Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Secret Technique
“Hello” people speaking
‘Hello’ people thinking
“Hello” biiju talking
‘Hello’ biiju thinking
Chapter 3: Advanced Technique
It had been nearly six years since she’d started that strange relationship.
In those six years Mebuki had finally been able to admit to herself that she was cheating on Kizashi, and they were a lot more distant compared to when they were young and just started dating. She still loved her husband, but she could admit to herself that a fair amount of the pleasure she gained from using Naruto, was from the thrill of cuckolding her gullible husband. It just added an extra spice to things, and though she would deny it adamantly, taking another person in the bed where she and her husband slept…she had nearly passed out the last time she had brought Naruto there.
She had managed to cease her self-deception, and it had taken a monumental amount of will to actually stop what she was doing with the boy.
But she did manage to stop what she had been doing with Naruto. When he’d gone on a village wide pranking spree, she’d seen an out and taken it, claiming that she couldn’t keep teaching the ‘technique’ to someone so irresponsible. It had now been nearly five months since she’d practiced ‘techniques’ with the brat and no amount of his begging and promising to behave had managed to sway her so far. Unfortunately she was now steadily becoming more and more sexually frustrated. A part of her blamed Kizashi for not being able to satisfy her, but mostly she blamed her former toy for getting too good at his job and spoiling her.
Speaking of Naruto, he had become oddly deferential and submissive to her after his 10th birthday, actually calling her Mebuki-sama instead of the usual sensei once or twice. The near worship in his eyes had taken her breath away. She had thought her gift of new clothes would be met with the protest of most young boys, that is “I don’t want new clothes-ttebayo!” But no, he had opened her gift in front of her and had looked positively overjoyed. He still usually wore his orange jumpsuit but when she came over to make sure he’d done his homework he’d wear the white t-shirt and khaki shorts. Of course he’d quickly gotten that spiral printed on the front in orange before he would wear it, but she’d take what she could get, so long as he wasn’t always wearing that eyesore…
‘At least I wasn’t cheating on Kizashi with another man,’ she thought morosely, opening her eyes. ‘Just with my toy.’
And oddly enough that worried her too. When she saw Naruto passing in the streets, or when she went to meet her daughter outside the academy, her nipples would tighten and her pussy would become wet. Yet when she would see fully grown men, sometimes incredibly handsome, give her appreciative looks, their own looks did nothing for her. Sleeping with her husband had become an obligation as his wife, instead of a mutual expression of love and desire. He couldn’t make her see stars the way her toy could…
Sighing deeply Mebuki sat up in bed and looked her sleeping husband with regret in her eyes, before reaffirming to try harder with him. Cheered up slightly, Mebuki reached over and shook his shoulder slightly. “Kizashi…Kizashi it’s time to wake up.” When he didn’t immediately stir, a twitch appeared above her eye.
Kizashi blinked confusedly from his new place on the floor, before looking up at the bed where his wife was now hiding laughter behind her hand. Glaring up at her, he pouted playfully. “That was just mean. I think I deserve recompense for such an attack on my personage.” Kizashi declared with fake pomp before standing and bending over his wife, eyeing her lips with hunger.
“Oh really,” Mebuki smirked as his lips crept closer to her own.
Only to be met by her hand.
“If you want to get your dues, it will be after you have dealt with that morning breath Kizashi,” she giggled at the wounded look that spread across his face.
Smiling at her despondent husband as he moved out of their bedroom, Mebuki was filled with new confidence. It wouldn’t be too difficult to repair relations with Kizashi, after all the wronged party wasn’t even aware that he had been wronged.
She could do this.
She couldn’t do this.
Just before Kizashi had reached the front door, a knock had sounded. Confused at who could be calling that early, she had poked her head out from the kitchen to see who it was.
It took every ounce of her self-control not to start trembling in fear, when she saw the Hokage in his robes, with her toy stood next to him. She had been sure that the Sandaime had somehow found out about her activities with the boy. Had the brat told him? Had he spied on them with that pervy crystal ball of his, without her sensing? Either way she had been sure she was already on the way to the T&I department and just didn’t know it. Then she had been confused when the old man seemed to sag in relief at the sight of her. Her husband then trapped her with temptation.
What Mebuki didn’t know was that Naruto had been hanging out with his jiji and had asked him something that nearly made him choke on his pipe.
He had asked “Ne, jiji why does my special place get hard when I look at ladies?”
Now Sarutobi had done his duty and given ‘the Talk’ to both of his sons when they had started puberty. He’d be dead and eaten by the Shinigami before he had to go through that mortification again! Despite the number of jutsu he knew, he still didn’t have one that would get the earth to swallow him whole at the first sign of embarrassing situations.
Searching for an out desperately, Sarutobi felt elation in his heart when he hit upon it. Naruto had given him several glowing account on how awesome his supervisor was, and given that Naruto was now middling the pack in academy, she must know how to explain things in a way Naruto understood. “Now Naruto, I don’t think you want me to explain about that. It would make us both feel rather uncomfortable. Why don’t I take you to your sensei tomorrow and she can explain it to you?” Sarutobi felt the ember of hope in his heart, blossom into an inferno of triumph when he saw the boy cheerfully. He felt a brief moment of pity for his ignorant patsy, but didn’t let it bother him
Sarutobi had of course meant after the academy but on a hunch had used his crystal ball on Naruto’s classroom the next day at about an hour and a half before lunch. Seeing that he wasn’t there, he’d put on his hat and walked over to Naruto’s apartment. Sarutobi knew how embarrassing it was when puberty started, when everything and the air too made you hard and as such wasn’t surprised when he’d found him there instead of at the academy. He felt for the boy, he really did. He still remembered the look of embarrassment on Danzo’s face back when they were young, when the other boy had been called forward to spar with a kunoichi classmate only for his shorts to tent halfway through a kick causing a classmate to shout “Dick-move Danzo!” That had haunted Danzo all the way through to his chuunin days.
Taking him over to his sensei’s home he knocked on the door and was surprised when the door was almost instantly answered by Kizashi Haruno. A cheerful chuunin, with a particular eye for codes and cyphers if his memory was serving him correctly.
