Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Touch her, or I'll make you.

Choose boys or I will.

by Party__Poison 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2014-09-15 - 242 words

Paige POV.

I stand back a little as i see Frank running toward Tyler with a bit of glass. Logan grab me and throws me back to where he is. He grabs my boobs. "You do that I'll rape her. The other one to" By the time he had said this Frank had slit his throat. Me and Megan cried out and she ran with me but I tripped up. He tied me to the tree and he chucked Gerard and Frank beside me. "Which ones gonna fuck who?" I cried out help when I saw Paige getting dragged back here. They chucked Paige against a tree and she passes out. Logan came over to me and ripped off my clothes. I screamed as he chucked my bra and pants in the fire. He grabbed Gerard's hand and put it on my boob. He made Frank do the same. He grabbed a vibrator and he pushed it deep inside my pussy. I screamed as he moved it around. He chucked me over and grabbed Gerard and he pulled down his trousers. He kept on pulling back so he through him to Paige and she stripped off and pushed Gerard's fingers in her fanny. I screamed out as Logan put his dick inside of me and started rocking his hips. He fucked me hard until he came inside of me. Roxi had an amazing orgasm as Gerard got made to finger her hard.
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