Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Secret Technique

Pondering's and Penetrations

by SleepyMatt

The last virginity.

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2014-04-17 - 5738 words - Complete

“Hello” people speaking

‘Hello’ people thinking

“Hello” biiju talking

‘Hello’ biiju thinking

Chapter 9: Ponderings and Penetrations


Mebuki frowned at the bruising that dotted her neck and shoulder. At the time Naruto’s biting and sucking had added to the experience but the morning after she was wishing she hadn’t had him disposes of the condom. The marks wouldn’t be difficult to conceal with makeup or a minor genjutsu but she’d rather not have to. It would only take a single slip and she’d have some awkward questions directed her way from Kizashi or Sakura.

She stood up straight from her leaning posture before opening the mirror cabinet in front of her to grab some concealer. Makeup it was. She didn’t have the patience to keep a genjutsu up for such a minor thing. Mebuki carefully applied the makeup to the hickey’s dotting the side of her neck. A few moments later she paused and checked that it matched her skin tone, smiling when it blended in perfectly.

Covering the marks on her neck quickly, Mebuki left the mark left by Naruto on her shoulder as it would be easy enough to cover just by wearing a sleeved top.

Now happy that she wouldn’t arouse anyone’s suspicions Mebuki finished her morning hygiene rituals before crossing back to her room. Seeing Kizashi was still sleeping, she rolled her eyes before dressing in a skirt and a simple white blouse.

Moving over to the bed Mebuki began to shake Kizashi gently, telling him gently to wake up. When he didn’t stir her eyebrow twitched slightly and the shaking became more violent. Standing up with a huff she glared at Kizashi irritably, before slapping a palm to her forehead. Feeling sheepish Mebuki placed a hand on Kizashi’s forehead and gently pulled away the chakra keeping him asleep, letting it dissipate quickly.

Kizashi’s eyes fluttered slightly as he sat up with a yawn, blinking open dazedly in the morning light. He looked around the room incomprehensibly for a few moments before his eyes shot wide open when he saw the time on his alarm clock.

“I’m going to be LATE!” he yelped quickly leaping to his feet, kissing Mebuki on the cheek automatically as he shot past her.

Mebuki blinked honestly shocked and a little impressed by her husband’s rapid acceleration. She hadn’t seen him move so fast in years. Giggling into her palm she left the bedroom and headed down to the kitchen in order to prepare some breakfast. She was surprised to see Sakura sat at the kitchen table absently munching away on a piece of toast.

“Sakura?” Mebuki called out as she walked past her daughter, smoothing her hand through her daughter’s hair as she did so. “What are you doing up so early? I thought your Sensei was always three hours later than whatever time he told you?”

Sakura turned an utterly pitiable gaze to her Mother. “Kakashi-sensei is evil Mama. When we started to just arrive three hours after the time he gave us, he started appearing on time and giving us extra training for making him wait.” She yawned mightily. “Given that Naruto was actually tired out, you should have an idea just how much it is.”

Mebuki felt a pang of sympathy pain run through her. When it came to actual physical endurance Naruto just kept on going, quickly gaining second, third and fourth winds when he tires. Sakura and Sasuke must feel like death warmed over at the end of these training sessions.

Smiling at her daughter encouragingly Mebuki said, “You’ll just have to get strong enough that you can keep up sweetie. Do you want something to eat besides that toast? If you’re going to be waiting for three hours, at least you won’t be hungry.”

Sakura thought for a moment before nodding gratefully at her Mother. Unfortunately her cooking ability came from her Father’s side of the family. That meaning she was liable to either explode the kitchen, or inadvertently create a bio-weapon. She could barely make toast that wasn’t burnt, something that her Father still couldn’t do. Watching her Mother’s easy confidence in the kitchen, Sakura felt a little envy. If she could cook her Sasuke-kun’s favourite foods then she would have such a leg up over Ino-pig. Fortunately Ino wasn’t any good in a kitchen either, having accidentally given her Inoichi-san food poisoning when she cooked for him.

