Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Secret Technique

Cruel Revenge

by SleepyMatt


Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2014-04-17 - 4590 words - Complete

“Hello” people speaking

‘Hello’ people thinking

“Hello” biiju talking

‘Hello’ biiju thinking

Chapter 4: Cruel Revenge


Mebuki’s anger was steaming away behind her calm facade as she washed a plate. When Kizashi had interrupted them earlier, it hadn’t been for anything remotely important. As a matter of fact, Mebuki had been talking herself down from her initial plan of revenge, knowing that Kizashi hadn’t returned just to stop her from getting release.

That had gone straight out the window when she found out that he’d come home to ask her to make him something to eat, because the food stand he liked going to was closed! If Mebuki were thinking rationally and not with her pussy, she would’ve remembered that Kizashi didn’t cook for a very good reason that reason being how expensive it would be to replace the kitchen.

She had quickly made him a sandwich, which he’d looked less than pleased with, only to eat it quickly when he saw the suppressed ire on her face. He had quickly scarpered after kissing her on the cheek, leaving her to clean up after him.

Putting the now clean plate on a dish rack to dry, Mebuki grabbed the dish towel from the counter and washed her hands only to pause. Putting the towel down, she grabbed her right hand and brought it close to her eye, and rubbed the area between her thumb and index finger. Each pass of her still slightly wet fingers slowly worked away a little layer of make-up to reveal…nothing.

Mebuki stared in non-comprehension for a moment. She knew that she had a scar there that reached over the back of her hand, from where a shuriken imbued with wind chakra had nearly cut the top part of her hand off. The makeup that covered it was a small vanity that she allowed herself, not liking being reminded how close she had been to losing her career so many years ago.

And now it was gone. Scars didn’t just vanish, Mebuki knew, no matter how good a medic-nin was. Even Tsunade-sama couldn’t get rid of scars. So where had hers gone?

The only different thing she had done with that hand that day had been jerking off…ahem, ‘teaching’ her toy.

Mebuki paused for a moment. She’d heard of some strange kekkei genkai, but surely healing/beautifying cum was a bit too far of a stretch?

She only had to think of the Iwa shinobi she’d met whose clan was notorious for poisonous flatulence to decide it may be worthwhile to check it out.


Mebuki hated coming to the Konoha library. The wing containing useful information for ninja was manned by a rotating Chuunin guard. Unfortunately, while ordinary librarian’s hated noise, if you made so much as a squeak you’d feel the gaze of a Chuunin boring into your back. Like one was doing now.

Turning around she glared dark at the mousy looking brunette teen, causing him to gulp and move his eyes away. Satisfied, Mebuki searched for reference material. Her eyes soon spotted a shelf dedicated to research on both domestic and foreign kekkei genkai. Eyes landing on the largest book, she sweat-dropped at its title before pulling it off the shelf.

Moving over to a nearby table, Mebuki sat down and opened up the book titled ‘Kekkei Genkai: The Strange, The Weird and The Downright Freaky’.

Scanning the contents page, Mebuki quickly came across what she was looking for, that being a list of clans with healing abilities. Picking the correct page, Mebuki flipped to it and began to look through the list.

Reading down the list, Mebuki’s eyes landed on the name Uzumaki followed by a separate page number. Flipping pages again, Mebuki eyed the familiar spiral crest with surprise. She hadn’t realised that the brat was wearing an actual clan symbol. But then again she got the feeling that he didn’t either.

She ignored the majority of the text, as it was just history and focused on what came after the subheading Kekkei Genkai.

The Uzumaki clan were notorious for two things in particular.

One was their ridiculously long life-spans, the oldest Uzumaki being recorded at age 326, before he died in battle.

Another was their equally ridiculous chakra reserves, it being said that their chuunin level ninja often had more chakra than the average Jounin.

However there was a minor ability that crept up from time to time, more akin to a genetic quirk of the clan. The sheer vitality of an Uzumaki’s life force can actually imbue their blood with healing abilities that have been said to be abnormal. The blood of those with larger than normal reserves (even for Uzumaki) was rumoured to have near miraculous curative abilities. Uzumaki shinobi have been seen biting a comrades arm, and getting up devoid of what were once life-threatening injuries. It is unsure if this effect is rooted purely in the blood or if it is present in other bodily fluids.

The book then went on into a tangent, listing several other books that should be read if one wanted to learn of the Uzumaki clan.

