Categories > Original > Poetry

Let's Talk

by BipolarUnicorn 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-03-30 - 389 words

the winter hit us hard this year

the snow buried all the things I never said
-and never will-

[because its not like anyone asks]

we all went to different schools, in different towns

and we've gone our separate ways

but we still have each other around

i forgot which floorboards creak in your room

and I've stopped picking up the phone

I've gotten used to the dark corners of my room
(and my mind)

the weekends are spent alone
[the secrets are still unknown]

and when the last leaf fell
the diner closed
that's when the winter hits us
harder than the year before

all the food has lost its taste

and the plants have wilted away

everything seems to get ripped apart
but with a needle and thread
the hole in the sweater i ripped early that autumn

the seam was still able to be mended

but as the snow begins to melt

can we melt beck together

find the diner opening in a few days
while the leaves start to grow again
i start to leave my window open
the laughter of kids and the bicycle bells ring
but i start to sneak out after dusk
not feeling the buzz anymore
its the voice
that sounds like a tidal wave hitting the shore

and just because can barley keep my head above the water
doesn't mean i'm gonna drown

but the food still remains tasteless

the days are hotter and longer

and my words are still vague

i still long for trust

and someone to ask the right questions

lets not make small talk
ask me questions like;

do you believe in flying?
what movies make you cry?
what music makes you feel calm?
do you want to leave this town?
or stay here forever?

can we talk and talk for hours?

not thinking about the falling leaves
and how summertime is coming to an end

i'll pray for a mild winter
even if i don't believe in God

ill pray those empty words

just if it means that drifting apart

isn't in my vocabulary anymore

the feeling of knowing your alone
and the senses all have gone

but when the winter hit us hard this year
the seams became unstitched again

i don't know what i just wrote
i miss you all a lot
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