Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Pride

The Pride

by TheLemonSage

In the two years since the 4th Great Shinobi War, the world has slowly slipped back into chaos. Having had his dream of becoming Hokage taken from him, he sets out to reshape the world in much the ...

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2014-07-08 - 14567 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

The Pride

Chapter 1: Lost Dreams Lead to New Ones

It had been a little over two years since the end of the Fourth Great Shinobi War. Naruto finished signing in with the chunin on duty before walking down the ramp that led to the village proper as a result of the impression Pain had left. Looking around he was pleased to see that his home had returned to its original splendor, yet he wished he could say the same of the Shinobi World at large. He sighed as he thought of the mission which he was returning from which basically highlighted how the World of Shinobi was once more slipping into its old habits of hate and mistrust.

As such Konoha had received a mission request by Amegakure of all places as Iwa had stationed an unusual amount of shinobi along the Earth Country border. Naturally, this had made the nation of Rain rather nervous since its own minor shinobi village had responded by placing their shinobi along the border. Tensions had begun to boil over as Rain had accused Iwa of prepping for an invasion, which Iwa had naturally denied.

Naruto couldn’t say he believed the Iwa-nin as the current Tsuchikage was a man who had risen to power while preaching a strong message of Iwa’s superiority. A message which was being echoed in the court of the Daimyo of Earth Country, who had hand-picked the Fourth Tsuchikage after the Third had been forced to retire. Naruto had heard rumors that Onoki had fought rather vehemently against the man’s appointment.

“It reminds me of a certain situation on the home front,” a voice echoed in the back of his head.

Naruto rolled his eyes as he thought back, “Please don’t start. I’m not in the mood.”

Kurama scoffed as the Bijuu replied, “Ignoring the problem isn’t going to make it go away. Do you think it’s a coincidence that you keep getting sent out of the village on these damn peacekeeping missions, while that bastard…”

“Drop it Kurama,” Naruto said angrily having argued with his returned and unified Byjuu multiple times over the same subject. “I was sent because people still respect what Sasuke and I did by stopping…”

“Blah, blah, blah,” Kurama said dismissively, “Then why are you the only one ever sent to calm these brush fires down. Oh that’s right Sasuke’s too busy getting all chummy with his new friend the Daimyo, his advisors, and governors. Not to mention wooing the Konoha civilians by throwing his money around. It’s no wonder he beat you out in the last popularity poll for possible replacements for Tsunade.” Naruto didn’t respond letting Kurama know that he had hit a nerve. “Face it Naruto, while you’ve been working to keep the peace your rival has been taking steps to steal the Hokage position from you.”

“You don’t get it,” Naruto replied, “If they choose Sasuke then I have to believe that it is for the best.”

“The best for who,” the fox asked, “The only one that bastard cares about is himself. That you were all so quick to forgive him because of the help he provided in dealing with Kaguya is in my opinion idiotic. Her plan would have affected him along with the rest of you; he was motivated to help simply to save his own ass. I’m still willing to bet that he was the one who motivated those missing-nin into kidnapping the Daimyo last year.”

“He was the one who rescued him,” Naruto countered despite knowing how Kurama would respond.

“And has benefited greatly from it. The same underworld contacts he claimed let him discover the plot could have been used to set it in motion,” The fox argued. “Right afterwards is when you started hearing his named mentioned as a contender for becoming Hokage with any real legitimization. The Daimyo even made Tsunade give that prick all the land and assets that once belonged to the Uchiha Clan.”

“Well they did belong to his clan,” Naruto replied with a mental shrug. “Besides, he gave away most of the land to build low-income housing for the poor. Face it, he’s changed.”

The Fox scoffed as it replied, “Open your eyes, Naruto. Nothing gets people on your side like giving them free shit or as next to free as you can get. He’s not doing it for them; he’s doing it to swing popular opinion to his side, and worse yet it’s working.”

Naruto sighed tiredly, but didn’t respond as he knew Kurama would keep arguing otherwise. Still, he knew the fox did make a valid point, although Naruto wanted to believe in Sasuke and so tried to attribute the Uchiha’s charitable actions to his trying to regain the trust of the village he had betrayed. Not a calculated attempt to drum up support for making him Hokage.

Several moments passed and Kurama began to grumble upon realizing that Naruto had decided to drop the argument. Therefore, as a form of revenge the Bijuu asked, “If you don’t want to talk about that then how about the crappy love life that you have.”

“What love life?”

“That’s my point,” Kurama replied, “After the war you probably could have had any woman you desired. But yet here we are two years later and your best experience is still kissing the bastard back when you were a genin.”

Naruto grew sickly looking before mentally responding, “Don’t remind me.”

Kurama shook its head before saying, “Why don’t you do something about it then? I mean it’s almost painful to watch you and Sakura interact now. You both keep dancing around the subject, and let’s not forget what happened that time you celebrated Shizune’s birthday.” Naruto flushed recalling a drunken Sakura hitting on him and as he walked her home and she had even invited him into her apartment where she had tried to seduce him. “She was drunk, and…”

“I swear that if you tell me that she loves Sasuke, I’m going to hurl. Besides, it’s been two years and she’s made no move for him. She even ignored his ass that night even with her inhibitions lowered by the alcohol. Stop pussyfooting around and make a move.”

“When did you become a goddamned expert on relationships,” Naruto growled out having enough of the conversation. “It’s complicated.”

“It’s only complicated because you humans spend so much time letting thoughts and worries of what others will think get in the way of what you want. I’ll show you what I mean.” Naruto frowned as the fox went silent, but he shrugged and enjoyed the silence.


“This Fourth Tsuchikage is really beginning to piss me off.”

Tsunade smiled as Naruto vented about his last mission while giving his report. She took a moment to reflect on how much he had grown since she had first met him. She felt the familiar feeling of regret that due to her age it would be inappropriate for her to show any interest in the blond, especially as he had grown even handsomer in the two years since the war. That he had also managed to keep his upbeat personality despite the losses they had suffered during the war she felt was also a testament to his character and something she admired about him. She felt it was a mark against the shinobi world that in recent months she had noticed a fraying on his emotions.

She tried to recall the heady feelings of cooperation that everyone had after the end of the Fourth Great Shinobi War. A difficult thing considering the current tension that existed. But, unfortunately the political realities from the war’s aftermath had made an era of peace a pipe dream from the start. Kumo’s destruction during the War had left a power vacuum which although the other major villages had helped to rebuild it, didn’t mean it had recovered from the loss of almost an entire generation of Genin who had remained behind where it had been thought they would be safe. Recently some of the minor villages had been pushing hard to replace Kumogakure as a major power. Truthfully though, due to the number of losses they faced most of the major shinobi were struggling to remain the powers they had been before the war. Konoha was excluded from that struggle mainly through the efforts of the man standing before her, as well as due to his strength, not to mention his status as the last jinchuriki.

Naruto had recovered Kurama during the struggle against Kaguya by reversing the chakra drain she had attempted to use against him to pull the Nine-Tails free. What had happened to the rest of the Bijuu in the aftermath of Kaguya being sealed sill remained a mystery. One of the working theories was that much like how the Three-Tails had appeared after the death of the Fourth Mizukage the Bijuu would once more return to the world. Tsunade prayed that wouldn’t be the case as she felt that if it did it would only be a matter of time before a Fifth Shinobi War erupted as all the villages strived to collect them.

Tsunade scowled as she thought of the other reason that Konoha was still the premier power of the Shinobi World, Sasuke Uchiha. Although the powers they had gained from the Sage of the Six Paths had faded after sealing Kaguya, they were still recognized as two of the strongest shinobi in the world. It had been against her better judgment to grant Sasuke a pardon after the war, but the Fire Daimyo upon hearing of his actions had insisted. That Sasuke had gotten off scot free was the reason that both the Samurai of the Land of Iron and Kumogakure had quickly withdrawn from the alliance after the war.

