Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > Anaconda Vol. 6

Blueberries and Flowers

by Noizchild

Torii's girlfriend comes in for the weekend to heat things up for her. Song Recommended: "Rushing" by Moby

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2014-04-01 - 1199 words - Complete

Blueberries and Flowers:

Simone's Notes:

Women in homosexual relationships responded to this designation either by hiding their personal lives or accepting the label of outcast and creating a subculture and identity that developed in Europe and the United States. Following World War II, during a period of social repression when governments actively persecuted homosexuals, women developed networks to socialize with and educate each other. Greater economic and social freedom allowed women gradually to be able to determine how they could form relationships and families. With second wave feminismand growth of scholarship in women's history and sexuality in the 20th century, the definition oflesbian broadened, sparking a debate about sexual desire as the major component to define what a lesbian is. Some women who engage in same-sex sexual activity may reject not only identifying as lesbians but as bisexual as well;sexual identity is not necessarily the same as one's actual sexual orientation, due to various reasons, such as the fear of identifying their sexual orientation in ahomophobic setting.

She tracked down Torii about sundown. Adele called her this morning. Her girlfriend awoke with her cell phone buzzing on the nightstand. She reached out and picked up the phone. One missed call flashed on her screen. Torii squinted her heavy green eyes. What the heck? She dialed in the keys to hear her voice mail.

"Hey baby," a flirty voice floated through her ears. Torii sat up at the sound. Adele?

"I missed you so much," the message went on. "I have some time off this weekend and I decided that I would come up to see you." The woman sat up with a hungry grin on her face. Oh sweet!

"I'll be coming by this evening," the message finished. "Love you, bye-bye."

"End of messages," the operator said before giving instructions on what to do next. Torii let off a loud squeal over her phone. She cuddled her cell to her chest. My baby's coming to see me! Torii rolled onto her back with a smile on her face. Another thought came through her mind./Oh crap, I have to get ready!/ Torii jumped out bed and hurried over to the shower.

For the rest of the day, Torii practically hummed to herself. The rest of the Dark Moons tried to guess what put her into a good mood. Ralph cocked his head at her as they sat at the main dining table.

"Something good happen this morning?" he asked. Torii grinned at him.

"You can say that," she answered. The eccentric redhead picked up her bowl and utensils and walked back to the kitchen. Everyone watched with their curiosity peeked even higher.

"You don't think she's back, do you?" Poppy asked.

"I would seriously bank on it," Matt replied.

By sundown, a knock came on Torii's door. The redhead leapt off of her bed and hurried to the peep hole. "Who is it?" she asked.

"Take a guess, baby," a girl's voice floated through the door. Torii's heart flipped in her chest as she unlocked the door. Adele stood in the doorway, giving her delicious smile.

"Hey, baby," she said. Torii saw stars in her eyes.

"You found me!" she breathed out. Adele pushed some of her bangs from her eyes.

"Of course, babe," she said. "Now, are you going to let me in or am I going to be standing out in the hallway waiting all night?" Torii leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Adele wrapped her arms around her waist and pushed herself inside. Both women collapsed onto the bed. Torii looked up at her with happy eyes.

"I'm not going to get any sleep tonight, am I?" she asked. Adele shook her head before kissing on her the lips again.

"Correct," she answered. "I will undress you." She grabbed onto Torii's shirt and rolled it up over her head. Her girlfriend kissed as she kissed her right on the neck. She reached forward and ripped open Adele's pink and purple stripped blouse. The sound of one of the buttons hitting the floor and rolling halfway across the room made Adele jump enough to shove her tongue into Torii's mouth. The redhead gave off a muzzled cry as she pulled her girl closer to her body. Her hands reached behind her back and grabbed onto her black bra. Adele's body couldn't keep still long enough for Torii to finish unhooking it. The more she moved, the more eager her girlfriend became to finish the job. That darn bra ended up being tossed halfway across the room.

Adele stuck her hand down Torii's pants. She broke off the kiss to stare into her lover's eyes. The other woman had such a hungry expression her face. Torii licked her lips at her.

"Take me, bitch!" she commanded. Adele raised an eyebrow at her.

"Aren't you forgetting something at the beginning of that sentence?" she asked. Torii gave her a little pout.

"Please take me, bitch?" she asked like a little child. Her girlfriend pushed away some loose strands away from her face.

"Much better," she said in a low voice. The woman leaned down and nipped her girlfriend on the right shoulder. Torii gave off a loud gasp as her teeth made with the skin.

"I love you, Adele!" she screamed. The girlfriend smirked as her fingers brushed up against her clit. Torii drew in heavy breaths as she spread her legs wider. Adele's lips came within inches of her ear.

"Tell me how much you want me," she whispered. Her teeth caught onto her ear lobe. Torii bit on her lower lip.

"Please make me scream tonight, baby," she whispered. Adele kissed her on the side of the neck. She used her other hand to untied Torii's pants. The pajama bottoms hit the floor followed by her black panties. Adele unfinished undressing herself and moved her head between Torii's legs. One lap of her tongue and her girlfriend cried out to the walls. Adele looked up at her rather puzzled.

"Come on, now," she said. "I haven't really done anything yet." Her girlfriend peeked down at her.

"I'm sorry," she said, blushing. "You are just that good." Her girlfriend gave her a sexy smirk.

"I can show you better," she said in a husky, flirty voice. Torii's eyes filled up with stars.

"Please do!" she squeaked. Adele licked her lips at her.

"Yes ma'am," she replied. The minx moved her head back down and stuck out tongue. Torii's toes curled once Adele made it inside. At first, her girlfriend started off nice and slow. The other woman closed her eyes and took it in.

"Oh, baby!" she screamed. "Oh!" As a result, Adele forced her tongue in deeper and sped up. Her fingers joined in with the wet delight she feasted. Torii's screams made it all worth her while. She would be gone by Sunday, might as well make the next night one hell of an orgasm. Yes, you will be mine as long as you are with me, Adele thought in her fever lust. The climax at the end sealed their unspoken pact.

Next Night

Next Time: The she-devil succubi come out to play.
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