Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Secret Technique
Kurenai: Sexual Frustration Defenestration
Anko acquisitions help in helping her prudish friend.
“Hello” people speaking
‘Hello’ people thinking
“Hello” biiju talking
‘Hello’ biiju thinking
Interlude: Kurenai : Sexual Frustration Defenestration!
“What's got you so down in the dumps Nai-chan?” asked Anko concerned for her best friend. She had gone out to catch up with the red-eyed Jounin but for whatever reason she just seemed oddly despondent. “Is you bearded boy-toy not treating you right?”
A single red eye cracked open and directed a venomous stare at the purple haired kunoichi. “First off Anko he's not my boy-toy,” Kurenai grumbled as she pulled her head from the comfort of her arms. “I would say we're dating but I honestly have no clue.”
Anko cocked her head curiously even as she waved to the bartender for a refill. “Um Nai-chan how can you not know?”
“Some days he seems to listen to every word I say and commits it to memory. Others he practically ignores me. Sometimes he seems to try to push things a little further, others I have to start everything.” Kurenai sighed into the palm of her hand. “He just doesn't seem to know what he wants and its confusing me.”
Sipping at her Sake Anko nodded sagely before blowing that look out of the water. “Is the sex still good?”
Kurenai who had just started to drink herself began to cough and splutter as the fiery liquid went down the wrong pipe. “Anko!” she hissed slightly scandalised. “We've not even been dating for three weeks yet!”
“Ah yes.” Anko nodded. “You haven't put out yet.” She began to smile ponderously even as she ducked beneath the swipe aimed at her head. “Its practically been over a year since you lasted dated someone right?”
Kurenai's indignation at what Anko said deflated slightly in the face of the, to her, random question. Frowning hesitantly Kurenai began to nod. “Yes I've not really dated in over a year Anko. Why?” she tacked on suspiciously.
Anko began to snicker into her palm. “Oh no reason.”
Red eyes narrowed into a glare. “Tell me Anko.”
“Are you sure you want to know what I've figured out?”
Teeth began to grind together. “Anko, tell me or I'm paying the Dango stands not to serve you.”
Now panicking slightly because Kurenai had proved she would do it, having done so before, Anko began to wave her hands in calming gestures. “Calm down Nai-chan, I was gonna tell you anyway, no need to be so hasty!”
Kurenai smirked victoriously at her friend. “So, oh mighty Anko-sama, just what did you figure out from my dating history or lack thereof?”
Anko began to snicker again. “ we can see from you stringing Asuma along, you want commitment from your man before you give them anything.”
Rolling her eyes Kurenai nodded with a 'duh' look on her face. You know the type. That faintly incredulous look people shoot you for asking questions with obvious answers.
“I believe it is safe to conclude...” Anko began imperiously, before smiling teasingly at her friend. “That it has been over a year since....”
“A year since what Anko?” Kurenai asked getting impatient with her friends grandstanding.
“That you my red eyed friend....have had sex!” Anko finally finished laughing slightly, only for it to taper off incredulously when Kurenai simply began to blush and twiddle her fingers, looking remarkably like a certain student of hers.
“Seriously?!” Anko demanded. “Kami Kurenai, not even a one-night stand?!”
Kurenai cursed the redness in her cheeks. Why wouldn't they stop burning dammit. “Yes Anko it's been over a year!” she snapped waspishly at her now laughing friend.
“Oh Kami, I knew you were a bit of a prude Nai-chan, but over a year without?” The purple-haired Jounin laughed nearly tipping over her Sake in the process. “How haven't you jumped Asuma's bones yet?”
Flushing yet again, Kurenai folded her arms huffily and aimed a gimlet eye at her friend. “Because like you said, I want a commitment from my man. And,” she said irritatedly “I am not a prude.”
“Kurenai, its all well and good wanting a commitment from a man you're dating, but you yourself were saying that you weren't sure what exactly you are.” Anko pointed out with the beginnings of a frown on her face. “Seriously Kurenai, nobody judges you if you take a guy home for one night of fun and nothing else.” Anko rolled her eyes at the thought. “After all Shinobi and Kunoichi aren't known for being bastions of morality.”
Kurenai seemed to deflate slightly at the mention of her unsure relationship with the younger Sarutobi. “Well what the hell am I supposed to do if your so damn wise Anko?” she asked tiredly, only to jump slightly when Anko grinned toothily and slapped her on the back.
“Leave it to me Nai-chan! The amazing Anko-sama will fix your biggest problem!” She boasted before downing her drink and heading for the door with a purpose in her step.
Operation : Sexual Frustration Defenestration was ago!
