Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Baby

New Years

by Noizchild 0 reviews

New Years is here and everyone is spending the last day in their own way.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2014-02-14 - 1229 words - Complete

New Years:

The end of 2008 is coming. Changes are coming for 2009. Right now, there is only one more day to waste away before it starts all over again. Everyone begins the countdown in their heads.


Rose sat on her bed with the tickets in her hand. Pete was not playing around with her. He was in this for the long haul. Her eyes stayed on the destination.

Me in Chicago? But what about my life here? I have my job and my family. I can't leave yet. However, she didn't know how to turn him down without sounding ungrateful. Pete meant well with these tickets, but it was too sudden for her pace. She couldn't just drop everything and leave to start a new life. However, she did see what he was getting at. It would be nice to be closer to him with the baby. The problem was the timing of all of this.

I didn't even get time to think about this, she thought. There came a knock on her bedroom door. Rose looked up.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Dinner's ready!" Keisha called.

"I'll there in a second," her niece responded. Rose looked down at her tickets again.

Me in Chicago? She shook her head at such a notion.


Nessa looked at her e-mail for that morning. The first message she saw made her heart freeze in her chest.

Why does mom want? Against her better judgment, she clicked on the unread message. Reading it only made things worse.


Ryan's been arrested again. I can't take her. She's coming to stay with you for a while. Please take good care of her.

Love, Mom

Nessa felt herself die a little. This was the last thing that she needed. She was just about to write a response when the doorbell rang. The chatty woman's eyes darted out her door.

Don't tell me she's already... Nessa thought. Oh no!


Judy and Meredith take their time with planning. So many things can happen before a baby is born. There could be a miscarriage or health problems.

"Let's not buy any baby stuff until we tell our families," Judy told her partner. Meredith looked up at her with her nerves going insane again.

"When will that be?" she asked.

"I invited everyone to have a New Year's Day dinner at our new place," her girlfriend answered. Meredith looked up and turned her head.

"Dinner?" she asked.

"Yes," Judy replied. "I figured that we would start the New Year with open honesty with our families."

"I'm not so sure that will work that way," the other woman mumbled. Judy walked into the living room and sat in front of her girlfriend. She rested her hand on her cheek.

"Please?" she asked. "Do it for me!" Meredith tried to look away, but her lover's innocent eyes proved to be too much for her. She lowered her shoulders and sighed.

"Alright," she muttered. Judy squealed and hugged her wildly.

"I love you!" she whispered aloud in her ear.

"Yeah..." Meredith mumbled to herself.


Noriko cuddled up close to Kenji. She looked up at him with sweet little baby eyes. "I love you," she murmured. Her boyfriend patted her on the back of the head.

"I love you too," he said back.

"Take me somewhere," his girlfriend whispered. Kenji raised an eyebrow at her.

"Take you where?" he asked. The younger lover shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know," she said. "Anywhere, I guess." Her boyfriend sat up with a puzzled look on his face.

"You're not serious, are you?" he asked.

"Yes," Noriko groaned. "I am so tired of this town. I want to get out. Please take me away from here!" Kenji gave her a sympathetic smile as he patted her on the head again.

"Sure," he said. "I'll see what I can do." Noriko rested her head on his chest with a big smile on her face.

"I love you!" she whispered aloud.


Greg was about to head out the door when his cell phone rang. He reached into his pocket and flipped it open.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Greg!" a familiar voice shouted on the other line. Excitement ran through his body.

"Morgan?" he asked. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good," she answered him. "Listen, I need to help me out with something. It's a project for the winter semester."

"Okay, what is it?" her boyfriend asked as he went out the door to grab a bite to eat at Jack-in-the-Box.


"So what do we do?" Adam asked. Sakura shrugged and shook her head. Even days after Christmas, they still didn't know what to do. He looked over at her in the bar. The geek began to open his mouth, but drew it closed. What would be the point? The best thing to do in this situation would be to keep quiet and wait it out until the best move came to mind. Too bad neither one knew when that would be.


Mandy has always hated New Years. She's always so lonely and everyone pretty much ignored her. Also, this was around the same time her boyfriend dumped her. That jerk left her for a high-class snobby bitch. Ever since then, Mandy tried to become the very thing her ex left her for. For the first time in years, she is tiring of playing this game of pretend.

Mandy closed the front door behind her and locked it. She wished that this day would skip into the next year already. Suddenly, her phone buzzed in her coat pocket. Huh? Who's texting me on a day like this? Mandy reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. When she opened the text message, her eyes widened with such surprise.

Why is Ryan Ross texting me? Mandy sank down to the floor unable to fully read the message.


Duncan sat on Katherine's bed. "What do you plan to do with Rose?" he asked. She glanced over her shoulder at him through the mirror.

"What do you mean?" she asked as she put her trademark pearls around her neck. Her younger boyfriend shrugged his shoulders.

"You know," he said. "Pete wants to take her away to Chicago with him."

"Okay," her boss-girlfriend replied.

"She can't because of her job and family," he said. Katherine raised an eyebrow at him.

"So what are you saying?" she asked. Duncan shifted in place.

"Set her free," he offered. His girlfriend turned around with a blank stare on her face.

"What exactly are you saying?" Katherine asked. "Are you asking me to fire my best employee?"

"If you have," Duncan told her.

"Absolutely not!" his boss-girlfriend barked.

"There is nothing for here anymore," he insisted. "Rose needs to grow and expand. Pete just might be the ticket out of here to do that. Please think about it." Katherine frowned at him as he gave her his famous little puppy dog eyes. Something told her that he wouldn't let up on this issue either.


Everyone gathered around the TV for the big countdown. For some reason, nobody felt like going out tonight. They just got out their drinks and waited for the big ball to drop for 2009. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two...


Happy New Years!

So Bring it Up, Bring it Up, Bring it Up, Yeah!
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