Sakura thanked Mebuki when a plate with an omelette appeared in front of her, digging in eagerly. Kizashi stumbled into the room, bare feet nearly sliding out from under him because of his rushing.

Knowing that Kizashi had to leave immediately, Mebuki simply held out a plate with two slices of toast.

Kizashi snatched up both slices and kissed both Mebuki and Sakura on the cheek before running out the door shouting “See you later!” behind him.

“Papa is such a goof.” Sakura groaned having finished her omelette. “He can be so embarrassing.”

Mebuki smiled at her daughter’s complaining. When she was a little girl Sakura had been her Father’s little princess. But the moment she hit puberty and wanted to start looking cool for her friends, Kizashi’s behaviour had started drawing embarrassment instead of endearment from Sakura. She had listened to her husband’s wounded rambling in the nights long enough to know that Sakura’s growing up was not appreciated.

Though in the end she could understand. Sakura had always been something of a miracle child for them, having been told that the chance of them conceiving a child was slim by Doctors. Not wanting to look into alternatives just because a man in a white coat told them to, they had kept trying. When they discovered that she was pregnant they began to walk on cloud nine and didn’t come down for the whole nine months.

‘Honestly it’s a miracle she’s not completely spoilt by us,’ Mebuki mused, fondly remembering carrying Sakura. When Sakura was actually born the slightest sniffle had them both arguing over who would hold her to calm her down. A simple sneeze would have them both at the hospital wailing ‘Our baby’s sick dammit, fix her!’ at the poor Doctors. She wouldn’t deny that idea of another little girl or boy running around the house would be wonderful. Something to bring up with Kizashi she supposed.

Mebuki paused stunned when she felt her cheeks heat up at the thought of Kizashi giving her another child. Smiling gently she pressed her hand against her warm cheek. She supposed certain things could make Kizashi attractive to her again. Mebuki then frowned remembering a certain aspect of her pregnancy she had hated. When she had started her fourth month of the pregnancy and she had started to really show, Kizashi had…difficulty lying with her. The knowledge that her husband wouldn’t sleep with her because he was finding her a little less pleasing to look at had not sat well with her. Just thinking of the frustration she had felt through those couple of months was bad enough. At the actual time her raging hormones had not made her very forgiving. So she spent several months alternating between bliss, extreme sexual frustration, violence as a result and guilt filled tears for attacking her husband.

Mebuki was dragged out of her thoughts when she saw Sakura waving her hand in her face looking worried. “Sorry Sakura, I got lost in my memories for a moment.” Mebuki smiled in the hopes of reassuring her daughter, glad when she saw some tension leave Sakura.

“Some pretty strange memories from the look on your face.” Sakura muttered teasingly. It had been entertaining to watch her Mother’s face transition. First there had been a blissful smile, with ruby cheeks and starry eyes. Then it had steadily started to change, her smile falling, her brow furrowing until eventually her Mother seemed to be giving off an aura of aggravation.

Mebuki rubbed a hand over the back of her neck smiling a little. “Just old memories. Sakura,” Mebuki hesitated a little unsure if she actually wanted to go through with it. “How would you feel if your Father and I had another baby?”

Sakura’s eyes widened in shock, before they softened slightly at the thought of a little person calling her sister. She had always been a little jealous of some of the civilian girls in the Academy when they told everyone about their little siblings. Sure some of them sounded like brats but most of the girls had fond looks on their faces even as they disparaged them.

Smiling Sakura nodded her head at her Mother. “I think I’d like to have a little brother or sister.” Still smiling, Sakura’s eyes took on an excited gleam as another thought entered her head. “Why?! Are you pregnant?!” she practically squealed with excitement. Now that her Mother had brought it up, the idea of there being a baby in the house was so amazing!

Mebuki laughed waving her hands to calm down her suddenly manic daughter. “No Sakura I’m not pregnant. I’ve not even asked Kizashi if he’d like another one yet. Though I do plan to tonight.”

