Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > (now press repeat)


by StormVandal 0 reviews

Please never mention him again.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2014-10-24 - Updated: 2015-02-21 - 1170 words - Complete

Mikey can't stop crying. His chest heaves and his shoulders shudder and his hands clench so tightly on the steering wheel that his knuckles go white. He's glad it's so late and he doesn't have to share the road with other people, because he's fucking blinded.
The Boy With the Thorn In His Side comes up next on the CD in the player. Mikey ejects it and throws it out the window onto the road.

"Valentines Day tomorrow," says Brian from down the hall as Mikey unlocks his mailbox. "Got any plans with Pete?"
Mikey wants to cry again. "No," he mumbles, grabbing the pile of what looks like junk mail and shoving it under his arm without giving it a second glance.
"What?! Dude! Better get cracking finding reservations or something. You don't wanna end up at home with takeout."
Mikey nods and smiles weakly. He walks past Brian without looking at him. "I have to go to bed now."
Brian sounds puzzled when he replies, "It's 8 o'clock."

"Showtime at the Apollo," William says quietly when the lights in the Way guy's window go out. He pulls the van into the building's parking lot and stops it near the entrance.
They struggle through the lobby door and up to the second floor, each holding one end of a big cardboard box. William's companion, a younger man with brown hair and thick-framed glasses, reads the numbers on the doors out loud as they walk past.
"262... 264... 266..."
"Brendon, be quiet," William hisses. "286. This is it."
He balances his half of the box against his hip, clutching at it with one hand as he turns the door handle.
"Whoa," says Brendon as they walk into the apartment. "This place is /boring/."
William rolls his eyes. "Come on, we need to get started."
They set the box down on a table next to the pull-out bed where the Way guy is passed out. William starts unpacking it; he hands Brendon a strange-looking contraption, which Brendon starts to strap on to the Way guy's head.
The machine whirs to life and connects to William's computer. He presses a few buttons and sits back. "Here we go."

"Valentine's Day tomorrow. Got any plans with Pete?"
"What?! Dude! Better get cracking finding reservations or something. You don't wanna end up at home with takeout."
Mikey stares at himself, standing in front of the mailboxes. "What the hell," he mutters as Brian goes blurry. He vaguely hears "It's 8 o'clock" but the sound is distorted and tinny. He blinks at the mailboxes in front of him.

William clicks a button and nods at Brendon. "Got it- Brendon, put that down."
Brendon rolls his eyes and sets down the statuette he's holding. "You need to relax."
Click click click.

"No, Mikey..."
"'No, Mikey' what, Gerard? Valentine's Day is, like, three days away. I gotta fix this!"
Gerard gives him a pitying look. Mikey looks down at the floor so he doesn't have to see it.
"I tried calling him earlier but he's changed his number."
He glances at Frank, who looks thoroughly unsurprised. Mikey can't help but feel like both of them were expecting this. He doesn't like it.
"So I went into The Academy earlier. I thought I could apologize, get him to talk to me, and..." He looks at Gerard desperately. "You won't believe it. He was there with this... guy. This young guy. And he just looked at me, like he didn't even know me."

When Mikey walks into The Academy, he ignores the CD racks and the couple of people hanging around and goes straight to the counter at the back. Pete's sitting there chewing on his thumbnail and reading a book; the cover reads Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance.
He shoves his hands into his pockets and takes a deep breath.
"Um," he says.
Pete looks up; Mikey flinches, expecting a glare or a cold look. Instead, Pete just stares at him blankly.
"Can I help you, sir?" he says politely.
"Um," Mikey says again.
Before he has a chance to think of something smooth to say, the Employees Only door behind Pete swings open; Mikey catches the flash of glasses before the guy trips and falls to the floor. Pete bursts out laughing, putting his book down and dropping to his knees beside the guy, who's got his head down as he picks up the papers that have spilled out of his bag.
"You okay, Brenny?" Pete asks; the fondness in his voice makes Mikey's stomach twist uneasily.
And then, as if it's nothing, Pete is leaning in and kissing the guy, tilting his head so it's straight on the mouth.
Mikey thinks he's going to be sick.
He stands there, frozen, until Pete breaks away and looks up at him. "Let me know if you need anything, sir," he says, his tone clipped and professional.
Mikey continues to stand there like an idiot for a few seconds before turning and practically running out of the store.
The lights go out behind him.

He's back in Frank and Gerard's living room, with the two of them looking uncomfortably at each other from opposite sides of the room. He sits heavily down on the stairs and puts his head in his hands.
"How could he do that to me?" he mumbles.
There is a long and awkward pause.
"...Anyone want a joint?" Frank asks.
"Give it a rest, Frank!" Gerard sighs, sounding thoroughly exasperated.
"Maybe I'll go to his place or something," Mikey muses.
"No!" Frank yelps; Mikey stares at him and Gerard rolls his eyes. Frank's eyes widen and he backtracks. "You don't want to do that, man. You'll seem desperate."
"Just see it as a clean break?" Gerard suggests; Mikey can't help but notice his hopeful tone. He puts his head back in his hands and doesn't say anything. He can feel both of them staring at him.
"Listen, Mikey," Frank says finally; Mikey looks up to see him rooting through the side table drawer. He pulls out an envelope and holds it out.
"Frank!" Gerard snaps. "What the fuck are you doing?!"
"Well, what's your brilliant suggestion, Gerard?!" Frank snaps back. "What's your genius solution?!"
"Don't make this about us! This is about Mikey!"
"I agree, this is about Mikey! Who's an /adult/, not your fucking baby brother!"
For a moment, Mikey thinks Gerard's going to hit Frank. Instead, he storms past Mikey up the stairs. The sound of a door slamming echoes through the house; Frank sighs heavily and holds the envelope out to Mikey, who gets up to take and open it.
Dear Mr and Mr Iero-Way,
Pete Wentz has had Mikey Way erased from his memory. Please never mention him again.

"...Okay," Mikey says.
Dear Mr and Mr Iero-Way,
has had Mikey Way erased from his memory. Please never mention him again.

"What is it?!" Mikey yells; his hands are shaking.
"I don't know," says Frank. "It's some place that does a thing."
The card goes blank.
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