“Ah Kizashi-kun, I don’t suppose your wife would be willing to do this old man a favour?” asked Sarutobi genially, lifting his hat slightly to meet the man’s eyes.
Blinking in surprise Kizashi blinked before bowing “Hokage-sama! Um, I can’t really answer for her, but may I ask what the favour would be?” he inquired curiously. If his wife couldn’t do it, perhaps he could.
Beckoning Kizashi forward, Sarutobi whispered “Naruto, the poor boy, has started the path to manhood. And to be frank I don’t quite know how to explain that to him. I love the boy but he can be…umm...”
“Dense sometimes?” offered Kizashi, a small smile of amusement dancing about his lips.
Nodding ruefully Sarutobi agreed. “However it would seem your wife has a way of explaining things in a way he understands.”
Sarutobi then spotted a blonde topped head poke out from a doorway curiously. So relieved that the woman was there, Sarutobi didn’t notice the brief flash of terror in the woman’s eyes.
Kizashi looked back and spotted his wife before turning back to Sarutobi. “I’ll go and ask her if she can explain things to Naruto-kun, Hokage-sama.”
Nodding his thanks, Sarutobi pulled his pipe from his robes and began to stuff some tobacco into it, idly saying to Naruto “There we go my boy. Hopefully she’ll be able to clear things up for you.”
Seeing Kizashi nod his head at him and beckon towards Naruto, Sarutobi lit his pipe and patted Naruto on the head. “I’ll send a note to Iruka-kun explaining why you won’t be in today, okay Naruto? Make sure you pay attention to what your sensei has to say.”
Nodding he saw Naruto walk past Kizashi and get a head ruffle in passing as Kizashi walked out the door.
Glad that some of the adults in this village still had the Will of Fire burning in them, Sarutobi shunshinned away in a flurry of leaves.
And as such Mebuki was now regretting her decision to say yes to the Hokage’s favour. All Kizashi had said was “Hokage-sama wants you to teach Naruto something.” And then just before he’d left, he had looked back and mouthed ‘Good Luck’ at her. So when Naruto had looked up at her, blushed and started to squirm slightly all while trying to pull his shirt down to hide a growing bulge, she knew what she was supposed to teach and felt despair.
That starfish haired baka was sleeping on the floor tonight.
She had started fantasizing about this, when she stopped using him. The thought of him squirming under her hands, begging her to “Please let me cum-ttebayo,” had made her incredibly horny. It depressed her slightly that the idea of slowly torturing the boy with pleasure, was a prime fantasy of hers when she was sleeping with her husband, as it made her orgasm come quickly and intensely. The intensity of her release however washed most of the bad feelings away. At the time it wasn’t like she was actually doing it, so it was fair game.
And now, when she was trying to resolve to be a better wife, the baka drops this on her lap.
Kami was testing her. And she was failing.
Mustering her resolve, Mebuki smiled at Naruto and said “Why don’t you go and get comfortable in the other room? I have to get something to help me explain ok?”
Naruto smiled up at her, still blushing and assented with a thankful nod, before trotting off into the sitting room. Sighing, Mebuki walked upstairs and into her room and looking at the small shelf filled with books. There was one she’d used while giving Sakura the talk somewhere.
Spotting it quickly she pulled it down and walked downstairs and into the sitting room, stopping short at what she could see.
The sitting room of the Haruno family was fairly large and modern, with a large cream sofa and two chairs and a coffee table in front of it, with a TV in the corner. Pictures were hung up, mostly of the whole family or Sakura when she was younger. From where she was stood, she could see a side profile of Naruto sitting down, his face positively luminescent while staring at the picture on the right end of the coffee table. He also had both hands in his lap, trying to hide a small tent in his pants.
Curious at just what he was staring at that was getting that reaction from him, Mebuki put her training to use and padded behind the sofa silently. Looking over his shoulder, Mebuki felt an odd thrill when she realised it was a picture of her and Kizashi on their wedding day. Her hair was a little longer in the picture and her eyes bright with happiness, as she stood with her hand in the crook of her husband’s arm looking resplendent in a stunning white dress. She and Kizashi had decided to have a simple wedding in a beautiful field not far from Konoha, neither particularly wanting to bother with something more traditional.
‘The night after that picture seemed so magical and perfect’ Mebuki thought back fondly. Both she and Kizashi had been virgins until that night, never going past oral sex before. Giving it to the man she loved had made the act seem like something so much more. Looking down at Naruto, her eyes kept on straying to the bulge in his pants and his desperate attempts to push it back down.
‘But the magic has gone,’ she realised with an odd surge of emotion. ‘In the bedroom anyway. What was it Kizashi said? So long as I’m with you I’m happy.’ In that moment Mebuki decided she wanted to have her cake and eat it too. She wanted to be happy again, and being happy with Kizashi as her sole lover was not making her happy.
Moving past Naruto, absently noticing him jump at her sudden appearance, Mebuki walked over to the window, put down the book and pressed her palm against the sill. Channelling her chakra a small fuuinjutsu array appeared. Flowing her chakra along it, Mebuki concentrated on the image of an empty sitting room, the light particles trapped in the glass being changed to show this image. An area effect genjutsu like this was usually quite difficult to pull off, but through the actions of an unknown seal-master it had become easy to apply as the fuuinjutsu handled the majority of the work, actually managing to interpret an image in the mind’s eye through the spiritual part of the chakra poured into the array. At least that was how it was explained to her.
Rumour had it that it was originally developed due to Jiraiya-sama peeping on a certain couple mid-coitus. Now the man could only really get his research at bath-houses,
Mebuki was satisfied that none of the people could look inside when she flipped off the old bat that lived down the street and she showed no reaction.
Turning back to Naruto, Mebuki offered her best sad smile as she moved to sit on his left. “I owe you an apology Naruto-kun.”
Naruto blinked at the woman who was now sat next to him, her thigh pressed against his. “What for sensei?” he asked confusedly, blushing as he felt that place get even harder with his sensei’s new proximity.
Placing her right hand on his thigh Mebuki started to explain. “I know you’ve been wondering why I won’t help you practice the technique I showed you.”
