Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Truth Is, You Should Lie With Me

Won't You Think I'm Pretty When I'm Standing Top the Bright Lit City

by suchaphuckinladyy

Chapter title from Taste Of Ink, The Used

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2014-10-27 - 8713 words

Sean and Frank knocked on Adam’s door and waited for him to open it. Not even a minute later the door was being yanked open and they were presented with a red eyed Adam. Frank walked inside and reached for Adam while Sean closed the door behind them. The house was dark because he was the only one home and he wanted it that way.

“Oh baby… how bad was it?”

Adam sniffled and wiped at his nose pathetically with his shirt sleeve. Actually it was Mikey’s shirt; Adam had kept it after coming back home from spending those three days with Mikey. It was now Saturday, December 27th. Two days after and he and Mikey had gotten into a huge fight.

“Come here. Let’s go to your room so you can tell us what happened.”

Adam hiccupped and nodded. Frank took off his coat and scarf and handed it to Sean. Sean took off his stuff next and hung it all up on the coat hanger.


“Sean will make us some hot chocolate, yeah?”

Frank looked over at Sean and Sean nodded, already heading to the kitchen.

“Thanks Sean.”

“No problem.”

Frank walked Adam upstairs and sat him on his bed. Adam pulled the duvet up over himself and brought his knees to his chest. He ducked his head down into the blanket and wiped at his eyes.

“I hate myself.”

“Don’t say that.”

Frank reached out and placed his hand on Adam’s knee and gave it a reassuring caress.

“It’s true. He shouldn’t mean this much to me so soon. I shouldn’t care this much.”

Frank briefly thought back to when he had the same feelings about Gerard after only knowing him for such a short time.

“That’s how I felt about Gerard. You’re not alone. Those fucking Way’s just have a way at charming themselves into your heart so quickly.”

Adam chuckled lightly and sniffed. He pulled his head from the blanket and looked at Frank sadly.

“And pants."

Frank laughed loudly as Adam laughed with him. His laughter calmed down slowly and he began talking again.

"I swear sometimes I wonder what I am even doing. He’s so much older than I am. Maybe he was right about me being immature.”

“Okay stop right there… Gerard loves to call me immature but at the end of the day I know that he can be more childish than I am. So never bend to what he’s saying to make him feel better about the fact that you may just be acting the correct way someone falling would.”

Frank slid his shoes off and then climbed into the bed next to Adam. He wrapped his arm around him and placed Adam’s head on his shoulder. He carded his fingers through his hair like he had done for Gerard. Adam started crying again silently and Frank let him.

Sean entered the room with a tray and their hot chocolate on it. They each had their own mugs at each other’s house. Adam looked up when he heard the mugs clink together and started crying harder when he looked at his own mug next to Frank’s.

“What’s wrong Adam? I’m pretty sure you fancied hot chocolate a week ago.”

Sean joked and Adam nodded towards the mugs and it clicked for Frank.

“We had a little debate with Mikey the other day about who’s the best super hero. Batman was the topic and yeah.”

Sean nodded and sat the tray down on the dresser.

“I could switch the mug.”

“N-no… it’s okay. It would feel weird having a regular one when you guys have yours.”

Sean smiled and picked up Frank’s Batman mug and handed it to him. Frank smiled and thanked Sean. Sean then gave Adam his Superman mug and took his own Spider-Man mug. He toed off his shoes and then climbed in the bed on the side of Adam that Frank wasn’t occupying.

He leaned his head on Adam’s shoulder briefly and then sat back up. They simultaneously sipped their hot chocolate cautiously. Adam moaned his approval and Frank smiled at his satisfied closed eyes friend. Sean mentally congratulated himself and when he looked at Frank he knew he was doing the same.

“Are you ready to tell us what happened?”

Adam gave Sean the mug and then leaned his head on Sean’s shoulder once he was seated comfortably back in the bed again. He took a deep breath and nodded. Frank leaned on Adam’s shoulder and listened as he started to recount the events of the argument that morning.


Mikey came back from the bathroom and saw Adam sitting on the sofa with his mouth slightly ajar. He walked further into the living room and saw that Adam was holding his phone. He took it from him and read the text on the screen. Mikey sighed and sat down next to Adam.

