Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Pride

Expanding the Pride

by TheLemonSage

In the two years since the 4th Great Shinobi War, the world has slowly slipped back into chaos. Having had his dream of becoming Hokage taken from him, he sets out to reshape the world in much the ...

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2014-07-14 - 15251 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Chapter 2: Expanding the Pride

A month as missing-nin had passed far quicker than Sakura suspected it would. She was of the belief that the reason was that outside of missing her friends and mother, she felt it was rather sad she wasn’t including her father in that estimate, she had truly never been happier. A lot of that happiness was due to her new relationship with Naruto, although there were still quite a few things to figure out at least in regards to the other two women connected with him.

One reason the month had passed so quickly for her was due to her being in a state of almost constant arousal. Underwear for her was a thing of the past and for the most part unless in disguise when visiting the town closest to the abandoned outpost they were calling home, she would be dressed in her thigh high shinobi sandals, her skirt, and a red bikini top she had bought. Without her shorts, her pink skirt did very little to hide her almost constant arousal. But that was fine with her as it left her “open for pleasure” as she called it since she had given her explicit permission that any time Naruto felt in the mood he could use her body as he pleased. To her great joy, while he had started off rather tentative in his accepting her standing invitation, as time had progressed and she always accepted his lusts without complaint he had become bolder and more aggressive.

Sakura had a hard time not running a finger across her slit as she recalled their last tryst. She had been outside practicing her shuriken techniques since although it didn’t appear that Konoha’s hunter squads had picked up their trail that didn’t mean they could let their skills rust. Naruto had come out to join her and she had seen the glint of arousal in his eyes. After a few moments as she was pulling her shuriken from the tree that she had painted her target on, he had approached her. Grabbing her around the waist he had planted his lips against the nape of her neck and then pushed her forward so that her hands rested against the tree. A moment later he was inside her driving her wild as he worked to plant more of his seed inside her.

Sakura shivered as she recalled cumming on his shaft as he filled her to capacity and then some. She smirked as in the past month her womb had never been without its daily injection of fresh semen. But despite that she had yet to get knocked up. She frowned since for the most part she wasn’t sure how their situation could be improved to the point where the Bijuu would feel it okay to undo what it had done to prevent her from getting pregnant. She had considered trying to use her medical ninjutsu to counter the effects but not being sure how that would affect a child conceived from such conditions had refrained. Furthermore, since the fox was probably the only one operating with an entirely clear head she figured it was right to be concerned about the danger they were in.

But that brought Sakura back to how to improve their situation so she could have Naruto’s next child. The first thing she figured they needed to do was establish a formal understanding between Shizune, Hinata, and her. Thus far the three of them had kind of skirted around the subject, which had worked in Sakura’s favor since at present she was the one most comfortable with her relationship with Naruto. She was rather surprised that in truth she wasn’t really bothered by the other women. But, upon reflecting over it, she believed that while a part of the explanation laid in the pheromones Naruto was still giving off, in truth a great deal of it was due to her pursuit of Sasuke in her youth.

Back then it had been an all or nothing proposition on who would be with him and she had tossed aside her friendship with Ino all for a boy that had barely acknowledged the affection of the many girls throwing themselves at him. Yet now she couldn’t say it was quite so clean cut, especially since Naruto had already impregnated Shizune. When Naruto had found out, after Shizune had confirmed it, it had made Sakura a little jealous not to be the one since he had begun treating her like she was glass. The other two women could tell that Shizune had enjoyed the attention even as she had assured the blond it was a little early to be dotting on her in such a manner. While not quite as frisky as her, Shizune had also continued her physical relationship with Naruto although in a less over the top fashion. Shizune had also made it clear in the bath after their talk with Kurama that she fully intended to, as she wasn’t willing to lose out on the pleasure Naruto had shown her was possible and also wanted to build a family with the father of her child.

That Sakura was sure was ultimately the goal of all three women, but one given their current circumstances would be rather hard to fulfil. A life as a missing-nin was truthfully not one in which a child should be raised. Sakura saw the concern on both Naruto and Shizune’s faces, since at a moment’s notice they might need to flee whatever home they built. A life on the run was truthfully no life in which to raise a child.

But that wasn’t the only avenue open to them naturally. Another path would be to join another Shinobi Village. But that could present other problems for them and likely the shinobi world at large. First, while the other villages would likely love for Naruto to join them, they would have to be strong enough to defend itself from attack should Konoha make an issue of it. With Sasuke calling the shots, Sakura didn’t doubt that he would make a political play to have Naruto returned, and while some villages might be willing to defy the new Hokage. They might comply after attempting to extract Kurama depending on how Sasuke worded his request much like Konoha had managed to give Kumo the Byakugan without actually giving it to them.

Still as options went it was probably the easiest way to build a stable life for them. Kumo would likely be extremely willing to take Naruto and Hinata in. The pink-haired Kunoichi had heard rumors that the shnobi of Kumo had returned to their old habits of stealing bloodlines and secret jutsu in order to rebuild their forces. Sakura had the feeling though that Hinata wouldn’t be exactly thrilled by the idea since they might institute policies that would make future generations little more than breeding machines to spread the Byakugan as quickly as possible. Not to mention it might motivate her clan into joining any war efforts to have her returned or eliminated to prevent such a thing from occurring.

Iwagakure on the other hand would likely be a hard sell even for Naruto. He had spent much of the past two years trying to derail the Tsuchikage’s attempts to instigate a new round of conflicts. Sakura had little doubt the man would relish having Naruto now be an integral part of his plans, not to mention it would likely push Konoha and Iwa to the brink of war. Something the Tsuchikage wanted since after the war’s end he had spent a lot of his rise to power rekindling the old feuds and hatreds.

On the other hand while Kirigakure would likely want to welcome them, it had already been the weakest of the Five Villages before the War and had suffered even more losses as a result of it. The sad truth was that the Mizukage would likely have to turn them away simply because her country didn’t have the strength to go toe to toe with the other villages. Naruto would be a powerful asset, but if something should happen to him the outcome would be all but clear.

That left Suna, which was the best choice out of all, but everything that made it such was also why she doubted Naruto would go as it would put Gaara in an extremely difficult situation. Not to mention with it still maintaining its alliance to Konoha, Sasuke could simply demand that they be returned. Gaara could refuse the request, but it would likely result in the dissolving of the treaty between the two villages. Something she was sure Naruto would want to avoid.

The next available option would be to start a shinobi village of their own, which was truthfully a lot easier said than done. Firstly in the current extremely competitive environment that the other villages found themselves in, they likely wouldn’t want a new upstart joining the fray. That fact was what led into the next problem, which was that there were decidedly few countries, especially Minor Countries, that would be willing to let a new village be created in their borders and that could invite one or more Shinobi Village to attack them. The Sound Village had been one of the few founded since the creation of the current system, and it had only been because Orochimaru had found a Daimyo long on ambition and short on intelligence.

Now Naruto likely did have a few more options in that regard considering the number of Daimyo, and female ones at that, who felt beholden to him. But there again Sakura felt Naruto would hesitate to take advantage of those connections since it could put both them and their countries in danger.

The final option was to abandon the continent for a new one and hope putting enough distance between them and Konoha meant they would be forgotten. Sakura didn’t believe that was something any of them were wholly interested in; since there was no guarantee they would be left alone. Plus, Sakura didn’t want to see Naruto’s greatness forgotten. She wanted to remind the Shinobi World why he was someone to be respected. She believed she had a plan that in time would let them create a home for themselves and perhaps show Konoha they had made a mistake.

The first stage of it though hinged on first coming to terms with Hinata and Shizune as well as getting them on board. She felt it might be a rather tough sell since in essence it would be inviting other women into the fold so to speak. She suspected that was something Kurama actually was intending as the fox had refused to undo the alterations it had made to Naruto’s pheromones. For Sakura that was a sign that the Bijuu felt it was too good of an advantage to give up. The pink haired kunoichi couldn’t fault that logic since she doubted many women would be able to fight Naruto at their best as their bodies grew flustered. Not to mention if played correctly it might cause others to flock to his side.

Sakura was a little surprised that the thought of other women didn’t really bother her. She guessed that it was likely tied to her pursuit of Sasuke, and as a result of her temporary loss of her friendship with Ino. She realized that it might have been better to work something out, and having seen how Naruto acted with both Shizune and Hinata, she was sure he cared for each.

