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The Companion Adventures

by Kiyohime93 1 review

When the Doctor has to go away on a mission alone, the companions are left to their own devices. River Song, the wife of the Doctor, crashes in the year 2009 within her own T.A.R.D.I.S.. She decide...

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: R - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2014-09-10 - 1718 words

I do not own Doctor Who or anything related to it. This is just a lemon fan fiction for the reader to enjoy. If you do not like Doctor Who or how I portray the characters, then back out of reading now. Nope? You've been warned. Enjoy!

Prologue : The Time Crash of Companions

Rose walked through her door of her flat exhausted from her recent excursion with The Doctor. He had decided to let her stay at home for a while and relax before returning to get her at a much later time. Rose laid on her sofa flipping through text messages on her cellular phone. A majority of them were from her boyfriend Mickey. He never was home that much anymore - work was keeping him from her. She had recently moved into this flat away from her mother. Her mother was dating quite often now and Rose felt that she needed out of that house if and when her mother let a guy move in. She didn't wanna feel like a third wheel living there so about a few weeks ago, she moved in. Some of her things were still in boxes, but at the moment she was too lazy to get up and start putting things in the cabinets. She put her phone on the tea table near her and sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. "That bloody thing is cracked.. Must have been when the Daleks last attacked." She got up and went into the kitchen to look through the cooler..Milk 3 weeks past its expiration, half molded bread and for some reason all the meats had ruined. She bowed her head as she closed the door to write on the notepad attached to the door. "Must...ask..The Doctor..if there is...any type..of preservation..device I..can use" she spoke as she wrote it down. She was slightly disheartened that she had to leave him in the T.A.R.D.I.S. but his face basically told her that he had to be somewhere that was not safe for her. His face was one of many, she had learned. She didn't care, he was her Doctor and that was all to be told about that. She was about to go to the loo before bed when she heard a knock at the door. She groaned as she rushed to the door. It didn't have a peeper slot on it so she had to open to see who it was. She was surprised as a rather busty woman wearing a red bustier, slim jeans and red stilettos stood before her.. "Who in the bloody hell are you?!" Rose exclaimed seeing the woman before her.

River was not one to actually need help from anyone, but this recent adventure really did a number on her. She had to make a quick escape from the year 1547.. The people of that time in Renaissance England had accused her of poisoning King Henry VIII. All she had done was gone there to look for artifacts supposedly dropped by different time travelers from the Ottoman Empire in 1305. Being an Archaeologist was a tough job, not to mention she was constantly bumping into different versions of The Doctor. She was married to him, but each time she saw him, it seemed like he didn't even know her. Those times broke her heart a little bit at a time, but she stood strong knowing that he would always be her Doctor, her Lover, her Husband. She was travelling in her version of the T.A.R.D.I.S., a much darker blue than the one that her husband the Timelord travels in. Since she was born half human and half Timelord, she was able to control a time machine such as this from the Planet Gallifrey. She was once questioned by him how she had acquired it, but she just smiled and said the usual, "Spoilers.." The control panel of the T.A.R.D.I.S. was partially destroyed due to the arrows that had been shot by the guards at Tudor Palace. "Curses..This damned thing won't work..something is interfering with the mechanics of it.." she said as she attempted to use the sonic screwdriver, hitting it against her hand, its whirring coming and going before it started working again. "There we ---" she started before the T.A.R.D.I.S. starting turning all topsy turvy. It was about to crash and she had no idea in which time she would end up in. It finally stopped, throwing her against the door. She pulled herself together before holding the screwdriver out the door. She pulled her arm back in and popped the top of it. "2009 huh? Splendid.." She needed to find a place to stay while the T.A.R.D.I.S. repaired itself for 24 hours. She stepped out the door and looked around, "And Cambridgeshire no less.." She looked back briefly seeing her time machine going into regeneration mode as it slowly disappeared. She proceeded up the alleyway finding herself on a street. The first flat in her sights was directly across from where she had landed. She tucked the sonic screwdriver into the back pocket of her pants. She stood on the steps for a moment or two before inhaling, "Now is as good a time as any.." She knocked on the door and before long a young woman appeared before her asking who in the hell she was, "My name is Professor River Song..My "car" is in the shop and I have nowhere to stay..Mind if I use your phone to call someone?"


Martha Jones was on her own, not a man to be needed in her life. Sure, she hated abandoning The Doctor, but it was too much of a lifestyle for her and it certainly didn't match her own expectations. She wanted to see the world, not how the world would be in a thousand years or some other third world place in a distant galaxy. She loved the fact that every now and again she would get a glimpse of that annoying blue box, or hear that 'whirring' sound it always makes. That was proof enough to her that he hadn't just crawled up into a corner and sobbed over her departure. She lived in an upstairs flat on the edge of London. Very expensive place, filled to the brim with a great suite and a wonderful view of Buckingham Palace. She had a nice job and could very well take care of herself. But there was something missing. Something that would make her life different in many ways than one. As she watched the world pass by from her front room window, she could feel herself have a wanting of desire. She had never liked the company of a man and found herself lacking in the going out department. She has a great dark-skinned body, beautiful figure and great bust. Any man would want her, any man has tried to get her, but they just don't 'do it' for her like she would like. She has always wondered what it would be like to have a night out or a night in with a person of the same sex. These thoughts would often drive her to pleasure herself in more ways than one. She had done this so much that her body soon forgot how to be pleasured by anyone else. She felt her stomach growling and knew that she would soon need to go out and find something to eat. She grabbed on her leather jacket and her spare Sonic Screwdriver that The Doctor had left her with to remember him by as she headed out to the marketplace on the northern side of downtown. As she walked lost in her own thoughts, she bumped into a very red headed woman. She looked at this stranger intently as her mind began to race and her heart begin to pump up and out of her chest. "I'm s-sorry, didn't mean to bump into you, Miss?.."


Amy Pond was a strongwilled, level headed woman that at times had her own anger issues. She was married to a man known as the Last Centurian, had a child with him that was half timelord and half human and her life was quite topsy-turvy time to time. She and her husband Rory had travelled with The Doctor on several occasions leading to many misadventures and times of fun, not to mention a bloody hell of a lot of running. Oh that Doctor of hers was one character that was not to be trifled with. She would admit to anyone except her husband that she had at one time had a love obsession with The Doctor, thus why at times she imagines herself being with him in perculiar situations of the sexual kind. As she walked through the streets of London heading to the marketplace on Lone Elm Drive, her mind was wandering into its own corner of her head as she had wondered why The Doctor had dropped her and Rory off here in 2009. The three of them had been together for so long that it seemed like they would never be apart. But The Doctor had explained to them that he had a certain area of time to be in that would require him to be on full alert and he didn't want them to be in any sort of danger. Amy had tried to reason with him that they had gone up against the universes most strange and dangerous creatures and races, but her words didn't reach through to the Timelord. He had dropped them off anyway. They didn't have a flat together at this certain time thus requiring them to find one and in a hurry. She was looking through a marketing book as she bumped into another woman. Even though the other woman was dark-skinned, it was very evident that she was blushing. "No miss, just Amy Pond." Amy was wanting to be on her way but something caught her eye sticking out of the woman's pocket on her jacket, "What in bloody hell are you doing with a Sonic Screwdriver?"

Next Chapter | Chapter One : Meeting of Instance
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