Naruto’s eyes widened in comprehension. He had wondered why the training sessions had stopped and hadn’t started again. After all he had completely stopped his pranking since then. He hadn’t even placed a tack on Mizuki-teme’s chair in months!
Seeing the comprehension in his eyes Mebuki continued. “I was feeling guilty,”
“What for sensei?” Naruto asked, upset that something had made his sensei feel bad about herself.
“You remember how I told you how Kizashi couldn’t do that special technique as well as you?” At Naruto’s nodding she continued. “I felt kinda bad that I was helping you practice it so much, when Kizashi really needed help getting it better. After all you were already so good, so you could afford to stop a little while right?”
Naruto began to hesitantly nod his head, not really agreeing with her but assuming she knew best. Therefore he was surprised when Mebuki shook her head sharply.
“I know now that, that was wrong of me. You should never abandon a student with an incomplete technique. So,” Mebuki’s hand began to rub along his thigh, each time getting closer to the bulge in his pants, “I’m hoping that showing you an advanced aspect of the technique will help you to forgive me.” She finished with a hopeful smile.
Having seen how despondent his sensei was feeling Naruto shook his head with a smile. “It’s ok sensei, there’s nothing to forgive.” Naruto really wanted to know this new part of the technique, but it wouldn’t feel right if it was given as a bribe.
Still smiling at him Mebuki moved her hand up onto the bulge, and ground her palm into it slightly getting a bug-eyed look from Naruto. “As a reward then.”
Well jiji always told him it was rude to refuse gifts.
Naruto nodded his head vigorously, valiantly resisting the urge to press his crotch against the palm now resting on it lightly.
Mebuki smiled brightly. “Good.” With that Mebuki began to tug on the waistline of his pants.
Now panicked Naruto stammered. “B-b-b-but Sensei! M-m-m-my thingy is hard!”
Mebuki paused and gave Naruto a stern glare. “I’ve told you before, it’s not a called a ‘thingy’, it’s called a cock. Now lift your hips sweetie. This will help make it soft again anyway alright?”
Abashed at his panic, Naruto lifted his hips and felt his sensei’s hands tug both his pants and his boxers down. Suddenly remembering the honking big window in the room, Naruto’s head turned to the side in fear, thinking people would be looking in and laughing at him.
Seeing what had caught his attention this time, Mebuki sighed. “Nobody can see in either Naruto. That’s what I was taking care of over there earlier. Now,” She fixed him with a semi-amused smile, “if you’re done doubting your Sensei, I can start to teach you.”
Embarrassed that his thoughts were so easy to read Naruto focused his attention on her totally.
Pleased Mebuki began her lesson. “Now, as you already know, this is called a cock.” Mebuki moved her hand to wrap around his cock, causing Naruto to gulp. “But that’s just what this part is called altogether ok? Like how Miso Ramen is called Miso Ramen, despite being made up of numerous things.” Mebuki began to move her hand up and down slowly. “This part of your cock is called the shaft. Easy to remember ne?” She pulled at the skin of his cock gently, Naruto watching as the purplish head of his cock appeared. Mebuki ran her hand up his length, and gently rubbed the tip of his cock with her thumb. “This part is the ‘glans’ but most just call it the head. The part I pulled away to show this was what was called the foreskin. Are you following so far?”
Naruto nodded his head jerkily, not trusting his voice at that moment. For some reason the feeling of his sensei’s hand on his cock felt really good…
Mebuki then moved her hand down and cupped the wrinkled sac underneath his cock. “This little bag here is called the ‘scrotum’ or sac more simply.” She then began to roll her hand around, weighing the sac. “These round things inside are called the ‘testicles’ but everyone just calls them balls. These are why it hurts so much to be hit there sweetie.”
Mebuki was watching every little twitch that ran through her toys body with each movement of her hand. Her nipples could probably cut diamonds at this point, and her panties were well on their way to being soaked through. Looking down at the cock and balls she was handling, Mebuki was impressed. At 12 years old, she was hardly expecting anything sizable, but his was standing at just shy of four and a half inches. Compared to her husbands it was tiny, but she was sure that it was quite big for his age, spelling good things for his and her future. A small shiver of delight ran down her spine, when she saw a small bead of fluid appear at the tip of his little cock.
Naruto nearly whined out when he felt his sensei’s soft, soft hands abandon his sac, only to nearly yelp in surprise when a slender finger swiped something wet off the head of his cock.
Holding an index finger up that was now slightly wet for Naruto to inspect, Mebuki began the final part of her lesson. “This is called precum Naruto. When your cock starts to feel good, the head starts to leak this. This is to lubricate it to help it move smoothly.”
Looking confused, Naruto asked “What does lubricate mean? And where does it go that it needs to be smooth?”
Sweat-dropping slightly Mebuki clarified “Too lubricate means to apply a fluid to something – like your pre-cum Naruto – to make its movement easier. And the place it goes Naruto, is into a woman’s pussy.”
Naruto stared at her confused for a moment, before his eyes glazed slightly. His sensei’s warm, soft hand had felt so good, the idea of her hot wet sex wrapping around him…
“But we won’t be doing that.” Mebuki finished promptly, easily seeing where Naruto’s thoughts had taken him. “You’re good at the ‘technique’ so far Naruto, but that’s a bit too advanced for you at the moment.”
Wiping her finger off on his thigh, Mebuki stared at him with a hint of mischief in her eyes. “Now Naruto, the reason why your cock gets hard, usually tends to be that you find someone pretty or attractive. Did I make you hard Naruto-kun?” She asked with a teasing wink.
Naruto blushed red enough to resemble a yellow topped tomato.
Laughing, Mebuki gently patted his head. “Don’t worry Naruto, I think it’s quite flattering that you find me attractive. After all I’m getting quite old.”
Naruto seemed to puff up with indignation. “You’re not old! And Mebuki-sensei is really pretty!”
Mebuki smiled at Naruto, her eyes dancing with amusement. She should have kept the boy around just to soothe her ego if anything.
“Thank you Naruto-kun. But, I noticed you staring at my wedding picture earlier.” She frowned at him playfully. “I hope that your cock was hard over me in my dress and not my husband.”
“Of course it was you! I like girls-ttebayo! And sensei looks, really, really, pretty…” Naruto trailed off mumbling, obviously wanting to keep that titbit to himself.