Before, Sakura initiated her plan though she first wanted all of them to be coming from a similar relationship level. To that end, she felt it was time she helped Hinata take the plunge. The green eyed medic, wondered how it was that Hinata had thus far resisted the call to take Naruto as a lover. She suspected though that it did stem from her incredible shyness which although the pheromones had helped her to open up, she was likely resisting the more primal urges they tended to awaken. Sakura did suspect though that Hinata was succumbing to them and may have even taken to using her Byakugan to spy on either Shizune or her when they were with Naruto. The idea sent a tingle from her pussy through her spine as she decided on how best to show Naruto that not only did she not mind him taking other lovers, but was going to actively encourage it. She stood as she went in search of Shizune to make sure that she would agree with her idea since they would likely need all three of them to convince Naruto for the next part of her plan.

Hinata was sitting in the main hall of the abandoned Hot-Water outpost that she along with Naruto and the others called home. The outpost was relatively small consisting of the main room, which is where the shinobi likely had spent most of their time as it had the cooking utilities and a decent size table. The rest consisted of a bathing area, and two sets of bedrooms which Hinata believed was use to separate the sexes as each was large enough to house several people. Sadly, the only one being held to that standard was her.

Hinata sighed at that as she had been too self-disciplined to let the urges she felt drive her to force herself upon Naruto. Something she regretted almost daily, but she was trying to maintain some sense of composer. The reason of which was that she was ashamed of her abandoning her duty to her clan, for what amounted to selfish reasons. At the time it had seemed so important that she not let Naruto leave her behind, but currently she felt more like a fifth wheel than anything else.

It wasn’t a feeling which stemmed from the actions of the other two women or even Naruto. However, as both Sakura and even Shizune to a lesser degree seemed to become more and more promiscuous around the jinchuriki. Hinata had become unsure of what her role would be. While returning wasn’t really an option unless she was willing to claim Naruto had kidnapped her, she also wasn’t sure what kept her around. After all, he had both Sakura and Shizune, which while on the surface should have made making a claim for the blond man easy. However, for her the opposite seemed to be the case. One reason was because according to Naruto, Kurama was refusing to undo the modifications it had made to its host’s pheromones. Hinata knew this made Naruto a little uncomfortable about his current situation, although he never refused either woman when they made their desires know. Furthermore, she had noticed that he had begun initiating a few of them with Sakura.

Still, he was always kind and respectful around her, which made Hinata a little crazy as she couldn’t deny there were days where she hoped Naruto would come up to her and ripe the expensive kimono she still wore off her body and ravage her. She knew that if she tried to start things the pheromones would likely keep her from chickening out, but Hinata didn’t want Naruto thinking her feelings for him were born of them. But another reason she feared letting go was due to her being scared that he might reject her. After the war, Naruto had finally tried to address her confession from Pain’s attack on the village. He had apologized that it had taken so long, and she had quickly assured him that she understood. But it soon became apparent that he was about to tell her that his heart was still set on Sakura. Before the words had left his lips though, she had interrupted him to tell him that she was being elevated to the position of clan head.

Hinata now knew that it wouldn’t have made a difference to hear the words, but at the time it had allowed her to at least hang onto the hope that she could make him see her in a similar way. She guessed that was another reason she had yet to act on her desires since a part of her was aware that since Naruto did have Sakura, there was really no hope for her. She after all didn’t have the benefit of having started a physical relationship with Naruto before settling into their current circumstances such as Shizune did.

She heard movement coming from the room that Naruto was currently sleeping in with Shizune. A moment later the woman appeared, and although her look hadn’t changed nearly as much as Sakura’s had. Hinata had noticed that as time progressed, the black robe that the black-haired medic wore had become more and more open around her chest as if to tempt Naruto. The woman stretched as she prepared to take her turn on night watch before focusing on Hinata to ask kindly, “Having trouble sleeping?”

“A little,” Hinata lied since she had purposely stayed up for an opportunity to put a few of her urges to rest.

Shizune nodded before stating, “Well try to get some rest. Konoha’s hunter-nin while being hampered in their search for us during the day will be most active at night. We’ll need you awake and alert during your shift.”

Hinata inclined her head in recognition of Shizune’s point as she replied, “I’ll try again in a little bit.” Indicating her glass of warm milk she added, “I’m trying a trick my mother showed me when I had trouble sleeping.”

“Well I hope it works,” Shizune said moving for the entrance. She stepped out into the night and several minutes later Sakura appeared.

The pink-haired kunoichi gave her a warm smile before heading straight for the room Shizune had just vacated. Hinata quickly finished the last of her milk and returned to the room that for the most part she only shared with the other two women part time as they each took turns sleeping with Naruto. Pulling the sash of her kimono, she took it off and folded it placing it on one of the empty beds along with her undergarments. She then climbed into the one she used nightly and activated her bloodline limit.

She watched Sakura almost cat like crawl from the foot of the bed between a snoozing Naruto’s outstretched legs. Much like her, the pink-haired kunoichi had divested herself of all her clothes and upon reaching Naruto stuck her hand into the fly of the boxers which he wore to pull out his cock. She kissed the end of it, before licking the head causing it to stir.

Hinata, as had become her nightly ritual began to rub the middle finger of her hand against her slit, which quickly moistened at the pleasurable touch. She whimpered as Sakura ran her tongue along the bottom of his shaft like she was licking a popsicle and upon reaching the tip of the now erect and massive phallus kissed the end again, before parting her lips to take him into her mouth.

The Hyuuga sped up the pace of her finger as she timed her finger’s movements with Sakura’s bobbing head. She moaned out as she watched Sakura pause for a moment before slowly lowering her mouth down his cock. Hinata had noticed that the kunoichi took more of his shaft into her mouth then she had the previous night as she nearly swallowed two-thirds of the nearly foot-long piece of meat.

Naruto awoke from the pleasure and although Hinata couldn’t hear it upon seeing his pink-haired lover trying to deepthroat him could practically imagine the, “Oh fuck,” that she read from his lips.

Sakura released his cock from her throat and smiled up at him as she stroked him. Hinata could hear the insincerity in Sakura’s voice as she said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Naruto shook his head in disbelief as he asked, “Why don’t I believe you?”

Sakura pouted cutely before sucking on the end of his dick, her eyes filled with both pleasure and lust before letting him slip free as she answered, “I don’t know, maybe because now that you’re awake I can really enjoy sucking your delicious cum from you.”

Sakura took him in her mouth once more and swirled her tongue around his cockhead. She began bobbing faster on his shaft, and moaned into it as Naruto placed his hand on the back of her head to force her down further on it. She opened her throat and let his dick slid down it as she fought not to gag around the fat dick. Naruto groaned especially as she pushed the final few inches necessary so that all of his length knew the warm wetness that was her mouth and throat. Sakura held the position for a few seconds before pulling back so that she could once more taste oxygen.

Hinata by now had slid her finger into her quim and was actively pumping her hips against her hand as she watched Sakura practically worship his dick. As she recaptured her breath from swallowing his flesh sword, the pinkette said, “Naruto, let me try something new.”

“Sure,” Naruto said eager to see what the kunoichi had up her sleeve.

She smiled pleased at him before kissing up his body and straddling his lap. She moaned softly feeling his cock beneath her drenched pussy, but kissed him as she reached for the pillow behind him. Pulling the pillowcase off of it, she leaned back from Naruto with a thin trail of saliva still connecting their tongues. She then held it before Naruto, who gave her a confused look before she used it to blindfold him.

Pushing him back so that he laid down she said, “Now lay still while I make you feel incredible.”

Sakura then to Hinata’s surprise seemed to look right at her as if she too had the Byakugan. Then using the hand signals shinobi used to communicate in situations that required silence Sakura signed, “I know you’re watching.” Hinata gasped as the pink-haired kunoichi added, “Why don’t you join us?” She slid off of Naruto to kneel on the floor next to the bed and put her mouth back to work pleasing his cock.

Hinata watched as Sakura bobbed in his lap even as she continued to beckon her into the room with her finger. Almost like she had been under a hypnotic trance, she found herself before the bedroom door with almost no recollection of having made a conscious effort to move. She slowly opened the door though and her pussy positively flooded as she was bathed in the pheromones Naruto was giving off. Sakura’s slurping noises covered the sound of the door opening, but still the pink hair woman knew that she had company.

