Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > A Beautiful Twilight

A "Close" Reunion

by TheMidnightAlchemist 0 reviews

I think I'm gonna play a game with you guys. I'll put only one letter in the summary and after you guess what I mean by the word I give you one request. You can have me write any kind of story or f...

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Pinako Rockbell,Winry Rockbell - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2014-07-18 - 248 words

Sharron, Pinako, Winry, and Jayce sat at the table in the Rockbell dining room, drinking coffee or tea. All of the rest of the men were scattered around the yard, either setting up for camping or drinking their own drink. “Are you sure you’re comfortable being here, Shar?” Winry asked. “No. But I was the one who wanted to come here so I have to deal with it, Win.” Sharron responded. Winry and Jayce looked at her with concern. Pinako just smiled. “Have fun sleeping on the ground short stuff.” Sharron glared at Pinako. “Have fun sleeping forever Old Lady because you’ll be dead for calling me short stuff!” “Teenie.” “Puny!” “Lima Bean!” Jayce suddenly broke in. “Sir, the men are awaiting your orders.” Sharron looked up in surprise. “Oh, sorry. Tell them I’ll be out in a moment. Our training begins when I get out there.” Jayce saluted her. “Yes Sir!” As he walked outside, Sharron turned to her friend. “Win, I’ve gotta go and train them now.” Winry got a distressed look on her face. “Oh no. You’re going to kill them. Don’t they have families to go back to. Their lives can’t end here.” Sharron looked shocked at Winry. “What NO!? I am NOT going to kill them! Geez Win, can’t you be serious for one second!?” Winry smiled. “Sorry, I’m just trying to lighten your mood a little.” Sharron smiled back at Winry. “Thanks Win.”
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