Mikey reached out and touched Adam’s thigh. Adam stood up quickly and stared down at Mikey. For a long time he just looked at him trying to figure out what to do. He’d never been faced with something like this in his life and he didn’t think he would be.

“Are you cheating on me?”

“My goodness Adam, no!”

Mikey stood up face to face with Adam. It was as if he sensed it, but he knew this would turn violent, by the look in Adam’s eyes. He didn’t want to be caught off guard; of course he wouldn’t fight Adam back.

“So who is that and why would he be asking you ‘when are you gonna come and give me some more of that COCK!?’”

Mikey grabbed Adam’s hand as he took a swing at Mikey’s face. Mikey spun him around in his arms and restrained him. Adam kept wriggling in his arms and thrashing around. Mikey was having a hard time keeping him at bay.

“Adam please calm down!”


Adam kicked back off of the table and sent them crashing onto the carpeted floor. Adam tried to scramble off of Mikey, but Mikey grabbed him and rolled him over so that he was on top of him, pinning him down. Mikey leaned down and kissed Adam against his will. Adam struggled for a long while before giving in and opening his mouth to receive Mikey’s passionate kiss.

Adam moaned into the kiss and pushed up into Mikey. Mikey moved his thigh between Adam’s legs, rubbing it against Adam’s crotch. Adam moans again and turns his head to the side. Mikey attaches his mouth to Adam’s neck and sucks, moving his tongue slowly. Adam ruts against Mikey’s thigh, begging for friction. Mikey reaches down and moves his hand between them to pull down Adam’s pajamas.

If this would be the last time Mikey would touch him Adam was going to take it and enjoy it. He didn’t know what else to do but let it happen. His body was sadly calling out for Mikey, even through the anger, and he wasn’t going to deny himself the pleasure especially if it would be the last time.

Adam helps Mikey by shaking his legs out of the pants. Mikey wraps his long fingers around Adam’s cock and starts pumping him. Adam whines and slides inside Mikey’s fist, smearing the pre cum that already started forming, making Mikey insane.

Mikey wasn’t cheating on Adam at all. He’s been faithful and this is indeed the first time. Mikey was known to get what he wants from where he wants. That wasn’t him anymore. He didn’t know why Adam changed him so much and so quickly but he wished that Adam would believe him when he is actually telling the truth. All his exes always believed his lies and now that he’s telling the truth he doesn’t get the trust he should.

Mikey lifts up and slides his sweats off his waist and kicks them the rest of the way off. Adam reaches down and starts pumping Mikey too now. Mikey takes his free hand and puts his fingers to Adam’s lips. Adam starts sucking on them obscenely, making sure to leave lots of saliva.

Mikey takes his fingers out and reaches down to run those fingers along Adam’s opening. Adam relaxes to the soft sensations running throw him with each small bump. Mikey pushed one finger into him and started moving it around. Adam pushed down begging Mikey for more.

Mikey didn’t fail to give the boy what he wanted. He pulled his finger out and entered back in with two this time. Adam hissed and shuddered with the motion, rolling his hips slowly, and asking Mikey to move. Mikey started scissoring his fingers to stretch Adam more. Adam moaned and trembled when his prostate was brushed by Mikey’s delicate fingers.

“I want you.”

Mikey pulled his fingers out. He smeared his pre cum around his cock and then held his hand to his face to spit in his palm. He covered his whole cock with it and smiled at the hungry lustful stare in Adam’s eyes. Adam was panting and anticipating what was to come.

Mikey lined himself up and wasted no time in pushing into Adam’s love nest. Adam moaned huskily and threw his head back, arching so high up off the floor into Mikey. Mikey thrusts sharply into Adam as he watches the beautiful way his face is twisting. Adam opens his eyes and gazes off into the distance looking totally blissed out.

Mikey leans down and kisses at Adam’s chin until he moves his face down and connect their lips. They kiss passionately and move into each other. Mikey pushes his fingers through Adam’s hair and kisses him harder with more tongue. Adam moans loudly into Mikey’s mouth when Mikey’s hips take on that certain angle to hit Adam’s prostate.


“Yeah baby? What do you want me to do?”

Adam shook under Mikey’s thrusts and words.

“M-make m-me cum… Mikey! Make me cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!”