She stopped her sucking in favor of jerking his cock as she looked back at the Hyuuga who shut down her Byakugan now that she could see Naruto in the flesh. Despite the darkness, she had little trouble seeing Sakura’s deft fingers as they glided over Naruto’s shaft and glistened with her saliva and his precum. She soundlessly approached, and was pulled to her knees by Sakura as soon as she was within arm’s length.

Sakura let go of Naruto’s cock causing him to groan as he asked, “Why’d you stop?”

“Don’t worry Naruto,” Sakura said to her blindfolded lover, “I’m not going to leave you unfulfilled.”

Sakura grabbed Hinata’s forearm and guided her hand to his hard shaft. Hinata closed her hand around it, and felt his dick twitch in her grasp. She slowly began to stroke him causing the man to moan, “Fuck, Sakura it’s like you changed up your whole style.”

Sakura pressed her nude body against Hinata’s back as she asked, “Really, maybe it’s because of the blindfold. It doesn’t feel bad does it?”

“N…no,” Naruto grunted as the grip around his shaft tightened for a moment. He found it a little strange since it seemed to be in reaction to Sakura’s words as opposed to his own but explained, “It’s just you’re not usually so gentle. Sorry, that came out wrong…”

“It’s okay,” Sakura said amused, “I know I tend to get a little wild. But that’s because you make me that way. I’m going to try something new using my mouth now.”

Hinata’s eyes went wide, but the knowledge that she’d finally get to know Naruto’s taste caused her pussy to begin drooling so that it ran down her thighs. Sakura held her hair back as she leaned forward and began to lick the end of his dick. She held back a moan as she got her first taste of his cum causing her to suck the tip and swirl her tongue around. She then sucked on the end before bobbing experimentally. She wasn’t surprised that she could only take half comfortably considering how long it had taken Sakura to practice to her current point. She didn’t try to mirror the pink-haired kunoichi’s actions as she instead let him slip free of her lips and began to tease the underside of his cock head with her tongue.

Naruto groaned, “Shit Sakura don’t tease me,” as he reached for Hinata.

Before Naruto buried his hand in Hinata’s hair Sakura pushed it away saying, “Relax, Naruto. I’ve got something really special in store for you.”

Sakura clued Hinata in to what she was thinking by grabbing the Hyuuga’s ample tits. She pressed them together and then nodded towards Naruto’s cock. Hinata nodded in understanding as she climbed onto the bed between his legs where she knelt before him. She then lowered her chest to his cock and surrounding it between her tits wrapped her arms around her chest as she began to use her mammories to massage his manhood.

Naruto had begun to wonder what had gotten into Sakura as she was being far more reserved then she had ever been. But, upon feeling his dick getting squeezed between to marshmallow like pillows he had to peek. Pulling the blindfold from his eyes he was shocked to see a naked Hinata with his cock sandwich between her tits. His gaze drifted to Sakura as she teasingly said, “Ah, you peeked. I’m guessing since my titties couldn’t engulf that behemoth you call a cock it was a dead giveaway that it wasn’t me.”

Before Naruto could give a response Hinata’s tongue darted out as she licked the very tip of his cock to collect some of the pre-cum gathering there. “Shit,” he said as his hips jerked involuntarily, “I’m cumming!”

Hinata surprised him as she latched her lips around the end of his dick while he began firing spurt after spurt of his thick white cream. The Hyuuga kunoichi caught it all although some did manage to escape and dribble down her chin. Once he was finished, she let his dick go with a wet pop before leaning back with a pleased expression on her face. She moaned in delight as she savored his warm jizz before swallowing.

She wiped at the thin trail on her chin with her index finger and licked the end of it moaning with lust as she wanted more. Naruto looked at the two kunoichi noting that Hinata’s gaze was clouded over with desire as she crawled towards him. “Hmm, she’s got it bad now,” Sakura said watching Hinata climb on top of Naruto.

“S…Sakura what’s going on?”

Before Sakura could answer him, Hinata said, “Naruto… don’t you want me?”

The blond looked to Sakura, who smiled at him before stating, “Answer the girl.”

“Hinata, I…I do… but this is because of the….”

Hinata caused him to trail off as she pressed her lips to his. Naruto stiffened at first causing her to pull back to state, “Sakura invited me to join you. I have been fighting my desires all this time… because I didn’t want to get between you two. B…But I can’t fight it any longer… I’m glad that I feel this way. I… I know that Sakura is your first love, but if she’s willing to share you then do you think it’s possible you could come to love me too?”

Hinata looked like she might cry depending on his answer. He cupped her face as he said, “You gave up so much for me, Hinata. I do desire you, and know that I can easily love you. It’s just…” He trailed off seeing Hinata’s tears disappear as pure happiness entered her gaze. Although, a little uncomfortable with the situation since he didn’t know how things would work out between the three women and him. He nonetheless decided not to fight the feelings bubbling up from his heart upon seeing just how much he meant to the nude woman before him. Finding any further words would be lacking he pulled her towards him as he kissed her deeply.

Hinata mewed into his mouth as their tongues danced due to Naruto beginning to fondle one of her heavy breasts. She grabbed his cock, which she began to stroke back to full hardness. She tried to mount him, but she suddenly was spun onto her back causing her to exclaim, “N… Naruto, I…”

“Shh,” Naruto said breaking the kiss and gently stroking her cheek, “I promise you’ll be filled with me soon enough. But first I have to have a taste of this sweet scent filling my nose.”

Hinata wondered what he meant for a moment before he began moving down her body. Upon realizing she tried to cover her pussy with her hands, as she stated, “D…Don’t it’s dirty.”

The blond gave her a wide grin as he pried her hands away before saying, “It doesn’t smell dirty.” He gave her cunt a lick causing her to gasp as he added, “It certainly doesn’t taste dirty.” Hinata’s response died on her lips as Naruto began to explore her coochie with his tongue.

Sakura watched as Hinata’s hands bunched up the sheet beneath her as her hips almost unconsciously began to jerk against Naruto’s tongue. The pink-haired medic had her fingers working over her pussy even as she made mental notes about the encounter between Naruto and Hinata. She had been a little surprised by just how timid Hinata had been, although as she watched the Hyuuga woman moan, she believed that was fading quickly. In truth, Sakura had believed that much like Shizune the woman would have quickly lost control of herself. She was kind of worried that didn’t appear to be the case, but she suspected that there were several factors at play. The first was that Hinata had denied herself what she wanted for so long the pheromones likely had lost much of their potency almost like she had built up an immunity to them.

This proved slightly problematic as she knew that when Naruto heard what she planned, it would require him to go against his more gentle nature. He seemed to be getting over it with her at least, but that was because he knew he could simply bend her over a table and fuck her to his heart’s content and while she didn’t expect him to be quite so forceful with others. He would need in a sense to make quick kills.

Sakura had been studying the pheromones effects on not just herself but the other women present, just as she had suspected and later confirmed Shizune had been. When they had compared notes, both women had been a little surprised by the changes the other had noted in them. Shizune for instance hadn’t even really noticed that her robe was tied in a way that her breasts were almost as exposed as Tsunade’s were. Sakura also had been surprised to learn that Shizune believed her strategy wasn’t just born of her understanding the feeling of pursuing a boy with the stakes of losing him or her friends. But of a more animal like understanding that by growing the number of lovers Naruto had, the better they would be able to defend themselves from attacks. Shizune pointed out that Sakura’s strategy seemed perfectly reasonable to her, even though society would expect neither of them to be satisfied until they were the sole woman tied to Naruto.

Sakura couldn’t deny that was true, even though she had felt she arrived at her idea through reason. Shizune had pointed out that the reason it felt right was likely due to the influence of the pheromones he was giving off. They both had agreed that it was likely that Naruto was likely being affected by not so much by his own, but by the changes occurring in the women around him. Naruto for example while on a cognitive level at times appeared uneasy with the current situation, it hadn’t stopped him from enjoying it on an instinctual one. He had originally tried to resist Shizune when she first seduced him, but now accepted her affections as readily as he did Sakura’s and now Hinata’s.

Sakura doubted that he would exhibit any of the uneasiness with Hinata simply as he grew more and more used to having more than one lover. Naturally though that didn’t mean Naruto would be quite as collected upon hearing that both Sakura and Shizune intended for him to gather more. Hinata, might propose a problem if she didn’t sign on for their plan, but watching the Hyuuga nearing a climax from Naruto’s tongue she didn’t think that would be a problem. Primarily since Hinata would understand that under society’s rules she would not be in the position that she was currently.