Mebuki flushed with pleasure from the compliments the brat was giving her beauty, all while looking at the framed photo in question. Suddenly a perverse smile spread across her lips. “Naruto I need you to pick up the picture and sit up a bit ok?”
Confused, Naruto leaned over and picked the picture up with both hands, and sat up. Reaching over, Mebuki adjusted his grip of the picture so that his right thumb was covering Kizashi’s face and his other hand, left the image of her completely exposed. It also just happened to be held at an angle towards him, just underneath his cock.
“This is going to be an important part of your training Naruto,” Mebuki said seriously. “Women have an advantage over men in this branch of techniques because we can keep taking more and more pleasure. Men on the other hand generally finish once and are unable to continue.” Frowning at him with what looked like sorrow she continued, “What I'm about to do may seem cruel, but it’s with good reason. You aren’t allowed to take your hands off the picture ok?”
Naruto nodded determinedly, deciding that seeing as he’d done well in the other techniques, his pride was at stake if he didn’t do well in this one too.
Smiling evilly Mebuki licked the palm of her hand and got it nice and wet and then wrapped it and her fingers around Naruto’s cock. His sudden intake of breath, told her that he’d noticed the moistness and appreciated it. Squeezing gently, she slowly began to jerk him off, her right breast occasionally brushing against his left arm, adding a twist to the motion of her hand every now and then. She built up a steady but slow rhythm, and soon enough Naruto’s cock head was practically weeping and she could feel him twitch in her palm.
“Look at me in that dress Naruto.” She crooned into the shell of his ear. “Don’t I look pretty? I look so happy and young don’t I?” She felt dark satisfaction creep into her heart, when she felt him start to hump her hand. She was jerking off a young teenager in her family’s sitting room over a picture of her wedding day. She should feel ashamed, but all she felt was a naughty thrill.
Naruto’s breath was coming in short, sharp gasps, his hips pumping slightly as he humped his sensei’s palm as best he could. About the only thing he could remember was that he was to hold the picture just so. He could understand why some guy’s had trouble with this part of the technique, as he knew that something was coming and it would feel fantastic.
Feeling the twitch become more frequent and seeing her toy’s sac start to rise, Mebuki stopped moving her hand and took it off his cock. She felt her lips twitch into a small smile, when Naruto whined like a kicked dog. Before he could look at her, Mebuki schooled her features into an understanding smile. “I know this is difficult sweetie, but what you feel coming? If you let that happen too soon you’ll never master this part of the technique.”
Naruto took a deep shuddering breath, and drudged up the determination that had kept him chasing his dream of Hokage. Nodding his head to show he was ready, Naruto stopped the tremble in his arms and waited.
Wetting her palm, Mebuki resumed giving Naruto a handjob, feeling an obscene pleasure in the situation reinforced by the wet noise her palm made gliding up and down Naruto’s cock. She continued to whisper nothings into his ear as she shined his cock and once again stopped when it seemed like he was ready to explode. She managed to get Naruto to last for half an hour overall and decided to let him finish. Her poor toy was panting, sweating bright red mess. At his age and for his first time it was very impressive.
When he felt that indescribable feeling arrive, Naruto was waiting for his sensei to be cruel to be kind, and remove her hand. Each time she had done this he could only liken it to nearly being at the top of a mountain, only to slip on the same patch of ice and fall down half of the mountain, When her hand actually began to speed up, Naruto gasped and whimpered, as what felt like lightning struck his body. Naruto had reached the top of the mountain only to discover it was an active volcano and the eruption was huge.
Mebuki watched with fascination as each jerk of her toys hips sent his seed splashing across her wedding picture, every pearly white jet covering more and more of her image. When the final shot covered her face in the picture, Mebuki felt a perverse tingle race through her body. Her toy had just cum all over a picture of her on what was the happiest day of her life. The dirtiness of the act was amazing.
Removing her hand from the slowly softening cock, Mebuki reached across the coffee table and grabbed a small box of tissues. First she cleaned her hand of Naruto’s seed and then wiped off the picture, and Naruto himself. Looking around carefully for any drops she may have missed, Mebuki was satisfied that she had gotten all of the evidence.
Standing up, Mebuki shook the now nearly comatose boy to wakefulness, and had him stand and pull up his pants and boxers. Putting her hands on his shoulders, causing him to look up at her dazedly, Mebuki smiled. “What you just felt is an orgasm, or cumming Naruto. The white stuff that came out is your ‘sperm’, or cum, or jizz or any number of words. You feel tired out now don’t you?” He nodded his head jerkily. “We’ll have to practice a lot so you don’t get so tired so quickly. If you’re really talented, we may even be able to get you cock to go hard again after you cum.” Mebuki looked at Naruto hesitantly for a second. “You have to remember that you can’t tell anyone about this Naruto. I could get into a lot of trouble, teaching someone your age these techniques.”
Naruto shook his head to clear out the fluff in it, before looking his most precious person in the eye. “I swear on the Hokage’s hat that I’ll never tell anyone-ttebayo! I always keep my work cos that’s my nindo!”
“Thank you. If the Hokage asks you about today, just tell him I gave you ‘the talk’ like he asked ok Naruto?” Said Mebuki smiling at his fervent declaration. Looking at the clock, Mebuki bit her lip and saw it was nearly lunch time. If they were quick, she might be able to drag her toy upstairs and take the top off of a couple months’ worth of frustration. Getting ready to take his hand and guide him to her bedroom, Mebuki looked out the still genjutsu covered window and saw Kizashi crest the rooftop of the house opposite. Mebuki felt a rush of irritation at her husband. First he couldn’t satisfy her himself, now when she finally had enough and tried to take care of it herself he stops her?!
Turning back to Naruto she looked at him sadly. “We can’t keep practising today Naruto, I’m sorry.” Getting ready to tell him to go, Mebuki was struck with an idea.
It would be cruel. It would be heartless. It would satisfy both her sudden anger at her husband as well as her body.
“Naruto do you think you’ll be able to stay awake ‘till midnight? You sure? Can you come here at about midnight then and wait outside the front door for me?”
A/N: Shazam! Yet another chapter finished.
