Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Secret Technique

Tsunami: Minor Apology

by SleepyMatt

Tsunami apologizes for her sons behavior.

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2014-04-17 - 3518 words - Complete

“Hello” people speaking

‘Hello’ people thinking

“Hello” biiju talking

‘Hello’ biiju thinking

Interlude: Tsunami – Minor Apology


The journey to Wave had been far more arduous than any of them had expected.

In a fit of anger Naruto had asked – more demanded – that they be let out on an actual mission instead of chores and labour. He had been shocked when the Sandaime actually agreed to his request, expecting to be told they weren’t ready and being assigned something nasty for punishment.

However he had briefly wished that they had chosen a different mission for his team. The bridge builder that they were to escort was drunk when he’d been led in and he’d proceeded to insult his team. His exact words were “I didn’t pay for a team of brats! The guy with silver hair looks competent, but two girls and a boy barely out of diapers?!” Naruto had been amused at first, thinking it was Sasuke being referred to as a girl. Then the old bastard had continued. “Seriously Blondie and Pinky look like they belong in those magazines!” Naruto had to work hard not to smash the drunks Sake bottle over his head. He wasn’t pretty dammit! He was delicately handsome.

Almost as though he could hear his mental wailing, Sasuke had smirked at him and added fuel to the fire. “Dobe, he’s not wrong you know. If I hadn’t seen you topless before I’d have thought you were a chick with a flat chest.”

Naruto had spent a few minutes wallowing in a cloud of depression, only being brought out of it by Sakura patting his shoulder consolingly.

Tazuna had then shot the Sandaime a deadpan look that clearly asked ‘Really?’ Naruto supposed that his miserable wallowing hadn’t helped the man’s impression of him.

Either way they had all quickly met by the gates after being told to pack, and were all summarily shocked when Kakashi was actually exactly on time. They had learned that Kakashi wasn’t so much as always late; it was that he just made sure to cause them as much misery as possible.

Initially the trip had been fairly calm, no bandits along the road and about the only trouble came when Tazuna got attacked by a fox one night when he went to the bathroom. Naruto had taken a vindictive satisfaction in the sight of the old man running from the fox. Call him pretty…

But then things had rapidly gotten more serious with the appearance of the Demon Brother’s. He was ashamed with himself for freezing at first, but thankfully had regained enough of his sense to fight one of them while Sasuke had fought the other. They both managed to knock them out but not before Naruto were poisoned.

Kakashi had quickly reappeared and congratulated them on their quick thinking before suddenly becoming very menacing and asking Tazuna why the Demon Brothers had been after him. After hearing the man’s story Naruto knew he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he went home and ignored Wave’s plight. Thankfully it seemed that he wasn’t the only one. Dealing with the poison in a very silly way now that he thought of it, (“We have antidotes in our packs baka!”) by stabbing his hand to let the poison out, they had quickly resumed their journey.

The fight that had followed against Momochi Zabuza had quickly reinforced just how much danger they were in. Not long after the boat Tazuna had arranged for dropped them off, they were all nearly bisected by the giant slab of metal called a sword that Zabuza used. The fact that the man could hurl such a large weapon with accuracy was terrifying to the Genin. That terror escalated quickly when they saw just how much stronger their Sensei and the missing-nin were than them.

Every bout of Taijutsu was carefully measured, every Technique used having a counter, every movement carefully orchestrated to misdirect.

And then their Sensei had been trapped.

It had been largely luck that had made Naruto’s improvised plan work. And he hated that fact. He hated how weak he was. If he were stronger he wouldn’t be so afraid, and he wouldn’t be terrified every time he walked by the Inuzuka compound. He was so tired of being afraid. Then the Hunter-nin had appeared, killed Zabuza and fled with his body and Kakashi had collapsed.

This all led to this current moment, where Naruto was slowly following after Tazuna with his insensate Sensei on his back. He had never appreciated how lanky he was, otherwise carrying Kakashi-sensei would’ve looked quite ridiculous.

“Don’t worry brats my home is just up ahead,” exclaimed the now jovial old man. Ever since he’d seen the battles on the way here, his tune regarding their competence had changed. Didn’t mean he was respectful though.