Sakura found it harder and harder to keep her mental journal as she neared her own release. Working her clit, she exploded at the same time Hinata did. Naruto eagerly drank the Hyuuga’s essence as she came hard. Sakura then pulled her slick fingers from her snatch licking them as she noted a sexual glaze coming over Hinata’s eyes telling the pink-haired woman that their little group had a new member.


Hinata felt the damn of her reservations break as she came. A part of her had tried to keep her composer since she had still been able to feel Sakura’s eyes on her. But now it was as if she understood how silly that had been. If anything, knowing Sakura was watching turned her on even more, so that as Naruto climbed up her body she eagerly kissed him while tasting herself on his lips. Breaking the kiss, she said, “Fuck me, Naruto. I need to feel you inside me.” Her actions followed her words as she tried to maneuver her hips so that his cock would enter her.

He groaned and Hinata noticed Sakura’s presence on the bed as she said while reaching between his legs and fondling his testicles. “You heard her stud. Claim her as your woman.”

Sakura lined his shaft with Hinata’s opening and unable to deny himself the satisfaction of taking the beautiful Hyuuga he pushed forward. Hinata moaned out in both pain and pleasure as Naruto pushed through her hymen to make her his. Naruto paused to give her a moment to grow accustomed to his girth, but then with little build up began to pound her cunt while holding nothing back.

Hinata cries grew louder as Naruto pushed on the back of her knees until then rested against her shoulder opening her wider for his cock. She felt it tingle in every fiber of her being as he repeatedly poked the entrance to her womb on every down stroke. She closed her eyes to bask in the feeling, but soon felt a soft pair of lips against hers. She instinctively opened her mouth and found the tongue that met hers was slimmer and more agile then Naruto’s. She quickly realized that she was kissing Sakura, but rather than be repulsed she actually grew more excited especially as it seemed to drive Naruto wild inside her.

Sakura broke the kiss to ask, “It’s incredible isn’t it, Hinata?”

“Yes…” the Hyuuga moaned breathlessly, “T…Thank you for letting me be….”

“You don’t need to thank me,” Sakura said making eye contact with Naruto. “I’m happy to see you finally getting to be claimed by the man you so long desired. It wouldn’t be right for me to stand in your way.”

Hinata found it difficult to concentrate but tried to respond, “But, others…”

Sakura interrupted her to state, “Who cares what others think. This is our chance to build a world where we can both have what we want, and we both want him.”

“Yes!” Hinata cried out as Sakura began to rub her clit as Naruto continued to mold her insides around him. “Naruto, please fuck me forever. I’ve wanted you for so long. Please make me yours.”

“You already are,” Naruto grunted stabbing her womb one last time before releasing his seed deep inside her. He pumped his hips a few more times to wring out the last few shots of his cum before pulling out. He groaned as Sakura immediately began to suck on the end of it causing him to shiver as she moaned around it sending pleasant vibrations through him. She then lowered her mouth to Hinata’s cunt to lick away some of the cum that began to appear from the Hyuuga’s freshly fucked cunt.

“You’re not finished yet are you?” Sakura asked causing Naruto to puff up a little at the hint of a challenge in her voice. He was about to tackle her to show him how much stamina he had remaining, but Hinata intercepted him pushing him back on the bed. She quickly grabbed his cock and buried it back in her cunt. She began to bounce on his dick causing both her and Naruto to cry out as he reached up to grab her tits while meeting her downwards thrusts with his own.

Sakura smirked as she watched the two, but having hoped to lure Naruto into fucking her, she crawled over Naruto’s head. She moaned as he immediately kissed her pussy, so leaned forward and began to suck on one of Hinata’s nipples as his tongue drove her wild.


It had been a little over a week since Hinata had officially become his lover and by the end of that day she had discarded her formal kimono for a black and purple jacket like she had worn in Konoha. But rather than wearing it closed thus hiding away her curves, she wore it open revealing a fishnet halter-top and tight short shorts that almost looked spray painted on. On her feet she wore knee high shinobi sandals. Furthermore, much like Sakura, Hinata had made it very clear that the more time he spent with his cock inside her the happier she’d be.

Recalling the night of her change, Naruto had been buried deep in Hinata who was on all fours. He had just deposited a load of his cum inside Sakura, which the Hyuuga was trying to suck out even as she was about to receive another load of her own. However the sound of somebody clearing their throat had put a stop to the activity as Shizune stood in the doorway watching them. Although she did appear upset she directed her ire to Sakura as she said, “I thought your plan had you simply getting them together. Not joining in on the escapades and thus leaving me on watch the rest of the night.”

Sakura did appear contrite as she apologized, “Sorry, I guess I got carried away.”

Shizune’s gaze lingered on her fellow medic as she said, “Mmhmm, so it appears.” She shifted to Naruto as she asked, “Can you please create some clones to keep watch?”

“Sure,” Naruto said as he pulled free of Hinata’s quim to make the appropriate sign. Two naked clones appeared which despite their nudity quickly left the room to keep the home secure. Naruto guessed the fun was over, but then to his shock Shizune dropped to her knees before him and began cleaning his rod of the two women whose essence coated it. Naruto groaned and was long past trying to rationalize his lovers’ behavior as he simply enjoyed the dark-haired woman’s tongue which was soon joined by the other two women present.

Naruto fell back against the bed as he enjoyed the triple blowjob as every inch of his dick was bathed and teased before Shizune climbed atop him. Pulling her robe open she revealed that she wasn’t wearing any panties beneath. She had started things off, but by morning all three of his lovers had received multiple doses of his seed before they all collapsed together in the center of the bed.

By midafternoon they had all recovered, which was when Sakura had explained how she believed that they should proceed to build a secure home for them. It had basically boiled down to a belief that he should take as many lovers as he could to build up their numbers. He hadn’t been too surprised that Shizune agreed, since he had been sure that Sakura had likely run her idea by her fellow medic before proceeding. But he had been shocked when Hinata quickly concurred since he didn’t think either woman had approached the subject with her. He had feared it was due to the pheromones that he was releasing, and all three women had quickly agreed that it was likely. But Hinata had explained that it was also because she recognized that Naruto had touched other people’s hearts as similarly as he had hers, and as such didn’t want to deny them their chances to be happy with him.

Still, while his loins had obviously loved the idea, a part of him was still rather hesitant which was why he had told his lovers that he needed time to think. After all, while now he obviously had no problem taking any of the women attached to him with the other two present, at first he had tried to keep his desires for them separate. Sakura had made it difficult since her bold attire had him almost constantly erect. But after the night they had all spent together he realized it had been rather silly especially as it became apparent that they were all working together. Especially as the week had progressed since although they had agreed to give him time to think it was apparent they were trying to seduce him into complying.

A plan that seemed to be working, but the idea of having more women join his bed while extremely intoxicating also filled him with some concern. After all, it had seemed like his lovers almost at times expected him to simply fuck women into submitting to him as soon as it became apparent his pheromones were affecting them in order to expand their ranks. He wasn’t exactly sure if that was something that he could do, since although they had assured him that his pheromones would only truly affect women with the predisposition to join him. He also knew it would be taking advantage of them when their instincts were calling the shots so they might come to regret it with no option but to remain by his side.

“What’s so wrong with that,” a voice said in the back of his mind, “I think I’ve proven my point that letting your instincts run wild can be preferable to denying yourself what you want.”

Naruto was surprised that the voice of Kurama sounded distinctly more feminine, but he ignored it in favor of saying, “I’m still not talking to you.”

Kurama sighed annoyed as the fox replied from the darkness of the seal, “Stop being so stubborn. Can you truly say you regret your current situation? You have three beautiful women all hot for you and eager to have your children. Why do you think Sakura has put so much thought into her strategy? And it’s a damn good one; if you can convince those three Daimyo to become your lovers and to work together they can overnight create a new major elemental country. Throw in the woman that is in charge of the theocracy of Demon Country and your territory would rival any major country.”

“That’s the problem though,” Naruto countered forgetting his statement to ignore the fox until it undid the changes it made to him, “They likely would go along with anything I say because of these fucking pheromones.”

“Really,” the fox stated amused, “Did you not consider that while they might give in more readily that it would simply be because they were acting in their instinctual best interests?”