Tsunade had tried to keep the avenue open by aiding Kumo in its rebuilding, but once it had been complete A had cut all ties to the other villages. The Hokage couldn’t exactly fault either the Raikage or Mifune, as both men were angered that the killer of their men would escape justice. Worse still, the reason for it was due to his “heroic actions,” against a god. Tsunade had a hard time keeping her cool whenever the Daimyo began speaking of Sasuke, especially as he was insisting more and more often that it might be time for her to retire for the next generation. Since she suspected that the Daimyo was referring to Sasuke, she had vowed that she would only retire when the world came to its senses and demanded the only sensible candidate for the position take the job.

Unfortunately, while her preferred candidate was doing everything in his power to keep the villages from descending back into their old patterns of violence, Sasuke was working towards building a coalition to elect him Hokage. Tsunade hadn’t been present when the Uchiha had shown up during the war and announced he was going to take the title of Hokage, although she could imagine the faces of disbelief those hearing it would wear. At times she would have chuckled at picturing them, now though the matter was far less funny.

Looking at the people in support of Sasuke, Tsunade wasn’t surprised by the Fire Daimyo as the Uchiha in one of the few times he had ventured out of Konoha since the war had managed to save him from some missing-nin. In her more suspicious moments, Tsunade tended to believe that the Uchiha may have had a hand in his being kidnapped in the first place. Still, seeing as Sasuke had killed all those involved she knew that it was unlikely such a connection would ever be established. What was surprising though was his support among the Clan and Jounin Council. In hindsight she knew she probably shouldn’t be, at least in regards to the Jounin Council’s support, since there had been many casualties during the war, which had prompted the promotion of many of the Chunin and Genin. Those recent promotions having heard of Sasuke’s strength, and that his actions in freeing the previous Hokage had been instrumental in the war had quickly forgiven his betrayal with some even thinking he was justified as details of the Uchiha Massacre somehow reached the public.

Tsunade didn’t doubt that the source of the information was Sasuke or those supporting his bid for leadership of the village. Still, she found those arguing that Sasuke was justified in his actions tended to forget that he had no idea of the truth when he had abandoned the village, and had simply done it for his own selfish reasons. She felt that all his recent charitable actions for the village, while appearing to be his hoping to earn the forgiveness of those he had wronged was all part of a plan to buy the support of the citizens of Konoha. To Tsunade’s great shame it appeared to be a strategy that was working.

The Hokage was pulled from her thoughts as she became aware of a pair of blue eyes inches away from her face as Naruto complained, “Hey Granny Tsunade, you can at least try to pay attention to my report.”

Tsunade felt the familiar annoyance at Naruto’s nickname for her, although it was rather painful to admit that due to her overuse of the Creation Rebirth Technique it was a more fitting title than ever. “I got the jist of it,” she replied feeling strangely flushed by his close proximity. Picking up on a sweet scent that seemed to be coming from him, she ignored her body’s reaction as she remained businesslike while continuing, “The Iwa-nin build up along the Ame border was simply a response to some increased bandit activity on it at least according to Iwagakure.”

Naruto stood straight again and frowned as he said, “That’s what they claim at least, but they seemed pretty hostile for it being a misunderstanding brought about by their overzealously hunting down some bandits.”

“No doubt hoping to provoke you or the Ame-nin into acting rashly so that the Tsuchikage could retaliate,” Tsunade said calmly although finding her outer emotions were at complete odds with her inner ones. She couldn’t explain it, but the feelings she normally kept bottled up for the blond man which only came out at night as she handled her occasional urges seemed to be boiling to the surface. She wondered if it was from the scent filling her nostrils. Hoping to end the meeting before she got carried away she said, “I need you to report to the hospital.”

Naruto grimaced as he responded plaintively, “Do I have too?”

His childish tone caused her to smile as she said, “Oh grow up. You’ve been avoiding your annual check-up for months now.”

“I’ve been busy,” Naruto countered.

“Which is all the more reason for you to go now,” Tsunade replied feeling a desire to be the one to give it. However, fearing what she might do as a result of her sudden arousal remained seated as she added, “If you refuse, it’ll force me to take you off the active duty roster.”

Naruto sighed before accepting he had put it off for long enough. Feeling the familiar joy that he might get to spend time with Sakura, he felt some anticipation for the otherwise boring procedure of having his data updated and the typical physical.

He turned to leave and just as he reached the door Tsunade finding the sweet smell she was attributing to her arousal fading asked, “Naruto, did you recently change colognes or something?”

Naruto gave her a confused look before answering, “Um no. Truthfully, I was in such a hurry to get back I haven’t showered in two days. Besides, I don’t wear them, and especially wouldn’t on a mission. Why?”

“No reason,” Tsunade replied quickly wondering why it seemed Naruto had smelled so fantastic if what he claimed was true. Pushing such thoughts aside she said, “Well just make sure you make the time to clean up before heading to the hospital. I’ll make sure you have a standing appointment.”

“Gee thanks,” Naruto said before giving Tsunade a wave and heading out of the office.

Tsunade stood feeling a little uncomfortable as the dampness between her legs reminded her of the arousal that she had felt in Naruto’s presence. Although, she tried to see him as a younger brother, she would be remiss if she didn’t admit that at night when taking care of her lusts that she didn’t typecast him in the role of lover. Still, now that he was gone she found it easier to regain control of her emotions so turned and walked towards the window that looked out on the village. She stared out on the place that for so long she had considered a source of her pain and as she stared at the tower that Sasuke had built as his home feared might one day be the source of Naruto’s as well.


Sakura was looking out the window of the cafeteria while she was on her lunch break. Her eyes settled on the white tower that stood in the center of what had been the Uchiha district and felt a little uneasy by its presence. She couldn’t exactly explain why, but felt it was tied to the man that lived there. That feeling Sakura found all too easy to explain as she recalled Sasuke and Naruto’s battle against the Rabbit Goddess. Remembering how Sasuke had coldly explained to Naruto that their survival took precedence over that of everyone else had been the last splash of reality that had smothered whatever remained of the childhood crush she had harbored for the Uchiha. Naruto’s reply had also been the final spark which had fully ignited the torch of love that she carried for him.

“For all the good it has done you,” a voice called out from inside Sakura.

The pink haired kunoichi sighed miserably and annoyed as the aspect of her personality she had called inner Sakura spoke up. “Shut up,” the medical kunoichi said mentally.

“Not until you get off your butt and go confess your feelings,” the inner aspect of her personality replied impatiently.

Sakura’s annoyance at herself grew since in the past two years the voice she had associated with her youth due to her acting contrary to how she really felt had returned with a vengeance. Still she tried to argue against herself despite knowing how futile it was as her inner self knew what she wanted, “Yeah, I should do that because it worked out so well the last few times.

Inner Sakura was hardly dissuade by the reply as she replied, “Which time are you referring to the half-hearted attempt where you tried to get him to give up on Sasuke, or more recently when you needed to get smashed to make a move.”

If it wouldn’t have made her look crazy in front of the other medics and nurses on break Sakura would have puffed her cheeks up in annoyance at her inner’s response. Still despite knowing that it was true she responded. “Well can you blame me? I was so nervous especially after how he rejected me the first time.”

For a moment she pictured her inner self sitting across from her resting her forehead against her fingers as she shook her head in exasperation. “That’s because you were confessing not from your heart, but out of some silly belief it would make him forget his promise to you. If you tell him now he won’t be able say that it’s not how you really feel. Sasuke’s been back for two years now.”

The Pink haired kunoichi nodded, but replied, “He’ll probably tell me that I’m just choosing him because Sasuke’s with Karin.”

Her inner self didn’t have a reply to her statement since it wasn’t an excuse, but a true fear that she had of being rejected for a third time. Sakura frowned as she thought about how soon it might not be an excuse Naruto could use in the future as recently she had heard rumors that a measure was being floated in the civilian council called the CRA. Due in part to Sasuke’s increasing popularity with the civilian populace, many of them wanted to see the return of the Uchiha as soon as possible and as such were practically willing to offer up as many women as possible to see it happen.

