Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Pride

Nation Building Arc: A Glimpse of Things to Come

by TheLemonSage

In the two years since the 4th Great Shinobi War, the world has slowly slipped back into chaos. Having had his dream of becoming Hokage taken from him, he sets out to reshape the world in much the ...

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2014-07-21 - 17986 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Chapter 3: Nation Building Arc: A Glimpse of Things to Come

A year after the Events of Chapter 2

Kurotsuchi stood in a command tent watching General Zhao of Iwa’s Western arm look at a map of Southern Claw Country. He pulled the map from the table to reveal what until several weeks ago would have been the several minor nations that had been the Lands of Demon, Bird, Vegetable, and Honey. Having seen similar maps hundreds of times in the past when each of the individual countries would have been shown bearing a different color. Now though they all were colored the same bright yellow which represented the united country they had become and had been renamed the Land of the Sun.

The founding of the Land of the Sun was just the latest in a number of events which had made the previous year so memorable. After all, the shockwaves that had rocked the world at large from Naruto’s going rogue had just settled down due to there being no sightings of him and his party having been reported in nearly eight months. The last official sighting of his group if not the man himself, had happened a couple of weeks after the clash between Naruto and Kumogakure, which had rocked the shinobi world due to reports that Tsunade Senju had been murdered by her own apprentice, Sakura. A fate which had been shared by Tenten and Ino Yamanaka, although it was stated that Hinata had been the one to end the pair, furthermore Mebuki Haruno was still listed as missing. No bodies had been found yet, but from evidence that Konoha had released there had been an entire town full of witnesses of the clash, and as all three kunoichi had incurred rather substantial bounties. A further investigation by Konoha’s Hunter-nin had revealed that all three bounties had been paid out which wouldn’t have been done unless the bodies had been verified be a bounty office.

Only a short time had passed after the death of Tsunade when Princess Kayo of the Land of Honey was named Daimyo as a result of her husband’s shocking death. She had apparently been targeted for assassination by her husband, whose first plot had been thwarted by Naruto, although as a byproduct of his mission to find Princess Kayo, several years prior. It had turned out that her husband had chosen her path through Broken Neck Pass that her procession had taken as she traveled to her home country for a visit, counting on the rumors that surrounded the area to cover her murder. Unfortunately for him, the bandits he had hired to carry out the job had never gotten the chance since the stories of mysterious disappearances had been true due to the summons that had taken the shape of the Broken Neck Daimyo’s castle. As a result, while the team of Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata had been looking for Kayo and her party, the Daimyo had the bandits he had hired eliminated. Due to his plan failing, the Daimyo had been rather hesitant to try to murder his wife again, at least so soon. But apparently the mistress that the man had been smitten with had tired of being the number two woman in his life so they had made a second attempt by trying to stage a hunting accident.

Unfortunately for the Daimyo, once again his plan had apparently backfired. He had taken her to the small unclaimed land to the south of Honey, which was bordered by Demon Country to the left and Claw on the right as well as a large lake to the south. The area was simply known as the Savanna, and was where quite a few large game animals could be found, which made it popular with the nobles of the various elemental countries who liked to hunt. This time though the Honey Daimyo had decided that the game to be hunted was going to be his wife, and he had even given her a head start. However, the only person to be found by the search party was Kayo after having been missing for several weeks, and who had told the tale that a large lion had ended up killing her husband, his mistress, and the loyal samurai he had brought. Kayo despite not being born of Honey was far more beloved then her husband especially after word of her ordeal spread so they quickly made her Daimyo in his place. As if to protect the lion that had protected her, Kayo had quickly annexed the Savanna and made it a nature preserve.

Most recently though the Priestess Shion of Demon, the Daimyo Toki of Bird, Haruna of Vegetable, as well as Kayo of Honey had joined forces to create the Land of the Sun. The three Daimyo were referred to as the Triumvirate Council, while Shion had assumed the duties of High Priestess of the new country. The announcement came suddenly but due to how smoothly it happened, Kurotsuchi knew it had been in the works for months. At times, she almost suspected that the new country had been formed to protect the Savanna, since now the only unsecured border of it was where it was connected to the Land of Claws.

What brought Iwa to the Land of Claws though was the impending war that was about to break out between Claw, who had hired them, and the Land of the Sun. Now being surrounded by the new Country of Sun, which was effectively divided in two by Claw Country where it bordered the area that had been the Savanna and Honey on the west, and the Land of Vegetables to the East. Claw Country had become extremely paranoid that it was going to be attacked. It was a paranoia that was being fed by Earth Country, as well as the other Major Elemental Countries that did not like seeing a new upstart country challenging their power. As a result, Claw backed by the Land of Earth had demanded that the Land of Sun return to its previous stature of four minor countries, as otherwise it would no longer be protected by the Minor Country Treaty which stated that although the Major Shinobi villages might fight wars within their countries they would never conquer them. The treaty had been established to maintain the in a sense neutral ground of minor countries which kept the major powers separate. Some of the more skeptical felt the treaty was a way for the major countries to minimize the damage their countries sustained during the various shinobi wars that had broken out. The treaty was also the reason despite fighting three major shinobi world wars that had pitted all of the major shinobi villages and their respective countries against each other no land had ever changed hands. That didn’t mean that sometimes countries weren’t destroyed by shinobi meddling but often the reasons were related to the minor country in question getting too big for its own good, which was the situation brewing between Claw and Sun.

Sun for the most part had told Claw to forget it, while also claiming it had no designs on Claw’s land since it was connected by the lake that separated Demon and Vegetable. Furthermore, it was negotiating with the Land of Bean Jam which had been Kayo’s home country and was south of the lake for a parcel of land which would connect the two countries via a small land mass. There was also talk of an architect from Wave being commissioned to build a bridge over the lake in case the talks fell through. Still the reassurances had not been enough for Claw, which was confident that with Iwa’s backing its Samurai force would easily trounce the much larger army of Sun.

Kurotsuchi felt it wasn’t a confidence that was misplaced since conventional wisdom had it that for every A or B ranked jounin on a battlefield, it was worth at least a range of ten to one-hundred conventional samurai forces. Therefore despite being at a disadvantage numbers wise based on the number of Samurai that Claw was able to field, with the Iwa Shinobi present it was doubted that the Claw forces would even need to draw their blades.

The Iwa kunoichi stepped out of the command tent to look out on the lightly forested grasslands that made up the Savanna. She thought it was ironic that the place where Kayo had narrowly avoided death once was going to be the site of it this time around. She covered her eyes to block out the sun which was burning away the morning fog and could see the raised platform where the women that made up the Triumvirate as well as their priestess sat watching the Claw and Iwa forces from the rear of their army.

Zhao stepped up behind her saying with a snarl, “Those bitches aren’t going to know what hit them. If I didn’t have orders to bring their heads back to Iwa, I’d consider presenting them to the Earth Daimyo as concubines.”

Kurotsuchi glared at the man, who had ascended to his position by the appointment of the Fourth Tsuchikage. She knew he was competent, but he was also arrogant. And in Kurotsuchi’s experience being merely competent but with an ego they didn’t deserve tended to get lots of shinobi killed, especially against a cunning enemy. Something she pointed out by stating, “I know you have every reason to be confident right now, but something is making those women self-assured enough to come to the battlefield. Not only that, don’t forget what the priestess said to you.”

Kurotsuchi shivered slightly recalling her having traveled with Zhao and the Claw ambassador to the Capital City of the Land of Sun to make the declaration that they break apart into separate nations again or face the consequences. She had found the way the three Daimyo of the Triumvirate hidden from view by opaque screens and had spoken in hauntingly eerie tones with each woman finishing the other’s sentences rather unnerving.

But it had been Shion whose words still haunted her as after Zhao had stated he was going to burn the Land of the Sun from the map had replied, “If your army sets a single step into our lands you will die, and Claw will be cut in half.” Her gaze settled on Kurotsuchi as her eyes seemed to shine as if reading her future, “You my dear kunoichi will find yourself before a beast which will claim you.”

Kurotsuchi trying to remain unintimidated retorted, “Is that some cute and fancy way of saying I’m going to die as well? I thought your future sense only worked if you were threatened.”

Shion smirked as she said, “Some things one doesn’t need to glimpse the future to know.”

The party had left, but she couldn’t shake the way that Shion’s eyes had seemed so sure, or why although the Triumvirate although they had been hidden by opaque screens, she was sure they were wearing amused smiles as she left. Coming back to the present she heard Zhao say, “The Priestess’s words were nothing but meaningless talk. Look at their forces; they are on the verge of panic. They know they can’t match our might, despite the promise of their priestess that not a single one of them will fall.”

Kurotsuchi couldn’t deny what Zhao said was true, as the Samurai of Sun’s bright yellow armor and uniforms might as well have symbolized the amount of courage they felt. Still, seeing Shion sitting before the three Daimyo, she wondered why if she saw her death in the future she wasn’t showing any fear.

Kurotsuchi’s gaze turned to the forces of Iwa which she would admit to feeling alienated from as of late. The reason for the alienation came from the nature of Iwagakure’s recent political reality. It had turned out that her grandfather had held onto his position not due to a belief that there weren’t any satisfactorily strong shinobi that could replace him, but because he had felt that he had been the only person capable of keeping the various political groups in line. His nickname as The Fence Sitter wasn’t just due to how he handled dealing with the other villages, but how he dealt with the political forces at home as well. Her grandfather had made it an art form of making the various factions vying for control of Iwagakure think he was on their side as they knifed each other in the back. What few ever realized was that Onoki had been the one leaking the various weaknesses of the factions to each other. Since they were so busy trying to capitalize on them, it had allowed him to deal with other matters.