‘Hello’ people thinking
“Hello” biiju talking
‘Hello’ biiju thinking
Chapter 3: Advanced Technique
It had been nearly six years since she’d started that strange relationship.
In those six years Mebuki had finally been able to admit to herself that she was cheating on Kizashi, and they were a lot more distant compared to when they were young and just started dating. She still loved her husband, but she could admit to herself that a fair amount of the pleasure she gained from using Naruto, was from the thrill of cuckolding her gullible husband. It just added an extra spice to things, and though she would deny it adamantly, taking another person in the bed where she and her husband slept…she had nearly passed out the last time she had brought Naruto there.
She had managed to cease her self-deception, and it had taken a monumental amount of will to actually stop what she was doing with the boy.
But she did manage to stop what she had been doing with Naruto. When he’d gone on a village wide pranking spree, she’d seen an out and taken it, claiming that she couldn’t keep teaching the ‘technique’ to someone so irresponsible. It had now been nearly five months since she’d practiced ‘techniques’ with the brat and no amount of his begging and promising to behave had managed to sway her so far. Unfortunately she was now steadily becoming more and more sexually frustrated. A part of her blamed Kizashi for not being able to satisfy her, but mostly she blamed her former toy for getting too good at his job and spoiling her.
Speaking of Naruto, he had become oddly deferential and submissive to her after his 10th birthday, actually calling her Mebuki-sama instead of the usual sensei once or twice. The near worship in his eyes had taken her breath away. She had thought her gift of new clothes would be met with the protest of most young boys, that is “I don’t want new clothes-ttebayo!” But no, he had opened her gift in front of her and had looked positively overjoyed. He still usually wore his orange jumpsuit but when she came over to make sure he’d done his homework he’d wear the white t-shirt and khaki shorts. Of course he’d quickly gotten that spiral printed on the front in orange before he would wear it, but she’d take what she could get, so long as he wasn’t always wearing that eyesore…
‘At least I wasn’t cheating on Kizashi with another man,’ she thought morosely, opening her eyes. ‘Just with my toy.’
And oddly enough that worried her too. When she saw Naruto passing in the streets, or when she went to meet her daughter outside the academy, her nipples would tighten and her pussy would become wet. Yet when she would see fully grown men, sometimes incredibly handsome, give her appreciative looks, their own looks did nothing for her. Sleeping with her husband had become an obligation as his wife, instead of a mutual expression of love and desire. He couldn’t make her see stars the way her toy could…
Sighing deeply Mebuki sat up in bed and looked her sleeping husband with regret in her eyes, before reaffirming to try harder with him. Cheered up slightly, Mebuki reached over and shook his shoulder slightly. “Kizashi…Kizashi it’s time to wake up.” When he didn’t immediately stir, a twitch appeared above her eye.
Kizashi blinked confusedly from his new place on the floor, before looking up at the bed where his wife was now hiding laughter behind her hand. Glaring up at her, he pouted playfully. “That was just mean. I think I deserve recompense for such an attack on my personage.” Kizashi declared with fake pomp before standing and bending over his wife, eyeing her lips with hunger.
“Oh really,” Mebuki smirked as his lips crept closer to her own.
Only to be met by her hand.
“If you want to get your dues, it will be after you have dealt with that morning breath Kizashi,” she giggled at the wounded look that spread across his face.
Smiling at her despondent husband as he moved out of their bedroom, Mebuki was filled with new confidence. It wouldn’t be too difficult to repair relations with Kizashi, after all the wronged party wasn’t even aware that he had been wronged.
She could do this.
She couldn’t do this.
Just before Kizashi had reached the front door, a knock had sounded. Confused at who could be calling that early, she had poked her head out from the kitchen to see who it was.
It took every ounce of her self-control not to start trembling in fear, when she saw the Hokage in his robes, with her toy stood next to him. She had been sure that the Sandaime had somehow found out about her activities with the boy. Had the brat told him? Had he spied on them with that pervy crystal ball of his, without her sensing? Either way she had been sure she was already on the way to the T&I department and just didn’t know it. Then she had been confused when the old man seemed to sag in relief at the sight of her. Her husband then trapped her with temptation.
What Mebuki didn’t know was that Naruto had been hanging out with his jiji and had asked him something that nearly made him choke on his pipe.
He had asked “Ne, jiji why does my special place get hard when I look at ladies?”
Now Sarutobi had done his duty and given ‘the Talk’ to both of his sons when they had started puberty. He’d be dead and eaten by the Shinigami before he had to go through that mortification again! Despite the number of jutsu he knew, he still didn’t have one that would get the earth to swallow him whole at the first sign of embarrassing situations.
Searching for an out desperately, Sarutobi felt elation in his heart when he hit upon it. Naruto had given him several glowing account on how awesome his supervisor was, and given that Naruto was now middling the pack in academy, she must know how to explain things in a way Naruto understood. “Now Naruto, I don’t think you want me to explain about that. It would make us both feel rather uncomfortable. Why don’t I take you to your sensei tomorrow and she can explain it to you?” Sarutobi felt the ember of hope in his heart, blossom into an inferno of triumph when he saw the boy cheerfully. He felt a brief moment of pity for his ignorant patsy, but didn’t let it bother him
Sarutobi had of course meant after the academy but on a hunch had used his crystal ball on Naruto’s classroom the next day at about an hour and a half before lunch. Seeing that he wasn’t there, he’d put on his hat and walked over to Naruto’s apartment. Sarutobi knew how embarrassing it was when puberty started, when everything and the air too made you hard and as such wasn’t surprised when he’d found him there instead of at the academy. He felt for the boy, he really did. He still remembered the look of embarrassment on Danzo’s face back when they were young, when the other boy had been called forward to spar with a kunoichi classmate only for his shorts to tent halfway through a kick causing a classmate to shout “Dick-move Danzo!” That had haunted Danzo all the way through to his chuunin days.
Taking him over to his sensei’s home he knocked on the door and was surprised when the door was almost instantly answered by Kizashi Haruno. A cheerful chuunin, with a particular eye for codes and cyphers if his memory was serving him correctly.