Sakura’s frown deepened as her father was extremely interested in seeing the Clan Restoration Act pass as he had become one of Sasuke’s biggest supporters. She wasn’t sure why he had changed from the sweet hearted and goofy man that he had been into the political powerhouse he currently was. But the higher he had climbed within Konoha’s civilian government the less and less Sakura seemed to be able to recognize him. Moreover, their past close relationship was strained to the point of breaking especially as Sakura had made it clear that if the CRA did pass the only man that she would consider marrying under such circumstances was Naruto. Her mom luckily enough seemed supportive of her, and Sakura had noticed that her relationship with her father wasn’t the only one suffering.

Sakura noticed the clock and cursed as she tabled the discussion with herself for later as she saw that she was late for her next appointment. Quickly leaving the cafeteria she wondered what it would take for her to find the courage to show Naruto that the feelings she had for him were genuine.


Naruto watched as Sakura ran up to an expecting couple and bowed several times while profusely apologizing for keeping them waiting. The jinchuriki returned her wave and smile as she noticed his presence while escorting the couple to a room. He watched the obviously pregnant woman walking slowly as she rubbed her belly contently. His gaze shifted to Sakura and for a moment pictured her in a similar condition. He was surprised at just how big a reaction it got out of him, especially as he pictured him walking next to her in a similar manner as the woman’s husband.

Feeling his pants growing tighter in the groin, he tried to think of something decidedly unsexy, but found it difficult as he recalled Sakura’s drunken attempt to seduce him by telling him how badly she wanted to feel him inside her. Naruto had barely managed to refrain from doing as she requested, partly out of chivalry, but also due to his inability to take the rejection if she came to regret what happened in the morning. Yet, he didn’t know if he would be able to resist such a situation again since as the fox pointed out earlier, to date kissing Sasuke had been the highlight of his sexual career. Naruto felt a cloud of depression settling over him as a result, which did have the added benefit of killing his hard-on. Looking down at the floor while feeling like a dark cloud was hanging over his head Naruto wished the doctor being assigned to him would hurry up so he could get himself some ramen in order to forget his troubles.


Shizune watched Sakura with a soft smile before her attention shifted to Naruto. She noticed he was watching the medic as well and after a moment he seemed to become rather glum. Shizune wondered what was bothering him, but then her gaze returned to the pregnant woman and she felt her mood drop also. She quickly tried to shake off her melancholy as she always did by burying herself in work so grabbed the next patient’s folder from the bin. She moved to inform Naruto that he was next and as she did her gaze once more drifted to the woman that Sakura was escorting.

Shizune didn’t need a Yamanaka to tell her why recently she had been rather emotional around women who were with child. Having recently celebrated her thirty-fourth birthday, she was becoming painfully aware that time was rapidly passing her by. Worse still, she couldn’t even say that there were any prospects on the horizon. Granted there was likely still quite some time on her biological clock before she couldn’t start a family, but the sound of it ticking away was becoming more and more noticeable every day.

Again she pushed such thoughts to the back of her mind as she opened Naruto’s file to read it. Finding the note that the nurse had put inside, she smiled as she wondered how Tsunade had finally managed to get him to have his annual check-up. As she neared, she looked up and noticed that a few of the younger women present around the blond man were eyeing him a little strangely. However, it wasn’t exactly a universal thing as some of the older women and those with loved ones seemed to be ignoring him. She chalked it up to the jinchuriki’s increased popularity with the opposite sex. Still, she knew that for the most part his heart still seemed to long for Sakura.

Shizune also noticed a musky smell as she stepped before Naruto which caused her throat to suddenly go dry. Clearing it, she attracted the blond’s attention and found herself speechless as his blue eyes met hers. She briefly wondered if they had always been so blue, but shook off the strange thought as she said, “Good afternoon Naruto. I see Tsunade finally managed to force you to come in for your check-up.”

“Yeah,” Naruto said pleasantly while at the same time making it clear he wasn’t exactly pleased about it. The dark-haired woman couldn’t exactly fault him considering all the time he had spent in such places. Remembering the condition that both he and Sasuke had been in after their epic battle, she was sure Naruto hoped never to see the inside of one again.

“Well the sooner we start, the sooner we can get it over with,” Shizune replied. She felt her body flush as Naruto gave her a wide smile which conveyed his hope that would be the case. “Follow me,” she said while turning and as they walked asked some rudimentary questions towards him over her shoulder.

Entering one of the examination rooms, she waited until Naruto closed the door before handing him a paper robe used for such examinations. She took a seat while he went behind a screen to change into it. She watched his shadow and was surprised by just how excited she grew from the sight, especially as he pulled down his pants and what looked like a small arm popped free. Shizune rubbed her legs together and was surprised by just how much the small amount of stimulation affected her. She tried to understand what was going on since Naruto’s presence had never caused her to react in such a manner. She had naturally recognized that he had grown into a handsome young man, but due in part to Tsunade’s closeness to him and their age difference she had always treated him like a younger brother. Furthermore, normally when giving such examination she had needed to far more closely examine men’s lower anatomy and while still a virgin had nonetheless seen quite a few penises in different states of arousal that had never affected her.

Considering the places her mind was going she considered switching with another medic confident that Sakura would love to be in her position. Yet, strangely the thought caused Shizune to feel a certain amount of jealousy to well up inside her. But before she could make a decision Naruto came around the screen keeping his backside from facing her obviously having had trouble tying the hospital gown. She giggled softly causing him to say, “Hey these things should come with instructions.”

Her giggle grew louder as she indicated the examination table which he sat upon. Standing she began checking his blood pressure and other biometrics before taking a seat and writing down her findings. Shizune felt that perhaps she should be the one being examined as her body was feeling hotter and hotter the longer the exam went on. Also, she noticed that her breathing was becoming shallower which seemed to further increase her arousal as she pulled in more of the sweet scent she was sure must be coming from Naruto.

Crossing her legs, she couldn’t help rubbing them a little as she felt just how wet she had become. Trying to focus back on the examination, she nearly screamed as she saw the list of questions all seemed to pertain to Naruto’s current sexual activity. She rapidly fired through them detecting how Naruto grew despondent at admitting just how little he had experienced with the opposite sex. Feeling for him since she was in much the same boat, she nearly gasped out loud as the notion that they could help each other entered into her thinking. She quickly tried to banish it, but the idea did cause her nipples to harden as she imagined the blond taking her up on the offer.

Coming to the end of the examination she said while putting on some latex gloves, “Naruto…I need you to stand and look to the side, when I tell you to cough.”

Naruto sighed as he always hated this part of the physical. He stood before Shizune who reached beneath the hem of the medical gown he wore and checked his scrotum for signs of cancer. He expected her to next check for a hernia hence her request that he cough, but after several heartbeats he noticed that Shizune seemed far more concerned with fondling his nuts.

Shizune couldn’t explain her actions as a part of her was screaming at her to move on to the next part of the exam. However, something almost animal like seemed to growl in response especially as Naruto’s gown began to rise as his dick began to harden.

“S-shizune,” Naruto stammered as he looked down and was struck speechless by the hunger he saw reflected in her eyes.

He wasn’t sure what to do as while a part of him wanted to escape as Shizune wasn’t acting like herself. Another part found in almost impossible to pull free as her actions were creating waves of pleasure to course through him. It only increased as the gown pulled away from his fully erect dick which Shizune then swallowed causing him to groan and reflectively bury his hands in her hair.

Shizune moaned as her mouth was filled with the taste of Naruto and she quickly went to work on his cock as she bobbed her head back and forth. After several moments Naruto began pumping his hips causing Shizune to moan even more as he held her head in place. She stopped fondling his balls as she pulled the gloves free of her hands and then ran them up under the gown to feel Naruto’s firm stomach as he continued to fuck her mouth.

Shizune pulled free since while a part of her wanted to know what it would be like for Naruto to reach completion with her mouth. The animal part of her that seemed to be calling the shots at the moment had other intentions for his seed. She pulled away and was pleased to see Naruto’s gaze was clouded with lust as well as she undid the sash holding her robe closed.

Naruto gulped audibly as Shizune’s body became exposed to him causing him to come back to his senses somewhat. “S-Shizune… maybe we should…hmmp.”

The dark-haired woman pressed her lips against his silencing him. Driven by pure need which she couldn’t exactly explain but also didn’t want to fight she said, “Naruto… I want to feel you inside me.”

