Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

I'm Back Baby!

by lalatherapist16 2 reviews

Just a quick A/N about everything that's going on in my awkward turtle of a life!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-02-03 - 285 words

I'm baaack you guys! I know it's been a while since I've updated or added anything. But I'm still here and kicking!

The only thing is I might not be as active on here as I want to be in the next couple weeks because all through this month and till mid March, I'm crazy busy with traveling and cosplay.

In four days, I'm going with my boyfriend to his cousin's wedding. In eleven days, I'm going to my sister's baby shower.

In nineteen days is my daughter's - long story short, she's one of my friend's daughter and I have claimed her as mine as well though she is not genetically mine - birthday. Then about a two weeks after that is Naka Kon.

Which reminds me! For anyone on here that's going to be going to Naka and you want to hang out or meet me, my cosplay line up is :

Friday - Marshall Lee and Masque Rose Lalonde
Saturday - Meulin and Equius
Sunday - Gamzee

The only thing is that Saturday I will be busy for about two hours filming a CMV. If you want to tag along and try to help, feel free. But I will be focusing on that and not so much on socializing, so it might be boring.

Once I get back from Naka, I'll be writing a lot more up until the local Ren fest is close. Then I need to finish my steampunk.

Yep. My life is crazy. I know. But that's about all I have for you guys for now.

I'll write and update when I can, but until then.... I couldn't think of a good way to finish that.

Hugs and Cogs,
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