Anko paused and scratched her head a little confusedly. What the hell did defenestration mean again?
“Mou, stupid Asuma, going on a stupid mission.” Anko whined childishly to herself sat on a building near the main gate of Konoha, pointedly ignoring the fact that missions were what Shinobi did.
Now that she was thinking about it, it was kind of obvious that Kurenai would be suffering from sexual frustration. She loved her friend dearly but she was a bit of a prude when it came to men. She had no idea what started it with the raven-haired Kunoichi but it was kind of an unhealthy character trait for a Kunoichi (or Shinobi for that matter) to have. They dealt with death on a constant basis and nothing was quite as life-affirming as a good fuck. It let you know that you were alive and relieved a lot of stress. How Kurenai hadn't exploded into either a flurry of violence or started a massive orgy, Anko had no clue.
“It's so good to be home-ttebayo!”
Anko perked up slightly at the familiar verbal tic. Peering over the edge of the rooftop, Anko watched as Team 7 returned from their first C-rank mission. Looking at the source of the noise, Anko began to smile in a predatory manner. She recognised the blonde quite easily. He had been a to her in dealing with the agitation the cursed seal brought up that one time. She could definitely see that he had grown up since then. His hair was a little longer and his face had definitely lost a lot of baby-fat making him handsome in a delicate sense. Say what you will but Anko could appreciate a bishie when she saw one. And judging from the corded muscle that she could see on his forearms, exposed by rolled up sleeves, then his bod was probably quite hot too.
Anko froze and began to chuckle evilly. “Fu fu fu. Nai-chan I found you the perfect little helper.”
Down below a chill seemed to run up Naruto's spine.
She could still remember how he had been several years ago. Very talented with his tongue and he already had better restraint with his own release compared to most grown men. That wasn't even factoring in how big his member had become since then.
But Kurenai wouldn't just go for him. Anko frowned briefly before a mischievous smile lit up her face. She'd just have to give them both a little...incentive.
Naruto sighed thankfully as he toed off his sandals.
Without Tazuna to slow them down, Kakashi had decided to push them on the way back, teaching them to use the tree-climbing exercise and chakra reinforcement in concert in order to tree hop. What had taken them a week to travel at a civilian pace, had taken them three days at the pace Kakashi had set.
He was definitely glad to be back so quickly for one simple reason. He desperately wished that he could have followed Sakura home and began to resume his lessons with Mebuki-sensei but he had no real reason to. He had become accustomed to the constant release that their lessons gave him, and going for a month without them was...torturous. Hell he still wasn't allowed to take care of business himself, something about saving up his miracle cream, he couldn't really remember. After all Sensei had had her hand wrapped around him pumping, he would've agreed to anything at that point. And unfortunately he considered his word absolute.
Admittedly his frustration had ebbed slightly on the day of the battle though he didn't know why. It was a good thing too, if his head had still felt filled with cotton that day then chances were he would have taken more damage than he did.
But ignoring all of that, he was very tired from the journey back and while he could do with a shower it could wait. Taking off his jacket and shirt, Naruto simply threw them to the floor and fell forward onto his bed. The sheets were a little musty, having gathered some dust in his absence but he couldn't bring himself to care.
Just as he was drifting off he felt a cold sting hit his neck. Before he could reach for the afflicted area, his eyes drooped and then slid shut as he lost consciousness.
Standing above him Anko began to chuckle ominously. “You're going to help Nai-chan with a little problem peeper...” Pausing in her chuckling, Anko rolled Naruto over and slid her hand down into his pants. “Oh good. You did grow, I was afraid I nearly kidnapped you for nothing....I mean acquired you for nothing. Kidnapping was Orochi-teme's thing not mine.”
Satisfied that her...acquisition would be able to adequately help her poor sex-starved friend, Anko quickly leapt out the window into the night.
“Anko its three in the morning, what the hell is so important it couldn't wait? And where are we going?” Kurenai grumbled tiredly at her friend, who was skipping far too energetically for her tastes.
“Don't worry Nai-chan we're only going to my apartment,” Anko chirped completely ignoring her first question.
“Anko, why are we going to your apartment?” Kurenai said tiredly. Anko really had better have a good reason otherwise she was just going to go straight back home.
“You'll see~” Anko said teasingly as they walked into her building.
Kurenai was torn now. A part of her, the very tired part was saying to go home and get some more sleep before she had to meet with her team. But the rest of her was becoming overcome by the nagging curiosity that her friends teasing had started to evoke. She decided to keep quiet and keep following Anko to her apartment on the top floor, deciding that she would find out what it was then go back to bed.
