Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Reason to Live

What's left of my life

by sailorchick321 1 review

a quick update between the war's end and the present

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry - Published: 2006-08-10 - Updated: 2006-08-11 - 1445 words

What's left of my life

As Harry walked from his home to the bar he couldn't stop thinking about his friends. Gods he missed them. Maybe if any of them had survived the war he would have been able to cope. But none of them had. Remus had been the first, Wormtail had gotten to him. Then all of the Weasleys except Percy, Ron and Ginny had been trapped in the burrow as it was burned to the ground. Tonks had been with them that day. Hermione was next, she had been killed in the backlash of his destroying one of those accursed horcruxes. Of all the deaths up to that point he and Ron had felt that one the hardest. Sadly Ron had followed Hermione to the grave barely two weeks later. The two had been attacked while they slept and had gotten split up as they tried to get away. Ron had been captured and his mutilated body was dumped at the gates to Hogwarts a week later. Ginny, he had lost at the last battle. Dozens had died that day and Hogwarts had been left in near collapse, but Ginny was the only death he remembered that day. She had jumped in front of him and taken a killing curse in his stead. Neville had joined his parents in insanity; Luna was alive as well but had not acknowledged anyone since that battle. She sat and stared, at least Neville mumbled and wandered. Luna had not moved on her own since that battle. McGonagall and Flitwick both died trying to protect Hogwarts as had many of the other students and teachers.

Of all of Harry's friends only Hagrid survived the battle alive and sane. Sadly, he took to drowning his sorrows in Firewhiskey and was drunk more often than not. Harry couldn't blame him. he over imbibed often as well. He still got Christmas cards from Hagrid every year and sent him one in return, but had not seen him since he left England. Nor had he had any other contact with the wizarding world since then. He had not even done magic since he left.

He last year in the wizarding world had been a hard one. He had killed more times than he cared to think about and had lost everything and everyone he loved. Accept Hedwig. She was still with him and he could bear to part with her. She lived in his back yard and came and went as she pleased. She would come and sit with him when he sat outside and come inside with him when it rained or got cold. She and those pictures were the only remnants of his old life he allowed in his new one.

After the war, he had been hailed a hero. In all honesty he had deserved it this time. Accept for his friends few had died. After Dumbledore's death he had spent every spare second training. His power level had gone through the roof. He had become easily the most powerful man alive. Wandless magic, multiple Animagi, mild metamorphic abilities, the gift of languages, he was even a fire elemental. But that had not been enough to save his friends. So what if he was the most powerful wizard since Merlin, he still had not been able to save the ones he loved the most.

So he had left. Adoring fan he had hundreds of; but true friends, not one. They were all dead.

He set up a relief fund, of his own money, to help out those who had suffered during the war. He had been named had Sirius' sole heir and as Dumbledore's. He used the money from Dumbledore account to run the relief fund to help the war survivors and rebuild Hogwarts. He had also combined the Black and Potter vaults, that money was to go to Hogwarts upon his death. His account manager, Silvertin, was the only magical creature other than Hagrid that knew how to reach him, as he was sent financial records once a year. Add to that the awards given him after the battles and all total he was worth more than the muggle royal family of Brittan. Not that he wanted it. He would give it all to have his friends back. He withdrew enough to get to America when he had left and the rest was used for charity or waiting in trust to go to Hogwarts.

He had planed to get a job as soon as he got to Atlanta, but that was when he had found out that OWLs only translated to a high school diploma and NEWTs to an associate's degree. If he wanted a good job he needed to go to college, muggle college. He had attended Georgia Tech and double majored in Romance Languages and German and Slavic Languages. He had figures this would be a cake walk with his gift in languages and had been right. While in school he started working nights to pay rent at a cheers-like bar named Bucks. And now, ten years later, he still hadn't left.


When Harry got to Buck's he banged on the back door. A few minutes later he heard the bolt clang and then the door opened.

Jim stood looking at him for a second, then spoke. "What? You have so much fun here during the day, you figured you come back at night?"

"No" Harry answered. "I just got paid and knew there'd be a game, besides I needa get pissed."

Jim stepped aside to let him enter laughing at his 'British-ism.' Even though he had been in America a decade he still reverted when he was tired or drunk.

"Pissed, huh? Well we need a fourth anyway." Jim commented. "Alright what's your poison?"

"Scotch. Whose not here?"

"Todd. You know the drill. Record what ya drink for inventory. Get whacha want an' join us. Will deal you in next hand." With that Jim headed back to his game.

Harry fixed his drink, if you can call grabbing a bottle of single malt and a glass 'fixing', and headed toward the game. On seeing him enter the other men involved exchanged glances. "You know, Harry, it'd be quicker if you just gave us your money and took the bottle home." Thomas said after Harry sat down.

Harry glared at the man who had spoken. Thomas, one of the other bar tenders, was a rather large black man that had been born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Harry rather liked him best of the lot, even if he was a smart ass. Jim, the current owner, was Buck's son. He had taken over the place when his dad had died 6 years ago. The other player, Rick, was from Wisconsin. He had moved to Georgia for college and dropped out after a year. The other bartender, Todd, was from Tennessee.

"So Rick," Harry started, deciding to ignore Thomas' comment. "Where's you man?"

Rick made a face before answering. "His parent's are in town this week for the fourth..."

"And they still doesn't know he's Gay... so you got tossed on you arse till the in-laws leave?" Harry chuckled.

"Hell, Harry, they don't even know he drinks and he's worked in a bar for 2 years. Just as well I guess, his dad being a Church of God pastor, they probably quit helping him pay for his schoolin' and disown him if they knew. Anyway, Tommy-boy here offered his couch for the duration out of the goodness of his heart. And 'cause I offered to work that weekend so he could take his girls to see the fireworks. Since I obviously won't be spending it with Todd, I figured I might as well be here makin' money."

Jim turned to Tom saying, "I though Mira got the girls independence weekend or I wouldn't have scheduled you, sorry."

"That's ok." Tom waved him off. "She was supposed to have them, but she was going up to her parent's place in D.C. and Shannon begged to stay here so I got 'um. Anybody got a light?"

"I do. Got another one of those with you?" Harry asked, seeing Tom pull out a cigar.

"Got a whole box." He answered passing the open box to the others at the table.

The talk around the table stayed light as they continued to play. Around 4 am Harry called it quits. He had lost a couple hundred dollars and finished of most of his bottle of Scotch. He waved to his friend and co-workers and began in treck home. Half way there he heard a sound that would change his life forever.
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