Sakura deflated in disappointment before smiling at her Mother somewhat sheepishly. “Sorry Mama, I got a little overexcited there.” Sakura suddenly froze when her green eyes landed on the clock. “Ack! I’m going to be late! Bye Mama, see you later!” she babbled frantically, kissing Mebuki on the cheek before rushing out the hall and then out the front door.

Mebuki blinked somewhat shocked, before giggling into her hand. “Just as goofy as your Papa sometimes sweetie.” Washing the dishes quickly Mebuki headed out the front door herself, going out to meet with some old friends over tea.


Kizashi stared at his wife quizzically, watching her hands writhe and fidget with one another. Reaching over Kizashi clasped his hands with hers to hold them still, before locking eyes with Mebuki. “Mebuki-chan what’s wrong? You’ve been fidgeting ever since we climbed into bed.”

Mebuki felt the courage she’d been trying to build up all day flee her. It had seemed so easy thinking of it earlier, but now that she was actually confronted with the prospect of asking Kizashi, it became much more difficult. When they had been trying for Sakura, Kizashi had been a bit of a mess because the Doctor had told him that it was his low sperm count that was making things hard. He had been slightly depressed for a while before suggesting to Mebuki that maybe they could adopt, or try artificial insemination. While both options sounded fine now, back then Mebuki had been a young wife who wanted a child made of her and her husband, nothing else.

Steeling her nerves Mebuki managed to meet her husband’s eyes with her own steadily. “I…want to try for another baby.” She finally managed to say.

Kizashi stared at her poleaxed for a moment, before he started to look around the room unsure. “I…I have to think about this Mebuki. After last time…I don’t want to say yes just to let you down.”

Mebuki was disappointed but she could understand. It was a big decision after all, and while she had been thinking of this for a while before today, this was the first night Kizashi had heard it from her. “It’s okay Kizashi. Just sleep on it and…consider it. For me?”

Kizashi smiled gently at his wife before nodding his head. Kissing her softly he settled down into bed, and the way only a Shinobi can quickly fell asleep.

Mebuki lay down beside him but unlike her husband didn’t immediately try to go to sleep. She felt foolish for putting it off all day, but there was an extra factor she had not considered when she had decided she wanted another child.


Would she give him up if Kizashi said yes and they tried for another baby. A part of her was shouting at her that she should, that she should have stopped years ago. But the memories of those months of frustration because Kizashi wouldn’t touch her were strong. After having constant release readily available and on demand for years could she really give it up? After a few moments of thought Mebuki realised that she wouldn’t. In the end she was only human and she’d rather keep what was making her happy thank you very much.

Sighing slightly Mebuki turned over and began to focus on falling asleep. She was tired and she had done all she could do for the day. It wasn’t long before she had joined her husband in slumber.


Naruto stared at the images in the magazine with a look of utmost fascination – and perversion. Having had the misfortune to once again take some of the Inuzuka dogs for a walk earlier that day, he had been surprised when a panicked Kiba had pressed a storage scroll into his hands before he could leave.

The other Genin had babbled nonsense about him keeping them, just for the love of Kami don’t tell my Mom that I gave them to you ok? Naruto had then been treated to the sight of a Kiba running back into his home, frantically muttering that he’d have to hide the rest of it. Naruto had shrugged his shoulders at his equally confused teammates and pocketed the scroll, thinking he’d just have to find out what Kiba had given him. He had been far too happy that he’d missed Tsume-sama and Hana-sama to care.

What Kiba had given Naruto was an absolute treasure trove of porno magazines. The first few had featured the standard fare, all things he had actually experienced with his Sensei, and as such not very interesting to him. He had cracked open one which featured a brunette on the front in a spandex cat suit, only to shut it quickly with a madly blushing face. He had checked around the room, as though there might be someone watching him, before opening it again. He had spent several minutes simply goggling at the array of whips, chains and various leather garments on display. People were into this?! And judging from the tight feeling in his pants Naruto had realised he wasn’t all that adverse to it himself.