Naruto grumbled silently and hefted his Sensei a little further up his back before continuing to follow. He hoped to Kami there was somewhere he could immediately put Kakashi down.


Tsunami sighed worriedly as she worked in the kitchen.

For a mother of a child Tsunami was still very pretty. Her figure was rather slim with a modest bust and a firm behind often drawing attention she’d rather avoid from Gato’s thugs. Her face was delicately pretty rather than beautiful, somewhat like a doll.

She had been awaiting her Father’s return from Konoha, hoping that he’d managed to get there safely in order to get help. Gato hadn’t yet resorted to outright sending people to kill her Father but she knew it was definitely close. When Kaiza had been alive the foul little troll had first tried to bribe him and then resorted to attempts at intimidation and threats in an attempt to get him to comply. When those had failed Gato had ordered Kaiza’s execution. That had been two years ago now.

Raising Inari had been difficult enough before Kaiza had appeared, his biological Father having died not long after his birth. Inari had been quiet and withdrawn as a child, jealous of his friends who had ‘complete’ families. When Kaiza had appeared, Inari had changed into a cheerful rambunctious little boy and that alone would have been enough to make her love Kaiza. The man had a certain strength of spirit that attracted all around him, an unwavering will that was simply magnetic to her.

Then he had died. And a part of her thought she might hate him for it.

His death hadn’t only deprived her and Inari of his presence; he also seemed to have taken a large amount of Inari’s spirit with him. Now her son was withdrawn again, only this time his mood was especially dreary and cynical. No child should ever be so certain that failure was all that awaited those who tried.

His death also seemed to have broken the back of any kind of resistance that there had been amongst Wave’s populace. Instead of becoming a martyr and inspiration, Kaiza had served as a macabre example of what awaited those who rebelled. Even the bravest strongest men among them were cowed into submission at the idea. Kaiza had not had a comfortable end.

And now her Father had put himself at risk, building a bridge that would allow new wealth to flow into a destitute Wave. It was a last hope for the country, one that had endured for over a year already. The initial progress made on the bridge had been astounding, being half-way completed in just seven months. Then Gato had started to slowly scare off the workers that once nearly numbered a hundred. Now there was only close to a couple dozen left, with more being scared off or bribed every day.

Her Father sensed the change in the winds and with some discrete aid from their neighbours, set off to Konoha in order to hire a team of ninja as protection.

They should have arrived yesterday. Hence her worry.

Hearing a knock at her door, Tsunami quickly wiped her hands on a towel and hurried to the door. Hearing her Father’s familiar voice behind the wood, Tsunami felt relief course through her and swung open the door with a cry of “Father!”

Chuckling Tazuna caught his daughter when she threw her arms around him in a hug. “Heh, this is my daughter Tsunami, shinobi and kunoichi-san! This is the team I managed to hire from Konoha Tsunami! Their super strong!”

Blushing slightly at her loss of composure, Tsunami stepped back from her Father and looked curiously at the group behind her father. Two were delicately handsome young men and the other was a pretty young woman with long pink hair.

She also noticed the unconscious man on the blondes back.

“Ah, if you follow me Shinobi-san I can show you somewhere to put him down.” She offered quickly, turning to lead the young man up the stairs when she saw his grateful nod. She was slightly shocked when she saw the ease with which the blonde carried the heavier man up the stairs, having expected his team-mate to help him. Evidently he didn’t need the help.

Opening one of the guest rooms, Tsunami ushered the blonde inside and said “You can put him down on the futon in here Shinobi-san.”


“Pardon?” Tsunami said confused as she watched the blonde put the older man down on the futon.

“Call me Naruto.” The blonde smiled up at her toothily as he was making sure his Sensei was comfortable. “Shinobi is just a job title.”

Tsunami nodded her head in understanding, smiling at him in return before bowing to the suddenly bewildered boy. “Thank you for bringing my Father back safely Naruto-san. And for coming to help our country.”

Scratching the back of his head, Naruto laughed uncomfortably before ushering for her to stand up. “Don’t bow Tsunami-san. Couldn’t exactly just walk away from helping Wave get away from this Gato-teme. And I promise…we will help deal with Gato.” He said with a sincere smile and closed eyes.

As such he missed the hitch in Tsunami’s breathing and the flush that spread up her face.

