Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The only hope for me is you.

Chapter three

by MCR_Lover12 0 reviews

Ok, Lilith has met her mysterious rescuers (more sexy than mysterious now though) This chapter is more about how she gets on with them and what they do Sorry if its boring

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2014-05-29 - 359 words

Hey guys,
Glad youve made it this far!! So, im really sorry about the really slow updates, im trying. I'm also apologising in advance in case this chapter is boring
Thank you for continuing to read, even with my appalling updates
Anyway, if you guys could R&R, that'd be greatly appreciated :)
Love you guys

I awoke to my head pounding and sweat dripping from my body, soaking the sheets. I'd had a terrible nightmare.... A flashback of the attack; I was back in the alley and I was hiding, behind a dank rubbish dumpster. I could hear the footsteps of my attacker, hear their mocking voice as they taunted me,
"Come out...." he whispers, his voice deep and scratchy, "I'm going to find you, wherever you are"
I kept my breathing quiet and bit my lip to keep myself from crying out. Then it went silent and i was sure that he'd gone. Exhaling a sigh of relief, i stood up and took a couple of shaky steps forward. I was wrong though. Suddenly, i feel a kick to the back of my legs and i stumble forward, grazing my hands and elbows on the hard tarmac floor. I groan in pain and attempt to wriggle forward, try and escape him. I cant though and a knife is swiftly piercing my skin. I scream....
And wake up. I breathe, full of relief when i realise that it was all a dream. Then i remember the real wound in my side and cry out in agony as red hot pain sears through my body, taking my breath away. I instinctively put my hand to my side and feel the bandages are soaked in warm blood. Confused, i roll onto my back and steady my breathing, getting ready to call for someone, anyone, again
"Frank," i call out, my voice weak. By now, the pain in my side has subsided to a dull, aching pain. Its slightly more bearable than before and i manage to sit up and support myself. I hear heavy footsteps coming down the corridor and hope that its Frank or Gerard, having heard my calls.
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