Naruto had spent the next half an hour heavily cursing the rule that Mebuki had imposed on him, that denied him the right to relieve the pressure himself. He had then thrown aside that magazine before grabbing the one that currently held him enraptured.

The title had confused him (Back Door Kunoichi? The hell?) but when he had simply opened the magazine straight to the middle his eyes had grown to take up most of his face. Of course he had thought of putting his dick there with his Sensei, but he had always thought it was something weird about him. After all he was well acquainted with the tightness of that particular orifice, having felt it clench around his invading fingers or tongue. But he had never realised that other guys thought of going back there. Hell judging from the images, other guys liked going back there a lot!

Feeling one of his hands inching towards his pants, Naruto raised the disobedient appendage and bit into it with a groan. He was so glad that he knew Mebuki-sensei was coming over tomorrow. If he didn’t have that knowledge to tide him over, Naruto was sure that his Sensei’s rule over his self-pleasuring would be broken. Repeatedly.

Throwing the magazine aside before his self-control could be tested further, Naruto quickly re-sealed the dirty magazines before climbing onto his bed not realising he’d missed one. Feeling a twinge in his aching muscles, Naruto felt grateful that Kakashi-sensei had seen fit to give them the weekend off. It took a lot of physical strain to leave him with an actual long lasting ache in his muscles, and Kakashi had found the limit and pushed him past it. All while throwing pointy knives of death at him whenever he would start to lag. A part of him resented that Kakashi only did that with him, but on the other hand well…


“Dammit Sensei!” Naruto hollered feeling cool metal cut his bicep as he continued to run. “Why are you only throwing shit at-ack!” Naruto yelped when a kunai whizzed past him, forcing him into a roll which he quickly stood from.

“Language Naruto-kun,” Kakashi called cheerfully, his eye locked on the pages of his book, walking after his running student, yet somehow keeping up. “See Naruto, neither Sasuke nor Sakura have this nifty little ability to lose several litres of blood and keep running!”

“So what?!” Naruto cried as he ducked behind a tree. “Why don’t you just throw rocks or something instead of damn kunai?!”

“There’s a simple answer for that!” Kakashi chirped from right beside Naruto.

Naruto once again yelped and began to run for his life again.

“This is far more fun~!”

Naruto shivered. Kakashi-sensei was scary when you accidentally scuffed his book in a spar. The pointy metal rain of doom had quickly had him responding to his senses a lot more urgently. He had stopped thinking and began to trust in his instincts. Which was the lesson he hoped Kakashi was going for, and not simply torturing him.

Crossing his arms behind his head, Naruto stared up at his ceiling and waged an internal war with himself. After seeing that it wasn’t too weird he was very tempted to ask Sensei if it would be possible to try it. But on the other hand he had always followed Sensei’s lead when it came to these kinds of Techniques. What if she thought he wasn’t ready for it or something and was simply waiting for him to get better?

Either way, Naruto nodded his head decisively; there was no harm in him asking. But not until he had the confidence to bring it up.

Naruto rolled over and pulled his sheets up and around him, quickly dozing off after the tiring day. A sleepy smile crossed his lips when his dreams strayed to the image of a blonde woman with a look of pained pleasure on her face, and a dick in her ass.


Mebuki was feeling a little unsure.

She had woken up that morning only to find out that Kizashi was already awake and was going to go chat with a couple of friends while he had the time off. He hadn’t once brought up their conversation from the night before, and when she had tried to he had simply smiled at her and told her he was still thinking about it. She knew it was unreasonable to hope that he had made a decision after a single night but he could have at least talked to her!

Deciding to put it out of her mind for now, Mebuki felt her nipples start to bud and her pussy start to moisten. What she hadn’t told Kizashi was that she was surprisingly very willing to ‘practice’ that very night. She had been shocked when she realised that she actually felt a sexual desire for Kizashi again. Seeing the very familiar apartment building of her toy looming before her had reignited the spark that had been present the night before, and built up to a steady flame in her loins. Kizashi’s loss, her and Naruto’s gain she supposed.