“Ah Kizashi-kun, I don’t suppose your wife would be willing to do this old man a favour?” asked Sarutobi genially, lifting his hat slightly to meet the man’s eyes.
Blinking in surprise Kizashi blinked before bowing “Hokage-sama! Um, I can’t really answer for her, but may I ask what the favour would be?” he inquired curiously. If his wife couldn’t do it, perhaps he could.
Beckoning Kizashi forward, Sarutobi whispered “Naruto, the poor boy, has started the path to manhood. And to be frank I don’t quite know how to explain that to him. I love the boy but he can be…umm...”
“Dense sometimes?” offered Kizashi, a small smile of amusement dancing about his lips.
Nodding ruefully Sarutobi agreed. “However it would seem your wife has a way of explaining things in a way he understands.”
Sarutobi then spotted a blonde topped head poke out from a doorway curiously. So relieved that the woman was there, Sarutobi didn’t notice the brief flash of terror in the woman’s eyes.
Kizashi looked back and spotted his wife before turning back to Sarutobi. “I’ll go and ask her if she can explain things to Naruto-kun, Hokage-sama.”
Nodding his thanks, Sarutobi pulled his pipe from his robes and began to stuff some tobacco into it, idly saying to Naruto “There we go my boy. Hopefully she’ll be able to clear things up for you.”
Seeing Kizashi nod his head at him and beckon towards Naruto, Sarutobi lit his pipe and patted Naruto on the head. “I’ll send a note to Iruka-kun explaining why you won’t be in today, okay Naruto? Make sure you pay attention to what your sensei has to say.”
Nodding he saw Naruto walk past Kizashi and get a head ruffle in passing as Kizashi walked out the door.
Glad that some of the adults in this village still had the Will of Fire burning in them, Sarutobi shunshinned away in a flurry of leaves.
And as such Mebuki was now regretting her decision to say yes to the Hokage’s favour. All Kizashi had said was “Hokage-sama wants you to teach Naruto something.” And then just before he’d left, he had looked back and mouthed ‘Good Luck’ at her. So when Naruto had looked up at her, blushed and started to squirm slightly all while trying to pull his shirt down to hide a growing bulge, she knew what she was supposed to teach and felt despair.
That starfish haired baka was sleeping on the floor tonight.
She had started fantasizing about this, when she stopped using him. The thought of him squirming under her hands, begging her to “Please let me cum-ttebayo,” had made her incredibly horny. It depressed her slightly that the idea of slowly torturing the boy with pleasure, was a prime fantasy of hers when she was sleeping with her husband, as it made her orgasm come quickly and intensely. The intensity of her release however washed most of the bad feelings away. At the time it wasn’t like she was actually doing it, so it was fair game.
And now, when she was trying to resolve to be a better wife, the baka drops this on her lap.
Kami was testing her. And she was failing.
Mustering her resolve, Mebuki smiled at Naruto and said “Why don’t you go and get comfortable in the other room? I have to get something to help me explain ok?”
Naruto smiled up at her, still blushing and assented with a thankful nod, before trotting off into the sitting room. Sighing, Mebuki walked upstairs and into her room and looking at the small shelf filled with books. There was one she’d used while giving Sakura the talk somewhere.
Spotting it quickly she pulled it down and walked downstairs and into the sitting room, stopping short at what she could see.
The sitting room of the Haruno family was fairly large and modern, with a large cream sofa and two chairs and a coffee table in front of it, with a TV in the corner. Pictures were hung up, mostly of the whole family or Sakura when she was younger. From where she was stood, she could see a side profile of Naruto sitting down, his face positively luminescent while staring at the picture on the right end of the coffee table. He also had both hands in his lap, trying to hide a small tent in his pants.
Curious at just what he was staring at that was getting that reaction from him, Mebuki put her training to use and padded behind the sofa silently. Looking over his shoulder, Mebuki felt an odd thrill when she realised it was a picture of her and Kizashi on their wedding day. Her hair was a little longer in the picture and her eyes bright with happiness, as she stood with her hand in the crook of her husband’s arm looking resplendent in a stunning white dress. She and Kizashi had decided to have a simple wedding in a beautiful field not far from Konoha, neither particularly wanting to bother with something more traditional.
‘The night after that picture seemed so magical and perfect’ Mebuki thought back fondly. Both she and Kizashi had been virgins until that night, never going past oral sex before. Giving it to the man she loved had made the act seem like something so much more. Looking down at Naruto, her eyes kept on straying to the bulge in his pants and his desperate attempts to push it back down.
‘But the magic has gone,’ she realised with an odd surge of emotion. ‘In the bedroom anyway. What was it Kizashi said? So long as I’m with you I’m happy.’ In that moment Mebuki decided she wanted to have her cake and eat it too. She wanted to be happy again, and being happy with Kizashi as her sole lover was not making her happy.
Moving past Naruto, absently noticing him jump at her sudden appearance, Mebuki walked over to the window, put down the book and pressed her palm against the sill. Channelling her chakra a small fuuinjutsu array appeared. Flowing her chakra along it, Mebuki concentrated on the image of an empty sitting room, the light particles trapped in the glass being changed to show this image. An area effect genjutsu like this was usually quite difficult to pull off, but through the actions of an unknown seal-master it had become easy to apply as the fuuinjutsu handled the majority of the work, actually managing to interpret an image in the mind’s eye through the spiritual part of the chakra poured into the array. At least that was how it was explained to her.
Rumour had it that it was originally developed due to Jiraiya-sama peeping on a certain couple mid-coitus. Now the man could only really get his research at bath-houses,
Mebuki was satisfied that none of the people could look inside when she flipped off the old bat that lived down the street and she showed no reaction.
Turning back to Naruto, Mebuki offered her best sad smile as she moved to sit on his left. “I owe you an apology Naruto-kun.”
Naruto blinked at the woman who was now sat next to him, her thigh pressed against his. “What for sensei?” he asked confusedly, blushing as he felt that place get even harder with his sensei’s new proximity.
Placing her right hand on his thigh Mebuki started to explain. “I know you’ve been wondering why I won’t help you practice the technique I showed you.”
Naruto’s eyes widened in comprehension. He had wondered why the training sessions had stopped and hadn’t started again. After all he had completely stopped his pranking since then. He hadn’t even placed a tack on Mizuki-teme’s chair in months!