Adam’s explodes between both of their bodies from Mikey’s consistent thrusts at his prostate, slickening up their stomachs and chest. Mikey can’t resist the way Adam’s clenching around him any longer and spills inside of him. Adam stares up at Mikey and then gets this look in his eyes.

“Is that what you’re giving to him?”

Mikey looks at Adam in astonishment. Whatever sexual spell Adam was under was far gone now, it was instantaneous.


Mikey sits up and pulls out of Adam causing him to wince slightly.

“Why the fuck would you say that?”

“You know why!”

Adam stands up and cringes as Mikey’s semen starts sliding down his thighs. He feels disgusting now knowing that Mikey could have been doing the same thing to someone else.

“Who is he!?”

“He’s just a boy I used to mess around with! We stayed friends because we go to the same college! I would’ve never expected him to say that though! If I had I wouldn’t have kept his number!”

Adam pulled on his pajama pants and made a face at the wetness rubbing from his thighs to the pants. It felt repulsive for some reason now. Any other time he would’ve loved it. He loved when Mikey would leave him feeling dirty.

“I don’t believe you Mikey. I think you are having relations with him. I find that totally random for a friend to say. I mean you both go to the same college for crying out loud. How do I know you don’t fuck him somewhere on campus?”

“That is ridiculous Adam!”

“No it isn’t Mikey! That’s totally plausible!”

“Adam, what do I have to do to prove to you that I am telling you the truth?”

Adam shook his head at Mikey. He just couldn’t believe him. He wanted to like hell but he didn’t know Mikey that long and he knew how Mikey was. Mikey never hid that from him but Mikey told him that he was different. Maybe he wasn’t so different after all.

“If only it were that simple.”

“I thought you trusted me!”

“I did.”

“Past tense.”

“Yes… exactly.”

“You’re being immature. If you can’t trust me then maybe I shouldn’t be here!”

Mikey was getting angrier by the second. He shoved his legs back into his sweats and pulled them up hastily. Adam couldn’t believe he called him immature. He was on the verge of attacking Mikey again.

“Maybe you shouldn’t!”



Mikey grabbed his keys off the mantle, coat off the hook, and waltzed out of Adam’s house, shutting the door harshly behind him. Adam collapsed to the floor and started crying loudly. Mikey stood outside of the door and listened to the boy’s heart breaking. He wanted to go back in there but if Adam wasn’t going to trust him then what would be the point?

Mikey walked away from the door slowly and walked towards his car. He opened the door and slammed it once he was inside. He hit his steering wheel once, twice, three times, and shouted. He stared angrily while gripping the steering wheel. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt the one boy who was finally good enough to tame him.

Mikey started up his car and turned on his music. He turned the volume up way too loud for it to be ten in the morning. Mikey put on his glasses and stepped down on the gas. He was going to pay Clay a little visit for ruining his chances with a good guy.

Adam sat there crying and shaking. He was so upset with Mikey and not because of what he saw but because he let him get that close. Mikey made him believe that he was different and he made him fall quicker than he should have. He shouldn’t care this much about Mikey but he does.

Maybe he spent too much time with Mikey and that’s why he felt so attached. Maybe it was because Mikey treated him amazingly. Mikey treated Adam so good that he gave himself away to Mikey after only knowing him for a week. Adam made his last boyfriend wait three months before he got to have him and that ended a week after.

Adam knew he should’ve been more careful with his heart but for some reason Mikey got in there and was holding on. Adam sat there wondering why he’d let himself believe that he was any different than anyone else Mikey had been with. He didn’t think of himself as someone that could have a hold on anyone or anything spectacular. He knew he was nothing special so why did he let Mikey make him feel otherwise?


“Wow Adam… I’m sorry you have to go through this.”

“We’re going to help you through it.”

“I trusted him. He told me I was different.”

Adam started crying again and Sean held him.

“Look, I know Mikey has the worst track record but I don’t think he’d purposefully hurt you. I can tell you mean a lot to him.”

“How Frankie?”

“I can just see it. He asked you to stay over with him for Christ sakes. Gerard told me he was shocked because Mikey never asked people to stay over. He would stay at their house so he can leave when he’s done with whatever they’re doing. Adam, you’re special. I’m telling you, you are. I just know it. I have that feeling.”