Eventually though the man that became the current Tsuchikage had wised up and rather than try to impress his predecessor had instead wooed the Daimyo’s court. It was a strategy which had worked as with the Daimyo’s backing, and Iwa’s still floundering economy after the war, since Onoki had tried to remain true to his pledge to preserve the peace rather than take advantage of the situation, the calls for him to step down had increased. Kurotsuchi scowled as she figured it had been the one thing all the various factions that made up Iwa’s political landscape had agreed on when they had petitioned to have the Daimyo remove him. Still, she doubted that the groups had realized that rather than creating a vacuum in which one of their shinobi could step in, the next Tsuchikage had already been chosen.

The Fourth though unlike her grandfather, didn’t rule by trying to play the other groups against one another. He instead ruled by force, which the other factions learned when after one of them had been caught in a plot to embarrass the new Tsuchikage rather than suffer the usual loss of prestige and embarrassment from the scandal, he had instead been wiped them out to the last man, woman, and child. The Fourth then had stated unambiguously, while presenting the heads of the leaders of the faction he and his forces had wiped out to the rest, that he would tolerate none of the previous bickering. Going forward all factions would serve Iwa and by extension him with unquestioning loyalty, or they would suffer a similar fate.

Kurotsuchi couldn’t deny that her home had quickly seemed to become revitalized by the new Tsuchikage’s actions. But those actions were built using a war time economy, which while putting lots of civilians to work, did so by building weapons and supplies for Iwa’s forces. Weapons that everyone knew sooner rather than later would be used. He had also begun organizing his forces on a similar model that the Shinobi Alliance had during the Fourth Great Shinobi War, although he called his armies by various directions on a compass and was where their areas of operation would be under most cases. Naturally, the Armies of the East and South were the two strongest since it was expected that soon they would be pitted against Iwa’s old enemies of Suna and Konoha.

The Army of the North was weakest and was mainly used more as an Honor Guard for the Daimyo and to protect the capital. The Army of the Center was the Tsuchikage’s primary army and although smaller than even the Northern one was made up of some of the most elite shinobi. That she wasn’t assigned to it was one of the reasons she felt alienated by the new regime even if she could understand the political realities of it. Being the granddaughter of the previous Tsuchikage meant that she likely had a lifetime of meaningless assignments to look forward too. The new Tsuchikage wouldn’t want her distinguishing herself to someday make a claim on his position, and so had sent her to the Western Army which although decently sized had not been expected to face any true threats since the Samurai of Iron usually kept to themselves and only minor countries could be found along the rest of the continent in that direction. Until the founding of Sun, Kurotsuchi knew the most excitement she would get would be dealing with the occasional bandit raid on towns along the border. She was actually surprised that she hadn’t been reassigned, but suspected that since the battle was expected to be a route of Sun’s forces the chances of her receiving any praise would be remote, and furthermore she might be a casualty. Kurotsuchi wouldn’t be surprised that if something did happen to her it would be a kunai from a fellow Iwa-nin that would mysteriously find a way into her back.

But for the moment, Zhao felt she had more use to him alive as he was keeping her as a part of his command structure. She suspected that despite her family’s prestige being on the decline, Zhao felt he could convince her to work with him in hopes of raising his political star and by extension her own. But, despite her current situation she had no intention of aligning with him simply because as she quickly realized his ego would inevitably be his downfall, and along with him, any person he was associated with.

A Jounin Captain stepped up to them stating, “Sir, all units are prepped and ready. I recommend we start with several long range jutsu launched into their ranks.”

“No,” Zhao replied causing Kurotsuchi’s head to spin towards him quickly.

“I recommend that we take up the Captain’s suggestion sir,” Kurotsuchi said diplomatically. “As you pointed out, the enemy’s forces are scared out of their minds. A few well-placed jutsu and we could send them into a panic and run them down at our leisure.”

“I’m aware of that.” Zhao said with a dismissive wave, “But that is precisely the problem. This is a golden opportunity to give our forces a real opportunity to shine. The entire world is waiting to find out what happens here today. I for one plan to make sure the story that is told, although it is one sided, it will at least be interesting. There will be no prestige to be had if we kill a bunch of retreating cowards.”

“There will be no prestige to be had if we lose because we underestimated the enemy,” Kurotsuchi said disgusted. “Like I’ve pointed out, for the leaders of Sun to be here, they must believe in their chances for victory.”

Zhao’s tone turned dangerous as she said, “Remember your place Captain Kurotsuchi. I had thought that you of all people would be eager to seize the chance that has been afforded to us. I for one have no intention of remaining trapped here on the border when honor and prestige will be heaped upon those that burn Suna and Konoha to the ground before marching onto the other villages. If you wish to end up relegated to being a minor footnote in history then you may watch from back here where it is safe.” Directing his gaze to the man who had made the recommendation, he ordered, “Captain, tell our forces we will charge into the enemy head first. I have a case of Earth Shaker Whiskey for the shinobi that brings me the Triumvirate Council’s heads.” He smiled amused as he added, “Although they’ll have to beat me to them.”

The Captain despite his earlier suggestion and buying into the bravado said, “Yes sir! We’ll be ready for the signal.”

Zhao nodded before addressing Kurotsuchi, “You can remain behind with the reserves. I’ll remember you fondly in my memoirs.”

Kurotsuchi frowned as Zhao walked away, before moving to the unit she had been placed in charge of wondering if she had made a mistake. She wondered if her feeling of helplessness to improve her situation was similar to what the Kamizuru clan felt after the Second Tsuchikage Mu had assassinated his predecessor causing the clan the man belonged to, to fall from grace and which had set into motion the dog eat dog world which had been Iwa’s political landscape for the past century.

She alerted her men that they were going to remain behind to support the main forces and noticed a few of the men complain under their breaths about missing their chances for glory. Kurotsuchi tuned them out finding that the Will of Stone, which her grandfather had clung to despite it being abandoned by most of Iwa after Mu’s ascension to Tsuchikage, and had tried to drum into his children and grandchildren seemed even more unlikely to take hold in the current generation. She watched as Zhao held his hand in the air and a sword of fire materialized around his arm. He pointed it towards the forces of Sun causing a loud roar to erupt from his men as they charged at the Sun Samurai.

But her gaze drifted past her charging comrades and over the Samurai that remained in formation despite looking prepared to flee at a drop of a hat. She noticed that the morning fog, which had retreated to the wooded area behind the Sun forces seemed to be making a charge of its own as it began to engulf the yellow wearing samurai. Fearing it was the Hidden Mist jutsu, she looked towards Zhao who despite spotting the fog as the last of the Sun samurai faded from viewed didn’t do the sensible thing and call for his forces to halt their advance. “God dammit, pull back!” she shouted aloud although she knew it was a waste of breath as the Iwa-nin charged into the mist.

A moment later though was when the screaming began, and to Kurotsuchi’s ears it sounded decidedly one-sided. She watched a body fly from the mist, and could see that the previous calm of the Claw forces, who didn’t even expect to fight shatter as once the dust settled down from where the body hit, it was revealed to be an Iwa-nin. Kurotsuchi, wondered what had hit the man as his chest looked like it had been caved in, but before she could give an order one of her men pointed asking, “What’s that?!”

Kurotsuchi looked to where the man had pointed as something emerged from the mist. At first as it was crouched down, she thought that the Sun forces had released some sort of trained wild beasts while using the fog as cover. But then it stood upright and she realized it was likely a human. The person, which Kurotsuchi identified as a woman by her slight curves, was covered from head to toe with the upper body sporting a yellowish-brown tunic tied closed with a black belt. Covering the woman’s legs were leggings of the same collar as the tunic as well as well as black shinobi sandals that had the ends covered to prevent giving a clue to the person’s skin color. Atop the head of the woman sat a headdress that looked like a female lion’s head, and fur cape which reached down to the woman’s lower back. The face was covered by a black mask with only a pair of holes for the eyes. All in all, to Kurotsuchi it looked like a woman invoking the image of a lioness.

The woman noticed Kurotsuchi’s group and the Iwa-nin saw the woman make a hand movement before a puff of smoke appeared in her gloved hand. The woman threw what appeared towards the man pointing and before he could react a large bone-like shuriken buried itself in the man’s neck. The man gargled as he grabbed the wound around the weapon with blood seeping through his fingers. He fell back as one of the medic-nin assigned to her squad ran up to him, he tried to extract the weapon carefully but it was obviously designed not to let go. The medic managed to work it free tossing it to the side so he could work giving Kurotsuchi, her first clear view of the weapon which consisted of three curved claws tied together by leather strips.

The woman disappeared back into the Mist causing one of Kurotsuchi’s men to shout, “Fuck this! I’m not sitting here to get picked off. I say we go back-up the main unit.”

He took off running leading several other men after him looking to avenge their fallen comrade and for their own shot at glory. “Dammit, get back here,” she shouted moving to try and stop them.

The men ignored her, disappearing into the fog and although she knew it was foolish, she followed but with the intention to also gather some intel as to the situation, since if the main force was getting wiped out then her unit and Claw’s forces would be the only things standing between Sun following through on its statement that it would take half of the country in retaliation for being attacked.

Kurotsuchi lost sight of most of the men that had entered the mist, but was just keeping the last one in sight. But then something leaped out of the fog from the side between her and the man before disappearing again. When the object which she realized had been another woman dressed the same as the first, being able to tell it was a different woman due to the long metal claws extending from her gloved hands, disappeared into the fog, Kurotsuchi returned her gaze to the man’s back to see that his head was gone. He ran a few more steps before collapsing to the ground as blood spurted from the opening where his head once stood. Kurotsuchi felt her blood run cold as it settled in that she was in a killing ground, but not one favoring Iwa. Before she could begin to retreat, she was knocked to the ground as something slammed into her.

Dazed, she caught sight of what had likely sent the projectile towards her which revealed another woman dressed the same as the other two, but this one was far curvier then the first. The woman faded into the fog once more and a large tremor shook the earth at the same time as a scream was suddenly cut short. Kurotsuchi pushed the object on top of her away to take a look and realized it was the Captain that had made the recommendation that they attack from a distance. She gasped as half his face was collapsed by what looked like a fist. Pushing the corpse off of her, as fear began to take hold, she tried to crawl back the way she came. But then suddenly something large landed in front of her.