Upon reaching Anko's apartment, Kurenai watched fascinated as her friend channelled her chakra into the door handle before turning it. Chakra locks were notoriously difficult to open and from the looks of it Anko had shelled out for a design that was considered impossible to open. Obviously some people could open it but it tended to require several hours of work, that alone often serving as a deterrent for any hoping to break in.
The moment the door opened Kurenai peered into the darkened room confusedly, yelping when she felt Anko push her into the room. Stumbling forward slightly Kurenai turned around in time to hear Anko say “Have fun Nai-chan!” and shut the door and lock it.
“Dammit Anko!” Kurenai snarled as she fumbled for the light switch. As was often the case with Shinobi and Kunoichi, Anko had a set of heavy-duty curtains that completely killed the light in her room. Jiraiya could only get his filthy research from the onsen due to their popularity these days. Finally finding the light switch, Kurenai flipped it on and grabbed the door handle. She snarled when no amount of jiggling moved the door. Huffing irritatedly Kurenai turned around and froze before red rushed to her face.
There was a man on the bed.
There was a naked, erect man on the bed.
The naked man was tied down, limbs spread eagle to each corner of the bed. While he was naked he was wearing one article of clothing. On his head was a thick leather hood covering his hair and face. The only end to the leather was a set of slits about his nose and mouth to let him breathe. Curiosity getting the better of her, Kurenai peered at the bound man's mouth having wondered why he was making any noises beyond the occasional grunt. On his tongue she could see a small glowing seal that meant absolutely nothing to her. Anko may have had a decent grasp of fuuinjutsu but Kurenai most certainly didn't.
Her increased scrutiny alerted her to a small envelope poking out from beneath the pillow of the bed. Picking up the red envelope Kurenai opened the envelope and pulled out a letter covered in her friends familiar scrawl.
Hi Nai-chan!
Being the generous individual I am, I decided to help take care of your frustration! I did all the work for you: I hunted a well-hung stud down for you and I've even made sure you don't have to see his face.
The only people who will ever know what happened but me and you.
So for once in your life just have fun and don't worry about the consequences! Apart from potential pregnancy. That would make leading a Genin team difficult.
Scrunching up the letter in her hand Kurenai growled silently to herself. She had fun! Just because it didn't involve her groin...jeez. Looking at the man on the bed she shook her head. She wouldn't indulge Anko in this. Looking around the room Kurenai suddenly looked back to the curtains and brought a palm to her forehead in exasperation.
Curtains = Window. Kami she felt like an idiot.
Walking across the room she flung the curtains open only to stare with a flummoxed look on her face. While there was a window it was tiny. Not even a cat would be able to fit in it. Seeing yet another a letter stuck to the sill Kurenai picked it up and read:
Ha! Like I would let you escape! You need this Nai-chan and I'm making sure you get it!
By the way your face was probably hilarious.
And in the corner there was a small chibi Anko poking its tongue out at her. Not to be deterred Kurenai began to comb over the apartment looking for a bolt hole of some kind. Most shinobi of Anko's level were paranoid enough to make one. Unfortunately shinobi on Anko's level were also smart enough to hide them very well. Finally half an hour later Kurenai sat with her back against the door doing her best not to look at the bed.
“Dammit Anko....can't believe you dragged me out of bed for this crap...” Kurenai mumbled as she felt her eyes start to grow heavy. She'd just nap until Anko came to let her out....
Yawning groggily Kurenai quickly fought her way to wakefulness.
Blinking confusedly she struggled to remember her location for a moment before remembering what had happened earlier. Standing up Kurenai scowled darkly when she discovered that the door was still locked. Releasing her anger with her breath, Kurenai turned back to the room only to flush again at the sight of the naked stranger on the bed.
Seeing that he was still hard, Kurenai looked at the clock and saw that it had been over two hours. Looking back at the cock, Kurenai stared as it seemed to throb angrily.
Kurenai frowned as she felt herself start to get reluctantly wet. Yes it had been a while but she had her pride. But then a niggling thought began to work its way through her mind.
“That can't be healthy,” she murmured as she realised that he had been hard for those two hours she'd slept. Walking into kitchenette Kurenai filled a glass with cold water and then walked back to stand over the foot of the bed.
“Sorry about this.” Kurenai said sheepishly as she stared at the leather mask. Tipping the glass over his crotch, Kurenai watched as the cool liquid flattened blonde curls and ran down over the engorged flesh and then over the balls which had retracted at the first touch of the water.
Kurenai bit her lip when she saw that the cold water did nothing to...alleviate the man's hardness. That was the only idea she had.
You could always help him out. You could get something out of it too...