So if her toy was part of this clan then there was a good chance that his cum had removed her scar. But, she smiled; there was only one way to be really sure. And she wouldn’t deny that testing it would be…entertaining.


Kizashi was incredibly confused.

He had come home and begged meals off of his wife before, causing her to label him a dine and dasher playfully. But today he must have caught his wife in a bad mood, one that evidently hadn’t gotten any better. How did he know this?

It was quite simple. At 10:30 he had seen his wife come down the stairs clad in a satin dressing gown that ended at about mid-thigh. Before he could eagerly ask what the occasion was, she had completely ignored him and gone to sit in the siting room, with a book in hand. Following her in, he had seen her sit on the couch with her legs curled up beneath her. He had seen glimpses of a set of lingerie that began to spell disappointment in his mind.

One year for their anniversary, he had jokingly bought her a set of black lace lingerie, complete with open-crotch panties. She had not been amused when she had opened the gag gift in front of their daughter, and had since only wore them when she was angry with him. She would tease him with by flashing little glimpses of skin, steadily driving him insane with lust, only to deny his advances. She would tease him with something he would not get to have. And given how gorgeous she looked in his gift, it never took him long to lose his sanity.

Kizashi sighed regretfully. He was tired so maybe he’d be able to ignore his hard-on and get to sleep. Hopefully his beautiful, forgiving wife will have cooled off by tomorrow.


Mebuki eyed the clock with anticipation in her heart, and between her legs. It had just reached 11:30. Marking her location in her book (a rather steamy romance), Mebuki got up to prepare the setting for her upcoming release…and a little revenge on her husband.

Walking out of the sitting room and into the hall, Mebuki began to creep up the stairs silently, absentmindedly noting the cute snuffling snores from her daughter’s room. Reaching the bedroom she shared with her husband, Mebuki cracked open the door and listened carefully. She smiled when she heard the deep even breathing she was hoping for. That would make this next step so much easier…

Padding across the carpeted floor silently, Mebuki stood over her husband who was on his back with one arm over his chest outside the duvet, sleeping. She ran her hands through a series of seals slowly, being sure to keep tight hold of her chakra, so a sudden spike wouldn’t shock Kizashi awake.

The technique she was about to use was one she had been taught by a medic-nin working in the psychiatric ward of the hospital simply named the ‘Dreamless Sleep’. It was a strange mish mash of medical and genjutsu techniques. It would place the recipient in a deep sleep, making use of the nature of medical chakra.

All medical chakra is, is chakra that has been shifted to a neutral state, which thereby allows medic-nin to insert it into another’s body and use it to repair injuries, without the patient’s chakra trying to instinctively reject the foreign energy. Using this, Mebuki delicately guided Kizashi into the deepest state of sleep possible, and locked him into it using a feedback loop of sorts, until her chakra dissipated or she removed it herself. The genjutsu side of the technique practically deadened him to outside stimuli, including touch.

She had to learn the technique when Kizashi had become plagued by frequent nightmares as a result of an ambush that killed his team mate nearly a decade ago. Originally she had simply attempted to lock him into a deep sleep, not liking the idea that he’d be practically helpless if she used the genjutsu, only for him to wake himself up due to the slightest movement causing him to move in instinctual fear. She had relented and introduced the genjutsu that deadened his senses. With the two techniques combined into one, he could sleep through the night easily, never stirring, not even when their then young daughter had run in and pounced on him one morning.

Now finished moulding the chakra, Mebuki carefully held both glowing hands over the temples on each side of his head. Kizashi seemed to relax further, his breathing becoming even more deep and slow. Smiling at her success, Mebuki leaned down and planted a scorching kiss on her husband’s lips. When he didn’t stir at all, she shook him roughly. Satisfied, she stood up straight, hands on her hips.

Smiling vindictively she murmured “Sweet dreams Kizashi,” and left the room.


Naruto was freezing.

He had done as his sensei had asked and stayed up until 11:45 before jogging through the dark streets of Konoha towards his sensei’s home. For once he was dressed in a simple pair of dark pants wrapped at the ankles with bandages, and a grey t-shirt, sensing that she wanted discretion. While the small run had warmed him up slightly, it had also led to him getting to her home 10 minutes early, and sitting by the wall next to her front door, with the chill night wind for company.