She fell back on her behind and stared up at what was obviously a man from the build he had. His clothes were of the same color as the garments of the women that she had seen. But unlike them, he wore loose fitting trousers tied with a black rope. He wore no shirt, but instead wore a short-furred hooded cloak that left his muscular chest, and stomach exposed. Along the hood of the coat the fur was much longer and darker, which with the white skull like mask that resembled a big-toothed cat that he wore to hide his face gave him the look of some great maned beast.

Kurotsuchi began to crab walk away from the man as she noticed his blood red and slitted eyes which gazed down upon her. Hearing Shion’s words she thought, “H… He’s the beast she was talking about!!!”

The man roared loudly his head tilted skyward as he screamed to the heavens, and once done began to slowly move towards her. Kurotsuchi as result of the shout which made her come to a stop was unsure why her body refused to move. She was aware that as a result of her stance, the man had a clear view up her skirt and although wearing fishnet stockings they only reached up to her thighs. Her panties which were of the same color as her Iwa uniform were on full display to the man. She also began to notice that the closer that he came to her, the more those panties began to darken as her pussy grew moist.

She tried to will herself to move, but found that she was spell-bound by his eyes. But for a moment that spell was broken as she heard Zhao shouting, “You accursed bastard, you’ve ruined everything! But if I take your head, we’ll be able to recover,” as he appeared from the fog

Zhao charged the man, who turned to face the threat. Zhao’s pulled his arm with the fire blade up and made a spinning slash at the man. The Beast as Kurotsuchi’s mind dubbed him raised his arm as if to block the blow and to both Iwa-nin’s surprise rather than losing it, Zhao’s blow was stopped a few inches away.

“How?” Zhao asked in shock before noticing that his fire was being pulled from his arm and began encompassing the man’s. He realized that the man had used a similar jutsu, but was using wind-chakra. The fire was sucked away revealing the shape of the wind-blade which grew bigger as the fire joined it. Then almost as if bored of Zhao’s presence the man made a backhanded swing at the Iwa General which split him in half along his hip. Kurotsuchi watched as Zhao’s top half separated from his bottom, spinning upside down in the air before crashing to the ground.

The Beast ended the jutsu before resuming his slow walk towards her once more causing her to think, “He’s going to… he’s going to claim me.” To her surprise her legs seemed to spread wider as if to invite the beast to do just that…

Two weeks after Naruto’s Clash with Kumo in Chapter 2:

Tsunade leaned against a window of the second story apartment that she was renting on a week by week basis. She kept her eyes open for anything out of the ordinary being as careful to check for signs that Konoha’s Hunter-nin were present as for signs of her quarry. She turned back to look into the apartment to see her party which had grown from just her and Tenten, to encompass both Sakura’s best friend and mother. Their appearance in the town had made Tsunade concerned that others in Konoha had likely hit upon the same theory that she had. In fact, it had taken a little longer to reach the town that they were currently held up in because of her paranoia that she would lead Konoha’s Hunter-nin squads right to Naruto, Sakura, and Shizune.

That hadn’t appear to be the case, as none of the stops or erratic changes in direction that she had made to keep to her official reason for the trip which was her taking a gambling tour had revealed any such tails. But upon entering the town of Standing Garden Cove, she had been surprised to find that TenTen and her, weren’t the only ones waiting for Naruto and the missing kunoichi. In hindsight, Tsunade recognized that she probably shouldn’t have been since Mebuki Haruno before retiring had been a rather accomplished Hunter-nin. Apparently much like her, the mother of Sakura had maintained some connections to her previous lifestyle that had passed along details of the encounter between Naruto and Kumo.

One detail that had not been included by Tsunade’s contact had been that not only was Shizune pregnant with Naruto’s child. But apparently he had also taken a pair of Kumo kunoichi having had sex with one of them in the short interim between getting away from the majority of Kumo’s task force, and the leader of said group catching up to him. Tsunade was trying to understand exactly what had gotten into Naruto, since a quick scan of the hospital bed he had used before fleeing the village had been all the evidence she needed to know that he had also slept with Sakura. A fact that had been confirmed by a letter that Sakura had mailed to her mother and apparently been written shortly after her decision to leave with him.

Mebuki, was rather livid at the idea that the man her daughter had become a missing-nin for was collecting kunoichi it seemed just to sate his lusts. Tsunade had assured her though that wasn’t likely the case, but given his recent track record, relying on his past actions wasn’t really winning the woman over. Moreover, she had trouble explaining Naruto’s actions herself, not to mention those of the kunoichi traveling with him. Having felt the drive to be with him, she could understand why Shizune would give in to them. Furthermore, she could also easily understand why upon hearing of the Daimyo’s plans she had apparently alerted Naruto of them. Tsunade had felt like an idiot for not considering such an outcome, but truthfully she hadn’t considered just how much the relationship between the two had changed as a result of the coupling, having instead treated it as a unique case brought about by whatever had been done to Naruto.

However, having decided to apply the seal to bind his chakra herself, Tsunade had nonetheless waited till the last second and upon entering the hospital room had found Sakura’s discarded pressure suit and the signs that she too had slept with Naruto. She had quickly covered up that detail by removing the sheets from the bed and switching them with another. But Sakura’s letter had confessed that particular detail to her mother, but luckily Mebuki hadn’t shared the letter with anyone, not even her husband. Still, that didn’t prevent rumors from circulating that Naruto had likely forced himself upon Sakura in a similar manner as he had Shizune. When Hinata had turned up missing as well, it hadn’t taken a massive stretch of the imagination to picture who she was with.

Sakura’s mother intended to get to the bottom of what was going on, as although she knew her daughter had developed feelings for Naruto. She couldn’t imagine her being okay with his recent actions. Ino had tagged along and also had provided cover for the mother by marketing it as a business trip for her family’s flower shop. Mebuki had often worked for the shop as a business consultant whenever she had gotten bored staying at him.

The former Hokage directed her attention to Ino, who for most of the two years since the war had been a civilian. The Yamanaka had surprised her when a few months after the war she had filed her papers to resign. She had then begun to work in her family’s shop full time. At first Tsunade had thought that like a lot of other survivors she had seen her fill of death, and hoped to live a more peaceful life attending to her flowers. However, it turned out that the woman had done so to help her mother deal with the grief of losing her husband, and to give the woman the peace of mind that she might not lose her daughter in a similar manner.

She absentmindedly listened as Ino talked with Tenten about boys as she stated, “I was totally shocked that he confessed to me.”

“I can imagine,” Tenten replied interested, “So how did you respond?”

Ino sighed answering, “I said I was flattered, but I saw him as a brother.” Tenten made a face which Ino easily could read causing her to say, “I know, not the most skillful way to reject someone, but it was how I felt.”

“How did Chouji take it?” It was Ino’s turn to make a face which conveyed to Tenten who asked, “Not well, huh?”

“Not in the slightest,” Ino said trying not to let some of the things Chouji had said get the better of her. She tried to chalk them up to the pressure he was facing as the new Clan Head of the Akimichi, but seeing as she had seen Chouji as a brother due to all the time their families had spent together, it had hurt quite a bit.

Tenten picked up on it so asked, “What did he say?”

“He… he asked if it was because I was hoping to whore myself out to Sasuke again now that the call for the CRA was picking up steam.”

“Why would he think that? I mean Sasuke’s been back for years and outside of when he first…” Tenten noticed that Ino seemed to be growing uncomfortable about the subject, so suddenly came to a realization, “Oh my gods, you slept with him didn’t you?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Ino said trying to drop the subject.

Tenten obviously didn’t look like she wanted to drop it, but seeing Ino’s extreme discomfort nodded her understanding. Tsunade though turned from the window and stated, “I would like to hear more.”

Ino frowned, at the former Hokage and for a moment looked like she was going to tell her to forget it. But with a sigh she said, “There’s not a whole lot to tell. A few weeks after the war, he approached me, and one thing lead to another. We had a few dates and he was so sweet even telling me that I was the only one for him, but then he just ended it. I… I don’t know why. Maybe it was because I was dedicating too much time helping my mom with her grief.” Tsunade could tell the pain of having her crush use and then discard her still lingered. Her next words also made it easy to see that she hadn’t exactly gotten over it as she stated, “Only one for him, it wasn’t even a few days later that he began officially seeing that annoying red-head.”

Tsunade frowned curious why she hadn’t heard anything of the Yamanaka’s relationship with Sasuke. Tenten also found it strange so asked, “Why is this the first that I’m hearing about this? I thought you’d be shouting it from the Hokage monument.”

“He told me that we should be discreet because he still had a black mark against him. He said he didn’t want to tarnish my reputation along with his.”

Tsunade scoffed earning a glare from the younger blonde, but before Ino could say anything Mebuki asked, “What are you thinking?”

Tsunade turned back to the window as she thought for a moment. She let the silence linger until finally stating, “I think in a roundabout way, it was because you were helping your mom. By retiring, you removed yourself from becoming the Clan Head of the Yamanaka and Sasuke no longer had a use for you. It just shows the dirty little viper has been working to steal Naruto’s birthright from the moment he set foot inside the village.”

It was Ino’s turn to scoff as she stood and countered, “You mean the Naruto that ran from the village after forcing himself on Shizune and Sakura.” The temperature in the room dropped as Tsunade turned from the window to stare harshly at the kunoichi. A part of the Senju recognized that Ino was lashing out as her comments had likely hit a nerve. Still despite the gaze she was receiving, Ino didn’t back down as she instead added, “You keep alluding that something was done to Naruto to make Sakura and Shizune act the way they did. But for all we know Naruto did it to himself and he planned to leave the village all along. Why else would he kidnap Hinata and those two Kumo-nin?”