Kurenai froze and realised that her hand had started to creep towards the man's penis with the stray thought.
Snatching her hand back, Kurenai's face grew red enough to match the shade of her eyes. But the thought had gotten in now and was steadily working away at her resolve.
The amount of abuse that Kurenai's bottom lip had gone through that night, it was a miracle it wasn't bleeding.
'I would only be...doing it out of worry,' Kurenai rationalised to herself. 'He won't even know who it was who helped him. It'll be my little act of good will. And that I might get to feel good has nothing to do it.'
Having successfully convinced herself, Kurenai reached behind her back and worked the zip of her bandage like dress down. Feeling self-conscious despite there being no one around, she brought her hands up to cover her red bra and panties when her dress hit the floor. Feeling foolish she forced her hands down to her side and stared entranced at the throbbing manhood in front of her. He was definitely thicker than her last lover, Kurenai realised with a frown. Given how long it had been chances were that there would be some mild pain. Her eyes whipped up to the slit in the hood that showed the man's mouth.
Slowly sliding her panties down her long smooth legs, Kurenai reasoned that it was simply to make sure that he would fit. It had nothing to do with how...dexterous his tongue looked.
Climbing onto the bed Kurenai settled her knees on either side of the bound man's head and flushed uncontrollably as she though of what the man would be able to see. Having had no reason to, Kurenai had not shaved her pubic hair beyond making sure it wasn't a wild bush but she still had a fairly thick thatch of hair. Then the knowledge that he was blind hit her. The realisation of how helpless he was before her went straight to her pussy, causing her to tremble slightly and actually drip her arousal onto the leather hood. It also served to give her the last burst of courage she needed to lower her pussy to his mouth.
She moaned long and loud as he immediately attacked her pussy the moment her thighs settled next to his head. His long and wide tongue was spread flat and sweeping up her pussy lips from bottom to top, flicking at her engorged clit. Every tap caused lightning to shoot up her spine and her hips to jerk. Having been so long since she'd last indulged it didn't take her long to approach orgasm.
Restrain having fled her, Kurenai grabbed the back of the leather clad head and used it to force the mouth closer to her pussy. Her breathing was deep causing her still bra-clad breasts to heave and jiggle. The coil inside her was getting tighter and tighter with every sweep of the oddly rough tongue.
And then suddenly light exploded behind her eyes. The hooded man had sensed her nearing completion and had wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked gently all while flicking it with his tongue.
A long guttural moan escaped her as she rocked atop his face, her release squirting over the leather hood, making the leather glisten in the light. Finally feeling her release taper off, Kurenai shakily got off the man and crawled down to his crotch. She looked at the throbbing cock hesitantly before running a slender finger down the shaft. It began to twitch insistently beneath her touch.
Swinging her leg over him, Kurenai straddled him so she was facing his feet and his cock. Wrapping her hand around it, Kurenai jerked it a few times before shuffling forward and resting it's tip against her entrance. Taking in a deep breath she began to sink down its length. She gasped sharply as she felt the thick pole stretch her pussy to accommodate it. Gritting her teeth, Kurenai groaned at the mix of pleasure from being filled so completely and the pain of being stretched because of it.
Feeling her ass come to rest on his abdomen, Kurenai paused for a moment to give herself a little extra time to accommodate the large cock inside her. After a minute she slowly raised herself off of him and slammed herself down, causing a gasp to escape her rapidly. Moaning she slowly began to bounce up and down on the hard cock. Leaning back Kurenai braced her hands on the man's chest and stared with perverse fascination as the now slick cock disappeared inside her with every movement of her hips. Unfortunately the way Anko had tied the man prevented him from truly returning her enthusiasm.
Feeling the coil inside start to tighten again Kurenai began to rock even faster even as one of her own hands reached down and started to rub at her clit. Starting to clench around him spasmodically, Kurenai began to feel him start to twitch inside her with increasing frequency.
Pausing her rubbing Kurenai instead gently pinched her clit. She screamed her release as her honey drenched the shaft that was lodged inside her and the man's thighs. Feeling the electricity surging throughout her body, Kurenai wanted nothing more than to languish in the mellow feelings of her orgasm but she had neglected a simple precaution when she had started the man.
She had forgotten a condom.
As the man continued to twitch inside her, Kurenai quickly pulled herself off of him and wrapped a hand around the now slick flesh and quickly jerked him to completion. A strangled moan from behind her was the only warning she had, as creamy white rope shot into the air to land on her stomach, until the weakening shot landed in the soft black curls of her bush.
Panting harshly, Kurenai let the softening dick go and wiped her hand clean on Anko's beds sheets. As thankful as she was now, she was still a little angry with her....