He was feeling an uncharacteristic amount of irritation toward Kizashi. Normally, Naruto was quite friendly with the man with dull-pink hair. But it was because of his, his incompetence at a simple technique that had stymied his own training. Is this what his class mates felt towards him when he disrupted lessons? Geez he felt like a douche…

But he had been cheered up immensely when she asked him to come meet her here. It made Naruto feel really special, when he realised that his sensei was willing to disrupt her sleep for him.

Though he did wish that she’d given him a key to let himself in or something.

His journey over had been completely uninterrupted, people practically having to be on top of each other to see each other. With the thick clouds covering the moon, there was next to no light to see by apart from the brief pools of light cast by street lanterns.

Shivering as another breeze brought fresh cold air over his exposed arms, Naruto began to stand up getting ready to knock on the door.

Only to squint as it cracked open slightly, letting a sliver of what felt like extremely bright light out to hit him in the eye.

Blinking to restore his suddenly compromised vision, Naruto eventually saw the amused green eyes of his sensei peeking through the gap in the door. Smiling up at her sheepishly he saw her eyes disappear before the door opened enough to let him in. Accepting the nonverbal invitation eagerly, he slipped in through the gap and turned to smile gratefully at his sensei, who had closed the door behind him. When she turned, he opened his mouth to thank her only to make a strange choking noise when he saw what she was wearing.

She was stood before him in the warm light of the hallway, all but naked. All she wore was a short satin dressing gown that was currently hanging open revealing the rest of her attire. The bra was black and edged with lace, also happening to be slightly translucent, letting Naruto vaguely make out the stiff pink nipples through the material. Those alone painted an absolutely sinful picture, but it was her panties that had Naruto’s attention. Made up of the same material of her bra, they had a split in the material, revealing his sensei’s pretty, pink, moist, pussy with a smoky black framing.

Naruto flushed to the roots of his hair, and felt his cock spring to attention like a proud soldier before their leader.

His sensei smiled.


It was cute really, Mebuki mused to herself, just how eager her toy was to please her. He didn’t know just what depravities he was helping her to commit, what vows he was helping her to befoul and destroy. How cruel his and her actions would be considered by an outsider looking in.

She had never been a beacon of morality, any shinobi or kunoichi who tried to be one tended to die very early in their careers. Only the truly powerful could afford to not compromise on their thoughts and ideals. Mebuki was capable, and clever enough to survive despite her lack of overwhelming power. She would never be able to face giants in battle, but she was cunning enough to slip poison into their meals so she wouldn’t have to.

She had over time carefully ingratiated her toy to her. Her pleasure had become his pleasure, her instructions to be treated as gospel. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. She felt her arousal start to soak the material of her crotchless panties.

‘It seems that power is something of a turn-on for me,’ she thought dryly.

Clearing her throat, she felt a flash of mirth when she him abashedly tear his eyes away from her pussy to meet her face. Seeing him getting ready to talk, she held a finger up to her lips in the universal sign for ‘quiet’.

“Eh hehe, sorry Mebuki-sensei,” he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “But, um, what you’re wearing…is really, really…awesome, dattebayo.” He whispered, only remembering at the last moment to keep his voice down when he his verbal-tic slipped out.

“Thank you Naruto, it was a gift from Kizashi.” She quirked an eyebrow at his description. Awesome? Speaking lowly she finished with “We’d best move upstairs, so we can talk properly.”

Spinning on her heel, she began to walk up the stairs not waiting for his approval. If she had looked back, she would have seen him following behind her, his eyes focused on the hem of her dressing gown which lifted slightly with each step, revealing the swell of her ass. She also would have been amused by his awkward walk due to his erection.

Upon reaching the landing, she paused and listened carefully to make sure that her daughter was still asleep. Reassured Mebuki silently crept toward her bedroom door and opened it, beckoning Naruto through before closing it behind her. With the click of the door shutting the sound-dampening fuuinjutsu reactivated.

“There we can talk properly now,” said Mebuki turning from the door. She was amused to see that Naruto had frozen in the middle of the room staring at the lump in the bed.

“Erm, sensei, how are we going to train with Kizashi-san here? Won’t it wake him up?” He was still whispering, staring at Kizashi as though he expected him to sit up and start yelling at him.

‘If he woke up, he’d probably do a lot worse,’ she thought to herself. Stirring out of her thoughts, Mebuki smiled reassuringly before taking Naruto by the hand and leading him over to the bed.