Tsunade stepped away from the window, which Mebuki moved to look through as the Senju closed with the younger woman. Getting in the Yamanaka’s face she said coldly and while poking Ino in the chest with every sentence said, “You little ingrate. Since the time he was a genin Naruto has only worked in the defense of and to the betterment of the village. He defended if from Gaara. Tried to prevent Orochimaru from getting his hands on the bastard, who would later use and throw you away like a used tissue. He stopped Pain and even managed to convince the man to undo the damage he had done by returning those he had killed to life. Including might I point out Shizune. Then rather than be protected during the war, he chose to come to our aid once more. And how do we repay him? We spend the next two years slowly tearing apart the peace that was Jiraiya’s dream, and promote the bastard Uchiha in his place. Who spent the same timespan only pursing his own goals and interests.”

Ino had been pushed back against a wall by Tsunade’s pokes. To all the women’s surprise, Ino pushed Tsunade back as she countered, “Sasuke made his mistakes, but they were your family’s fault. The Second Hokage treated the Uchiha like they were a menace, and instituted policies that were designed to keep an eye on them. It is little wonder that they plotted to rebel. It’s no wonder Sasuke would abandon such a place.”

“Here’s a wake-up call for you,” Tsunade said refraining from sending the kunoichi through a wall. “Sasuke didn’t know any of that before he abandoned the village. Oh, and before you go singing about how he was simply under that ridiculous curse of hatred theory he used to explain his actions. If it is true that he felt such great anguish and despair then he should have worked to try and prevent its spread not become the cause of it for others. How many families did he destroy in the Land of Iron in his quest to kill Danzou? He also could have brought us to the brink of war with Kumogakure which is why you and your friends chose to hunt him down and destroy him, remember? Furthermore, my Granduncle’s choices might seem harsh, but having been a Hokage let me fill you in on a little secret. If it had been me, I would have made the same ones. If you tell me that a group of people exist who under certain conditions go out of their minds so that they kill indiscriminately in order to accomplish whatever goals they set their hearts on. Then as a leader of a village I tell you it is that leader’s responsibility to make sure steps are taken to minimize any damage a deranged individual might cause. The Second Hokage didn’t lock them up; he monitored them for signs of instability. They were the ones that insisted they be given their own district, much as the other clans did. But rather than try to interact and break through barriers, they isolated themselves in their district. It was no wonder that the village came to believe they had something to do with the Kyuubi attack, especially as we still do not know what most of the clan’s leadership was up to during the Kyuubi’s rampage.”

Tsunade’s brown eyes continued to bore into Ino’s until the younger woman looked away. Tsunade’s anger didn’t abate from the small sign that Ino acknowledged that Sasuke’s actions weren’t as excusable as the more recent explanations for them by those who had come to support his bid to become Hokage would have people believe. As such she said harshly, “Look on the bright side, if as Chouji said you want to whore yourself for the Uchiha then with the passage of the CRA you might find some of your value to him restored. I’m sure that now that he is the Hokage, his goal is to restore his clan and he might love to see what the results of an Uchiha with the Yamanaka’s abilities may be. That’s probably why he chose the harpy over you once you gave up your chance to be clan head after all. Due to her being an Uzumaki, he probably imagines his children have a better chance of unlocking the Rinnegan.”

“Lady Tsunade, that’s too much,” Tenten stated a little surprised at the vehemence her idol used.

The former Hokage just replied with, “tsk,” before turning away from Ino.

Ino couldn’t necessarily refute any of what Tsunade said since some of the points she raised had occurred to her as well. Still she didn’t necessarily want to admit she had given her virginity to someone simply based on the same childhood infatuation she held for them. Recalling the Sasuke that had so charmed her upon his return she stated, “You can at least acknowledge that he has changed. His talk with Itachi helped him break the Curse of Hatred.”

Again Tsunade scoffed but didn’t look back as she said, “You expect me to believe that after years of manipulating everyone around him to get what he wants, a simple conversation caused him to change. His entire career has been about using his current circumstances to get closer to whatever goal he set his eyes on. He joined the academy to gain the skills to kill his brother; it was never about protecting the village. He made that abundantly clear when he joined the very man who murdered my teacher, and tried to kill everyone in this room in one way or another in order to grow stronger still. Then after doing away with Orochimaru and fighting his brother until his death, he aligns with Akatsuki to kill Danzou and who knows who else. He then betrays Akatsuki when he’s done with them, but because of a simple talk I’m supposed to accept that none of what he’s done before counts anymore. But perhaps you’re right, and perhaps he has changed… just keep in mind that change isn’t always a good thing.”

Mebuki stepped into the conversation by saying, “We can save the debate for another day. There’s a group that entered the village that I think we should check out.”


Entering the village of Standing Garden Cove, Sakura felt rather nervous despite Shizune’s belief that they need not worry. The four Kunoichi were henged as Taki-nin while the two remaining clones that Naruto had created to escort his lovers to safety, while he fought the Kumo-nin, were henged as a couple of old men. Sakura looking at the clones wished the shaking they exhibited was to help sell the role that they were playing, but she knew the truth was that it was because they were on their last legs chakra-wise.

But considering that they had lasted for two-weeks Sakura knew they couldn’t hold out much longer. She just hoped they held it together until they got a hotel room. She also imagined that once gone her concern for Naruto would also begin to increase as the clones existence helped confirm the safety of her lover. She wasn’t overly surprised that Naruto hadn’t caught up to them yet, as being missing-nin meant they had needed to travel with a certain degree of care. Plus, in the hasty few seconds after Hinata had noticed Shizune get grabbed by Darui, Naruto had told them he would catch up to them in Demon Country. He had then told Sakura that they would meet at the spot the squad had camped the first night they had protected Shion, before taking off to confront Darui.

In the two-weeks that followed Naruto’s lovers, although Samui wasn’t officially one of them, had traveled a route which Shizune called the Sinner’s Highway. She had explained that it was a network of hidden trails and resting points which missing-nin had established in order to move about between countries. Upon stopping at one location Sakura had been rather surprised to find it stocked with supplies, and had considered taking them but had been stopped by Shizune. When she had inquired why, Shizune had explained that the supplies were meant to be used by missing-nin in desperate need and were to be replaced. Sakura had found it to be rather strange that missing-nin would leave supplies for people other than themselves, but Shizune had explained that it was a way to provide a small means of support to those, who much like themselves, were facing the might of a shinobi village. The first apprentice of Tsunade admitted that not every missing-nin felt the same, often using the supplies without leaving anything in return, but she doubted such individuals lasted long as missing-nin if they couldn’t even show common decency to people in similar situations.

Samui had inquired how it was that Shizune knew so much about the practice causing the dark-haired woman to admit that both Tsunade and she had made use of the trails quite often. Sometimes in order to skip out on creditors, but often since Tsunade had quite a few enemies and with her fear of blood being so strong at the time felt it wise to remain unseen as often as possible while they traveled. Samui had then pointed out that if someone of Tsunade’s standing had learned of the Sinner’s Highway then it was likely Hunter-nin must know of it as well. Shizune confirmed that particular detail, but admitted that their odds of being attacked while using it were remote.

Hinata had inquired as to why, causing Shizune to explain that if missing-nin kept getting picked off while using it, then it would cause them to develop knew means to escape detection. Instead, Hunter-nin used the trails as a means to pick-up the scent of their quarries confident that much like crocodiles that waited in watering holes knew that eventual their prey would need to stop for a drink, that the various towns along the Sinner’s Highway would also inevitably tempt their targets into resting in civilization for a while. After two weeks of living in the woods, Sakura admitted the town had appeared as tempting to her as a river would to a thirsty animal, despite knowing the danger that might lurk within.

Still, Sakura had insisted that they push on, but Shizune had been rather insistent and considering the morning sickness and other discomforts the woman was suffering through they all agreed to stop. Shizune had put them somewhat at ease by mentioning that the worse that could happen was being spotted as it was unlikely hunter-nin would make a move in the town. The knowledge did calm her down somewhat, but she nonetheless hoped that Naruto had made use of his clones dispelling and the memories he gained of their location as a result to try to catch-up to them.

Yet, despite her misgivings she was looking forward to enjoying a nice hot shower. She let her mind wander for a moment at the thought, but then she stiffened as she noticed her mother approaching from directly in front of their group. She tried not to panic, but knowing that her mother’s reasons for being in the village could only revolve around her, she found it difficult to remain calm. Sakura wondered how it was her mother had even suspected to come to such a place, since although she knew Mebuki Haruno had been a kunoichi; her mother had never really spoken about her career. As a child, she had often tried to get her father to talk about both of their times as shinobi, but while her father had been more than willing to tell stories that had invigorated his daughter’s imagination with his exploits, some of which she imagined he had embellished as most father’s did. He never would really go into what his wife had done. She had always wondered why, but finding her now in a town that Hunter-nin seemed to use as a way to locate their quarry. She now knew that it was likely because the stories of her mother’s exploits would have kept her up at night.

Sizing her mom up, the first thing Sakura noticed that her mother was wearing a variation of the Qipao dress that she normally did. As opposed to the white sleeveless one she favored, her current one was blood red with long sleeves that covered her hands in a similar manner as Shizune’s jounin uniform did.

“This is bad,” Hinata stated who although henged had activated her Byakugan upon noticing Sakura’s sudden unease, “We’re being encircled by Tsunade, Tenten, and Ino. Sakura your mother is wearing long metal claws on her hands. While Tenten is taking a position along the rooftop to our right, and both Tsunade and Ino are approaching from opposite directions to our rear.”

“We should remain calm,” Shizune stated, “They might think we are suspicious, but are hoping to provoke us into revealing ourselves.”

Although Samui agreed with the woman’s assessment she countered, “We cannot assume that they will not choose a more proactive means of forcing us to reveal ourselves. If as Hinata stated one of them is your mother, then they are here on a personal matter not village business. That your mother is armed would seem to suggest she is not above using force to stop us.”

Before Sakura could respond Hinata shouted, “Look out!”

