Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Angels And Demons

Give Me All That I Can Drink And It Will Never Be Enough

by drtylttlscrt 3 reviews

"The forest reminded Frank of a desert - bright, sunny and beautiful in the daytime and cold, scary and unforgiving at night."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2014-02-12 - 1659 words

Frank walked home shakily, clutching his still-bleeding thumb tightly in an effort to stop both the pain and the bleeding. He seethed and shuddered intensely as it bled, as it hurt a lot more than he expected it to. Perhaps it was the fact that a vampire made him bleed that made Frank so in pain, or maybe he was just physically weak. Either way, he needed to stop the pain somehow. As he walked home, trembling, he had to look as discreet as possible, as he didn't want to let anyone else know he was bleeding, and he certainly couldn't let anyone else know about his unexpected encounters with Gerard the vampire. As strange as it was to meet him, he felt almost like a hero. Letting him take a small amount of blood from his thumb that day (And possibly the next) was a lot better than letting Gerard murder an innocent person to suck the blood from their neck and leave them as good as dead in the middle of that strange forest. The forest reminded Frank of a desert - bright, sunny and beautiful in the daytime and cold, scary and unforgiving at night. During his journey home, he thought about what Gerard could possibly be doing in an area so close to where so many people lived. Obviously, Frank figured that more people meant more blood, but he was curious as to why no-one else had found him and given him the chair, lethal injection or a swing from a rope if they dared. Frank had no idea how long Gerard had been living there in the forest, or how many innocent people he had savagely and inhumanely murdered, but he was a little concerned about him. He showed what some might call "respect" towards Frank, so the least he could do was care. Not that he didn't care about the people he had killed, though.

By the time Frank had arrived home, his thumb had stopped bleeding and stinging, which he was very thankful for. He walked into the living room and slumped down on the comfy sofa, closing his eyes and preparing his head (Which he knew was going to ache badly) for the voices screaming at him and mocking him.






Frank didn't know what had been going on for the past couple of days, but he wasn't exactly complaining. He wasn't used to the change and he didn't know why it was happening, but it was as if he was in Heaven. He began to realise what people meant when they said that you shouldn't take life for granted, because this is how a normal person lives each day, but to Frank, it was a very rare occasion that he had to make the most of. He could barely even go out without screaming his head off and punching it hard until he fainted. He didn't know how he'd make the most of it, but he did.

He did the one thing he could hardly ever do because of the voices - he went out in public, not in the forest, but in public places like the city, and in shops. He never went outside, apart from when he went out into the forest and met Gerard, but now, he could. The fresh, daytime air felt good, and he couldn't believe this simple joy was the feeling he'd been missing out on for so long. For everyone else, going outside was such a normal, everyday thing, but to Frank, it was something he wanted to do every single day. He had to shop on the Internet, and when he was a child, he had to be homeschooled because of the voices making him hurt himself and others. He had no freedom, but now, he finally did.

However, he didn't pay attention to how long he had that freedom for. He arrived back home at about 6pm, and the voices stayed away until about 4 hours later.

[Mmmph... ah, Frank, good to be back! Oh, how I missed you...]

"W-wha...? Who's there?" asked Frank.

[Don't tell me you've forgotten about me, your best friend, already!]


It hit Frank like a ton of bricks. The voices had come back.

[Dammit, Frank, I hate these 12-hour breaks. So frustrating! It's really annoying, not being able to chat to you. I know how much you adore my company.]

"AAARGH, SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! I HATE YOU!" screamed Frank, making his throat sting intensely. "Wa-wait, why 12 hours, exactly?" he then asked after a short pause, his voice a little hoarse.
[I don't know, Frank. I wish I did, but I don't. Either way, I hate them! Oh, well, it's 10 o' clock, now, so why don't I sing you a bedtime story?]

"No, please don't! And where's the angel?" asked Frank, desperate for the demon to get out of his head soon.

[I haven't a clue, Frank. Now, you go off up to bed and I'll sing to you. Got it?]

"No, please! I don't want you to -"

[Good, you've got it.]