“But Shizune this is…”

The woman kissed him again while also stroking his dick causing him to groan from the pleasure. Placing her head against his chest as she ran her hand over his cock she said, “Doesn’t it feel good? Aren’t you tired of watching everyone else getting to feel like this? I know I am.”

Naruto reached down to try and stop Shizune but she increased her pace causing him to groan as he began to surrender to the feelings she was causing. “But this isn’t like you.”

“Isn’t that part of our problem though,” Shizune asked quickly. “We aren’t willing to take the things we want. I can’t explain it, but right now my mind and body both want the same thing. You!!!”

Naruto surrendered to the desires that Shizune’s actions had awoken. Grabbing her, he spun her around and pushed her torso onto the examination table. Shizune groaned as she pushed her backside up against his groin feeling his hardened cock rubbing against her panty covered mound. The blond growled in the back of his throat as he pulled the medical gown from his chest before then grabbing Shizune’s underwear and ripping it from her body in a similar manner.

With little fanfare Naruto slammed his dick inside her causing Shizune to nearly scream out in pleasure. But she was aware that just outside the door Konoha hospital was going about its business, and while at present she wouldn’t have cared if the entire village watched her get taken by Naruto. It might put an end to their tryst and she had yet to receive what it was her body seemed to crave. A moment later Naruto began pumping his cock within her causing the first apprentice of Tsunade to moan softly as she tried to keep her voice down.

Naruto didn’t make it easy for her as he pulled her torso up enough that he could fondle her breasts through the bandages which she wrapped them with. His groping hands eventually loosened them to the point that he could grab them directly which he did with great enthusiasm. Shizune bit her lip as he began to tease the tips of her breasts by rolling them between his fingers as his hips continued to smack against her ass.

Shizune began to throw herself back against Naruto to meet his violent thrusts. She was aware that there was still a part of her which wasn’t exactly comfortable with what was happening. However, the voice it possessed diminished each time Naruto’s cock bottomed out inside her. She suspected the reason for the unease was that before this moment if asked Shizune would have always pictured losing her virginity on her wedding night. Not in an examination room with a patient, even one she was as friendly with as Naruto. Yet, that part’s discontent with the situation became smaller the more she came to realizing that the steady pressure building up a climax which would rock her to the very core.

She moaned out in loss as Naruto suddenly withdrew from her leaving her empty. She attempted to look back to see why he would abandon her when she was so close, but need not have worried as she was suddenly spun around to face him. He picked her up and set her on the examination table before pushing his dick inside her once more.

She nearly cried out, but Naruto kissed her passionately which she returned rolling her tongue around his. Wrapping her arms around his neck and locking her ankles behind his ass, she began to lose herself to the pleasure of being filled and emptied over and over again.

Naruto’s pace soon became frantic and she felt him swell within her letting the medic know that soon he would be releasing the seed her body was craving. With the two of them both approaching their climax they forgot about everything but reaching that glorious release. As such they completely abandoned themselves to their desires causing both of them to abandon stealth in favor of reaching the state of bliss that could only be reached together.

Shizune moaned loudly egging Naruto on as he grunted with exertion every time he hit her womb. Her gripping cunt would resist his effort to withdraw as it tried to keep him nestled against her core so that when he released his seed it would pour directly inside her womb. Finally, with a final thrust he buried his cock right up against her cervix and released his small army which diligently searched for the egg in which they needed to invade.

Shizune’s eyes went wide as she felt the white hot explosion inside of her which she announced to the world as she screamed, “Aiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!” Her toes curled as she shook in Naruto’s arms before everything went black but not before noticing the door to the examination room get thrown open.


Tsunade poured through several books on jutsu that could explain what she and what had seemed like half the hospital staff had witnessed. She wasn’t too surprised to find that back before the founding of the shinobi village system there had been considerably more jutsu that related to sex, but at present none of the ones she had come across seemed to fit the bill.

Her mind wandered back to the afternoon when she had gone down to the hospital to make sure Naruto had reported to it for his examination. She had run into Sakura as she just finished her examination and upon spotting the Hokage had asked, “Lady Tsunade, what brings you down here?”

Tsunade had smiled at the woman, who with the Strength of a Hundred Seal resembled her more and more. Sadly, it seemed her student was also taking after her in the love-life department at least as far as her not pursuing a potential love interest that was right in front of her. She hoped that unlike her, Sakura wouldn’t wait until it was too late to start. Answering the pink-haired girl’s question she said, “I’m here to make sure that damn brat didn’t ignore my order to get his check-up.”

Sakura’s smile grew wider as she didn’t need to inquire as to who the Hokage was talking about as she said, “He was here, but as you know he might have grown bored and left if he was waiting too long. Although, I saw Shizune walking up to him, so she might have taken care of him already.”

Tsunade could hear the disappointment in her student’s voice and flashing back to how she had felt in her office couldn’t say she blamed her. After all, it was a rare opportunity to get the blond man close to naked and be able to claim it was for official reasons. Sakura looked to the nurse behind the counter and asked, “Otoha do you know if Naruto was examined yet?”

“Yes,” the dark-haired beauty responded, “Shizune took him back to examination room One-D. It’s rather strange she hasn’t finished already.”

Tsunade scoffed as she stated, “Knowing him, she hasn’t managed to get him out of his clothes yet.”

Both Sakura and the nurse smiled with Otoha stating, “I wouldn’t mind giving her a hand if she needs help.” Otoha blushed upon realizing she had spoken aloud, and to the woman that most likely thought viewed herself as a surrogate mother to the jinchuriki. Still she doubted any would think that if they could see what images the statement conjured up in Tsunade’s imagination. Looking at Sakura, she imagined some of the same images were appearing behind her eyes as well.

Tsunade was surprised at just how much of an effect that the nurse’s statement had on her. Getting ahold of herself, she quipped dryly, “I’ll pass your offer on.”

Otoha decided to simply nod and busy herself with a file rather than let her mouth reveal any other desires she might have. Tsunade began walking towards the examination room and noted that Sakura was walking along with her. Unable to resist teasing her a little she asked, “Are you coming with me to offer your services in case Shizune needs help.”

Sakura blushed, but shook her head before responding, “Shizune is usually so efficient that I’m concerned she might have found something like an injury that he was hiding.”

Tsunade frowned since knowing Naruto that might have been the case, but as they entered the hall where the room was located, neither woman expected to find people gathered outside of it. Pushing through them she asked, “What the hell is going on here?” However, she heard a loud gasp come from inside the room followed by other noises which although it had been awhile she knew instinctively what they were associated with.

Sakura though didn’t seem to realize or perhaps needing confirmation reached for the door pushing it open before Tsunade could stop her. Both women caught sight of Shizune’s face exploding in pleasure as she clutched herself to Naruto who although facing away was easily recognizable by his blond hair.

Tsunade felt all the desires she had suppressed up in her office return full force as if a physical wave had passed over her. Doubting that her reaction and Shizune’s were a coincidence, she resisted the urge to take her first apprentice’s place as she charged into the room. It proved difficult as Naruto pulled out of Shizune as if noticing the audience for the first time revealing his still hard cock to her. Tsunade hit him on the neck channeling her chakra into him which cut off the communication to his brain causing him to go limp. “Sakura, I want a room with a level one containment unit set up on the double. Also get me a gurney that is used to transport infectious individuals.” The Hokage looked back to see that Sakura was still staring dumbfounded so she shouted, “Now!” Addressing the other spectators as Sakura left to fulfil her orders she said, “The rest of you are to assume standard infectious protocols. Quarantine yourselves in medical bay three where we will sort this out.”

Tsunade tiredly rubbed her eyes when her mind returned to the present as the ink on the pages began to run together. The door opened to reveal Shizune, who even after Tsunade had examined her, couldn’t find any sign that the woman was suffering from anything or under some sort of jutsu. More to the point, she had already explained multiple times that she had been the one to initiate the encounter. Yet, Tsunade didn’t think her symptoms of arousal were just a coincidence.

Shizune placed the books down on the table before saying, “Lady Tsunade, I already told you that this is pointless. I was the one that lost control.”