“W-what do you mean?” Naruto asked wavering slightly.

He could almost picture the grin that appeared on Kurama’s face as it stated, “Think about it. Your pheromones are a natural part of you. I’ve only made it so that they were slightly more potent. Why do you think Tsunade asked if you changed colognes? She was feeling the effects as readily as every woman you encountered. But, not every woman you did reacted to you the same, I believe in Tsunade’s case it’s because while she does desire you as a man, her window for having children has closed so she was more readily able to resist you. Shizune on the other hand desired a child and was aware of her biology telling her time was wasting away. She choose you not just because of the pheromones, but because there was no better man for her to mate with. You stand at the pinnacle of the shinobi world, like a great cat of a pride you can have your pick of women that would gladly bear your children since in this violent world it can help guarantee their survival. Not to mention their own by living in your shadow. All your pheromones are doing is passing this information along on a scent based level.”

Naruto sighed before replying, “Look Kurama, for most of my life I desired two things, Sakura’s affections and to become Hokage. Now I have the first, but we’re missing-nin likely being hunted, and while you are right I’m happy to be with both Shizune and Hinata, it just seems strange for them to be encouraging me to find more women. Not to mention, I’m going to be a father and I’m not sure what to do.”

“I understand Naruto, but you need to hurry up and make a decision. You can’t stay here forever, and if you don’t act soon much like how I set this in motion, you might find yourself in a situation of someone else’s design as well. It would be much wiser to be the one setting events in motion rather than be caught up in the wake of other people’s plots, especially as sooner than you expect you will be a father. Shouldn’t you want to create an as stable environment for the child as possible?”

Naruto frowned, but couldn’t deny that Kurama’s words did carry a certain weight to them.


Samui was looking out a window in a town located in Hot-Water country. Her attention was pulled from it as a gargled voice emerged from the radio, “Fox Den, this is Survey Six, I believe we have positive confirmation on Target: Raven.” Samui frowned as she watched Darui stand from the couch he had been lounging on as he asked, “Any sign of the others?”

“Negative sir,” the voice returned, “Bubblegum, Lavender, and Whiskers do not appear to be present. Also, she looks like she is here buying supplies so it is likely they are holed up in the nearby outpost. Should we move to intercept?”

Darui considered for a moment before replying, “No, remain out of sight and have teams Echo One, Seven, and Three take up positions along the route out of town heading to the outpost. Report if she leaves town along that path.”

“Roger,” was the reply of the teams that Darui had ordered.

He moved back to the couch as he said upon noticing the cold look of the woman, “Samui, you can stop with the scowl. We already know you aren’t happy with this mission.”

Samui looked away, before distantly replying, “Yet the Raikage has sent me anyway.”

“Look, Lord Ay would like nothing better that to let you remain back and vent, but this operation is necessary for Kumo to recapture its place in the world. Honestly, why can’t you be as eager as Karui is?”

Samui looked back giving a disbelieving look to the white-haired man as she replied, “Perhaps, because unlike Karui, I do not hold him responsible for the death of Bee-Sensei. Moreover, it is because of his efforts that I was freed from the Benihisago.”

“Hey now, that was only because we lost track of them after the war,” Darui said defensively. “That they ended up in the Leaf’s hands was merely a coincidence.”

“Perhaps, but did he not return them after setting me and my brother free,” Samui countered, “and yet now you ask me to repay his kindness with betrayal.”

Darui’s face hardened as he replied, “That’s right, I expect you to do your duty as a Kumogakure Kunoichi. Your personal feelings shouldn’t even enter into the equation. By leaving the Leaf, Naruto Uzumaki is just another missing-nin with a powerful weapon at his disposal. Lord Raikage loved Bee like a brother, but he never lost sight of the fact that his brother was also Kumo’s most powerful asset. Naruto can choose to become Kumo’s weapon or he can have the Kyuubi taken from him as the Eight-Tails was stripped from Lord Bee. You don’t have to like it, but you do need to obey your orders. Am I clear?”

“Crystal,” Samui said looking back out the window, noticing that Darui was not entirely pleased with her response.


Karui watched as Shizune approached the hidden road leading to the outpost. Kumogakure had known about the facility long before it had been abandoned, but had never let onto the fact since it had allowed them to monitor the Hot-Water Shinobi that had been stationed there. Such operations had ended once the Hot-Water Shinobi had abandoned their ninjutsu in favor of becoming tour guides, but enough remnants of the information network that had been established remained that word had eventually reached Kumo that the nearby town was being visited by two women that bore striking similarities to Tsunade’s apprentices.

There had been no sightings of either Naruto or Hinata, but Karui attributed it to the fact that they would likely be more easily recognizable then the other two women. Granted they could have henged themselves, but since neither Shizune nor Sakura had, Karui believed they had simply remained out of sight. She did find it a little strange that neither of the other two women had, but Karui knew that using a henge could attract the wrong kind of attention as readily as being recognized. After all, for almost a month despite Kumogakure having dedicated a large number of resources to locating Naruto it had been an old information source that had recognized Shizune revealing that the missing-nin were right under their noses.

Karui cursed as Shizune suddenly darted down the path dropping her supplies alerting the Kumo-nin that she had realized they were watching her. She looked at the Anbu Squad she had been promoted to in the war’s aftermath and was about to give the signal to stop her, but Darui appeared in front of the medic having left the home base upon receiving confirmation of Shizune’s moving towards the outpost. Shizune’s hands began to glow green as she prepared to go through him, but Shee dropped down behind him and began to emit a bright light which blinded her.

Darui quickly moved wrapping his arms around her neck as he said, “Shizune relax and end your chakra scalpels or I will break your neck.” Shizune relaxed knowing that she needed to protect her child, and confident that Hinata was on watch for trouble while she was shopping.

Karui appeared next to him as did Samui. The red-head scowled as her former teammate asked, “What happened to giving them a chance to join willingly?”

“We couldn’t have her putting the others in a panic,” Darui responded calmly. “Shee, I’m guessing I don’t need you to confirm the target’s location.”

Shee began to pale as he tried to say, “Shit, we have…”

Before he got the words out, the earth exploded in front of Darui and before the dust settled, a dangerous growl was heard followed by the warning, “Let her go!”

Darui motioned for the shinobi that appeared around Naruto to remain still as he said, “Look, we’re here to talk. But I need you to remain calm.”

“I’m not going to talk with someone threatening the mother of my child,” Naruto replied harshly as the dust settled to reveal he was in full on Sage Mode. His Sage mode was being enhanced by his Bijuu chakra as revealed by his red eyes and chakra cloak.

Daui was rather surprised by the revelation as were the other Kumo-nin present since rumors had circulated that Naruto had kidnapped the three women that had disappeared along with him, and while Darui had doubted the truth of them. Learning that the jinchuriki had impregnated the woman not only increased her value to the operation it also made him feel more confident in his leverage over the blond. He stated as much as he said, “I see you still tend to be rather foolish. It wasn’t wise to let that little tidbit slip.”

His confidence did shrink though as Naruto replied, “I let you know as a warning. If you harm her in the slightest, I’m fucking going to kill every last one of you.”

Karui readied her sword, as did the others present while Darui said, “I don’t doubt that you could but do you really think you can get her away from me before I end her. Now you need to power down or else things are going to get messy.”

Karui despite having come to despise Naruto out of the belief he was responsible for Killer Bee’s death because of his insistence that he fight in the war, felt her body begin to grow flush. Looking at some of the others present, she noticed it seemed relegated to the women present while appearing most prevalently on Samui’s porcelain cheeks. Naruto then roared angrily which seemed to pass through the area like a shockwave, but one that caused Karui too nearly to wet herself with desire. She did notice that the effect seemed to have the opposite effect on the men present as one of the more inexperienced and hastily promoted jounin wet himself in fear before dropping his blade and fleeing.

Even Darui wasn’t unaffected as he was hit by a wave of what felt almost like pure killing intent, but with something more primordial mixed into it. It caused his grip on Shizune to lesson, despite that, he still felt her shiver as the wave passed over them, but he doubted it was in fear. The slight relaxation of his grip was enough for Naruto, who closed the distance in a blink of an eye. He grabbed Darui by the throat carrying him until he smashed the jounin into a tree; he also created a Shadow Clone that scooped up Shizune to carry her towards his other two mates who were already in the process of fleeing the area with more clones as guards.