“I don’t.”

Sean sighed and looked at Adam.

“Look, I’m with Frankie on this. I don’t think he’d hurt you.”

“Why not?”

“Because you mean something to him and you keep him grounded. He’s been spending all of his time with you.”

“Okay. He still goes to school and that boy goes to school with him. He was at school last week.”

“Adam stop. You’re creating things that aren’t there.”

Adam shook his head and slid from between the two boys. He walked into his bathroom and closed the door loudly. Sean and Frank looked at each other and sighed. What were they going to do to convince Adam that Mikey was innocent?


Gerard held his brother’s head on his shoulder. He knew Mikey was really upset. He only ever rested his head on Gerard’s shoulder when his life was at a low point. Mikey had told Gerard everything and now Gerard was just trying to put the right words together.

“Mikey… I think you should go back. You should’ve never left him alone in that state. You should’ve been his shoulder even if you were the reason why he needed one in the first place.”

“He wouldn’t listen to me though Gee. I wouldn’t do that to him. I know how I was with people in the past but Adam is really the only one who has my attention. I beat Clay’s ass pretty good.”

Gerard shook his head at Mikey.

“Violence should never be the answer.”

“You’re one to talk Blade.”

“Oooooh, that’s a low blow Mikes.”

“Yeah, well?”

Mikey sighed and closed his eyes. It had only been about an hour and a half since the whole thing and he feels like it’s been months. He knew he was probably over reacting. Adam never said he was done with him but he could feel that Adam wasn’t going to be easy to convince.

Mikey really liked Adam and more than he should have. Mikey was the kind of guy who didn’t like using titles because he knew he’d be cheating. Some people had the luck of getting a title but not the faithfulness. He’d get with them and cheat three days later; that was just Mikey.

Adam was different though. The first time they spoke on the phone Mikey had ended the call by making Adam his boyfriend; that was the first day they’d met. Every day after that Mikey texted Adam and called him every night. He saw Adam whenever he could and just had an amazing three days with him. Now everything was just crashing over one text.

Mikey didn’t know how he was going to do it but he was going to make sure that he kept Adam and be as true to him as he could. Adam was what he needed, just like he’d said the first time he laid eyes on him, and he soon found out that it was true. He would do what his brother said and go back to Adam.


Frank, Adam, and Sean all looked towards the door when they heard a knock on it. Frank got up from off of the sofa and walked over to the door. He opened it up and was shocked at who was on the other side.

“Hey Frankie.”

“Hey Mikes.”

Frank had nothing against Mikey. He knew that he wouldn’t do that to Adam. He could just tell. He had spent the past hour pointing out why he didn’t think Mikey was guilty of any cheating.

“Come on in man.”

Mikey walked inside and instantly let his eyes fall on Adam. He saw the hurt and pain the boy went through with just one little text. He never wanted to truly hurt him and sleep with someone else. Mikey walked over to where Adam was and held his hand out for him to take.

Adam grasped Mikey’s hand tightly and stood up. Mikey pulled him into a tight hug. Adam closed his eyes and let out a shallow sigh. He couldn’t believe he almost let an amazing guy go over something as stupid as an assumption. Adam pulled back and looked at Mikey.

Adam felt stupid about the whole thing. Mikey had been truthful with him from the start so why would he start lying now? Adam should’ve known to trust Mikey. Just because he lied to others didn’t mean he would lie to him. Adam looked deeply into Mikey’s eyes and knew he wouldn’t purposely hurt him.

“I trust you Mikey.”

Mikey smiled slowly and wrapped him up in another tight embrace. Mikey pulled back and kissed Adam softly but a little heatedly. They were already starting to breathe heavy in each other’s mouths.

Frank stood up and gestured for Sean to follow him out. They snuck across the floor, grabbed their coats, and opened the door quietly. They exited without being detected by either boy. Adam pulled back and noticed they were gone first.

“That was very nice of them to come over and be with you. I know that should’ve been me consoling you. I was an idiot for leaving you alone and treating you that way. I should’ve had patience with you.”

“It’s okay Mikey. I think it was good that you left so they could talk some sense into me.”