“He won’t wake up Naruto-kun, don’t worry. Look,” Mebuki poked Kizashi repeatedly getting no response from the man. “I made sure he wouldn’t interrupt us again ne?”

Naruto still looked unsure. “But Sensei, wouldn’t it be kinda mean? Training me to do something that Kizashi can’t do, right in front of him, I mean?” He scowled darkly. “That sounds like something Sasuke would do, and I don’t want to be like that teme.”

Mebuki bit her lip and tried to convince him otherwise by appealing to Naruto’s trickster nature. “Look Naruto-kun, this will just be a harmless little prank ok?” She smiled at him reassuringly. “He won’t even actually know it happened. This is just a little payback for him interrupting us earlier.” Clasping her hands together, Mebuki practically pouted at him. “Please Naruto-kun? For me?”

Naruto had already been sold on the idea when his sensei had mentioned the word prank. The fact that his sensei was asking him so kindly, and that he was still a little irritated with the sleeping man, had nothing to do with it. Not at all.

He nodded at her decisively.

Smiling victoriously Mebuki looked down at Kizashi with a spark of venomous anticipation in her eyes. Shrugging off her dressing gown, Mebuki sat on the edge of the bed close to her husband’s inert form, before lying down beside him without a millimetre of space between them, leaving enough space for Naruto to climb onto the foot of the bed.

Looking up at the still standing boy, Mebuki spread her legs one foot landing on the floor to the side of the bed, and the other thrown over the covered legs of her husband. Smiling up at Naruto invitingly she said “I think we should review the basics Naruto…we’ve not been able to practice for a while, so we need to make sure you’re not rusty…”

Naruto hesitantly crept forward only for her foot to come up and press against his chest. Looking at her confusedly, Naruto cocked his head in question.

“Take your pants off Naruto and your boxers too. We’ll continue practicing your newest technique later ok?”

Nodding his understanding, Naruto quickly removed the specified clothes and crawled onto the foot of the bed. Seeing his sensei, with her upper body propped up with her elbows, staring at him intensely, caused his cock to twitch. If anything he resolved that he would show his mastery over the basics, so they could move onto this new, fun technique.

Due to his erection, Naruto had sit on his knees before his sensei and hunch over to attach his mouth to her pussy, but the awkward position did nothing to hamper his enthusiasm at being able to train with his sensei again.

The moment she felt her toys mouth start to attack her pussy, Mebuki groaned with relief. She had no idea how she had managed for so long without her toys rough tongue lapping at the folds of her pussy, but she knew she didn’t want to be without it again. The moist appendage tracing the lips of her wet opening had been very much missed. Closing her thighs around his head, Mebuki forced Naruto’s face as far into her pussy as she could, while her right hand pulled the cups of her bra down and began to massage her now freed right breast with one of her hands.

Despite his sensei’s sudden fervour, Naruto didn’t slow down once. He licked, sucked and prodded at his sensei’s special place, like a parched man drinking the last drops of water on the Earth. He had grown to miss this over the last few months. The taste of Mebuki’s honey on his tongue, the smell of her pussy, the feel of her moistness on his face. All of these things were associated with happy memories for Naruto.

Given the months of frustration and the arousal that had been on a slow-burn all day, it shouldn’t have surprised Mebuki when she came so quickly. It seemed to appear out of nowhere as with each shock that travelled through her, she soaked her toys face, and felt her inner muscles clamp around the tongue that’s entry had set off her orgasm. Despite this, she didn’t release Naruto’s head from the vice of her thighs, but simply began to lazily grind her groin against his face. They were far from stopping for the night.

When her toy got the hint and began to move his tongue again, Mebuki’s head lolled to the left, to look at her sleeping husband. Her lips twitched into a caustically sweet smile. “Y-you w-were right Kizashi,” she murmured between deep ragged breaths. “He’s s-such a good b-boy.” She shuddered, when she felt his tongue leave her pussy, and moved down to her asshole. “I-I remember teaching him this ‘technique’ for the first time. It’s kinda nostalgic Kizashi!” She suddenly arched off the bed slightly, when a pair of small fingers entered her pussy, and began to pump. “Y-you were there then too.”

Having had his ears muffled by Mebuki’s thighs, Naruto had heard none of the cruel words his sensei had for her husband. Working his tongue into her asshole, Naruto felt triumph when his sensei’s pussy contracted around his fingers.

