of your heart
Don't let them take your day
It's okay to be hurt
Snapdragons will take you away
For today
Just for today
And they whisper

Don't be afraid to let your heartbreak
Let them put your heart at ease
Spare me my heart, please

And the plentiful poison that's filling the air
Toxic by toxic, no one would dare
To challenge the spell of the snapdragons
Oh, the snapdragons
How they break our heart
Please, let them in, let them in
We're okay with this kind of heartbreak
Taking form of snapdragons
Who would've guessed that heartache
Could take form of a warm spring day
Taken hostage by bright colored memories
Letting you escape for a while?

And we all sing

Don't be afraid to let your heart break
Let them put your heart at ease
Running around with a childish grin
Don't be afraid to be a dulcet dreamer
Maybe dreams do come true sometimes
Maybe dreams do come true sometimes
Little girl with the sweet jade eyes
If no one's told you before,
Don't be afraid to spread your wings and fly
Because dreams do come true sometimes
Yes, dreams do come true sometimes
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