Frank didn't sleep at all that night. The demon annoyed him more and more to make up for lost time, and for the sweet angel's absence. As always, he got out of bed at 10am, the demon still screeching at him.

[Frank, why do you always get up at 10am?]

"I just DO, alright!?"

[Frank, why do you hate me so much?]

"Why do you fucking ANNOY me so much!?"

[Hit yourself, and I'll stop. I promise.]

Thoughts telling him not to do so rushed through Frank's mind, however he was too impulsive not to. He raised his fist in front of his face and punched himself as hard as possible, making him stumble backwards and making his nose bleed. The crimson blood trickled out from his nostrils and dripped onto the floor below.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

It was like a leaking tap.

[Good, you did as I asked! Nice job!]

"Wha - but, you said you'd leave me alone, you promised!" Frank began to cry, as he regretted doing what he had just done, and for being so impulsive. He had always wished he had more self-control. "AAAGGH!" screamed Frank like a banshee, charging out of his house without thinking and into the forest, the demon yelling at him all the way.

He stopped when he reached the fallen tree, panting heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead and blood dripping from his nose. He trudged nervously over to Gerard's sleeping hole, shaking, and put his quivering, tattooed hand down in it to touch the scalp of his shoulder-length, jet-black hair.
"H-hello, Gerard..." he stammered in a high-pitched, anxious-sounding voice. He hoped that Gerard wouldn't be angry at Frank for waking him, and that he'd react like he did the day before.
"Hcchhhh..." hissed Gerard, breathing the freezing fog onto Frank's face, looking up to face him and stare at him with piercing, blood-red eyes that were unsettling and disturbing. They reminded Frank of his own blood, and of the blood Gerard had sucked from the necks of countless innocent people.
"Frank... it's only you. That's good." He said reassuringly, climbing out of the hole and sitting on the tree trunk. "Sit." he requested, patting the trunk.
"O-OK..." agreed Frank nervously, twitching and shaking as he sat down next to Gerard.
"Wh-what's wrong? You know I'll only take a little, right? And it'll only be from your thumb." Gerard calmly assured him.
"Yeah, I know, but... it wasn't exactly the most pleasant feeling in the world..." complained Frank, fidgeting with his fingers and holding his thumb tightly.
"Well, what exactly am I supposed to do? If I go without blood for about 24 hours, I'll most probably die, just like you'd die without... whatever it is you eat for... however long it'd take for you to die, roughly." replied Gerard, looking needy and innocent.

And what Gerard had just said had given Frank an amazing idea.

"Wait, Gerard... what if... what if you ate human food?" asked Frank curiously.
"I'm... not so sure, Frank. Humans would die or get very ill if they drunk blood like I do, right?" responded Gerard.
"Yeah, but that's because it'd contaminate our own blood. Nothing too bad could happen if you ate stuff like fruit and vegetables and drunk coffee, right?" replied Frank hopefully. He wasn't requesting Gerard to do this just because he wanted to hang on to his own blood, but also because he didn't want Gerard to keep killing other people. It wasn't like Frank could give Gerard his blood every single day of the year.
"What are "foot" and "vegebals"? And what's... coffee?" asked Gerard cluelessly.
"They're good, and they'll be a lot better for you than blood." answered Frank encouragingly.
"I don't know about that." replied Gerard, running his long, paper-white fingers through his raven hair that contrasted in colour to his skin. "You could give me gallons of blood, you could give me all that I could drink and it would never be enough, so I don't know if I'm ready to try eating human food."
"You don't know if you don't try, Gerard. I've tasted blood before, I think everyone's tasted their own blood at some point or another, but you've never tried human food. Trust me, it's nice! And, um, I don't really like it, but lots of humans eat other animals..." said Frank with an encouraging yet nervous smile, hoping for a positive reaction.
"Umm... OK, I'll try it, but it's not like I can go into a shop and buy some. I'm a vampire, people aren't going to take too kindly to me, are they? I mean, you did, I suppose, but you're probably the only person who'd ever do that." responded Gerard.
"Hmm, you're right... umm, come with me, I-I have some food at my house, but you have to be discreet."
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