“So you’ve said.” Tsunade replied grabbing the first book in the stack and beginning to peruse through it.

Shizune frowned and then said with a little anger, “At least explain why you are so sure the cause of whatever it is you are looking for is Naruto.”

Tsunade looked up a little surprised by her apprentice’s tone. Still feeling embarrassed about explaining that the reason she was convinced Naruto was the key was because she herself was displaying similar urges remained silent. She felt somewhat justified in keeping silent as if certain parties found out she might react similarly to Naruto’s presence as her apprentice feared it might be used to take her position from her. Therefore she replied, “Look Shizune, you have to admit that regardless of who started it you were not acting like yourself. You seem to have calmed down, but I’m willing to bet that if I put you with Naruto again then we’d have to pry you apart.”

“But keeping Naruto locked up in a containment suite must be making him feel like he’s some kind of danger,” Shizune said plaintively. “I was the one that came onto him. He tried to stop me, but I was rather forceful. P…Perhaps you should place me in the room with a separate containment unit so he at least feels we are both being looked at.”

“Look Shizune, I’ve run both of you through every test I can think of and you both come up clean. Besides as near as I can tell no one has reacted towards your presence with any greater sexual interest than before. However, you pointed out that you noticed that the same might not hold true for Naruto which is why you are here helping me and he is in the bubble, got it.”

Shizune grew slightly annoyed as her teacher pointed out that there weren’t a whole lot of men banging down her door to sleep with her, which she felt was probably why she hadn’t been able to resist the strong pull she had felt towards Naruto. Still, she recognized that rather than distracting Tsunade it would be better for Naruto if she tried to help figure out what might have happened to him. Pulling one of the books she had brought she was about to open it but asked, “Where’s Sakura?”

“I’m having her pull some more blood in case we find something that we can test it against ands to run a few more tests of her own,” Tsunade said turning the page in the medical book she held. Shizune nodded feeling it was just as well since a part of her suspected that for the foreseeable future things between her and the pink-haired kunoichi might be rather strained.


Sakura made the final adjustments to the positive pressure suit that she had put on to enter the containment shroud that had been erected around the bed Naruto was in. Due to the late hour the hospital was all but deserted with only the night shift attending to the patients. Sakura stepped into the room and saw Naruto still sitting up in bed. She was surprised to see that he didn’t appear to be chomping at the bit to be released, but guessed that considering the circumstances he understood the need to remain calm. He looked towards her and appeared rather uneasy by her unescorted presence.

She gave him a gentle smile as she entered the first stage of the containment tent that had been erected around the bed he occupied. While she waited for the pressure to stabilize so she could enter, she couldn’t help recalling the look of pure pleasure that had been on Shizune’s face as she and Tsunade had interrupted them. Truthfully throughout most of the day it had haunted her as she wondered just what it had felt like to be connected to Naruto in such a way. Although Tsunade hadn’t explained why she was so confident that something had been done to Naruto, Sakura found herself hoping that was the case if only so she hadn’t lost out on her chance to let him know how she felt.

The light above her changed colors letting her know that she could enter so she unzipped the flap and stepped in. Now standing before him, she cursed as she tried to think of something to say, but at present words failed her. She berated her inability to put Naruto at ease so lamely settled for a simple, “How are you feeling?”

Naruto shrugged before replying, “Fine. How’s Shizune?”

Sakura found herself feeling suddenly jealous of the concern she heard in his voice. Nonetheless she answered, “She’s fine. We couldn’t detect any anomalies in the tests that we ran, so she’s already been released.” Sakura moved to a nurse station that had been set up inside the area and began pulling out the syringe she planned to use to draw his blood.

Naruto nodded but then asked, “Does Granny Tsunade really think some sort of jutsu was cast on me?”

Sakura nodded before approaching as she explained, “That would seem to be her theory at the moment. There are apparently tons of techniques to get a man or woman to lower their inhibitions or increase their attraction. But for the most part there is always some means to detect it. It’s pretty worrisome that thus far we’ve come up with nothing.”

She poured some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball before applying it to the area she intended to draw blood from. She noticed that the frown that Naruto wore had deepened so said, “Naruto, it wasn’t your fault. Tsunade’s been the one attending to Shizune, but she isn’t angry and has even told everyone you tried to resist.”

Her words had the opposite effect as he said, “I should have resisted harder. I… I should have known it would take a jutsu or something to make her want me in such a way.”

“Stop it Naruto,” the pink-haired kunoichi said, “There are plenty of women who would gladly choose to be with you.”

Naruto scoffed looking down at the bed as he said, “Name one.”

Sakura let go of his arm and Naruto closed his eyes expecting to feel the sting of the needle. However, instead he heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down. He looked up toward his pink-haired teammate and was shocked to see her pulling the helmet free of her head before stepping out of the rest of the suit. “Sakura, what are you doing? If what Tsunade suspects is true…”

“I hope it is,” the medic said breathing deeply. She couldn’t deny that there was something to Tsunade’s theory as she suddenly felt her desires for Naruto grow, but it was only pulling her faster in a direction she already wanted to go. Crawling onto the bed she looked into Naruto’s wide blue eyes as she explained, “I’ve tried for so long to find the words to tell you how I feel. But every time I’ve chickened out or made a mess of it. I’m not sure what exactly this pull you are giving off is…”

“Y…you mean there is something,” Naruto said disappointedly especially as Sakura’s face inched closer to his.

“Mmhmm,” she said as his scent was driving her wild, “But it’s helped me realize that words aren’t necessary.”

“T-they aren’t”

“No,” Sakura replied, “Let me show you.”

Sakura placed her lips against his and Naruto’s eyes nearly bulged out of his skull. But unwilling to make the same mistake he pushed her back while saying, “Sakura… we…we shouldn’t do this…”

“Please don’t push me away,” Sakura said her green eyes filling with tears, “I… I can’t be rejected by you again. I want to be here with you Naruto. Whatever has been done to you just makes me want it all the more.”

Sakura felt Naruto’s arms weaken against her so surged forward to lock her lips against his once more. She felt him tense again as if to push her away, but instead they slipped around her pulling him close to her as he gave into the long held desires he had for her. Naruto leaned back in the bed as his tongue pressed against her lips which she eagerly parted to let him explore inside. Sakura straddled his lap as they kissed and felt something begin stirring beneath causing her excitement to grow as she anticipated becoming one with the man she wanted.


Tsunade looked up at her office door annoyed as a knock sounded against it. “Who is it?” she asked irritably as every possible cause for the current situation she had found should have turned up in the tests they had run. She hoped the person on the other end of the door was Sakura, and that she had found something in whatever tests she had run on the blood she was supposed to draw. However, instead of receiving a response the door opened allowing Sasuke to step inside.

She scowled as she saw that he wasn’t alone being flanked by Ensui Nara and Santa Yamanaka. Before the other two men, and current heads of their clans with the passing of Shikaku and Inoichi, fully entered she said angrily, “What do you want? It’s a little late for a visit.”

A reproachful voice came from behind the two men as it stated, “Honestly Tsunade, is that any way to greet those who work with you?”

Tsunade’s frown deepened as the clan leaders parted to make way for the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. “Lord Daimyo,” Tsunade said standing from behind her desk, “I wasn’t aware you were coming to the village.”

The man opened his fan which he held in front of his mouth as he said amused, “I’ve been availing myself of the privacy that Sasuke’s home affords. I’ve actually been here for several days now.”

Tsunade wanted to scowl, but refrained aware that she needed to be respectful to the man before her. Still, it bothered her considerably that he could enter the village and she wouldn’t be made aware of it. Looking at the current heads of the Yamanaka and the Nara, she wondered if they were behind her not being made aware of the Daimyo’s presence. She wasn’t sure why the two men had aligned themselves with Sasuke, but suspected that they saw it as a means to elevate their clans should he become Hokage.

Focusing on the Daimyo, she asked, “May I ask then why you’ve decided to come out now?”

“Some disturbing rumors have reached my ears regarding the host of the nine-tails,” the Daimyo said fluttering his fan. “Although Sasuke assures me it most likely isn’t the case it would seem he attacked some poor woman in the hospital.”