Holding the man menacingly by the throat against the tree he said gruffly, “Now talk!”

“L…Lord Ay… he requests that you join Kumogakure,” Darui struggled to say.

Naruto’s red eyed gaze narrowed as he asked, “And to help convince me, you decided to try and kidnap my woman.”

“I was simply trying to prevent her from spooking you,” Darui protested.

“And what happens to us if we refuse,” Naruto replied his tone letting Darui know that was what he intended.

“Then something like this might happen,” Darui said moving his arm which Naruto caught half anticipating one of the man’s dangerous black lightning attacks. Instead though several of the shinobi present reacted to the signal firing their most powerful jutsu at Naruto’s exposed back. Naruto was about to move planning to leave Darui behind to receive the blunt of his men’s attacks, but to his surprise Samui appeared between him and them. She held her hands above her head and a cage of electricity appeared around them which blocked the various jutsu.

Naruto’s eyes drifted down her body landing on her shapely thighs where he noticed a familiar wetness dotted the insides of them. He grinned for a moment before stating, “Thanks.”

Darui was decidedly less amused as he asked, “Samui, what are you doing? Do you honestly intend to betray your home for him?”

Samui was a little surprised by her actions, not to mention the extreme arousal she currently felt. But she did feel that her actions were the right ones as she replied, “I… I can’t explain myself right now. But, I just… I can’t let you hurt him. He spent half a year searching for a means to free me, sacrificing him simply because it is convenient is wrong no matter our situation.”

Karui grew angry at her teammate’s words causing her to shout, “And what about Bee-sensei? If this bastard had simply remained behind like he was supposed to then they would never have extracted the Eight-Tails.”

Samui met her teammates furious gaze with a calm one as she replied, “Bee-Sensei choose to follow Naruto. He didn’t want to be treated as just some asset to be protected while his friends died any more than Naruto did. I miss him too, but Madara was the one that killed him.”

Karui charged her teammate shouting, “Then that bastard can die for choosing to abandon his village. It’s his choice after all.”

Naruto was distracted by the peril facing Samui which gave Darui a chance to blast Naruto away with his black lightning causing the blond to hit the ground hard enough to leave a crater and create a small dust cloud. Darui rubbed his throat as he prepared to give the order to attack, but from the dust cloud Naruto’s impact had created, he shot out and appeared none the worse for wear. He hit Darui in the chest lifting him off his feet and back into the tree hard enough to cause him to cough up blood as he broke the man’s ribcage. Naruto created another clone that kicked Karui away from Samui as she used her sword to deflect the dark-skinned woman’s. The jinchuriki then picked Samui, up in its arms and leapt off with her in the same direction the previous one had carried Shizune.

Samui surprised at finding herself being carried away from the battle asked, “Where are you taking me?”

“I don’t think your comrades are going to be willing to forgive you for choosing to help me,” the clone replied. Samui nodded at the observation so he explained, “Then that means you should come with me. I promise you won’t regret it.” Samui didn’t argue, although she did wonder why her pussy decided to produce more of its nectar as a result of the simple statement.


Naruto dodged a sword strike from a Kumo jounin who was trying to let Shee move to attend to Darui. The blond let the man think his tactic had worked before swinging at him with an almost slapping like motion. The blow missed, but the man and several others were blow away by the aftereffect of his Frog Kata that followed in the wake of the move. Naruto then smashed his fist into the masked face of an Anbu which shattered the Tengu like mask as the man took off in flight. Naruto then leaped in a streak of light appearing in the man’s path before catching him and tossing into several of his fellow Anbu.

Landing, the blond blocked a sword strike at his neck as a pair of chakra arms emerged from his cloak to catch the blade. They snapped the sword in half before a third claw shot out from between his shoulders grabbing the man by the face and slamming him into a tree a dozen feet in the air. The man lost consciousness and began to fall to the ground but Naruto threw the piece of sword his chakra arm still held at the falling man catching him by the shirt to stop his fall. He was forced to leap into the air as a jutsu made of lightning and shaped like a tiger slammed into the ground where he had been standing. The beast grounded itself disappearing in a flash, but several more appeared from various points around Naruto and flew towards where he was in the air.

Reaching out, he grabbed a tree branch using chraka and pulled himself out of the way. The various lightning beasts all merged into a chimera like beast which gave pursuit as he flew through the air. Having entered Sage mode, Naruto could easily communicate with the other Bijuu whose consciousness he still held despite their bodies having vanished and heard one of the Bijuu that had placed their trust in him and had sealed their wills into him state, “Use my chakra Naruto!”

“Okay Isobu,” Naruto said using the power of the three-tails to fill his lungs with water which he expelled after rotating to face the beast so that he was upside down. Upon making contact with the water the beast exploded in a burst of energy as it short circuited, and the energy traveled down the electric tendrils that had connected the jutsu to the users causing them to cry out as they were shocked in turn.

Naruto caught the tree branch he had been flying towards with the back of his legs and then let go to land of the ground once more. His gaze landed on Darui, who was in the process of being healed by Shee, but his view was blocked as the remaining Kumo-nin moved to bar his path. Naruto simply charged the men intending to make short work of them.


Karui watched the last of the men get taken down by Naruto, who rather than attacking the weakened Darui simply leapt off into the woods in the same path as his clones. Karui prepared for such a move began leaping after him, and although she knew she wouldn’t be able stop him. She did intend to follow him to whatever hole he hid in next so that she could lead Kumo right to it.

She cursed though as several hours passed and she began to tire with the jinchuriki showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, he soon began speeding up causing more and more distance to appear between them. She tried to push herself harder, but as tired as she was she misjudged the distance between her and the next branch and came up well short. She yelled out in anger and frustration, but rather than a painful collision with the ground she found herself nestled against a warm chest and in strong arms.

Her body flushed as she stared up at the jinchuriki who had saved her, but her temper quickly flared so in response she pulled her blade and tried to slash open his throat. Naruto tossed her away, but she landed on her feet in a crouch and charged him again swinging her sword at him wildly, “I don’t think that this is a proper way to thank someone who saved you from a possibly embarrassing death.”

“Yeah, well who asked you to?” Karui shouted leaping into the air intent on stabbing the smiling man in the face. She was blown back though as his chakra cloak suddenly returned, she hit the ground hard but immediately flipped back to her feet in order to try again. Naruto blocked her sword, catching it with his bare hand and then striking out with the other grabbed her by the tengu mask she wore. Karui leapt back abandoning the sword and causing the string holding her mask in place to give way.

Naruto crushed the mask as he stated, “You can’t beat me. You should run away.”

“Fuck you asshole.” Karui shouted, “I’ll avenge Bee-sensei’s death.”

A look of sadness appeared on Naruto’s face as he replied, “I miss him too, but I didn’t kill him. Madara did, and he’s gone now.”

“Shut up,” Karui said angrily, “If you hadn’t of needed to play the hero then Madara never would have gotten enough chakra to awaken the ten-tails. He then wouldn’t have been able to just pull free the eight-tails, and Bee-sensei wouldn’t have died.”

“You can’t know that,” Naruto replied, “Instead all of our friends might have perished before they finished the both of us off. You weren’t exactly winning the war before we emerged from hiding.”

Karui frowned not exactly able to deny Naruto’s point, but having painted him as the reason for so long wasn’t going to waste the opportunity before her. Yet, to her surprise Naruto tossed her blade back to her. She caught it out of the air asking, “What are you thinking?”

“I’m showing you the futility of attacking me on your own,” Naruto replied calmly.

Karui’s fury grew hotter as she gave a loud yell before charging Naruto again. The blond easily dodged the strikes by only moving as far as was necessary. He then lashed out with a strike as the chakra around his hand took the shape of a claw. Karui was sure he would open her stomach with the blow even as she leapt back, but to her surprise it only slashed open the Anbu armor protecting her chest. She glared at him pulling away the shredded plates before shouting, “Stop underestimating me!”

Naruto remained still as he said, “I’m not. I have an excellent idea of your abilities and you can’t win. You should return to Kumo, if you continue to attack me then I’m going to show you the difference in our strength by taking an article of clothing each time until you are stripped bare before me. Protect your modesty, and leave.”