Seeing the comprehension in his eyes Mebuki continued. “I was feeling guilty,”
“What for sensei?” Naruto asked, upset that something had made his sensei feel bad about herself.
“You remember how I told you how Kizashi couldn’t do that special technique as well as you?” At Naruto’s nodding she continued. “I felt kinda bad that I was helping you practice it so much, when Kizashi really needed help getting it better. After all you were already so good, so you could afford to stop a little while right?”
Naruto began to hesitantly nod his head, not really agreeing with her but assuming she knew best. Therefore he was surprised when Mebuki shook her head sharply.
“I know now that, that was wrong of me. You should never abandon a student with an incomplete technique. So,” Mebuki’s hand began to rub along his thigh, each time getting closer to the bulge in his pants, “I’m hoping that showing you an advanced aspect of the technique will help you to forgive me.” She finished with a hopeful smile.
Having seen how despondent his sensei was feeling Naruto shook his head with a smile. “It’s ok sensei, there’s nothing to forgive.” Naruto really wanted to know this new part of the technique, but it wouldn’t feel right if it was given as a bribe.
Still smiling at him Mebuki moved her hand up onto the bulge, and ground her palm into it slightly getting a bug-eyed look from Naruto. “As a reward then.”
Well jiji always told him it was rude to refuse gifts.
Naruto nodded his head vigorously, valiantly resisting the urge to press his crotch against the palm now resting on it lightly.
Mebuki smiled brightly. “Good.” With that Mebuki began to tug on the waistline of his pants.
Now panicked Naruto stammered. “B-b-b-but Sensei! M-m-m-my thingy is hard!”
Mebuki paused and gave Naruto a stern glare. “I’ve told you before, it’s not a called a ‘thingy’, it’s called a cock. Now lift your hips sweetie. This will help make it soft again anyway alright?”
Abashed at his panic, Naruto lifted his hips and felt his sensei’s hands tug both his pants and his boxers down. Suddenly remembering the honking big window in the room, Naruto’s head turned to the side in fear, thinking people would be looking in and laughing at him.
Seeing what had caught his attention this time, Mebuki sighed. “Nobody can see in either Naruto. That’s what I was taking care of over there earlier. Now,” She fixed him with a semi-amused smile, “if you’re done doubting your Sensei, I can start to teach you.”
Embarrassed that his thoughts were so easy to read Naruto focused his attention on her totally.
Pleased Mebuki began her lesson. “Now, as you already know, this is called a cock.” Mebuki moved her hand to wrap around his cock, causing Naruto to gulp. “But that’s just what this part is called altogether ok? Like how Miso Ramen is called Miso Ramen, despite being made up of numerous things.” Mebuki began to move her hand up and down slowly. “This part of your cock is called the shaft. Easy to remember ne?” She pulled at the skin of his cock gently, Naruto watching as the purplish head of his cock appeared. Mebuki ran her hand up his length, and gently rubbed the tip of his cock with her thumb. “This part is the ‘glans’ but most just call it the head. The part I pulled away to show this was what was called the foreskin. Are you following so far?”
Naruto nodded his head jerkily, not trusting his voice at that moment. For some reason the feeling of his sensei’s hand on his cock felt really good…
Mebuki then moved her hand down and cupped the wrinkled sac underneath his cock. “This little bag here is called the ‘scrotum’ or sac more simply.” She then began to roll her hand around, weighing the sac. “These round things inside are called the ‘testicles’ but everyone just calls them balls. These are why it hurts so much to be hit there sweetie.”
Mebuki was watching every little twitch that ran through her toys body with each movement of her hand. Her nipples could probably cut diamonds at this point, and her panties were well on their way to being soaked through. Looking down at the cock and balls she was handling, Mebuki was impressed. At 12 years old, she was hardly expecting anything sizable, but his was standing at just shy of four and a half inches. Compared to her husbands it was tiny, but she was sure that it was quite big for his age, spelling good things for his and her future. A small shiver of delight ran down her spine, when she saw a small bead of fluid appear at the tip of his little cock.
Naruto nearly whined out when he felt his sensei’s soft, soft hands abandon his sac, only to nearly yelp in surprise when a slender finger swiped something wet off the head of his cock.
Holding an index finger up that was now slightly wet for Naruto to inspect, Mebuki began the final part of her lesson. “This is called precum Naruto. When your cock starts to feel good, the head starts to leak this. This is to lubricate it to help it move smoothly.”
Looking confused, Naruto asked “What does lubricate mean? And where does it go that it needs to be smooth?”
Sweat-dropping slightly Mebuki clarified “Too lubricate means to apply a fluid to something – like your pre-cum Naruto – to make its movement easier. And the place it goes Naruto, is into a woman’s pussy.”
Naruto stared at her confused for a moment, before his eyes glazed slightly. His sensei’s warm, soft hand had felt so good, the idea of her hot wet sex wrapping around him…
“But we won’t be doing that.” Mebuki finished promptly, easily seeing where Naruto’s thoughts had taken him. “You’re good at the ‘technique’ so far Naruto, but that’s a bit too advanced for you at the moment.”
Wiping her finger off on his thigh, Mebuki stared at him with a hint of mischief in her eyes. “Now Naruto, the reason why your cock gets hard, usually tends to be that you find someone pretty or attractive. Did I make you hard Naruto-kun?” She asked with a teasing wink.
Naruto blushed red enough to resemble a yellow topped tomato.
Laughing, Mebuki gently patted his head. “Don’t worry Naruto, I think it’s quite flattering that you find me attractive. After all I’m getting quite old.”
Naruto seemed to puff up with indignation. “You’re not old! And Mebuki-sensei is really pretty!”
Mebuki smiled at Naruto, her eyes dancing with amusement. She should have kept the boy around just to soothe her ego if anything.
“Thank you Naruto-kun. But, I noticed you staring at my wedding picture earlier.” She frowned at him playfully. “I hope that your cock was hard over me in my dress and not my husband.”
“Of course it was you! I like girls-ttebayo! And sensei looks, really, really, pretty…” Naruto trailed off mumbling, obviously wanting to keep that titbit to himself.
