Categories > TV > WWE > Take Me Under

Take Me Under

by tjsparkles 0 reviews

You are the only one that can ever make me feel alive. Chris Sabin/Alex Shelley, slight slash.

Category: WWE - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Sci-fi - Published: 2014-01-28 - 138 words - Complete

A/N: Yet another companion fic! I got the idea for this one from 13drabbles, over at LJ. This fic will have 13 parts; one for each drabble. Hope you enjoy!

Prompt: You & Me

When Chris looked at Alex, he didn’t see just another person; he saw an extension of himself. Alex had always said they were one mind in two bodies, and it was actually very accurate. Whenever they were in the ring together, they were crisp and concise, smooth and fluid without even having to rehearse what they were going to do. They didn’t need words to communicate; they knew how to read one another. Chris had never had this kind of chemistry with anyone he’d worked with, and it wasn’t just an in-ring thing, either: it translated outside of the ring also.
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