“That isn’t true,” Shizune said definitively, “Naruto did no such thing. Whoever is spreading such rumors is simply hoping to damage his reputation. I… I’m the one at fault.”

“Although,” Tsunade quickly interjected, “we do believe that somehow or another someone cast a jutsu on him to cause Shizune to act the way she did.”

The Daimyo closed his fan as he looked towards Sasuke to say, “It seems you were correct.”

Sasuke chuckled in amusement although Tsunade found the sound grated on her nerves. “I told you. Naruto might be rather simpleminded, but he wouldn’t force himself on anyone.”

“Well that does make this next part a tad trickier though,” the Daimyo said.

“What do you mean?” Tsunade asked confused.

“I mean that I want you to seal Naruto’s chakra,” the Daimyo stated.

“You can’t be serious,” Sasuke said surprising Tsunade since he managed to spit the words out first.

The Daimyo nodded that he was before explaining, “I’m absolutely serious my friend. Regardless of whether he was at fault or not, this incident has shown me that Naruto does not possess the necessary qualities to be Hokage. If it was an enemy jutsu or something then it would seem that he played right into their hands.”

“With all due respect,” Tsunade stated angrily, “Naruto is still young and if we are going to talk about playing into people’s hands then perhaps we should direct our attention…”

“Be silent Tsunade,” the Daimyo said harshly. “I’m quite aware that you wish to bring up Sasuke’s transgressions, but those are firmly in the past and he has been pardoned for them.”

Sasuke stepped in saying calmly, “The Hokage does have her reasons for not trusting me. But still sealing Naruto’s chakra is a bit much.”

The Daimyo focused on Sasuke before turning back to Tsunade as he said, “It will not be a permanent. However, it is a precaution that I wish to take.”

“A precaution against what?” Tsunade asked trying to remain calm.

“Against anything he might try upon realizing that I am officially nominating Sasuke to the position of Hokage,” the Daimyo stated. “Keep in mind that it was upon losing out to the Fourth Hokage that Orochimaru began to take his dark path. If Naruto intends to follow in a similar vein I think it wise that we take the steps now to prevent him from becoming a threat.”

Tsunade was shaking with barely restrained fury as she replied, “I don’t recall giving my resignation.”

The Daimyo shrugged as he countered, “You can drag this out if you wish. But it will go before the Clan Council and I think you will find that they will second my nomination. Your age is done Tsunade, it is time to let the next generation assume control of the village.” Turning the leader of the Country in which Konoha resided began leaving her office. He stopped at the door, before looking back at her to say, “I fully expect to hear that my orders were carried out by morning.”

Without another word he left followed by Ensui and Santa. Sasuke was last and stopped at the door sounding regretful as he looked back to state, “For what it’s worth this isn’t how I wanted to become Hokage.”

Tsunade narrowed her eyes at the Uchiha as she said furiously, “I will never acknowledge you as Hokage.”

Sasuke shrugged nonchalantly before replying, “Fortunately for me then that those whose opinions actually matter see things differently.”

Tsunade nearly launched herself at the Uchiha, but stopped since she was afraid that would be playing into his hands. For a moment she suspected that perhaps he had been the one that had caused the situation by casting a genjutsu not on Naruto but the women around him in order to get them to seduce him for just such a reason. She quickly rejected it since she suspected that if he had been behind it then Shizune would have also claimed that she had been forced by Naruto. She was about to ask Shizune what she thought but noticed that at some point during the encounter her first apprentice had made herself scarce.


A naked Sakura was in heaven as she knelt on the bed with an equally nude Naruto kneeling next to her. Her arms were being held back over her head by him as he worked two of his fingers inside her increasingly wetter passage. She tried to pull free to get access to his body as well, but despite in most situations she’d likely be able to overpower him, she couldn’t muster the strength or concentration to do so. Naruto smiled as he felt her strain against his grip on her wrists causing him to say, “Relax Sakura let me enjoy this.”

“I… I want to too,” she panted and then arched her back with loud moan as Naruto flicked her clit with his thumb.

“It looks like you are from my perspective,” Naruto said leaning down and beginning to suck on her breast.

Sakura could only moan in response as she felt him begin to suck on the pink nubs on her breasts. She suddenly stiffened as she came coating his hand in the slickness of her release. Naruto’s grip relaxed as he pulled her into a kiss before laying her down. She panted as he crawled over her and pushing some of her sweat-matted hair from her face said, “This is like a dream.”

Sakura smiled happily as she felt him press against her entrance as he was about to ask her permission, but then she surprised him by rolling them over so that she was on top. Rising up, she grabbed his dick firmly and stroking him asked huskily, “Naruto, will you please be the one to take my virginity?”

The jinchuriki could only nod as she rubbed the tip of his cock against her entrance causing him to groan in anticipation. She pressed firmly against his dick as she let gravity pull her towards him and shouted out as he entered her ripping through her maidenhood. Sakura was pulled into a hug as Naruto whispered, “Thank you Sakura for choosing me.”

The pink haired kunoichi kissed his lips softly before stating, “I should be thanking you for everything you’ve done for me.”

Naruto shook his head as he replied, “I only ever wanted you to be happy.”

Sakura pulled free of his arms and raised up off of his cock until it nearly slipped free and before sliding back down said, “I finally am.” They both moaned as he slid back inside her. Sakura started slowly still getting used to the feeling but soon was bouncing on his cock with wild abandon. The medic did nothing to stifle her voice as she was split open time and time again. But after a handful of minutes she switched things up and after having fully impaled herself on his cock, began to rock her hips back and forth against his pubic bone frantically.

She arched back grabbing his knees and moaned loudly when he grabbed her breasts firmly. He flicked the pink diamonds that were her nipples sending shocks of pleasure from them to the building pressure within her. “You feel so incredible inside me, Naruto. Y…you have an incredible cock. Fuck me more!”

Hearing his long time love interest speaking in such a manner drove Naruto wild as he shot forward. He easily picked her up and then planted her in the bed. Placing his arms against the back of her knees he pushed forwarder opening her wider for his cock, as he began to violently slam his hips against her.

Sakura was in ecstasy as every thrust hit against her womb. The pink haired kunoichi felt an especially happy thrill as she knew it was a particularly dangerous time for her. While there were methods to prevent pregnancy, most effective ones required prior forethought. There was an after morning jutsu but Sakura had no intention of using it should their coupling result in a child. But she still alerted Naruto to let him know the potential risks as she said, “Naruto… I’m so close.”

“S-so am I,” the blond replied as his pace became erratic and his thrusts more violent.

“I…I want you to cum inside me…”


“Yes… I…I might get pregnant but I want to feel you explode inside me…it’s even really dangerous today so I’ll almost surely have your baby if you do.”

“Fuck!” Naruto shouted redoubling his efforts, the thought of making Sakura pregnant driving him to bury his cock further and deeper inside her.

Sakura felt him swell inside her alerting her to his impending release and locked her ankles behind him just in case he decided to pull out at the last moment. Sakura screamed out, “Naruto!!!!!!” as she climaxed her legs pulled his hips flush against her.

“Sakura!!!” The jinchuriki replied giving her milking cunt the cum it was massaging him for. He jerked atop of her as several powerful spurts launched forth into her womb and bathing the egg within. Although this time his tadpoles defied their nature.

The two lovers stared into each other’s eyes as they basked in the afterglow of their coupling. However, after several peaceful moments the door was thrown open as an alarmed Shizune quickly entered. She stopped for a moment seeing the two connected on the bed, and Naruto felt Sakura almost possessively pull him closer. However, Shizune continued on while ignoring the protocols for entering the containment tent.

She paused once more as the smell of sex permeating the enclosed space washed over her. Again she felt a pull towards Naruto, although nowhere near as strong as earlier. She filed the information away as she said, “Naruto, we need to get out of the village.”

The blond sat up in surprise as he asked, “What!”

“Please just trust me,” Shizune said urgently as she handed him the clothes she had taken from where they stored the patients’ belongings.

“What do you mean he needs to leave the village with you?” Sakura asked with a hint of challenge and danger.