Adam took Mikey’s hand and led him up the stairs. He walked into his room and then closed the door. He went over and sat on his bed. He looked at Mikey expectantly and Mikey started crawling on the bed between Adam’s legs. He took off his coat and let it fall on the floor.

Mikey pulled Adam’s pants off again and motioned for Adam to take off his shirt. Once Adam was done he lay back on his pillows and watched as Mikey took him into his mouth slowly. Adam hissed and moved his hips up into Mikey’s warm and wet mouth.

“You’re mouth feels so gooood.”

Adam was already whining with the slow drags Mikey was doing along his shaft. Mikey smirked around Adam’s cock. He was going to give Adam the best blow job he’d ever received. Mikey pulled off and put his fingers in his mouth and wet them. He pulled them out and stuck them inside of Adam with no warning.


“Yeah baby.”

Adam panted and moved down on Mikey’s fingers as Mikey took him back into his mouth. Mikey worked his tongue around the muscle every way he knew how. He twirled his tongue fast and then agonizingly slow. Mikey drove Adam insane once he just started hitting Adam’s prostate. Mikey pulled off and whispered over Adam’s head.

“I’m sorry.”

Adam moaned and moved his hips up as Mikey kissed the head of Adam’s cock sensually.

“I’m so so sorry baby.”

Mikey was moaning out his words and Adam was now shaking against the sheets on his bed. He looked fucked out and like he was going to be put into a looney bin. His body seized up and then he shook with his release. He let himself spill into Mikey’s mouth and grinned drunkenly when Mikey licked at the cum that slid out at the corner of his mouth.

“I forgive you Mikey.”


“What would you have done if you had seen something like that in Gerard’s phone?”

Sean sat down in his bed and put his head in Frank’s lap while Frank flipped through the channels lazily.

“I would’ve reacted the same way. I probably wouldn’t have tried to hit him but I would’ve been very distraught.”

“Would you have believed him?”

Frank thought about it for a moment.

“I guess I would’ve if I truly believed what was in his eyes. If he looked like he was telling me the truth and was on the brink of tears or something I would’ve believed him.”

“Hm… I don’t know. I think I wouldn’t have. We would’ve been at the guy’s house and I would’ve been whooping some ass. I mean… I trust your cousin but that’s just not something you’d want to see in your significant others’ phone. I’d lose it.”

Frank nodded and threw the remote down.

“You’re right.”

Frank slid down in the bed.

“Everyone handles things differently but with each scenario it starts the same… not believing the person at first if ever.”

Sean agreed and moved his head onto his pillow. Frank pulled the duvet up over them and snuggled on Sean’s shoulder.

“There’s nothing on man.”

“I know. Let’s take a nap.”

Frank wasn’t about to object to that. They had been up all night on Friday and then were woken up early by Adam so they deserved a nap.


Frank snuggled in more and Sean kissed his forehead.

“Sleep tight Frankie.”

Frank smiled and dozed off along with Sean.

(Time Passes)

Sean reached onto the nightstand and pulled the ringing phone off and handed it to Frank. Frank looked at the screen and then answered groggily.


“Hey baby. Did I wake you?”

“No, I just sound like a zombie on the regs.”

Gerard laughed at Frank’s comeback. He’s even quick when he’s tired.

“I’m sorry baby. I just wanted to invite you over to eat pizza and watch movies with me.”

“I’m kind of cuddled with Sean right now.”

“Hey Gee.”

Frank put the phone to Sean’s ear.

“Hey Sean. Wanna come over to my place with your best friend and watch movies?”

“Sure. I don’t mind being the third wheel.”

“You can cuddle him. I’ll hold his feet.”


Frank laughed and took the phone back.

“We’ll be there soon babe.”

“Okay baby. Sorry again for waking you.”

“It’s cool. Everyone’s been doing it. Adam… you… it’s fine.”

“Oh yeah… that. Mikey came knocking on my door as soon as I started my coffee machine.”

“Mikey wouldn’t hurt Adam would he?”

That was pretty straight forward and Frank knew that Gerard could lie for his brother but he trusted that he wouldn’t.

“I will tell you this… Adam is the first person Mikey’s ever been faithful to.”

“How do I know he won’t cheat later down the line?”