The women scattered as a dart imbedded itself in the neck of one of the clones which due to how little chakra it had left had been unable to heed the warning. In a feeble old voice it said, “Ah crap,” before bursting into smoke.

Tenten cursed since Mebuki had explained one of the things that had alerted her attention about the group had been that the number of travelers had matched how many should have been traveling with Naruto after adding the Kumo-nin. Loading another dart, she prepared to take aim at another target, but one of the Taki kunoichi thrust her hand at her causing her to fall back as she was hit by the vacuum palm.

Recognizing the technique, Tsunade charged as did Mebuki and Ino. The former Hokage shouted, “Shizune, Sakura, you two better stand down. We know about the baby, but I’m not letting you two set foot out of this town. You’re going to tell me where Naruto is, and then I’m dragging all of you back to Konoha where we’ll straighten this mess out.”

One of the kunoichi broke off to meet the former Hokage’s charge as she said, “Samui deal with my mom. I’ll handle Tsunade. Hinata keep Shizune safe while dealing with the other two.”

Sakura dropped her henge as she met Tsunade’s punch with one of her own. The two fists collided causing a shockwave to erupt in the town shattering windows as the villagers sought cover. Both women were blown back, but landed on their feet as their attacks canceled the others. Tsunade frowned at Sakura’s choice of clothes causing her to state, “That’s a new look. A little risqué don’t you think.”

Sakura smirked as she replied, “I like to think of it as enticing.”

Tsunade sized up her student before stating, “Stand down Sakura. It’s not too late to go back. Once we find out…”

“I already know what was done to Naruto,” Sakura stated shocking her teacher. “It turns out not to be as much as you might think. Instead, Kurama altered his pheromones so that we are a little less inhibited by more worldly concerns. But you already knew it was something like that didn’t you. It’s how you know that Naruto isn’t here in person. Your pussy isn’t getting wet like it did back in Konoha.”

Tsunade blushed, hearing her student accurately describe how she knew the other old man wasn’t a disguised Naruto. “If that’s the case, then we can find a way to counteract the effects. We can explain what happened and get Sasuke to…”

“We aren’t going back,” Sakura stated boldly, “Why would I want to counteract the effects? I’m with the man who’s always been there for me.” Sakura held her hand out to Tsunade as she said, “Instead, why don’t you come with us. Without Naruto, is there anything tying you down to Konoha?”

Tsunade did feel a strong temptation to accept the hand, but charged her student shouting, “Come back to your senses. Do you think this is some game? Without Konoha’s protection, how long do you think you can last with most of the shinobi villages hunting you down hoping to take the nine-tails?”

Sakura easily dodged her teacher’s fists before lashing out with one of her own that forced Tsunade to leap away into a backflip. Tsunade after landing several feet away study her student’s relaxed posture and hated to admit it, but she had barely dodged the attack. Furthermore, she suspected that the only reason she had was because Sakura had yet to turn serious. She cursed her old age since she knew if the pink-haired kunoichi did, she would likely be able to handle not just her, but all the kunoichi present due to her being S-ranked ever since the war. While in her prime, Tsunade liked to think that she would be a match for Sakura that was a long time in the past.

“It isn’t going to work you know,” Sakura stated surprising her teacher before exposing the game plan that the Konoha Kunoichi hoping to capture them were employing. “You think that if you tie me up, the others can begin picking off whoever is at a disadvantage since Shizune won’t expose her child to danger. In this case, that would be Hinata, but sadly it isn’t going to go your way.”

“Tenten and Ino combined are more than a match for Hinata,” Tsunade stated confidently having seen the most recent databooks on the Hyuuga heiress’s abilities.

Sakura shook her head before countering, “Maybe the Hinata that was Head of her Clan. But not now, you’re fighting to return her to a place where she has to deny her soul’s desire to be with Naruto. She’s fighting for her future. Just like I am.” Sakura noticed that some of the braver citizens of the town were gathering hoping to catch a glimpse of a battle between shinobi. Smirking, and hoping to send a message to other people that might come after them she said, “This is your last chance Tsunade. If you try to impede me, teacher or not, I’m going to kill you.”

“Do you really have what it takes?” Tsunade asked challengingly.

“To remain by his side, absolutely,” Sakura replied before charging her teacher.


Tenten dodged to the side as Hinata managed to deflect all her shuriken, using just her chakra encased hands and had even managed to hit one of them back towards her. The kunoichi frowned since although she hadn’t been aiming to hurt the woman, she had wanted at least one to cut her since she had dipped them in a sleeping agent that if it entered her bloodstream would knock her out. Hinata then moved to intercept Ino, who had tried to get past Hinata to Shizune in an effort to force the other kunoichi to stand down.

Ino was forced to leap away as Hinata darted out with a palm strike meant for the Yamanaka’s side. Sliding into her ready stance she stated, “I believe I am your opponent.”

“Dammit Hinata, come back to your senses,” Ino shouted annoyed. “I mean look at you, since when do you dress like that. You aren’t acting like yourself.”

Hinata smiled as she replied, “I have come to my senses Ino. The woman that was going to toss away her happiness for the chance to be recognized by a clan that always dismissed her as weak, that was a woman who needed to come to her senses.” To both women’s shock Hinata ran her hands along her body as she shivered from memories of the pleasure she had received from Naruto as she added, “And she has, and that is who is standing before you. You are my friends, but if you try to force me back into those circumstances I will end you here and now.”

Both women facing Hinata swallowed heavily as her eyes left little doubt that she meant what she said. They had a hard time associating the current woman standing before them as the meek and soft spoken woman she had been even after assuming the Clan Head position of the Hyuuga. Nonetheless they charged as one hoping that together they could overpower her.


Samui brought her blade up jamming it between the two three clawed blades that Mebuki wore on her hands as she tried to swipe out with them. The green-eyed woman stared angrily at the seemingly dispassionate Kumo-nin, before asking, “Are you also sleeping with that bastard who seduced my daughter?”

Samui shook her head as she tried to keep her blade locked between the former hunter-nin’s weapons. “No,” she answered, “Although from the way your daughter has described the night in question, it sounds like she was the one that did the seducing.”

Mebuki’s eyes showed her surprise, but she recovered quickly pulling Samui off balance by ceasing her struggles and reversing course. Samui recovered quickly leaping up and over the woman. Mebuki though showed that was what she intended as she ignored the Kumo-nin in favor of running towards where her daughter was fighting Tsunade. She was forced to abandon her charge though as a bird made of lightning smashed into her path. When the dust settled Samui was standing in her way again causing the woman to angrily snap, “If you aren’t under his thrall then why are you working with him?”

Samui shrugged still somewhat unsure herself about what she hoped to gain in the long term, but answered, “Naruto spent months working to free me from one of the Sage of the Six Path’s ninja tools. When he succeeded he asked for nothing in return and even gave them back to the Raikage. To thank him, my home has now decided to either force him into servitude or to kill him in favor of making a new jinchuriki. I couldn’t in good conscious follow through with such a decision, my sensei would be disappointed. I would also be disappointed in myself.”

Mebuki did seem to understand, and supposed she could even see how Naruto had attracted so many different women to him in such a short time, as it appeared he had laid the groundwork for his current actions long in advance. Seeing the determination in the blonde woman before her, she recalled how as her daughter came home from missions, while a genin, she would often complain about the jinchuriki. But as time passed the complaints gave way to respect, and eventually something more, especially as she had realized how much she had meant to him. Still, while Mebuki wanted Sakura to be happy, she didn’t want to see her hunted down as a missing-nin since her experience told her that in most cases the only end that awaited her would be a violent death and a disposal that would leave nothing behind.

“I sympathize with your position, but do not try to stop me again or I’ll have no choice but to show you why the path you’ve chosen is a foolish one.” Mebuki nodded in respect as instead of responding Samui held her sword in a ready position as she prepared to defend herself to remain true to her convictions.


Tsunade bounced along the ground as a punch from Sakura sent her skidding down the street. She tried to sit up, but Sakura planted her foot against her teacher’s chest. The Hokage despite the situation blushed as she saw up the pink-haired kunoichi skirt to see that she wasn’t wearing panties. Her focus returned to Sakura’s face though as the woman said, “Stay down Tsunade. I will not allow you to drag Naruto back to Konoha. Just like all us girls did back in the Academy, the village has decided to go with the dangerous bad-boy rather than the one that has always stayed by its side. When it comes to regret that decision, it’s going to have to live with the consequences rather than count on him to step in and save the day.”

“Dammit Sakura, what about his dream to be Hokage?”

“Pfft, what of it! He’s already proven he’s greater than all of the previous Hokage. Why does he need the approval of people who can have their opinions so easily swayed? Look at everything he had to do just for the village to celebrate him as a hero. But then they heap the same status on a man that abandoned them, only to return years later after accomplishing everything he wanted to achieve. I witnessed their fight against Kaguya and Sasuke fought valiantly, but he doesn’t deserve the same reverence as Naruto, who always thought of others first before himself.”

“I agree with you dammit, but just giving up isn’t his style.”

“He hasn’t given up,” Sakura said with a shake of her head, “His priories have shifted. Becoming Hokage was his dream as a child, but surpassing that dream is what he needs to achieve now as a father and a lover. I don’t know what game Sasuke is playing at, nor do I care any longer. But he, and by extension his family will never be safe in Konoha, if Sasuke does have dark designs, then he likely views Naruto as the only one that can stop him. Remaining in the village under those circumstances is foolish.”

“No more so then believing that even with his power you can survive with the entire shinobi world looking for you,” Tsunade said pushing Sakura foot off of her. Getting back to her feet, she shouted, “Come back to reality Sakura, you aren’t living a fairy tale.”

The Hokage threw a punch which to Tsunade’s shock Sakura caught releasing just enough chakra to counteract that which she had released. Sakura then slammed her fist into her teacher’s stomach which stole her breath away. Holding her midsection, she sank to her knees figuring she had never been hit so hard. She looked up at Sakura to see her staring down dispassionately before saying, “I’m aware of that Tsunade. But I warned you of what would happen if you continued to try and stop me.”