A/N: There we go, one Kurenai lemon!
‘Hello’ people thinking
“Hello” biiju talking
‘Hello’ biiju thinking
Interlude: Kurenai : Sexual Frustration Defenestration!
“What's got you so down in the dumps Nai-chan?” asked Anko concerned for her best friend. She had gone out to catch up with the red-eyed Jounin but for whatever reason she just seemed oddly despondent. “Is you bearded boy-toy not treating you right?”
A single red eye cracked open and directed a venomous stare at the purple haired kunoichi. “First off Anko he's not my boy-toy,” Kurenai grumbled as she pulled her head from the comfort of her arms. “I would say we're dating but I honestly have no clue.”
Anko cocked her head curiously even as she waved to the bartender for a refill. “Um Nai-chan how can you not know?”
“Some days he seems to listen to every word I say and commits it to memory. Others he practically ignores me. Sometimes he seems to try to push things a little further, others I have to start everything.” Kurenai sighed into the palm of her hand. “He just doesn't seem to know what he wants and its confusing me.”
Sipping at her Sake Anko nodded sagely before blowing that look out of the water. “Is the sex still good?”
Kurenai who had just started to drink herself began to cough and splutter as the fiery liquid went down the wrong pipe. “Anko!” she hissed slightly scandalised. “We've not even been dating for three weeks yet!”
“Ah yes.” Anko nodded. “You haven't put out yet.” She began to smile ponderously even as she ducked beneath the swipe aimed at her head. “Its practically been over a year since you lasted dated someone right?”
Kurenai's indignation at what Anko said deflated slightly in the face of the, to her, random question. Frowning hesitantly Kurenai began to nod. “Yes I've not really dated in over a year Anko. Why?” she tacked on suspiciously.
Anko began to snicker into her palm. “Oh no reason.”
Red eyes narrowed into a glare. “Tell me Anko.”
“Are you sure you want to know what I've figured out?”
Teeth began to grind together. “Anko, tell me or I'm paying the Dango stands not to serve you.”
Now panicking slightly because Kurenai had proved she would do it, having done so before, Anko began to wave her hands in calming gestures. “Calm down Nai-chan, I was gonna tell you anyway, no need to be so hasty!”
Kurenai smirked victoriously at her friend. “So, oh mighty Anko-sama, just what did you figure out from my dating history or lack thereof?”
Anko began to snicker again. “ we can see from you stringing Asuma along, you want commitment from your man before you give them anything.”
Rolling her eyes Kurenai nodded with a 'duh' look on her face. You know the type. That faintly incredulous look people shoot you for asking questions with obvious answers.
“I believe it is safe to conclude...” Anko began imperiously, before smiling teasingly at her friend. “That it has been over a year since....”
“A year since what Anko?” Kurenai asked getting impatient with her friends grandstanding.
“That you my red eyed friend....have had sex!” Anko finally finished laughing slightly, only for it to taper off incredulously when Kurenai simply began to blush and twiddle her fingers, looking remarkably like a certain student of hers.
“Seriously?!” Anko demanded. “Kami Kurenai, not even a one-night stand?!”
Kurenai cursed the redness in her cheeks. Why wouldn't they stop burning dammit. “Yes Anko it's been over a year!” she snapped waspishly at her now laughing friend.
“Oh Kami, I knew you were a bit of a prude Nai-chan, but over a year without?” The purple-haired Jounin laughed nearly tipping over her Sake in the process. “How haven't you jumped Asuma's bones yet?”
Flushing yet again, Kurenai folded her arms huffily and aimed a gimlet eye at her friend. “Because like you said, I want a commitment from my man. And,” she said irritatedly “I am not a prude.”
“Kurenai, its all well and good wanting a commitment from a man you're dating, but you yourself were saying that you weren't sure what exactly you are.” Anko pointed out with the beginnings of a frown on her face. “Seriously Kurenai, nobody judges you if you take a guy home for one night of fun and nothing else.” Anko rolled her eyes at the thought. “After all Shinobi and Kunoichi aren't known for being bastions of morality.”
Kurenai seemed to deflate slightly at the mention of her unsure relationship with the younger Sarutobi. “Well what the hell am I supposed to do if your so damn wise Anko?” she asked tiredly, only to jump slightly when Anko grinned toothily and slapped her on the back.
“Leave it to me Nai-chan! The amazing Anko-sama will fix your biggest problem!” She boasted before downing her drink and heading for the door with a purpose in her step.
Operation : Sexual Frustration Defenestration was ago!
Anko paused and scratched her head a little confusedly. What the hell did defenestration mean again?
