Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Apples:Prologue:

The author is a douchebag

by Frerardpervert 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2014-08-05 - 179 words

Guys, I am back from the dead, and I am like totally writing my fanfic. I am almost done but I want to make it even better and faster for you guys cause im a total asshole that just stopped writing.

really I am sorry, I do have commitment issues, as I hopefully mentioned before and if I didn't then now you know.

Ok my summer is almost over and I have enslaved myself with this ag program at my school through half of it. Needless to say I have not finished any of my summer assignments, So you guys are allowed to cherish in my probable failure in the beginning of my school year.

I don't know if you guys even read stuff here or hang out around ficwad anymore and if you do I am very sorry in disappointing you.

So let me make this quick for the ones that are here.

I will hopefully be posting my fic tomorrow night, after my wonderful beta reviews it.

So please look forward to it because I am too.
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