Tsunade’s eyes grew wide as Sakura pulled her fist back and then slammed it down causing an eruption of dirt and dust to geyser from the spot where the witnesses would claim Tsunade Senju had met her end.


The other fighting came to a stop as the area where Sakura and Tsunade had been fighting erupted into smoke. When it settled down, Sakura was holding an unnaturally still Tsunade over her shoulder. Her long hair was hanging down as it had come out of the twin pigtails she normally wore it in. But to those watching what truly attracted their attention was the blood dripping onto the ground from where they imagined her face had been caved in.

Tenten seeing her defeated idol being treated like a sack of meat, lost her calm shouting, “Sakura you fucking bitch, I’ll kill you.”

“I’d worry about your own situation first Tenten,” Sakura replied. “Hinata finish them off, we need to get moving.”

“What!” Ino said surprised at her friend’s statement.

Both she and Tenten turned at the same time to face the Hyuuga only to receive a gentle fist to the chest that sent them reeling back. Shizune looked shocked by the two younger kunoichi’s actions, and quickly checked the two women’s pulses before announcing, “What have you done? They aren’t breathing.”

“We warned them what would happen?” Sakura stated calmly, “They have some decent bounties and we’ll need the money. Tsunade was right; we aren’t living a fairy tale.” Sakura approached her mother still carrying Tsunade.

Stopping before her, Mebuki looked ill but asked, “Is he really worth all this?”

To her surprise Sakura seemed to smile before responding, “Would you like to find out?” She then nodded to Samui, who brought her sword up next to the still unmoving Mebuki’s temple. Charging the blade with her lightning chakra, an arc of electricity shot from it into Mebuki, causing the woman to lose consciousness. Sakura caught her mother hefting her onto her other shoulder, before saying, “Please help Hinata carry one of the others, we need to get going.”

The last clone of Naruto approached her asking, “Sakura you…”

“This is for our future. Trust me, I’ll explain everything later. Do you have enough chakra to keep up?” Sakura was relieved to see it nod so quickly made her way out of town along with the rest of Naruto’s lovers.

The soft cries of someone moaning slowly pulled Tsunade’s consciousness back to the world. She tried to sit up but found her hands were tied behind her back, and her legs were bound. She also couldn’t mold any chakra making her believe a chakra suppressant seal had been applied to her. She managed to sit up after struggling for a few moments but the movement caused her head to begin pounding as a migraine set in. She ignored if for the moment in favor of checking her surroundings and saw that she was being held in what appeared to be an abandoned temple. She recognized it as one that Shizune and she had used a few times when she had skipped out on paying back some loan sharks.

She felt a gentle hand placed on her shoulder as Shizune knelt next to her to say, “Stay still Lady Tsunade. Sakura really didn’t hold back.”

Tsunade sighed as the pressure of the headache began to ease, but responded, “Considering I thought she was about to crush my skull, I would have to argue that she did.”

Shizune conceded the point, but replied, “She did manage to convince most everyone that was exactly what she did. She grazed you with her punch hard enough to knock you out, but also cut you so that you would bleed quite a bit. Luckily, Hinata saw through it so when she ordered her to eliminate the others. Instead of scoring killing blows, she simply disabled them. I was shocked, but when I felt Tenten and Ino’s pulses I guessed they were trying to sell the idea that they had killed you three.”

“To what end?” Tenten asked from behind Tsunade. The former Hokage turned to see that much like her, the other three kunoichi of her party were tied up. “If you were actually going to kill us you would have done it then.”

Shizune smiled but shrugged, “Sakura hasn’t really explained her reasoning.”

“Who’s that moaning?” Ino asked finding the cries almost hypnotic since they sounded like a woman in ecstasy. Recalling her times with Sasuke, she wondered what was making the woman cry out in such a way since while she had found the experience pleasurable, she most certainly didn’t make the same level of noise as the woman currently giving voice to her pleasure.

Shizune focused on Ino giving the kunoichi a rather Cheshire grin as she asked, “Would you like to watch Naruto add to his family? We really most thank you four, our original goal had been to meet back up in Demon, but after reaching the temple Sakura explained her actions to Naruto’s clone and dispelled it. Because of the first one you took out, he was already rushing towards us, but with the last one gone he decided to join us here. Samui didn’t wait a whole five minutes before deciding to give herself to him.”

“Are you really okay with that?” Tsunade asked. “How many women does he need to have before he’s satisfied?”

Shizune made a slight tsking noise before stating, “You misunderstand the situation Lady Tsunade. It’s not Naruto going out of his way to collect lovers. Well at least not at first, since we were rather surprised when he showed up with Karui, but the three of us have decided it’s for the best.” Shizune placed her hands on her stomach stating, “He’s the father of my child, and although at first I suppose the pheromones did drive us together. Now I can see no one else as him in the role of lover. It’s the same for both Sakura, and Hinata. I’m not sure exactly what Sakura is planning by taking you captive, but I do know it’s with the ultimate goal of creating a place for our family to grow and prosper. I suppose we’ll find out together after Samui is christened into our growing Pride.”

“Pride,” Mebuki stated confused.

Shizune nodded, before standing to explain, “That’s what Naruto has taken to calling our family. It’s rather fitting considering the circumstances.” Shizune stood looking towards the room where Samui was experiencing the heights of pleasure that Naruto had shown were possible to each of the women who gave themselves to him. She looked back at the captive Kunoichi, and noticing their gazes seemed locked on the door while their cheeks began to color didn’t doubt that soon one or more of them would be crying out in a similar manner sooner rather than later.


Samui moaned out softly as Naruto licked from her collarbone up her neck and cheek before reaching her mouth, which she opened for him. His tongue plunged in accepting the invitation to explore. The usually cool running kunoichi was feeling far hotter than she ever had in her life feeling almost feverish, but a fever that she knew would break once she received a healthy injection of semen from the man standing before her. She really couldn’t explain why it was upon his reaching the abandoned temple; she had instantly begun to respond to his presence. She had expected to feel something as the kunoichi tied to him had already explained how they believed his pheromones worked, but Samui had never really considered having children. Moreover, while she had found Naruto attractive and did feel she had owed him for freeing her from the Benihisago. She didn’t think it explained the raw need she had felt upon setting eyes upon him.

In the part of her brain not giving into the desires the powerful man had awakened inside her, she was trying to analyze her current actions. Building on Sakura’s theory that his pheromones were in a sense releasing feelings that she would normally repress when she was clear headed, Samui figured that as a result of the concern she had about her becoming a missing-nin. She was trying to use her body to align with the powerful force that Naruto represented in order to insure his protection. She knew she didn’t necessarily need to sleep with him, since her actions had already assured as much. But she knew it couldn’t hurt. Also it had been a really long time since she had gotten laid.

Those two things combined she figured was why when Naruto entered the temple following the directions his last clone had provided him, and seeing Karui clinging to him like a devoted bride, Samui had moved almost without conscious thought before him to plant her lips to his. To her surprise, Karui had simply smiled brightly before addressing the other women present saying, “Let’s give these two some space.”

The other kunoichi made themselves scarce as Naruto lifted Samui up into his strong arms and carried her to a stone table that resided just within the entrance of the temple. Being set down on the end of it, Samui felt a dirty thrill at the idea of being fucked in such a place almost imagining how the temple would have looked back in its glory days. She pictured a line of women standing just outside the door as Naruto used the table as some kind of alter to pleasure them as a reward for making the pilgrimage to see him.

Her little fantasy was dispelled as he pulled down the front of her blouse and began to fondle the heavy tit that popped free. She moaned into his mouth as his firm grip rolled her breast around while their tongues continued to dance. After several moments he broke the kiss and lowered his mouth to the breast he was fondling. He squeezed it roughly as he raised it to his mouth and then began to suckle on her tit. Samui arched her back at the contact causing her legs to spread wider and push her wet panties against the large bulge in his pants.

The action pulled a soft growl from the back of Naruto’s throat which caused both participants to feel a desire to stop teasing each other and get down to business. Naruto stood straight opening his jacket and pulling it off before pulling his shirt over his head. Samui mirrored his action pulling her modified flak jacket that she wore around her stomach open before pulling her shirt off as well. Before moving to the next articles of clothing, Samui leaned forward and grabbed Naruto placing her lips against his chest feeling the need to bask in his scent more. She licked his body, while she began to fumble with his belt and pants. She managed to open both feeling excited as something large flopped out against her belly, before being pulled away as Naruto stepped out of his pants.

Naruto pulled her from the end of the table as he stood naked before her, and with a subtle press on her shoulders she knew what he wanted. She hiked up her skirt so she could drop to her haunches as she came face to face with the pillar of flesh that for the past few weeks she had heard the other kunoichi rave about. Her mouth watered at the sight especially as she saw the tip already was leaking with his desire. Opening her mouth, she swallowed him and almost immediately Naruto buried his hands in her blonde locks and began fucking her oral passage.

Samui let him use her mouth as he wished as she brought her hands to her pussy and began rubbing her moist lower lips through the soft cotton of her panties. Moaning around his stick, she caused him to groan before he suddenly pulled free of her lips. She was guided back up, where Naruto kissed her greedily and his hands hefted her amazing rack which he clutched in both his hands. Samui broke the kiss to push her chest towards him, and Naruto leaned down running his tongue all over both of her gigantic mounds.

Samui was in heaven as Naruto rolled his tongue around her areola before latching on the nipple at the center. She whimpered softly as his teeth gently nipped it before sucking on it hard. He then moved on, his tongue leaving a trail of saliva in its wake before repeating his actions on the other one. After pulling a stronger moan from her, Samui suddenly found herself spinning to face the table which she placed her hands on as Naruto pulled her panties down just enough to expose her pussy. Then with little fanfare he slammed his dick inside her causing Samui to scream in pleasure.

