Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Does anyone notice, does anyone care?

I Don't Care If You're Contagious

by Justalostflutterby 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2014-05-24 - 1061 words

Chapter 28: I Don't Care If You're Contagious


The next few hours weren't anything positive to go by. It as if someone had shoved a knife right through my chest and churned it around until I pleaded them for mercy. If that wasn't a decent metaphor then I don't know what is right and wrong in the world any more. Why would anyone do that to Frank? I understand it for myself; I was monstrous. I could see that myself - I needed help. Frank was helping me. Why did that make me feel even more guilty than I already did? Make it stop, please..

"I'm sorry, okay?" I found myself blurting out, looking down at my entwined hand in his. He didn't deserve to have this happened to him. The black that was forming on his left eye wasn't something to be proud of either; it gave his face a whole different look and made him look as if he had a completely different inner personality.

"You're not the one who should be apologizing; it should be Mikey." He replied bitterly, shifting away from me and curling up on the bed, pulling one of the duvet sets over him.

Glancing at him quickly, I thought of how fragile he was. And how much I would kill the person who did this to him. It was all too complicated and messed up for words. I simply assumed that the reason for why Frank detested Mikey now was because Mikey was the one who tipped him off and sent him out into the street.

"He was the one who got me up in this mess," Frank mumbled, hiding his black eye in the pillow.

"He shouldn't have said the things he did," I told him, shaking my head as if that would reassure him. Doubtable. Whenever Frank thought of something he was normally set in his ways for life. And I really wasn't in a position to contest against him. And neither was he. I didn't even know why I was discussing what had happened almost a week ago now; but I needed to. I needed to get it out of the way. Right out of the way so that nothing was going to hurt him anymore. Or even myself for that matter.

"It's not that," Frank answered quickly, running a hand through his hair that honestly really needed a cut. "The person who did this to me...He wanted Mikey." Frank explained, wait, why would anyone want to hurt Mikey? What had Mikey done now!?

"He did -what-?" I blurted out, tugging on my hair. Standing made me quiver with irritableness and fury started to erupt inside of me. How dare they hurt Frank to get what they want. How dare they.

"They wanted to send Mikey a message," Frank sighed, "but it's not worth it, G." I shook my head and strode over to him, cupping his face gently.

"No, this is worth it." I whispered intensely to him, immediately dropping the tone of the room 100 degrees right down to minus celcius. "You are worth it," I promised and landed a gentle kiss to his lips before grabbing my jacket, tossing my key around before strutting out the room on a mission. Frank shouted out after me to stop and he eventually caught up to me and pulled me backwards, making me fall to the floor in a pool of pain.

"Ugh, idiot!" I shouted at him, hugging him tightly. "Come on, please, you know he deserves to be punished, Frankie!" In response, he only shook his head and pulled me up off the floor. I hadn't realised until now, but we were in a puddle. Great, so now we were soaking and bruised.

"Let's just..." Frank started, "get you some food, and something to drink okay?" He offered, searching through his pockets and coming up with a few notes. I sighed and pressed a kiss to his cheek, knowing that he'd force me too either way. We made our way to the nearest restaurant. It wasn't like this town was busy or chaotic or anything, but it sure as hell was confusing. Each alleyway would take you to the opposite side of the world, maybe even Narnia who knows. Maybe it lead us back to our childhoods. Where everything seemed much less confusing than it was now.

I tugged down the sleeves on my hoodie, realising a few seconds later that I had a packet of cigarettes in my pocket, oh and my lighter too. It's my lucky day. I took out a cigarette and lit it before Frank could say anything, all he did was sigh and squeeze my hand tighter. We waited outside the restaurant until I was finished before dashing inside and sitting at a table opposite each other. I almost felt like a normal human being. Not a couple who had just been through the ringer.

"Now, what would you like? My treat." Frank put on one of his huge grins to try and cheer me up; it only managed to let a small smile creep onto my face, but it seemed fake. Frank sighed and handed me a menu. "Cheer up, G. I don't care how we are right now, I don't care if what you're going through is practically contagious. We'll get through it, I promise." Frank explained, which made a genuine smile appear on my lips, curling up at the sides to reveal my tiny teeth that he commented on a few times. I searched through the menu and pointed at one dish.

"My favourite," he grinned and ordered them two dishes and drinks, two coffees. I had almost forgotten what coffee had tasted like but as soon as it hit my lips I beamed, almost feeling satisfied with myself. Everything inside of me seemed to bubble up and froth in a medley of satisfaction; almost perfect. All that was needed now was Frank in my arms - that would be inappropriate in a restaurant though right?

I'm sorry this chapter was short but I needed to update like -really- badly so yyyyeah, sorry guys! I also decided to cheer up this story a little bit more so there'll be some more cheerier chapters coming up, thanks for getting this story to so many reads, it really means a lot =^.^=

-Ryro xo
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