Naruto placed a hand on Sakura’s shoulder as she was crouched on the bed as if preparing to keep Shizune from him. To his surprise, Shizune looked like she might attack the girl in turn. Hoping to understand what was going on and to calm the situation down he said, “Shizune, you’re not making any sense. What’s going on? Why would I need to leave the village?”

“Because they plan to seal your chakra,” Shizune said. “Somehow the Daimyo was inside the village without Tsunade’s knowledge. They are going to make Sasuke Hokage and to prevent you from becoming a threat or challenging him, they want to seal your chakra.”

The news hit Naruto like a punch to the stomach. He sagged sadly as he said, “I…If that’s what they think is best then I should comply. Running would only….”

To his surprise, Sakura was suddenly leaping off the bed and tried pulling him from it as well while she stated, “Shizune is right. We need to leave.”

“What? You’re telling me to become a missing-nin,” Naruto said surprised.

Sakura and Shizune nodded in conjunction with Shizune saying, “Please Naruto! That the Daimyo would enter the village means they were likely already planning to do it. They simply might have moved up their plans because of what happened this afternoon.”

“I… I can’t just abandon the village though,” Naruto stated.

Sakura having taken the time to get dressed joined with Shizune as she said, “Please Naruto… for us. I… I have a bad feeling about this.”

Naruto wasn’t sure but seeing both women so concerned nodded as he began to put his clothes on. “I’ll go, but I should do so alone.”

Both women ignored him upon hearing him agree as Sakura said, “I’ll head home to grab some supplies. It might not be safe to go to your or Naruto’s apartments.”

More firmly Naruto said, “Look, I should do this alone. There’s no reason for both of you to…”

He trailed off as both women gave him a stern look before Shizune addressed Sakura, “We’ll take some supplies from the Hospital. We’ll meet at the Northern Gate.”

“Right,” Sakura said running out of the room as Shizune moved to leave as well. She stopped as Naruto asked, “Shizune, why are you willing to become a missing-nin for me?”

Shizune wasn’t sure herself but asked, “D…Did this afternoon mean anything for you?”

A part of Naruto wanted to say yes simply out of concern for the kunoichi’s feelings, but instead he answered, “I… I don’t know. Truthfully, I’m still in shock about everything.”

Shizune smiled pleased by his honesty before replying, “I’m in the same position.” Stepping up to him, she kissed his lips lightly before adding, “I just want the time to sort out what happened.” Grabbing his hand, she pulled him after her so they could grab whatever medical supplies they would need.


Hinata frowned as she watched both Shizune and Sakura grabbing supplies with her bloodline ability. She imagined that she made quite the sight standing on a water tower with her Byakugan active while in the expensive Kimono that she often wore as she conducted her business as the head of the Hyuuga Clan. After the war her father had nominated her for the position and she had gleefully accepted as she had been proud to finally be acknowledged by him. However, it was shortly after taking the position that she learned she would also be forced to give up on her dreams of being with Naruto as outsiders were not allowed to marry into the main family of the clan.

She had glumly accepted her fate as she didn’t have the courage to reject her new responsibilities or her father’s acceptance. Some part of her had hoped that she could change the rules in time, but she had quickly learned that her position was simply that of a figurehead for the village while the elders called the shots within the clan. She had recently learned that they had already decided on who she was to marry as they believed their genes would be a good match.

What had brought her out that night was the rumors which had begun circulating through the village that Naruto had sexually assaulted Shizune. She naturally had not believed them, but the person she had heard them from had insisted that the two had been caught in the throes of passion and moreover Naruto was being treated in the hospital. The Hyuuga Kunoichi had resorted to her old habits by spying on the blond and had felt her heart break as she witnessed him and Sakura together. A part of her had hoped that when Shizune had entered that a fight would break out between the two, and while for a moment it looked like one would, to her surprise both women had begun to urge Naruto into action.

What that action was though Hinata wasn’t sure. Shifting her focus to where Sakura was she watched the kunoichi packing weapons and food frantically. She paused for a moment giving her apartment an onceover, but then moved to her desk and began writing something. She placed it in an envelope and then leaving her apartment mailed it.

Her gaze moved back to Shizune and Naruto, where she noticed they had finished sealing a few medical supplies into scrolls. They then left the hospital and began to proceed to the north likely linking up with Sakura. Hinata’s eyes grew wide as she realized that they were leaving the village and from the stealthy manner they were moving she suspected were in the process of abandoning it.

She quickly began moving to cut them off, as she considered raising an alarm. But not wanting to get Naruto in further trouble simply continued towards them. She wasn’t sure why she was moving to stop him, but couldn’t deny that deep down a part of her was panicking at the idea she would never see him again. Despite having trouble moving swiftly due to her choice of outfits due to her eyes, she was able to take a path that put her in front of them as they regrouped and headed north.

As they neared the alley she was concealed in, she stepped out expecting to cause all three to stop. To her surprise though both Sakura and Shizune continued on even as Naruto slowed down and quickly pressed their palms to the side of her neck. All control of her body left her as their chakra disrupted her nervous system; she began to collapse to the ground but was caught by Naruto.

She breathed in his scent even as he said, “What’s wrong with you two? How could you attack Hinata?”

“We have to go,” Sakura said urgently, “Every moment we delay is a moment that those tasked with finding us later will be able to catch up. We don’t know how much time we would have before someone checks on you and now they’ll know our intentions right away.”

“She’s right Naruto,” Shizune said, “We’re pass the point of half-measures.”

Naruto grimaced, but nodded as he gently set Hinata down whispering, “I’m sorry.”

He began to join the two women, but Hinata struggled to stand only managing to roll over. Reaching for him, she struggled to move knowing she would regret it the rest of her life if she didn’t. Still they got further from her so with tears leaving her eyes called after them, “Please! Don’t leave me!” She lost sight of him in the darkness so lowered her head towards the ground and began to sob.

A moment later though, she was rolled back over as Naruto lifted her in his arms. She stared up at him as he asked, “Are you sure?”

Hinata nodded, and felt only joy as Naruto began dashing with her in his arms as he left Konoha behind.


The three kunoichi sat in a bath located in an abandon outpost within Hot-Spring Country. Shizune had been the one to lead everyone to it having learned of its location when she had been traveling with Tsunade. The outpost was located just shy of the Land of Lightning’s border and had been used by Hot-Spring Shinobi back when they had been actual ninja. Naruto had run throughout the night creating Shadow Clones to carry Shizune or Sakura in a similar manner as he had Hinata whenever they were tired so that they had reached it in a single day.

Naturally as a result Naruto had arrived dead tired and was currently passed out in a nearby room. The three kunoichi had yet to talk among themselves and had instead busied themselves with cleaning and filling the large tube to wash the road grim from themselves. Now though the three sat inside staring at each other in awkward silence, before Sakura finally asked, “So now what?”

Before either woman could respond Naruto’s voice called out, “Perhaps I can answer that.” He stepped into the bath, but all three women knew it wasn’t the loveable blond they knew who had spoken but the beast that resided inside him.

“Kurama,” Sakura said noticing the red-eyes, “Naruto needs his rest.”

“And he’s getting it, “the fox said sitting down in a cross-legged position, “But I figured I’d take the opportunity to explain how we ended up here.”

“You were the one that made Shizune lose control,” Sakura said accusingly.

The fox controlling Naruto sighed but responded, “In a manner of speaking I suppose that is accurate. Truthfully though I simply modified the pheromones Naruto gives off to make him more irresistible. Although, it was my intention for you to be the one to surrender your inhibitions.”

“Me,” Sakura said, “But then… why did…”

The fox shrugged as it explained, “In hindsight it’s pretty obvious why Shizune would succumb to her desires. I mean it can’t be easy being a thirty-four year old woman with no boyfriend and no prospects.”

Shizune frowned at what the fox said, but before she could tell the Bijuu to be silent, Hinata asked, “But why would she sleep with Naruto. Shouldn’t there be some sort of attraction?”