“Mou, stupid Asuma, going on a stupid mission.” Anko whined childishly to herself sat on a building near the main gate of Konoha, pointedly ignoring the fact that missions were what Shinobi did.
Now that she was thinking about it, it was kind of obvious that Kurenai would be suffering from sexual frustration. She loved her friend dearly but she was a bit of a prude when it came to men. She had no idea what started it with the raven-haired Kunoichi but it was kind of an unhealthy character trait for a Kunoichi (or Shinobi for that matter) to have. They dealt with death on a constant basis and nothing was quite as life-affirming as a good fuck. It let you know that you were alive and relieved a lot of stress. How Kurenai hadn't exploded into either a flurry of violence or started a massive orgy, Anko had no clue.
“It's so good to be home-ttebayo!”
Anko perked up slightly at the familiar verbal tic. Peering over the edge of the rooftop, Anko watched as Team 7 returned from their first C-rank mission. Looking at the source of the noise, Anko began to smile in a predatory manner. She recognised the blonde quite easily. He had been a to her in dealing with the agitation the cursed seal brought up that one time. She could definitely see that he had grown up since then. His hair was a little longer and his face had definitely lost a lot of baby-fat making him handsome in a delicate sense. Say what you will but Anko could appreciate a bishie when she saw one. And judging from the corded muscle that she could see on his forearms, exposed by rolled up sleeves, then his bod was probably quite hot too.
Anko froze and began to chuckle evilly. “Fu fu fu. Nai-chan I found you the perfect little helper.”
Down below a chill seemed to run up Naruto's spine.
She could still remember how he had been several years ago. Very talented with his tongue and he already had better restraint with his own release compared to most grown men. That wasn't even factoring in how big his member had become since then.
But Kurenai wouldn't just go for him. Anko frowned briefly before a mischievous smile lit up her face. She'd just have to give them both a little...incentive.
Naruto sighed thankfully as he toed off his sandals.
Without Tazuna to slow them down, Kakashi had decided to push them on the way back, teaching them to use the tree-climbing exercise and chakra reinforcement in concert in order to tree hop. What had taken them a week to travel at a civilian pace, had taken them three days at the pace Kakashi had set.
He was definitely glad to be back so quickly for one simple reason. He desperately wished that he could have followed Sakura home and began to resume his lessons with Mebuki-sensei but he had no real reason to. He had become accustomed to the constant release that their lessons gave him, and going for a month without them was...torturous. Hell he still wasn't allowed to take care of business himself, something about saving up his miracle cream, he couldn't really remember. After all Sensei had had her hand wrapped around him pumping, he would've agreed to anything at that point. And unfortunately he considered his word absolute.
Admittedly his frustration had ebbed slightly on the day of the battle though he didn't know why. It was a good thing too, if his head had still felt filled with cotton that day then chances were he would have taken more damage than he did.
But ignoring all of that, he was very tired from the journey back and while he could do with a shower it could wait. Taking off his jacket and shirt, Naruto simply threw them to the floor and fell forward onto his bed. The sheets were a little musty, having gathered some dust in his absence but he couldn't bring himself to care.
Just as he was drifting off he felt a cold sting hit his neck. Before he could reach for the afflicted area, his eyes drooped and then slid shut as he lost consciousness.
Standing above him Anko began to chuckle ominously. “You're going to help Nai-chan with a little problem peeper...” Pausing in her chuckling, Anko rolled Naruto over and slid her hand down into his pants. “Oh good. You did grow, I was afraid I nearly kidnapped you for nothing....I mean acquired you for nothing. Kidnapping was Orochi-teme's thing not mine.”
Satisfied that her...acquisition would be able to adequately help her poor sex-starved friend, Anko quickly leapt out the window into the night.
“Anko its three in the morning, what the hell is so important it couldn't wait? And where are we going?” Kurenai grumbled tiredly at her friend, who was skipping far too energetically for her tastes.
“Don't worry Nai-chan we're only going to my apartment,” Anko chirped completely ignoring her first question.
“Anko, why are we going to your apartment?” Kurenai said tiredly. Anko really had better have a good reason otherwise she was just going to go straight back home.
“You'll see~” Anko said teasingly as they walked into her building.
Kurenai was torn now. A part of her, the very tired part was saying to go home and get some more sleep before she had to meet with her team. But the rest of her was becoming overcome by the nagging curiosity that her friends teasing had started to evoke. She decided to keep quiet and keep following Anko to her apartment on the top floor, deciding that she would find out what it was then go back to bed.