Walking into the building, Mebuki began to walk up the several flights of stairs and came to a stop outside of Naruto’s door. Knocking on it a few times, Mebuki frowned after a few moments had passed and the door wasn’t answered. Knocking a little more harshly, Mebuki’s frown deepened and a twitch appeared above her eye. The brat had told her he would be here all day. He hadn’t forgotten she was coming over and gone out had he?

Mebuki paused and listening to her gut feeling grabbed a hold of the door handle and was annoyed when the door proved to be unlocked. She had told him to remember to lock the damn thing so many times, but he still managed to forget. Letting herself into the apartment, Mebuki smiled a pleased smile when she saw its state of cleanliness. While it wasn’t amazing, for a teenager living on his own it was quite spotless.

Stepping inside Mebuki called out “Naruto?” and stopped dead when she saw the lump still in bed. Looking over at the clock on the wall, Mebuki sweat dropped when she realised it was 9 o’clock in the morning. She knew full well that on a day off the chances of a teenager being up before 11 were slim to nil. Feeling silly Mebuki turned to leave only for Naruto to turn onto his back with a grumble…revealing a tent in his bed sheets.

Mebuki smiled mischievously. Surely Naruto wouldn’t mind her waking him instead of an alarm clock? Mebuki crept across the room and gently but insistently pulled the covers away from Naruto. Mebuki paused and licked her lips at the sight of the muscled blonde wearing nothing but his boxers. She was going to enjoy this.


Naruto blinked his eyes muzzily, and let out a groan at the feeling wet, heat surrounding the tip of his member. He had been having dreams all night and had woken repeatedly throughout the night just before things could get interesting.

“Not again.” He grumbled getting ready to waken to his dark apartment with a raging hard-on that would go unsatisfied.

Feeling an intense suck and then a pair of lips popping off of his dick, Naruto was shocked when he heard the amused voice of his Sensei say “You want me to stop Naruto?”

Eyes flying open Naruto looked down and saw his very real, very naked Sensei with his dick resting against her cheek, an impish smile on her face.

Naruto blushed and stammered. “N-no Sensei! I-I just thought it was a dream!”

Mebuki continued to smile, as her hand began languidly stroke his glistening cock. “Oh?” she said curiously. “Do you dream about me often Naruto?” She bent her head down and began to teasingly lick his sac, feeling the cock in her hand twitch with every lick.

Naruto’s already red face became an even darker shade as he turned his head away and nodded. This was embarrassing-ttebayo!

“Oh? I want you to say it Naruto.” Mebuki said giving her tongue a rest for a moment. “Do you dream about me sweetie?” Mebuki’s hand never stopped its movement over Naruto’s spit shined dick.

“I-I have dreams about Mebuki-sensei.” Naruto stammered out, before moaning when Mebuki’s hand began to move more rapidly.

“What kinds of dreams sweetie?” Mebuki asked leaning in to kiss the tip of Naruto’s member. “Dreams like this?”

“Y-yes Sensei, lots like this.” He replied his hips jerking as he tried to hump her hand. He whined when he felt her hand suddenly stop and simply hold him at the base of his cock. He quickly changed his tune when he saw her climb up his body, until she was sat on him, her pussy resting against his shaft which was pressed against his own abdomen. Mebuki began to rock her hips, rubbing the underside of his cock against her wet flesh.

Mebuki smiled down at the boy beneath her, every rock of her hips sending pleasant tingles through her pussy. “Oh? So what happens in your other dreams Naruto? Tell me.” She said commandingly.

Not wanting to disappoint his Sensei, and make her stop what she was doing, Naruto hesitantly began to describe his dreams to his Sensei. “S-sometimes y-you’re sucking me in your kitchen.”