“Oh Kami,” Mebuki shrieked, her left hand grabbing hold of Kizashi’s arm and squeezing. Why had she stopped this doing this? Panting, her breast jiggled slightly with each gasp. Still looking at her husband she informed him. “He’s so much better at this than you. I bet he’ll have a bigger cock than you too, when he’s older.” Naruto still hadn’t stopped, his tongue wiggling in her ass, driving her to a third release slowly but steadily. “You only have yourself to blame Kizashi.” And with that Mebuki turned from her husband and focused solely upon the rapture of using her toy again.


Naruto was tired.

His jaw ached, and his tongue was getting sore but he still hadn’t stopped. His cock was still hard and felt like it was ready to explode at the slightest provocation. He’d been performing the technique for nearly two hours now, and his sensei never made a noise louder than a whimper, each time she came.

But he still hadn’t stopped. ‘It must be some kind of stamina training,’ Naruto thought dazedly.

He felt his sensei’s crotch hump against his face slightly, as he pushed her over the edge again. Giving her a moment to catch her breath, Naruto was surprised when he felt her tugging his hair to get his face away from her pussy.

Looking up Naruto was bewitched when he saw his sensei. Her face was a bright red, and her green eyes were clouded with satisfaction. Her hair was a mess and all over the place, and sweat made her skin gleam softly in the night. Every ragged gasp caused her tits to heave and jiggle. She looked beautiful.

Naruto’s cock twitched eagerly.

“Stand up Naruto,” she spoke hoarsely, sitting herself up. “I think you’ve earned a reward.”

Naruto moved eagerly, nearly falling over when his sleeping legs nearly collapsed underneath him. Still he stood at the side of the bed his cock bobbing with each nervous movement.

Mebuki on the other hand stayed sitting down, sure her legs would collapse if she tried to use them. But her toy had definitely earned this.

Bringing herself closer to the edge of the bed, Mebuki licked the palm of her hand, and wrapped it around Naruto’s angry looking cock. A look of bliss seemed to spread across his face, no doubt ready to cum already. Pausing for a moment, Mebuki remembered her theory from earlier, before bringing him closer. She teasingly rubbed the head of Naruto’s cock against the nipple of one of her tits, before bringing her other arm up underneath her tits, and pushing them up and together. She’d check to see if her theory about her toy’s cum was correct.

Naruto was afraid when his sensei paused her rubbing of his cock, worried that she’d try to make him last again. But thankfully that wasn’t the case, as she instead brought him closer to her before aiming the head of his cock at the valley of her breasts. The sight of his sensei’s white tits with little pink peaked nipples served to push him over the edge.

Mebuki watched with satisfaction as her toy became undone solely from her hand. She watched as his little cock squirted rope after pearly rope of his seed over her breasts, which slowly began to trickle down their slopes. Now that she was concentrating on it, she could feel a pleasant little tingle in the skin where his shots had landed. Mebuki squeezed his cock slightly to make sure she got the last drop, before removing her now cum covered hand from his cock, and started to rub the cum on her breasts in.

Naruto stared as his sensei did this, befuddled but also oddly satisfied at the sight of Mebuki’s tits covered with his essence. Seeming to remember his presence, Mebuki smiled at him tiredly. “That was wonderful Naruto, thank you.” She pulled the cups of her bra over her slightly sticky tits, before standing on shaky legs. “But I think you’d better hurry home and get some sleep. You’ve still got the academy tomorrow.” Naruto cursed mentally. He’d hoped she’d forgotten.


The next morning Mebuki stared at her breasts in the mirror, feeling both impressed and mystified. When she’d taken Naruto’s shot on her chest, she had expected it to possibly heal a small scar on the upper slope of her left breast, from a kunai. What she was staring at now was much better.

The sad fact was that Mebuki had started to see the effects of age on her breasts, as they had started to sag slightly the year before. But now…

The globes of soft flesh on her chest were firm and perky, looking almost as good as they had when she had been twenty. Mebuki snickered. She had found the best beauty cream in the world.


Kizashi was confused. His wife was practically dancing around the kitchen, when he had come downstairs expecting the silent treatment from her. Instead she had surprised him with an ohayo and a kiss on the cheek, before resuming her cooking.

Kizashi didn’t know what had happened last night to drain her ire, but he hoped it could be repeated the next time he inevitably pissed her off…

A/N: Ah poor, poor Kizashi. You don’t really want that to be repeated do you?
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