Upon reaching Anko's apartment, Kurenai watched fascinated as her friend channelled her chakra into the door handle before turning it. Chakra locks were notoriously difficult to open and from the looks of it Anko had shelled out for a design that was considered impossible to open. Obviously some people could open it but it tended to require several hours of work, that alone often serving as a deterrent for any hoping to break in.
The moment the door opened Kurenai peered into the darkened room confusedly, yelping when she felt Anko push her into the room. Stumbling forward slightly Kurenai turned around in time to hear Anko say “Have fun Nai-chan!” and shut the door and lock it.
“Dammit Anko!” Kurenai snarled as she fumbled for the light switch. As was often the case with Shinobi and Kunoichi, Anko had a set of heavy-duty curtains that completely killed the light in her room. Jiraiya could only get his filthy research from the onsen due to their popularity these days. Finally finding the light switch, Kurenai flipped it on and grabbed the door handle. She snarled when no amount of jiggling moved the door. Huffing irritatedly Kurenai turned around and froze before red rushed to her face.
There was a man on the bed.
There was a naked, erect man on the bed.
The naked man was tied down, limbs spread eagle to each corner of the bed. While he was naked he was wearing one article of clothing. On his head was a thick leather hood covering his hair and face. The only end to the leather was a set of slits about his nose and mouth to let him breathe. Curiosity getting the better of her, Kurenai peered at the bound man's mouth having wondered why he was making any noises beyond the occasional grunt. On his tongue she could see a small glowing seal that meant absolutely nothing to her. Anko may have had a decent grasp of fuuinjutsu but Kurenai most certainly didn't.
Her increased scrutiny alerted her to a small envelope poking out from beneath the pillow of the bed. Picking up the red envelope Kurenai opened the envelope and pulled out a letter covered in her friends familiar scrawl.
Hi Nai-chan!
Being the generous individual I am, I decided to help take care of your frustration! I did all the work for you: I hunted a well-hung stud down for you and I've even made sure you don't have to see his face.
The only people who will ever know what happened but me and you.
So for once in your life just have fun and don't worry about the consequences! Apart from potential pregnancy. That would make leading a Genin team difficult.
Scrunching up the letter in her hand Kurenai growled silently to herself. She had fun! Just because it didn't involve her groin...jeez. Looking at the man on the bed she shook her head. She wouldn't indulge Anko in this. Looking around the room Kurenai suddenly looked back to the curtains and brought a palm to her forehead in exasperation.
Curtains = Window. Kami she felt like an idiot.
Walking across the room she flung the curtains open only to stare with a flummoxed look on her face. While there was a window it was tiny. Not even a cat would be able to fit in it. Seeing yet another a letter stuck to the sill Kurenai picked it up and read:
Ha! Like I would let you escape! You need this Nai-chan and I'm making sure you get it!
By the way your face was probably hilarious.
And in the corner there was a small chibi Anko poking its tongue out at her. Not to be deterred Kurenai began to comb over the apartment looking for a bolt hole of some kind. Most shinobi of Anko's level were paranoid enough to make one. Unfortunately shinobi on Anko's level were also smart enough to hide them very well. Finally half an hour later Kurenai sat with her back against the door doing her best not to look at the bed.
“Dammit Anko....can't believe you dragged me out of bed for this crap...” Kurenai mumbled as she felt her eyes start to grow heavy. She'd just nap until Anko came to let her out....
Yawning groggily Kurenai quickly fought her way to wakefulness.
Blinking confusedly she struggled to remember her location for a moment before remembering what had happened earlier. Standing up Kurenai scowled darkly when she discovered that the door was still locked. Releasing her anger with her breath, Kurenai turned back to the room only to flush again at the sight of the naked stranger on the bed.
Seeing that he was still hard, Kurenai looked at the clock and saw that it had been over two hours. Looking back at the cock, Kurenai stared as it seemed to throb angrily.
Kurenai frowned as she felt herself start to get reluctantly wet. Yes it had been a while but she had her pride. But then a niggling thought began to work its way through her mind.
“That can't be healthy,” she murmured as she realised that he had been hard for those two hours she'd slept. Walking into kitchenette Kurenai filled a glass with cold water and then walked back to stand over the foot of the bed.
“Sorry about this.” Kurenai said sheepishly as she stared at the leather mask. Tipping the glass over his crotch, Kurenai watched as the cool liquid flattened blonde curls and ran down over the engorged flesh and then over the balls which had retracted at the first touch of the water.
Kurenai bit her lip when she saw that the cold water did nothing to...alleviate the man's hardness. That was the only idea she had.
You could always help him out. You could get something out of it too...
Kurenai froze and realised that her hand had started to creep towards the man's penis with the stray thought.