Karui charged again so Naruto blocked her attack and then lashed out in retaliation snatching away the sleeve of her Anbu uniform. She glared at him, but unwilling to back down launched another attach this time in an effort to behead him. Naruto ducked beneath the blade as it passed over him, and as she landed found her pant leg was missing. Karui blushed at realizing his statement was coming true, but the arousal she had felt before was also seeping in through the cracks in her anger. She tried to ignore it, but it proved difficult as she recognized that at any moment he could end her, and while it seemed like he was teasing her. He was also giving her that many more chances to escape without inquiring serious injury. She began to wonder, what might happen after he had stripped her of all her clothes and found the idea made her panties grow damper.

This caused her anger to return again as she charged him, swinging several times in quick succession only for Naruto to grab her blade. She was pulled forward by it and as she landed in the dirt on the other side of him found she was only wearing her bra and panties. Naruto turned to face her as he stated, “There aren’t many more chances for you to retreat with any clothes. I’d turn back now.”

Karui got back to her feet as she replied, “And just what will you do when I’m out of clothes, huh wiseass? I’m not embarrassed of my body.”

Naruto smirked as he said, “I can see that, but what happens after depends on you, wouldn’t it. You seem in an awful hurry to be stripped naked.”

“Go fuck yourself,” Karui shouted hefting her sword over her head. But before she could take a single step forward she was sent backwards as Naruto grabbed her hands around the hilt of the blade. He then propelled them both back until he buried her blade all the way to the hilt in a tree. Holding her hands in place with one hand, he pressed his body against her causing her to moan softly as he pressed his knee against her groin and ground it against her.

Her golden eyes met his as he asked, “Which do you want to lose?” Karui struggled against his grip but stopped as he stated, “If you don’t make a decision then I’m going to choose for you and I’m rather curious to see if you are a natural red-head.”

The dark-skinned woman flushed but remained silent causing Naruto to trace his fingers down the skin of her stomach on the way to her black panties. Just before reaching them, she said, “Stop!”

Naruto’s gaze met hers before asking, “Why should I? The rules were explained to you before you even started. Not to mention the first time we met I let you punch me until my face looked like something out of a horror flick. I think this time it’s only right I extract something from you.” He ground his knee against her causing Karui to moan out loud.

Her body arched from the contact as she was held in place by Naruto, but despite enjoying the pleasure she managed to croak out, “P…Please…” Naruto stopped completely although he still held her hands, but the pressure against her groin lessened. Yet, despite a part of her feeling relieved she felt betrayed by her body as the words, “…don’t stop,” quickly followed.

Naruto was on her in an instant as he sealed his lips to hers, and despite Karui wanting to explain that she hadn’t meant it, regardless found her body refused to cooperate as his tongue gained access to her mouth and her tongue began to roll against his. She couldn’t explain why she was letting him have his way, but a part of her recognized that he had so thoroughly dominated her that there was little that she could do. Still, even as she thought that she was forced to concede that she could likely stop him with a word.

However, it appeared to be a word she had no intention of using as he let go of her hands and rather than trying to fend him off, she wrapped them around his neck in order to deepen the kiss. Her leg also rose of its own accord to hook around his hip as she began to more wantonly grind her cunt into the hardened piece of flesh she felt stirring against her.

Naruto’s chakra cloak faded as he couldn’t feel the animosity that Karui had been emanating before as she succumbed to her lusts. Karui broke the kiss as she leaned back and moaned while Naruto buried his hand into her panties to begin rubbing her slit.

Karui didn’t understand why the jinchuriki’s actions felt so good, or why having wanted him dead moments before, now only was filled with the desire to be taken by him. But, she figured such thoughts could be saved for later as at present she only wanted to experience more of his touch. A touch, which entered inside her as he slid his middle finger pass her lower lips to begin rubbing against the flesh inside. Karui arched her back to moan again, which deepened as Naruto began to suck on her neck where it met her shoulder.

Karui wasn’t a virgin, but she had to admit she had never been as excited as she currently was since most of her previous encounters had been a few one-night stands. She had just ended a rather long-term relationship, her longest in fact, but it had fizzled out as she had begun to want more while her beau had preferred to remain less encumbered. Since, it had involved having a child and settling down she suddenly found herself wondering why Naruto was on the verge of fucking her when he was with Shizune.

She managed to resist the pleasure growing inside her to ask, “W…What’s going on here? Aren’t you having a child with Shizune?”

Naruto pulled away from her neck to meet her golden eyes before stating, “That’s right.”

“Then what are we about to do?”

A lustful grin appeared on Naruto’s face as he stated, “Practicing for the day when I fuck a baby into you.” Karui’s eyes went wide from his bold statement and she felt a deep yearning for it as well. Naruto felt her surrender to her lusts as all the tension from her uncertainty bled away. Pulling his finger free of her slick tunnel he then ripped her underwear from her body. He then freed his dick and picked her up to impale her on his cock.

Karui cried out in pleasure as she was nearly split in half, having never accommodated a dick quite as large as Naruto’s. Her legs rested on his forearms as he held her by the ass and slid her on his shaft while her arms were clutched around his neck.

Naruto was a little surprised at his actions, but attributed it to the rage he had felt directed at the Raikage. After everything he had been through and his efforts to help rebuild Kumo, finding out that Ay would force him to serve Lightning or face having Kurama extracted had felt like a personal betrayal. Furthermore his fury had been stoked by seeing a former ally threatening Shizune, as such he wanted to teach Kumo a lesson by claiming Samui, but facing off against Karui had awaken a desire to possess her as well.

A desire that seemed to be reciprocated by the kunoichi as she squeezed her inner muscles around the dick stirring up her insides. Naruto, kissed her shoulder before turning his head to nibble on her ear which prompted Karui to turn her face towards him as they once more began kissing heatedly.

Several minutes later Naruto suddenly pulled his dick out of Karui causing her to cry out, “No! Don’t stop, I’m so close!”

Naruto nodded, but set her down before forcing her to her hands and knees. He then buried his dick back into her wet core, as he reached around to push her bra up off of her tits. He fondled them firmly, while also pinching her nipples. He rested his chest against her back as he worked himself up to his feet so he could thrust his dick inside her with more force.

Karui’s face took on a look that conveyed the loss of all conscious thought as her eyes glazed over with lust. But Naruto wasn’t much better as the two slammed against each other both in search of release. Feeling himself swelling as he prepared to cum, Naruto pushed Karui’s torso down into the ground as he roared out while planting his seed deep inside her. Karui screamed in pleasure as the hot geyser of cum flooded her and she came.

She whimpered in loss as he pulled out causing some of his cum to quickly leak out and spill out of her channel. Naruto stood, and she looked up with adoring eyes as she climbed back up to her knees and began to nuzzle her cheek against his slick cock. She began to suck it, hoping to return it to life, but the air began to crackle a moment before the area they were in exploded.

The remnants of the black lighting panther buried itself into the ground as Karui came back to her senses to realize she was naked and in Naruto’s arms. The blond was glaring at Darui, who was still holding his chest and needed Shee’s assistance to remain standing after using his jutsu. “That’s the second time you’ve endangered my woman.” Karui wondered for a moment who he was referring to and then blushed upon understanding that he was talking about her. She tried to muster some of the anger she had felt towards him before at being referred to in such a way, but considering she had nearly just been killed by a fellow Kumo-nin wasn’t surprised that it didn’t return. His tone grew dangerous as he said, “There will not be a third instance.”

Despite appearing on his last legs, Naruto could tell that the man was likely going to prepare another attack so said warningly, “Darui, I know you are viewed as the Raikage’s right hand man, and that you are apparently willing to go to any length to return Kumo to its former glory, even to kill a comrade if it means completing your mission, but….”

Darui glared at him as he interrupted, “That’s right, but considering what we interrupted is she truly one of us still.”

Naruto felt Karui stiffen in his arms and growing even angrier said, “You’ve now exhausted my patience.” Darui began trying to power up his jutsu, but Naruto focused on him and in a commanding voice said, “If you release that jutsu Darui, I’m going to kill you. I told you there wouldn’t be another instance where you endanger my woman.”

Shee whispered, “Stand down, Darui. In your current condition using that jutsu would likely backfire and kill you.”

Naruto felt the air returning to normal so said, “Darui, take this message back to the Raikage. I refuse his gracious invitation to serve Kumo.”

Naruto turned to leap away, but stopped as Darui shouted, “You’re a marked man Uzumaki. Do you really think only Kumogakure is interested in what you carry? The moment you became a missing-nin was the moment the world began moving against you.”