“Keep going.” Mebuki said as she started to play with one of her breasts, smiling when she saw her toy watch her hand intently. “Is it just us?”

“N-no, Kizashi-san is there too.”

“What is he doing?” Mebuki asked as her breathing began to get a little heavier. Honey was leaking out of her pussy and coating the young cock beneath her, making every jerk of her hips a smooth glide.

“H-he’s talking to me!” Naruto says gripping the bed beneath him.

Feeling sufficiently worked up, Mebuki raised her hips and gripped Naruto’s cock to point it up. Pressing the tip against her opening, she moaned lowly as she slowly started to sink down Naruto’s cock, every ridge and vein familiar but still sending sparks of electricity through her. Leaning down so her mouth was beside Naruto’s ear she gasped, “Your talking to him while his wife gives you a blowjob? Right in front of him?” She began to lift her hips and slam them down, moaning louder when she felt him thrust to meet her making slapping noises with each one. “Such a dirty boy!”

Naruto let go of the bed and gripped his Sensei’s hips as he thrust up into her. His Sensei’s pussy always felt so much hotter, so much wetter and so much better without the barrier of rubber a condom gave. He could feel every ripple around his dick as her pussy squeezed and tried to pull him in.

“Sometimes we’re fucking while he’s sleeping, like the other night!” he gasped out, clenching his jaw shut as he felt her channel squeeze down on him.

Hearing Naruto describe their escapades from the other night, caused her to moan against his shoulder. She could feel her climax arriving with all the force of a freight train from Snow. “What’s your favourite sweetie? What’s your favourite dream?” She murmured against his ear.

Naruto’s brain to mouth filter short circuited when he felt her hot breath wash over his ear. The feel of her ass slapping against his thighs didn’t help either. “When I’m fucking your asshole.” He answered honestly, before his eyes widened in shock at his admittance.

Mebuki bit down on his shoulder to muffle the shriek that bubbled out of her. Her hips jerked and twitched as she felt her release tear through her, making stars shine in her eyes. That final idea had been one she’d always been curious of. She knew she enjoyed having her asshole played with, but there was a major difference between a finger or tongue and a six inch dick. She moaned in her throat as she felt splashes of warm cum enter her, the hot feeling of her toys release heightening her own.

She released her grasp on his shoulder and simply stayed atop him, panting and shivering as her nipples brushed against him with each breath. Feeling him slip out of her and their mixed essence start to trickle down her thighs shook her awake slightly. Turning her head slightly her lips brushed against Naruto’s ear as she murmured. “If we’re going to try it you have to be gentle.”

Naruto turned his head to look at her stupefied even as his originally flagging cock sprung to attention. “Eh?!” came his eloquent supply.

Rolling her eyes slightly, Mebuki huffed out an amused chuff of laughter. “If we’re going to try my ass you have to be gentle.” Mebuki paused. “And make sure it’s good and wet before we do.”

Naruto could only watch absolutely stunned as his Sensei climbed off of him, only to get on her hands and knees next to him. When she raised an eyebrow at his lack of movement, Naruto quickly sat up and moved so that he was behind her. Staring at the wrinkled rosebud between her cheeks, Naruto imagined how tight it would feel and felt his member throb. Exerting his self-control, Naruto remembered the second part of what his Sensei said and leaned down and began to apply his tongue to the tight ring.

Mebuki sighed as she felt the familiar feeling of her toys tongue lapping at the ring of her anus. She shuddered slightly feeling her pussy flutter when Naruto forced his tongue past the tight ring and start to wriggle it inside her.

Naruto pulled his tongue out of the tight ring and gave it one more lick just for good measure. Naruto stared at it worriedly, unsure if that would be enough. Looking down slightly Naruto flushed and smiled smugly as he saw his essence drip out of Mebuki-sensei’s pussy. Reaching forward with a finger, Naruto pushed it into her pussy causing her to gasp, and collected their mixed juices. Pulling his finger out Naruto moved it up to her anus and began to smear it on the tight ring, before pushing his finger inside of her to spread it further. Pulling his finger out Naruto then used his other hand to gather some more and smear it along his length.