Tsunami flushed heavily at his smile, feeling her nipples bud beneath her pink shirt and felt her pussy start to moisten. “Still thank you, Naruto-san. We’d better go down stairs to let your Sensei sleep.” She managed to get out before walking out the door. Tsunami rubbed her thighs together uncomfortably and felt a spike of mortification. Had it really been so long that a simple smile from a handsome man was enough to get her panties wet? The sincerity and confidence in his voice when he had declared their intent to help save her home certainly had not helped matters any.

Tsunami firmed her resolve. It didn't matter. She had more self-control than that.


Tsunami was mortified.

She had the self-control not to simply jump his bones like her libido was telling her to, but it also turned out the young man she was lusting after was fourteen.

Tsunami buried her burning face in her hands. It was night time, and Naruto had left not long after she and her Father had explained just why Wave was the way it was. The blonde boy had sworn he would show Inari that hero's did exist before leaving to train. And for whatever reason she believed in him. She didn't understand how his Sensei could just shrug off the fact that his student was out training in the dark, especially when he knew that this Zabuza person was alive with an accomplice as well!

She sighed and stood up from her chair and began to make her way upstairs. She had assumed that the Genin that had been sent to aid her home were 16 at the youngest. Evidently their training made them look a lot...older. And muscular. Tsunami paused at the entrance of her room and shook her head, as though to dislodge the images in her mind. She groaned silently when she remembered Naruto coming back from training topless the other day, all muscular and glistening. Feeling the now irritatingly common stirs of arousal, Tsunami entered her room and locked the door behind her.

She'd just take care of them she had for the past year. It wasn't that there were no handsome men in Wave, it was just that they all lacked that inner fire that she found attractive. They were all so...defeated.

Quickly shucking her clothes, Tsunami reached under her bed furtively, shooting nervous looks towards the door. She knew the door was locked but there were shinobi in her home. Men and Women rather notorious for being spies occasionally. Pulling out a small nondescript cardboard box, Tsunami pulled off the lid and pulled out her secret indulgence.

The vibrator was simple in design, simply shaped like a bullet with a small grip on the bottom with a single switch with multiple settings.

Had anyone walked past her door that night all they would have heard was a muted buzzing and the occasional pleased sigh.


Naruto was exhausted.

After being woken up by Haku (finding out he was a dude...ew) Naruto had rushed back to Tsunami-sans after realising he had spent the entire night outside training and then sleeping. When he stepped into the home he had tried to mask his tiredness behind a smile only for Kakashi to see right through it. And then there had been that incident at dinner with Inari. Naruto had gone to bed feeling quite guilty after that. Inari had no way to know how his words could be considered offensive, he was still just a little kid. And Naruto had snapped at him, his self-control frayed by his weariness.

When Naruto lay down it didn't take long for him to surrender to the comfort of the futon and fall asleep.


Tsunami watched as her Father and three of the shinobi left for the bridge in the early morning. The sun hadn't even truly risen yet, but her Father had been adamant that if he was going to be attacked that day he'd damn well still get some work done on the bridge.

The silver-haired Shinobi had told her that they had left Naruto behind so he could get some rest. The story of what was happening to their home had pushed the cheerful blonde to training himself to exhaustion. That combined with her son's harsh words the night before made her feel rather guilty. There had to be some way to make up for it...

Tsunami's face flushed a brilliant red. No! She couldn't do that! Then a thoughtful hesitant frown crossed her face.

Weren't Shinobi considered adults when they got their Hitaite? Tsunami whined and gripped at her skirt tightly feeling her arousal start to bubble up again.

Despite her own recriminations, Tsunami quickly walked up the steps and entered the guest room where the Shinobi had been staying.

The grip on her skirt became white-knuckled.

Naruto had kicked the covers off at some point in the night. He was laying in nothing but his boxers exposing a physique that none of her past lovers would probably be able to match. With one hand behind his head and one resting on his stomach, every deep breath slowly raising his chest, it was clear that he was still asleep.

Perhaps a small apology?

Kneeling beside the unconscious Genin, Tsunami hesitantly reached out and rested her hand on Naruto's crotch, blushing brilliantly when she felt his member respond eagerly. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw the amount of strain being put on his boxers, as his member hardened under her touch.