Naruto groaned as he enjoyed the familiar but new feeling of claiming another woman for his Pride. He had already explained to Karui, how he saw the various women he was already tied to and she had loved the idea of being thought of as a Lioness. Naruto had been a little shocked at just how enthusiastic she had been and learned that one of Karui’s hobbies was fashion designing. By the end of the day, she had showed him the initial designs she had come up with as uniforms for him and his lovers with the only tweaking he had made had been to conceal their identities. He wanted people that faced his lovers to have to guess as to who their opponents were, plus as his ranks grew he figured it would help confuse people as to their exact numbers.

Pumping his hips, he let such concerns fade to the back of his mind as he enjoyed the warm tightness that was Samui. Pressing his back against hers, he placed his hands over hers and smiled as she automatically interlaced her fingers with his. Sucking on her neck, where it met her shoulder he began to more roughly claim her as his thrusts became harder and deeper. Samui cried out as he began more insistently pounding on the entrance of her womb, causing her to fall forwards on the table. Naruto mindful of the rough surface pulled her hands back lifting her torso as he continued his assault of her core.

Samui felt a pressure building that while powerful, also seemed to have the thin skin of a bubble holding it back. The bubble popped causing her to scream as she climaxed, “I’m cumming! Cum inside me! I need it inside!”

Naruto having been building up to his own release gave her milking quim what Samui requested burying his cock inside her until his tip was nestled against her womb’s portal. He fired stream after stream basking in the instinctual pleasure of filling another woman with his seed which coupled with how hard he had pushed himself to reunite with his Pride caused him to black out.


Sakura smiled having entered the area where they were holding the Konoha Kunoichi as she looked back at the entrance where Samui had been claimed at least judging from the scream she just let out. Staring at her captives, she could see they weren’t wholly unaffected by Naruto’s presence as she was sure his pheromones had reached them. She knew she was certainly feeling them as her pussy had been constantly aroused since his arrival. Something her captives could no doubt see as she wasn’t sitting in a manner which protected her modesty.

With the silence that descended as Samui and Naruto’s moans came to a halt her mother asked, “What now Sakura?”

Sakura shrugged as she replied, “I’m not sure. I didn’t exactly get a chance to ask Naruto, before Samui decided to embrace her new life.”

Ino shook her head as she asked, “How can you be so calm about his sleeping with another woman?”

“Because it took some convincing to get him to go along with it,” Sakura said giggling at the shocked expressions on the other women’s faces.

“Why would you try to push him to sleep with other women?” Tenten asked confused.

Before Sakura could respond, a voice called out, “Because she understands the value of growing her Pride’s strength.” The door leading to the entrance of the temple was thrown opened and Kurama motivating Naruto’s body stepped through. The other women present who had not had a chance to enjoy the nude specimen standing before them averted their gaze as the Bijuu stepped into the room.

Tsunade looked back, but noticing Naruto’s red gaze realized who was addressing them. Being face to face with the source of Naruto’s troubles she angrily said while getting to her knees, “This is all your doing, Kurama!”

The fox Bijuu smiled as it gave a rather feminine bow, before replying, “You are too kind for giving me all the credit. But I merely provided the spark; it was other parties that supplied the fuel which caused the situation to so quickly explode out of control. Not that any of the women standing before you seem to be upset with what’s happened.” Tsunade had the sneaking suspicion the fox had included itself in its estimate. She blushed as the fox added, “Tell me Tsunade did you truly chase after him to return him to a place that you abandoned yourself once. Or to act on the feelings you felt when he stood before you in your office.”

“D-don’t be ridiculous,” the Ex-Hokage sputtered, “I see Naruto as being like a little brother to me.”

The fox in Naruto’s body shook its head as it replied, “Come now, you can be more honest with us than that. You also compare him to someone else dear to your heart that you lost. Now be honest, when you’re alone at night and you’re fantasizing, which role is he truly taking in them.”

Tsunade’s cheeks grew redder, and deep down she was glad that the fox was the one standing before her since with her chakra sealed she was in her true and wrinkled appearance. Not wanting to have Naruto see her in such a state since the fox’s words were true, she nonetheless refused to answer.

But it was answer enough for the fox, as it said, “So sad, finding a man who so closely matches the traits you desired in a mate, but being past the age to act on the feelings they stir within you. That is why you resisted the pull you felt towards him in the office after all, even if you took him as a lover your body is incapable of giving the two of you what you would desire, offspring.” Tsunade’s eyes returned to Naruto’s, which although the same, as a result of the red didn’t hold the same light that she always attributed to him. The fox reached out cupping Tsunade’s face as it said, “So sad, but you know, he would still take you even in your current appearance. However, I can make it so you can give him the child you both would desire. All you need do is ask.” Tsunade stared up at the fox and from the way hope appeared in them the Bijuu replied, “I understand.”

Red chakra began to coat Naruto’s body before moving down the arm that was caressing Tsunade’s cheek. The former Hokage yelled out somewhere between pain and ecstasy as the chakra began to encase her. The others watched as the ex-Hokage’s wrinkles faded and her darkened skin returned to the pale whiteness it had when she used her henge. When the transformation was over, Tsunade looked to be in her mid-twenties much as she had appeared ever since returning to Konoha.

But that wasn’t the only change that had come over the kunoichi; with her vitality and youth restored the burning desire that she had felt for Naruto erupted into a need to have him. A need that the Bijuu could see reflected in her eyes and encouraged as she gripped the woman’s chin pulling her forward. Tsunade couldn’t resist as the scent of Naruto filled her nostrils and upon being guided to his cock began to lick it to awaken it.


“Lady Tsunade get ahold of yourself,” Tenten shouted as her idol began licking Naruto’s soft dick like it was a delicious treat.

She glared at Sakura as the kunoichi said, “It’s far too late for that.” Sakura kneeled behind her mother as she whispered, “Everything Kurama said was true about how Tsunade felt, but she always held back because of her age. With that hurdle removed there is no reason for her to deny herself any longer.”

Mebuki looked back at her daughter incredulously as she asked, “What of your relationship to him?”

Sakura watched Naruto’s dick rise to full hardness as a result of Tsunade’s talented tongue, which caused the blonde woman to begin sucking on his testicles. Sakura directed her gaze back to her mother, before answering, “This is a part of my relationship with Naruto. I know he cherishes me and loves me, so feel no shame in admitting that it excites me to watch him claim others. Look at Tsunade.”

Mebuki despite her reluctance to do as her daughter instructed couldn’t help but turn her gaze back to Tsunade. The blonde woman had finished sucking on his nuts and licked her way up the underside of his shaft until reaching the tip. Tsunade then began bobbing her head on it as she made loud slurping noises while sucking on his dick. The Hokage obviously wanted to make use of her hands but with her feet and wrists still bound found that it was hard enough to remain upright while energetically sucking Naruto cock.

Sakura’s gaze met both Shizune and Hinata’s gazes and after a moment of silent communication reached the same decision. Hinata smiled as she put that decision into action by reaching into her pouch and pulling out a shuriken. The Hyuuga tossed it, the path causing it to slice slightly into Tsunade’s bonds on her wrists. The woman feeling the weakness in the rope holding her back strained against them while still pleasuring Naruto’s dick. Which a grunt of exertion the rope snapped allowing Tsunade’s hand to grab Naruto by the hip and then to the amazement of the other women she took his dick all the way to base with ease.

Naruto eye’s returned to their blue color as he woke up to the wonderful sensation of having his dick buried down someone’s throat. A little surprised at his finding himself in a completely different room, he paid it no mind as his balls tightened and he began to fill the woman’s stomach with his seed. Looking down, and expecting to see Sakura since she was the only one able to take his dick all the way into her mouth. He was shocked to see Tsunade’s honey brown eyes staring up at him. The sight of her with her mouth pressed all the way against his groin while she stared up adoringly was enough to cause Naruto to erupt a second time as he exclaimed, “Oh fuck Tsunade!”

Tsunade hearing her name uttered from Naruto’s lips with such delight attached to it, cooed happily before pulling back to let him slip free of her lips. “Your cum is so thick and delicious Naruto. Thank you for the meal, but I need you to give me some of it here.” She sat back spreading her legs as best she could despite the ropes around her ankles. Naruto could see the dark patch from where her juices were spilling from her needful pussy.

Naruto wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating as he knelt on the ground ripping away the rope tying Tsunade’s feet together. Asking as much, he wondered aloud, “Is this a dream?”

Tsunade reached out for Naruto cupping his face as she answered, “It is, it’s a dream come true for me. I can’t fight how much my body and soul desires you any longer. Now please take me.”

Naruto lurched forward sealing his lips to Tsunade’s as he pulled her pants free of her body. Finding her already wet with desire, he buried his cock inside her and began churning her insides. Sakura watched as both Tenten and Ino seemed captivated by the sight of their former leader being fucked right in front of them. Looking down at her mother and seeing her gaze locked on where Naruto’s cock was being tightly gripped by Tsunade’s cunt she said, “Beautiful isn’t it mom. You can almost imagine the pleasure Tsunade must be experiencing.”

Mebuki tried to respond but then her daughter began to rub her pussy through the thin black shorts she wore beneath her dress. Mebuki cried out, but stifled it a moment later. She held back her cries while stating, “S-sakura this is wrong.”

“What is mother,” Sakura said sliding her finger up and down her mother’s slit. Able to feel the dampness spreading through the material of her mom’s shorts, she pulled her hand away causing Mebuki to relax for a moment, but she immediately tensed as the pink-haired kunoichi slipped it under the band of the shorts. Now feeling her daughter’s fingers teasing her neglected pussy directly, she tried to focus on Sakura’s words as she said, “Are you referring to Tsunade and Naruto? If so, what’s so wrong about it? Is it the age gap between them, if so who gets to decide such things? Perhaps you are referring to his having multiple lovers, but if we all agree to share him then what’s so wrong about that?”