The fox smiled as it answered, “Oh there was certainly an attraction, right Shizune?” The dark haired woman blushed in response while Kurama explained, “You humans see things in such amusing ways. You like to believe you are better than the animals around you, but when push comes to shove your instincts and desires are as hardwired in as anything else’s. Oh you can rise above them, but with the proper stimuli you’ll give in.” Focusing on Sakura it stated, “That was my goal with you after all. I was tired of the two of you dancing around how much you wanted each other, so I decided to give you the little push that you needed. It just so happened that Shizune answered the call first.”

“But Shizune never indicated that she wanted Naruto,” Sakura countered quickly.

“But there was something that she did want though,” The fox said giving the Shizune a knowing smile.

Shizune recalled the desire that she had been feeling as she had looked at the pregnant woman in the hospital. She nodded as she answered, “I felt a longing to have a child.”

The fox nodded as it said, “I guess congratulations are in order.” Shizune looked up in shock as the Bijuu said, “I modified his semen so that they almost assuredly knocked you up. It is probably still a little too early to be sure, but I’d be surprised if you aren’t.”

Shizune looked at the other two women and noticed that Sakura was rubbing her stomach contently, but it disappeared the moment Kurama said, “Unfortunately, I did the exact opposite for you.”

“What!” Sakura said despondently, “Why?”

The fox sighed as it explained, “Because things quickly spiraled well outside of what I had anticipated. I just intended to get Naruto laid so he’d stop mopping about how nobody loves him. The last thing I expected was Sasuke would take advantage of the situation to put himself in the Hokageship. Furthermore, this situation is dangerous enough without his needing to protect two of you especially towards the later end of a pregnancy.”

Sakura glared at Kurama obviously unhappy that Shizune would be having his child and she wouldn’t as she stated, “It’s because of your meddling that Naruto’s dream was taken from him.”

“I… I don’t think that’s true,” Hinata said softly. All eyes focused on her as she explained, “If what you say is true then I’m here because Naruto’s pheromones motivated me to find the courage to speak up before losing him forever.” Looking at Shizune she continued, “Shizune couldn’t resist Naruto because she knew he would give her a strong child who he would undoubtedly care for by her side. And Sakura although not directly under the influence of them, seeing Shizune with him forced you to act before losing him.” Poking her fingers together she nervously continued, “But, I’ve noticed that among the various councils Sasuke’s support has grown, even the elders in my clan seemed willing to work with him. What happened might have moved up their timetable, but it didn’t cause it.”

The fox nodded in agreement, “Hence why I believe you reacted the way you did Shizune. You sensed the danger to Naruto, and perhaps the child you likely now carry.” Focusing on the two apprentices of Tsunade the fox added, “That also explains why despite you two having all the reason in the world not to be getting along right now, you began to work in tandem when the situation became clear.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand,” Hinata said.

Sakura was the one that answered as she explained, “The reason they would want to seal Naruto’s chakra is to make him easier to eliminate. They might be afraid he would turn on the village if Sasuke became Hokage, so the most efficient way to handle him would be to seal his chakra and then invite a third party to do your dirty work. Naruto has plenty of enemies who would love to strike at him if they knew he couldn’t properly defend himself.”

Hinata was surprised as she asked, “D…Do you really think Sasuke would do something like that?”

Sakura nodded and then stated, “He’s only ever been motivated by his own self-interests. It took me a while to see it, but there’s no denying that if he saw Naruto as a threat he’d eliminate him. If he had changed he wouldn’t be trying to steal Naruto’s dream from him. It has been his goal for becoming a ninja forever.”

Shizune agreed recalling her first encounter with the man who was going to be the father of her child. Focusing on the fox currently in control of him she asked, “Why are you telling us this first? Shouldn’t you have explained yourself to Naruto?”

“I will, but he’s likely going to be giving me the silent treatment for a while afterwards. Therefore, I need you three to convince him that this is for the best. At the very least if what I and it appears the rest of you fear about Sasuke comes to pass then at least he’ll be in a position to stop it. Besides, I think it’s time for him to forget about trying to hold the shinobi world together. He should blaze a new path, if Konoha won’t recognize him then make it so that they at least come to regret their choice.”

“You don’t mean…”

“Of course not,” Kurama said quickly, “But a person with Naruto’s power can literally reshape this world and how it works, much like the First Hokage did by founding Konoha. His going rogue is going to send shockwaves through the Shinobi World, there is no reason for him not to make more.”

The three kunoichi looked at each other before Sakura asked, “But where does that leave things for us?”

Kurama gave an amused grin as it said, “Well that is for you to choose, but there’s no reason that you can’t each find contentment at his side. Plus, if you do manage to convince him to create a stable place for you, then there’s no reason each of you couldn’t have one or two of his brats.” The Bijuu ended its control over Naruto’s body causing him to slump over and begin snoring. The three kunoichi smiled as Naruto rolled over onto his back causing his snoring to grow in volume, but then their gazes drifted to each other as they considered the fox’s words.

Next Chapter: Growing the Pride

Author’s note: Well here is the first chapter of my new story. I hope in time it comes to be as enjoyed as Eroninja. But for now Eroninja is going to be my main focus so this story will probably be updated extremely sporadically. Furthermore, while I do know where I intend to take this story, it isn’t anywhere near as planned out as Eroninja which is why for the moment I’ve suspended the poll on my Fanfiction dot net profile and have added a new one for potential women to join with Naruto in this story. I don’t plan to introduce a lot of characters from other media as I did for Eroninja although I might add nine if you know what I mean.

Now to explain where the idea for this story came from will involve some spoilers for Eroninja if you aren’t up to date of are reading it on Fanfiction. If that is the case please note that there are 59 chapters for it on FicWad. Now if you are still here as some people no doubt recall when I explained how Kiyomi made Naruto and his lovers immortal in Eroninja but at the expense that they not have children, it kicked off a debate about it. Now I to be honest was rather surprised by it since I’m of the opinion that giving up the right to procreate in exchange for a functional immortality is a pretty fair trade. That Naruto in that story also didn’t necessarily want them since he knew it would require an extreme amount of effort when he simply wants to be with and enjoy his lovers is I suppose my way of showing him to be more of a thinker than a person ruled solely by his desires.

I recall one of the arguments being made against Kiyomi’s reason that eventually you’d have a bunch of immortals using up the world’s resources being invalid because it would take a long time. But in truth to me that is why a person who thinks things through wouldn’t do such a thing, since they know that just because a problem is a long way off it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t take steps today to prevent it. In my opinion the person that needs to have their cake and eat it too so to speak, is a person ruled by their desires.

And that is ultimately what is going to be the primary difference between the Naruto in this story and the one in Eroninja. The Naruto in this story is going to be ruled more by his instincts, especially as the story progresses. The might act the same in certain situations, but the reasons for doing it will be vastly different. For instance in Chapter 59 Naruto challenged Koreshige to show Hana he cared for her. The Naruto in this story would do the same and for the same reason, but also to display his dominace over the other man. He’d then likely have his way with both Tsume and Hana as well as any other Inuzuka willing and present for good measure.

That is where the first nugget of an idea came from; the second part is kind of my personal rebuke against Sasuke being allowed back into Konoha. On my Deviantart profile this matter has been discussed and one thing that stuck with me was it being pointed out that if Sasuke avails himself well during the war he should be allowed back. However, I believe that its not what a person does that matters but what motivates him to do it. Sasuke to me for the most part has always been a selfish character motivated only by what he wants. His getting a free pass because he stood up on the side of good doesn’t make him a good person, he simply recognized that Tobi, Madara, and then Black Zetsu’s plan would have screwed him over as readily as everyone else. Now if he dies heroically sacrificing himself for the good of others then I’d be open to discussing that there might be a core of goodness in him still. But until then he is still a bastard, and this story is going to be my, this is why we don’t invite bastards back into the village dissertation.

Finally the reason I’m posting this now, although there is still a lot of plotting to be done, is to lock in some of the details before canon does it for me. While I like to believe I can make about anything work, if Sasuke does go all heroic self-sacrifice on me then I’d lose the second idea which I think will make this story work.

PS: I should hopefully have the next Limelight chapter and LBB chapter ready next weekend. So until next time take care.
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