Naruto looked over his shoulder before replying, “Then I’ll carve out a place where the world cannot reach me or my precious ones. This time trying to possess me cost Ay two kunoichi. The next time it’s going to cost the lives of everyone he sends after me.”

He was about to leap away, but stopped as he looked down at Karui before whispering, “He is right though. It might not be too late for you to turn back. You could say I used a jutsu on you and you’ve come back to your senses.”

Karui to his surprise wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly. Looking up into his eyes she stated, “I understand what it was in you that Bee-Sensei saw. Just like him, I want to remain by your side and help you face your enemies. T…That is if you’ll have me.”

Naruto gave a pleased grin as he replied, “Having had you Karui. There’s no way I could stop.” He then leapt away leaving the two Kumo-nin behind as he moved to reconnect with his other women. He recalled Kurama’s mentioning how much like a lion he was at the head of a group of female followers. Liking the sound of calling them his Pride, he decided that Kurama was also right in his need to create a territory where his Pride could be left alone, and should people refuse. Well, while they would assuredly regret angering him, he didn’t doubt they would far more likely regret angering the future mothers of his children as well.

“Where are we going?” Karui asked after several moments of silence.

“We’re going to meet the rest of our group in Demon Country. There’s a woman I need to keep a promise too.”

Karui nodded, positive that the promise likely would involve Naruto taking a new woman as a lover. She briefly wondered why that didn’t bother her, but chalked it up to the fact that he had already slept with Shizune and if she had to guess the other two women he was traveling with. But considering that he had already promised her more than all her previous boyfriends combined as well as promised to defend her from the entire world if need be, she couldn’t exactly fault herself for wanting to remain close to him despite the knowledge he wouldn’t be just hers.

“I’m going to need some new clothes,” she said the side of her facing away from him growing cold being a reminder that she was all but naked.

“I don’t know,” Naruto said causing her to shiver in a way unrelated to the breeze racing pass her, “I think I prefer you dressed like this.”

“I’d hardly call this dressed,” Karui replied dryly pulling at the bra she still had on partially.

“Exactly,” Naruto countered with a smile before reactivating his chakra cloak and shooting off like a streak of light.

Tenten entered Tsunade’s residence since her removal as Hokage and not for the first time felt a hint of resentment directed towards Naruto, and the kunoichi that had left with him. The reason for her ire was that in the month and a half since their leaving, Tsunade had been a shell of her former self. The previous Hokage didn’t even bother to apply her henge which hid her age most days as she instead looked out the window longingly. Despite the Fifth’s instance that she understood why they had disappeared, Tenten knew Naruto’s giving up his dream of being Hokage had hurt her idol.

Tsunade wasn’t the only one that had been affected by the disappearance of Naruto and the others. Her teammate Lee was also particularly upset by it, but his reasons stemmed from the fact that with his crush Sakura apparently running off with Naruto, he found it easier to believe she had been abducted or forced like the rumors surrounding the jinchuriki and Shizune stated, then to believe she had willfully ignored his feelings for her. Tenten couldn’t understand how Lee could be so surprised, since Sakura had made it quite clear she only saw him as a friend. But, she guessed believing a convenient lie was easier than accepting that a person you desired never held similar feelings.

Tenten wished that Gai was still alive to talk some sense into her teammate, but despite Naruto’s actions preventing his immediate death from opening all Eight Gates. It had only put it off for a short amount of time, Tenten guessed that with the knowledge his body would never fully recover he had found it easier to simply drift away then live a life as a crippled shinobi.

She briefly wondered how her teacher’s rival was feeling about what had happened. But, Kakashi remained as unreadable to her as he had ever been. He for the most part seemed content to simply read his perverted books, while giving off the air of indifference. The one sign that he wasn’t pleased with the current situation in Konoha being that as Sasuke had been announced to the village as the next Hokage, the masked man had been nowhere to be found during the ceremony. She suspected that it was because as Sasuke had broken his golden rule, and so he found the idea that he would be answering to him as something difficult to swallow.

Tenten knew he was hardly the only one to feel that way. While most of the clans had quickly given Sasuke their support, Tsume of the Inuzuka had loudly protested his assuming the title of Hokage, having not forgotten her son had nearly been lost in trying to return him to the village. The rest of her clan also supported her decision, but nonetheless she knew the Inuzuka would act in the village’s best interests. Chouza of the Akimichi had also stepped down as leader of his clan in favor of his son rather than pledge allegiance to the new Hokage. She believed that he was of the opinion that Chouji’s more gentle nature would allow him to see past Sasuke’s earlier actions to focus on what was best for Konoha.

The Hyuuga though had been rocked by Hinata’s disappearance, and Tenten was of the opinion that this actually worked in Sasuke’s favor. She doubted that Hinata would ever have supported Sasuke’s nomination and considering the power of the Hyuuga that could have made his rise to power far more difficult. The Hyuuga elders though apparently didn’t have any such qualms and rather than renominating Hiashi to the position, they had chosen a member from an entirely different branch of the Main Family, who had quickly given the Uchiha the full support of the Hyuuga. There were also darker rumors circulating that Hinata’s clan had placed an extremely high bounty on her head which would only be paid should her body be returned with the Byakugan intact.

Tenten pushed the thoughts of politics aside as she entered the room where Tsunade spent most of her time. She braced herself for the difficult task of trying to keep Tsunade’s spirits up, but upon entering the room was shocked to see that the Senju was standing over her desk looking down at a map of the shinobi world. Her Honey brown eyes were alight with a fire that had been missing since Naruto’s disappearance prompting Tenten to ask, “What’s got you so excited this morning, Lady Tsunade?”

“I’ve found them,” Tsunade said eagerly. “That bastard Ay tried to get his hands on Naruto and the Byakugan no doubt. It looks like he failed, but it did drive them out into the open. A source from my gambling days confirmed as much.”

“That’s great news,” Tenten said, “then you know where they relocated.”

Some of the good cheer faded as Tsunade admitted, “Not really, but since they’ve been forced to abandon their hiding place I can guess what path they will travel.” Pointing to the map Tsunade said, “They were camped out at an old abandoned outpost in Hot-Water Country. They can’t head north to Lightning since the Raikage would simply mobilize his forces. Nor can they head directly south into Fire territory.” Tracing her fingers over the minor countries that separated the Land of Fire from the other major powers she explained, “I’m sure they’ll head west before then heading south before reaching the Land of Earth. If we move to Stone then we should be able to head them off.”

“But for what purpose, milady,” Tenten asked.

“I’m going to drag Naruto back here kicking and screaming if I have to,” Tsunade said confidently. “If they gave a pardon to one missing-nin then they’ll have to do so for another especially after its explained he likely panicked from hearing he was going to be treated like a criminal.” Tenten nodded, but a part of her feared that her idol, much like her teammate, was buying into a lie that was easier to believe then the truth.

She nonetheless didn’t want to burst Tsunade’s bubble so asked, “When do we leave?”

“Tomorrow, but first we need to come up with a reason that will fool the Uchiha,” Tsunade stated before bouncing possible excuses for such a trip off of Tenten.

Next Chapter: Nation Building

Author’s note: Well first off let me thank those that take the time to review as always. Also, obviously this is not the next chapter of Limelight or LBB. Sorry, but while taking a break from writing those chapters, this one just seemed to come together for me first. I’ll hopefully have the other two ready next weekend. One reason I hurried to get this chapter out, is because while the first chapter of the Pride set the stage, this chapter kind of sets the mood of what to expect going forward.

Before anyone complains about Samui not getting a lemon even though she’s first in the poll presently, don’t worry she’ll start things off in the next chapter. Speaking of the poll, I’ll leave it open for one more week, so get your votes in now. Also, to explain how I choose who to include, I’m definitely going to add the first 30 or so characters. Not necessarily in the order that they appear, but they will definitely find a place in the story. The rest, much like in Karui’s case are will depend on how I feel they can best be incorporated into the story. For instance the reason I went with Karui is because I felt her hotblooded personality fit better as someone giving into instinct then the more calm and logical Samui. She still acted on instinct in protecting Naruto, but it was difficult imagining her simply losing control in the middle of a fight.

In any case, I will definitely get the next Limelight chapter out next weekend and then work on LBB so that in the following week I can have the next chapter of Eroninja ready. So until next time take care, Sincerely, the Lemon Sage.
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