Snatching her hand back, Kurenai's face grew red enough to match the shade of her eyes. But the thought had gotten in now and was steadily working away at her resolve.
The amount of abuse that Kurenai's bottom lip had gone through that night, it was a miracle it wasn't bleeding.
'I would only be...doing it out of worry,' Kurenai rationalised to herself. 'He won't even know who it was who helped him. It'll be my little act of good will. And that I might get to feel good has nothing to do it.'
Having successfully convinced herself, Kurenai reached behind her back and worked the zip of her bandage like dress down. Feeling self-conscious despite there being no one around, she brought her hands up to cover her red bra and panties when her dress hit the floor. Feeling foolish she forced her hands down to her side and stared entranced at the throbbing manhood in front of her. He was definitely thicker than her last lover, Kurenai realised with a frown. Given how long it had been chances were that there would be some mild pain. Her eyes whipped up to the slit in the hood that showed the man's mouth.
Slowly sliding her panties down her long smooth legs, Kurenai reasoned that it was simply to make sure that he would fit. It had nothing to do with how...dexterous his tongue looked.
Climbing onto the bed Kurenai settled her knees on either side of the bound man's head and flushed uncontrollably as she though of what the man would be able to see. Having had no reason to, Kurenai had not shaved her pubic hair beyond making sure it wasn't a wild bush but she still had a fairly thick thatch of hair. Then the knowledge that he was blind hit her. The realisation of how helpless he was before her went straight to her pussy, causing her to tremble slightly and actually drip her arousal onto the leather hood. It also served to give her the last burst of courage she needed to lower her pussy to his mouth.
She moaned long and loud as he immediately attacked her pussy the moment her thighs settled next to his head. His long and wide tongue was spread flat and sweeping up her pussy lips from bottom to top, flicking at her engorged clit. Every tap caused lightning to shoot up her spine and her hips to jerk. Having been so long since she'd last indulged it didn't take her long to approach orgasm.
Restrain having fled her, Kurenai grabbed the back of the leather clad head and used it to force the mouth closer to her pussy. Her breathing was deep causing her still bra-clad breasts to heave and jiggle. The coil inside her was getting tighter and tighter with every sweep of the oddly rough tongue.
And then suddenly light exploded behind her eyes. The hooded man had sensed her nearing completion and had wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked gently all while flicking it with his tongue.
A long guttural moan escaped her as she rocked atop his face, her release squirting over the leather hood, making the leather glisten in the light. Finally feeling her release taper off, Kurenai shakily got off the man and crawled down to his crotch. She looked at the throbbing cock hesitantly before running a slender finger down the shaft. It began to twitch insistently beneath her touch.
Swinging her leg over him, Kurenai straddled him so she was facing his feet and his cock. Wrapping her hand around it, Kurenai jerked it a few times before shuffling forward and resting it's tip against her entrance. Taking in a deep breath she began to sink down its length. She gasped sharply as she felt the thick pole stretch her pussy to accommodate it. Gritting her teeth, Kurenai groaned at the mix of pleasure from being filled so completely and the pain of being stretched because of it.
Feeling her ass come to rest on his abdomen, Kurenai paused for a moment to give herself a little extra time to accommodate the large cock inside her. After a minute she slowly raised herself off of him and slammed herself down, causing a gasp to escape her rapidly. Moaning she slowly began to bounce up and down on the hard cock. Leaning back Kurenai braced her hands on the man's chest and stared with perverse fascination as the now slick cock disappeared inside her with every movement of her hips. Unfortunately the way Anko had tied the man prevented him from truly returning her enthusiasm.
Feeling the coil inside start to tighten again Kurenai began to rock even faster even as one of her own hands reached down and started to rub at her clit. Starting to clench around him spasmodically, Kurenai began to feel him start to twitch inside her with increasing frequency.
Pausing her rubbing Kurenai instead gently pinched her clit. She screamed her release as her honey drenched the shaft that was lodged inside her and the man's thighs. Feeling the electricity surging throughout her body, Kurenai wanted nothing more than to languish in the mellow feelings of her orgasm but she had neglected a simple precaution when she had started the man.
She had forgotten a condom.
As the man continued to twitch inside her, Kurenai quickly pulled herself off of him and wrapped a hand around the now slick flesh and quickly jerked him to completion. A strangled moan from behind her was the only warning she had, as creamy white rope shot into the air to land on her stomach, until the weakening shot landed in the soft black curls of her bush.
Panting harshly, Kurenai let the softening dick go and wiped her hand clean on Anko's beds sheets. As thankful as she was now, she was still a little angry with her....
A/N: There we go, one Kurenai lemon!
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