Mebuki tried to muster the voice she had often used when her willful daughter had tested her patience. Instead it came back as strained as she tried to deny the desire her daughter was awakening within her, “Y…You know what I mean young lady.”

Sakura seemed to think for a moment before causing Mebuki to squirm as she slid a finger inside her while saying, “Oh you must mean how I’m teasing your pussy.” Sakura pulled her hand out of Mebuki’s shorts, causing the woman to relax somewhat. She blushed though as her daughter showed her the drenched fingers coated in her essence. The blush deepened as Sakura commented, “It doesn’t look like you felt it was wrong mom. Not for you to get this wet. Or is it simply because dad hasn’t been taking care of your needs?”

Mebuki frowned not wanting to admit that ever since her husband had started his mad dash for more and more power within the civilian council, he had been neglecting her. Her eyes drifted past Sakura’s fingers to zero in on where Tsunade lay with her legs spread apart widely with her shirt now open moaning happily as Naruto lathered her tits with attention while plunging his cock inside her. Mebuki cried out as her daughter’s fingers returned to teasing her pussy. Mebuki tried not to give in, but as Sakura timed the finger she had working inside her with Naruto’s thrusts into Tsunade, she found it harder and harder not to imagine herself in her fellow blonde’s place. Sakura began nibbling her ear softly while whispering, “Don’t fight it mom. If dad won’t take care of you then let Naruto take his place.”

“MMmmmm…no… s-st…mmmm,” Mebuki said her hips starting to move in a similar manner as Tsunade’s.

Tsunade’s legs wrapped around Naruto’s hips as she pulled him into a kiss while moaning, “Naruto, I’m going to cum. Give me your seed, make me pregnant with your child.”

“Fuck,” Naruto said driving his cock inside her harder, “That will come in time, but first we have other things we must accomplish. But this is the first of many times you’ll know this feeling until I finally can.”

Naruto tensed atop of Tsunade who screamed, “Yes!!!! It’s so good.” The former Hokage shivered as she climaxed from the feeling of his warm cum being delivered to her womb. She relaxed her hold as they kissed softly in the afterglow of their coupling.

Naruto’s attention was pulled to Sakura as she ripped her mother’s shorts at the crotch. Spreading her mom’s pussy lips the pink-haired kunoichi said, “Naruto, here’s another pussy that needs an injection of your cum.”

Mebuki wanted to protest, but couldn’t find the strength of will as her body truly desired some release. Naruto gave Tsunade one last deep kiss, before pulling free and standing. Walking the short distance his cock still stiff and coated with his and Tsunade’s release he knelt before Mebuki. He loosened the bindings on her legs, but before he moved closer Sakura presented the fingers coated in her mother’s essence. Naruto sucked the digits clean closing his eyes as he moaned pleasantly at her taste causing Mebuki’s body to heat up as once he opened them, she saw a hunger reflected in them. Having not seen such a thing in her husband’s eyes in a number of years, she watched eagerly as he lowered his mouth to her exposed snatch. She then cried out as he began to eat her pussy in order to collect more of the sweet juices he had just enjoyed.

Mebuki realized that her daughter had released her hands when she suddenly found them buried in Naruto’s hair, but rather than push him away she guided him to the spots she wished he would focus on. He followed her unspoken directions causing Mebuki’s wails to grow in volume and reverberate through the large chamber. She tensed as Naruto sucked on her clit causing her to shriek loudly as she climaxed. Naruto eagerly drank down the fluids her body offered up, before climbing up her body and then kissing her daughter. Mebuki listened to her daughter moaned as she tasted her pussy on Naruto’s lips and tongue. Sakura upon breaking the kiss said, “Your pussy is delicious mom. I want to taste it firsthand, but first do you want Naruto to make you his woman? There is no turning back if that happens.”

Mebuki stared at the wondrous blue eyes of the man that had just reawakened her carnal desire. She held up her hand though to stare at the wedding band on her finger. She recalled the kind hearted man she had married, but had been replaced by someone she barely recognized. Unable to return to him or a life devoid of the pleasures of the flesh, she removed the ring from her finger before whispering, “Take me.”

Naruto pressed his dick against her entrance causing a low moan to escape from Mebuki’s lips. The moan grew in volume as more and more of him entered her. Once she was fully fitted onto his cock, Naruto lowered his lips to hers. He kissed her softly at first, but soon they were making out heavily while Mebuki used her daughter’s lap as a pillow. Naruto slowly began to pump his length inside her awakening nerve ending that had been long dormant, and others which had never been reached directly.

Mebuki cried out as Naruto raised himself using his arms and began increasing his pace as he looked up and kissed her daughter. Sakura eagerly returned it until Mebuki forced them to break the kiss as she reached up and pulled Naruto’s face back to hers so she could kiss him hungrily. Ending their clash of tongue she moaned, “Your cock is so much bigger than my husband’s.”

Naruto groaned as she flexed her cunt around it, but he said possessively, “You mean ex-husband. No other man will ever know the pleasures of your flesh. You are mine now Mebuki Haruno, just like your daughter and just like Sakura, you’re going to bear my children. Your ex is going to regret neglecting such a beautiful and strong woman as you.”

“Yes…Yes,” Mebuki said her lover’s words and cock awakening a desire that she didn’t even know she had. But having attained such enlightenment, she couldn’t wait until she once more knew the joys of carrying a child. She locked her ankles behind him pulling her hips against his body with every thrust. “Fuck me! Spray my insides with your cum, give me it please!”

Naruto reared back and shouted as he pushed his cock deep into Mebuki. He released a torrent of his seed which caused Mebuki to cry out as she came. He pumped his rod a few times after her body seemed to relax causing a second smaller climax to cause her to shake again. Pulling his dick free of Mebuki’s cunt with a soft pop, he stood and presented it to Sakura, who wordlessly began to clean it. She was just getting into it, but to his surprise suddenly stopped.

She smiled up at him before stating, “It looks like there are two more that need for you to sate their desires.”

Naruto followed Sakura’s gaze to see that both Tenten and Ino were staring at him hungrily. He turned to walk towards the two bound women, who once he was in range quickly rose up and began licking his dick. He groaned as the kunoichi each took a side to bathe with their tongues. Naruto grabbed each one by the hair guiding them to where he wanted them to focus their attention.

He leaned his head back and groaned as Ino ran her to tongue around the head of his cock while Tenten sucked on his testicles. He enjoyed the sensations as he anticipated making both kunoichi his, but in the back of his mind also wondered how best to precede, especially considering how quickly his family had just grown. He knew Sakura had a plan to get their hands on a large amount of cash and while he did intend to follow through with it. He also wasn’t sure how much it would come in handy in the immediate future. He also felt it would be best not to follow through on the original plan to head to Demon Country since it was likely that Hunter-nin would try to pick up their trail from the town his lovers had just fled. He also believed that with their direction of travel having been confirmed, Konoha would station Hunter-nin near some of the more well-known women he had helped in the past. Therefore, he decided that in the meantime it would be best to disappear from civilized society, knowing the perfect place from his travels with Jiraiya and making up his mind he focused on the two kunoichi before him.

Tenten stared up at him letting one of his testicles slip free of her mouth before pleading, “Naruto, make me feel as good as you did Lady Tsunade.”

Ino shook her head before requesting, “ me… I… I want to know what it’s like to cum as hard as they did.”

Naruto reached down to cup each woman’s cheek while stating, “You’ll both get what you wished for, but as to who goes first, well that will depend on who can make me cum with their mouths first.” Naruto smiled as the two kunoichi began to work diligently to be the one to bring him to release and catch his cum in their mouth as proof that they should go first. Basking in their efforts, he couldn’t wait to see what else the future had in store for him.

Next Chapter: Nation Building Arc: A Taste of Honey

First I’m going to have to apologize to the people hoping for the next Limelight chapter. I have been working on it, but the insistent buzz I hear from my muse has once more caused me to focus most of my energies on this story. It was primarily a result of the first scene of this chapter. Once I pictured it, I had no choice but to commit pen to paper. Plus, with it setting in stone some of what is to come I do feel that the muse can relax as we concentrate back on Eroninja and work at a less hectic pace in unveiling the steps to get there.

Now, let me thank the people that took the time to read and review. I’m glad people for the most part seem to be enjoying this new story, even though the consensus seems to be that Eroninja is the preferred story for me to work on. I can understand that since with so much already having happened in it, they fear me getting sidetracked and/or growing bored with it. That isn’t a concern, but I do admit that after 4 years of telling it, this story is kind of like a kind of vacation from it. I think the last scene kind of highlights why since it doesn’t require as much emotional build up in order to get to the action.

One thing people might have noticed is Karin kind of being looked down on in this story. To be honest, she probably isn’t going to become one of Naruto’s lovers in this story. As I try to stay true to their characterization at least before events in the story take place, I just don’t see an angle or reason to include her in this one. I mean if she can get over being stabbed in the heart with a simple, and likely, in my opinion, unemotional sorry. Well she’s way too far gone as a Sasuke fangirl to ever be pulled back. It’s also why, I had Ino end up sleeping with Sasuke. If after 3 years and his becoming a criminal she’s going to openly shed tears for him despite barely interacting with him in the manga, then I can’t imagine she would turn him down upon his return if he showed the slightest interest. Naturally as I believe his reason for choosing her would be to gain leverage in furthering his goals, I also see her perhaps developing some bitterness when she doesn’t live up to what he needed her to and discarding her.

Now despite my initial insistence that this story wasn’t going to feature women from other media, I find that a few ideas have occurred to me which would require their inclusion. Therefore, I’ll be releasing a poll in the coming days that will include various characters from other manga and such that might find their way in the story. I might use some of the ones that haven’t appeared on previous polls in Eroninja if the interest is high enough. But it will depend, primarily the poll will be used solely for the Pride.

In any case, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know what you think and until next time take care. Sincerely The Lemon Sage.
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