“That can't be comfortable...” she murmured. Steeling her nerves, she gently hooked her fingers on the waistband of his boxers and gasped slightly when Naruto's dick bobbed in the fresh air.

Looking at Naruto's still sleeping form with anxiety, Tsunami circled his erect member with her hand and began to pump it slightly. It felt incredibly hot against her cool hand, and it felt like it was throbbing with every beat of her heart.

Brushing her hair behind her ear, Tsunami bent over and began to lick the head of his cock. The salty taste against her tongue and the grunted noises of pleasure spurred her to take the head into her mouth and suck it lightly. Had Naruto been awake his view would have been impeded by the curtain formed by her long air, pooled on his abdomen.

She began to bob her head as her confidence grew, sure that Naruto wouldn't wake up to see her in such a...shameful position. As she thought of the exhaustion he'd driven himself to for her family, Tsunami began to suck a little harder and take more of him into her mouth with each downward movement.

Tsunami froze when she heard and felt Naruto cough sleepily. Brushing her hair out of the way Tsunami looked hesitantly at Naruto's face, and began to slowly resume her sucking.

Letting his cock pop free from the seal of her lips, Tsunami began to work her hand up and down the now spit-slick shaft, rubbing the tip with her thumb teasingly. Seeing Naruto start to thrust weakly, Tsunami felt a thrill of pleasure only for her eyes to widen in realisation. Where would he cum?

Tsunami briefly considered taking him back into her mouth and letting him finish there, but quickly dismissed the idea. She had only tasted a man's release once and she knew then she never wanted to taste it again. She could simply let him cum in her hand, but she would have to cross to the bathroom to wash it off which was right next to Inari's room. Feeling moisture start to trickle down her thighs beneath her skirt, Tsunami began to shift uncomfortably. It was mortifying to know she had started to soak through her panties.

A light bulb lit up above her head.

Biting her lip, Tsunami let go of Naruto's cock and swiftly stood up. With a little shimmying, Tsunami began to work off her panties through her skirt. When the were finally pooled around her ankles, Tsunami stepped out of one leg hole and used her other foot to lift them to her hands before kneeling beside Naruto again.

Bunching up her wet panties, Tsunami placed them over Naruto's cock and made sure that the head was covered. He seemed to squirm slightly at the foreign feeling of her sodden black panties but quickly began to try and force more pressure onto his cock. Blushing at the sleeping boys insistence, Tsunami began to jerk him again through the fabric of her panties. She nearly fell back in surprise when Naruto gasped slightly and began to move his hips a little more violently, shuddering with each jerk. Tsunami watched entranced as her already wet panties became an even darker colour as Naruto's release stained them. When she was sure he was finished Tsunami slowly began to pull her panties off his softening member, wiping away the last vestiges of his release.

She felt her heart stop when she heard a door swing open and Inari call out, “Mom?”


Inari stared into his Mother's bedroom with confused eyes. Where could she be? Normally at this time she'd be in the kitchen but she hadn't so he'd come to check if she was still sleeping. Closing the door Inari moved down the hall quickly and swung open the door to the guest room, just in time to see Tsunami pull the sheets over Naruto.

“Mom? What are you doing in here?” Inari asked in confusion, subconsciously lowering his voice so as to not wake Naruto.

Tsunami smiled at him gently. “I just came to check on Naruto. He drove himself to exhaustion for us, so I should make sure he's at least comfortable.” Smiling a little more mischievously when Inari's stomach rumbled Tsunami continued “Don't worry Inari. I'll be down to make you breakfast in a minute.”

Blushing at his stomachs insistent noises Inari just nodded “Thanks Mom.” He quickly scurried from the room to go and set the table downstairs.

Tsunami squirmed uncomfortably as soon as he left, feeling Naruto's still warm cum press against her pussy. When she had heard the door swing open, she had panicked and pulled her panties back on. With a clearer mind now, Tsunami realised that she could've just hidden them under the sheets for a moment.

Sighing slightly Tsunami murmured with a hint of relief in her voice. “It's a good thing I'm still on the pill.” Before leaving the room. She knew that the chances of her getting pregnant without actual penetration were slim, but it could happen.

A/N: There we go, Tsunami interlude 1 complete!

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