Mebuki flushed with pleasure from the compliments the brat was giving her beauty, all while looking at the framed photo in question. Suddenly a perverse smile spread across her lips. “Naruto I need you to pick up the picture and sit up a bit ok?”
Confused, Naruto leaned over and picked the picture up with both hands, and sat up. Reaching over, Mebuki adjusted his grip of the picture so that his right thumb was covering Kizashi’s face and his other hand, left the image of her completely exposed. It also just happened to be held at an angle towards him, just underneath his cock.
“This is going to be an important part of your training Naruto,” Mebuki said seriously. “Women have an advantage over men in this branch of techniques because we can keep taking more and more pleasure. Men on the other hand generally finish once and are unable to continue.” Frowning at him with what looked like sorrow she continued, “What I'm about to do may seem cruel, but it’s with good reason. You aren’t allowed to take your hands off the picture ok?”
Naruto nodded determinedly, deciding that seeing as he’d done well in the other techniques, his pride was at stake if he didn’t do well in this one too.
Smiling evilly Mebuki licked the palm of her hand and got it nice and wet and then wrapped it and her fingers around Naruto’s cock. His sudden intake of breath, told her that he’d noticed the moistness and appreciated it. Squeezing gently, she slowly began to jerk him off, her right breast occasionally brushing against his left arm, adding a twist to the motion of her hand every now and then. She built up a steady but slow rhythm, and soon enough Naruto’s cock head was practically weeping and she could feel him twitch in her palm.
“Look at me in that dress Naruto.” She crooned into the shell of his ear. “Don’t I look pretty? I look so happy and young don’t I?” She felt dark satisfaction creep into her heart, when she felt him start to hump her hand. She was jerking off a young teenager in her family’s sitting room over a picture of her wedding day. She should feel ashamed, but all she felt was a naughty thrill.
Naruto’s breath was coming in short, sharp gasps, his hips pumping slightly as he humped his sensei’s palm as best he could. About the only thing he could remember was that he was to hold the picture just so. He could understand why some guy’s had trouble with this part of the technique, as he knew that something was coming and it would feel fantastic.
Feeling the twitch become more frequent and seeing her toy’s sac start to rise, Mebuki stopped moving her hand and took it off his cock. She felt her lips twitch into a small smile, when Naruto whined like a kicked dog. Before he could look at her, Mebuki schooled her features into an understanding smile. “I know this is difficult sweetie, but what you feel coming? If you let that happen too soon you’ll never master this part of the technique.”
Naruto took a deep shuddering breath, and drudged up the determination that had kept him chasing his dream of Hokage. Nodding his head to show he was ready, Naruto stopped the tremble in his arms and waited.
Wetting her palm, Mebuki resumed giving Naruto a handjob, feeling an obscene pleasure in the situation reinforced by the wet noise her palm made gliding up and down Naruto’s cock. She continued to whisper nothings into his ear as she shined his cock and once again stopped when it seemed like he was ready to explode. She managed to get Naruto to last for half an hour overall and decided to let him finish. Her poor toy was panting, sweating bright red mess. At his age and for his first time it was very impressive.
When he felt that indescribable feeling arrive, Naruto was waiting for his sensei to be cruel to be kind, and remove her hand. Each time she had done this he could only liken it to nearly being at the top of a mountain, only to slip on the same patch of ice and fall down half of the mountain, When her hand actually began to speed up, Naruto gasped and whimpered, as what felt like lightning struck his body. Naruto had reached the top of the mountain only to discover it was an active volcano and the eruption was huge.
Mebuki watched with fascination as each jerk of her toys hips sent his seed splashing across her wedding picture, every pearly white jet covering more and more of her image. When the final shot covered her face in the picture, Mebuki felt a perverse tingle race through her body. Her toy had just cum all over a picture of her on what was the happiest day of her life. The dirtiness of the act was amazing.
Removing her hand from the slowly softening cock, Mebuki reached across the coffee table and grabbed a small box of tissues. First she cleaned her hand of Naruto’s seed and then wiped off the picture, and Naruto himself. Looking around carefully for any drops she may have missed, Mebuki was satisfied that she had gotten all of the evidence.
Standing up, Mebuki shook the now nearly comatose boy to wakefulness, and had him stand and pull up his pants and boxers. Putting her hands on his shoulders, causing him to look up at her dazedly, Mebuki smiled. “What you just felt is an orgasm, or cumming Naruto. The white stuff that came out is your ‘sperm’, or cum, or jizz or any number of words. You feel tired out now don’t you?” He nodded his head jerkily. “We’ll have to practice a lot so you don’t get so tired so quickly. If you’re really talented, we may even be able to get you cock to go hard again after you cum.” Mebuki looked at Naruto hesitantly for a second. “You have to remember that you can’t tell anyone about this Naruto. I could get into a lot of trouble, teaching someone your age these techniques.”
Naruto shook his head to clear out the fluff in it, before looking his most precious person in the eye. “I swear on the Hokage’s hat that I’ll never tell anyone-ttebayo! I always keep my work cos that’s my nindo!”
“Thank you. If the Hokage asks you about today, just tell him I gave you ‘the talk’ like he asked ok Naruto?” Said Mebuki smiling at his fervent declaration. Looking at the clock, Mebuki bit her lip and saw it was nearly lunch time. If they were quick, she might be able to drag her toy upstairs and take the top off of a couple months’ worth of frustration. Getting ready to take his hand and guide him to her bedroom, Mebuki looked out the still genjutsu covered window and saw Kizashi crest the rooftop of the house opposite. Mebuki felt a rush of irritation at her husband. First he couldn’t satisfy her himself, now when she finally had enough and tried to take care of it herself he stops her?!
Turning back to Naruto she looked at him sadly. “We can’t keep practising today Naruto, I’m sorry.” Getting ready to tell him to go, Mebuki was struck with an idea.
It would be cruel. It would be heartless. It would satisfy both her sudden anger at her husband as well as her body.
“Naruto do you think you’ll be able to stay awake ‘till midnight? You sure? Can you come here at about midnight then and wait outside the front door for me?”
A/N: Shazam! Yet another chapter finished.
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