Sure that this was about as good as he could get it, Naruto moved in a little closer and rested his shaft between her ass cheeks. “I’m going to put it in Sensei. I’ll try to go slowly.” He told her before grabbing the base of his cock and holding it in place as he pressed the tip against her rosebud. He watched enraptured as the ring slowly succumbed to the insistent pressure and started to let in his dick.

Mebuki hissed through her teeth at the sting of stretching flesh as her toy slowly began to enter her. She had never done this before and was as such unused to the new sensations. She groaned in her throat as she felt Naruto’s thick rod force it’s way slowly up her rectum, claiming virgin territory. It took him pulling out slightly and then pushing back in again for him to bury himself to the hilt in her ass. By the time he had, Mebuki’s arms had collapsed beneath her and she had started to wheeze. When she had felt her ass settle against him it had felt like his cock would hit the back of her throat. She had never felt so absolutely stuffed before.

“Are you ok Sensei?” Naruto asked worriedly, fervently praying she was. He would stop if she wanted him to, but the alternate orifice was already proving to be equally amazing. It was even tighter than he had expected and it gave off an amazing amount of heat. Of course it was drier than her pussy but what else could you expect. But what had him truly enamoured with his Sensei’s ass was how tight it was around the entrance.

“I’m ok sweetie.” Mebuki reassured him gaspingly. Now that she had, had a little time to adjust she could feel her pussy quiver every time Naruto twitched in her rectum. It was definitely different and it wasn’t quite as intense a feeling as she got from her pussy…but it was oddly enjoyable she decided. “Just start off slow.”

Naruto did as he was told and started to slowly thrust in and out of his Sensei’s asshole. He stared fascinated as the skin of her anus grasped at his cock as he pulled out before groaning as he forced his cock back in, until his balls rested against her pussy. It wasn’t long before both were comfortable enough for him to move faster.

Mebuki gasped with each thrust, twitching slightly as she felt his balls slap against her pussy. She had reached up beneath her and started to play with herself, the alien pleasure of her ass being ravaged helping her along to orgasm. She had two fingers buried inside her pussy pumping away madly, while her other hand was occupied with her clit. Each thrust was done with enough force for the headboard of the bed to slam against the wall, making her glad nobody else lived on this floor. It wasn’t long before she felt the tell-tale tension in her abdomen, indicating a burgeoning climax. Feeling Naruto’s hand take over and pinch her clit was enough to send her over the edge. She bit into the sheets beneath her, screaming out her orgasm, her hips jerking back against Naruto while her pussy clenched around her fingers.

Naruto nearly went cross-eyed as the already tight grip around his cock became vice-like, almost making him fear it would snap his cock off. The intermittent clenching around his member made him cum with nearly explosive force as an entire night’s frustration and fantasy emptied into her rectum.

Mebuki moaned weakly into the bed as she felt her toys warm cum start to fill up her ass. It felt like so much. She shuddered lightly as he pulled out of her ass with a lewd popping noise, bringing a little of his release to the surface of her anus. She definitely wouldn’t mind trying this again. Not for a little while though. She wasn’t sure if her toys cum would heal the anal pounding he’d given her.

Turning her head slightly Mebuki’s eyes widened as they aligned on a dirty magazine on the floor, just beneath Naruto’s night stand. It featured various pictures of men tied up in chains and ropes with women in leather corsets…using them. “I had no idea your tastes ran that way sweetie.” She said with a tired amused voice.

Looking to see what had caught his Sensei’s attention, Naruto blushed madly.


Despite having a slight limp as she walked home, Mebuki did so with a smile on her face. Stepping in through the front door of her home and sitting down…gently in the sitting room, Mebuki was made even happier when Kizashi walked in an hour later and told her he’d like to try for another child too.

A/N: Ok hope you all enjoyed that!

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