“Babe… it’s not for you to know. It’s up to Adam to trust him with his heart but truthfully I don’t think Mikey would hurt Adam. I think he’d leave him before hurting him. He was pretty torn up about hurting Adam this morning. He even beat up the guy who sent the text.”

“Oh my God, really?”

“Yeah. I told him he shouldn’t have but he didn’t care. The guy hurt Adam’s feelings so.”

Frank nodded and yawned.

“Yeah. We’ll be there soon baby.”

“Okay. See you soon.”

Frank hung up the phone and sat it down.

“Let’s get something in my stomach before we go.”

“I thought I heard him say something about pizza?”

“Yeah, he did. That’s why I’m only going to make some toast. You know how weird my body can be.”

“Yeah, you do that. I’m gonna put on some different sweats. These ones bug me.”

Frank nodded and slid out of the bed to go make his toast. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He grabbed the butter from the fridge and the bread from the bread box. He untied it and pulled out four pieces of bread and popped them into the toaster. He pulled down the levers and pulled out two saucers.

Frank’s mother hated when he used saucers for his toast but he would always try to assure her that it was totally fine and normal. She didn’t see it that way and would make sure she always argued that with Frank. He still did it anyway and Sean’s mother never complained.

The toast popped out, bringing Frank out of his trance. Frank took out the toast cautiously and sat it on the two saucers. He took out a butter knife and started spreading the butter across the pieces of bread. Once he was done he put the butter back and he bread. He took the plates over to the table and sat down. He started eating his toast and let his mind wander a bit. He started letting the scene play out that Adam described as he and Gerard.



Frank stood there shaking with anger as he clutched Gerard’s phone in his hand. Gerard came rushing into the living room and looked at Frank like he was expecting a fire.

“What is it Frankie?”

“Don’t you fucking Frankie ME!!!”

Frank threw Gerard’s phone at him and it hit him in the chest. Gerard caught it and looked at Frank like he’d lost his everlasting mind.

“What the fuck was that for!?”

“Who is that Gerard!?”

Gerard looked at his phone and read the text. His eyes widened and he looked at Frank with worry now.

“This is nobody… he’s just an old friend.”


Gerard walked over to Frank but made sure to keep enough distance between them. Frank looked like he did all those years ago when he was hurt.

“Frankie we…”

“Stop calling me Frankie, Gerard. We are not friends or anything until you tell me what the FUCK that text is about! Did you fuck him!?”

“Frank yeah, but that was way before you.”

Frank sobbed and put his fingers in his hair. He tugged and turned away from Gerard as tears started falling from his eyes.

“Are you still fucking him?”

“No, I promise.”

“I don’t believe you. Why would he text something like that out of nowhere if you two are just friends?”

Frank pointed to the phone and looked at Gerard expectedly.

“I don’t know Frank…”


“Frank I swear…”


“Frankie please!?”


Frank walked away from Gerard and started putting on his shoes.

“Frank, where are you going?”

“Away from you, you scum bag.”

“Frank would you please stop talking to me like that; especially since I didn’t do anything.”

Gerard rushed after Frank as he walked to get his coat. He grabbed Frank’s arm and Frank spun around and pushed him back.

“Keep your filthy hands off of me.”

“Frank, you are fucking exaggerating! You don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re making yourself look like a fool! I promise I haven’t been cheating on you!”

“Fuck you! The only reason I would look like a fool is if I let you get away with lying and cheating!”

“Go through our texts Frank. Go ahead! You’ll see everything we talk about! He’s never said that!”

“Oh yeah, because phone calls are exempt!”

“I don’t talk on the phone with him! If you go through the texts you will see that he asked me why I never call him! I don’t want to talk to him other than the occasional ‘hey, how’s your life’ summary! That’s all Frank!”

Frank stared at Gerard.

“How am I supposed to believe that you’re not doing anything with him after he sends you something like that?”

“Trust me Frank. I am addicted to you. You know that.”


Frank jumped and looked at Sean wide eyed.

“What man? You don’t sneak up on people and tap them like that.”

“I’ve been standing here long enough to finish my toast. Thank you by the way.”

Frank looked at Sean’s saucer and sure enough it was empty.

“Sorry. Let’s get going.”

Frank stood up and headed out of the kitchen.

“I would kill Gerard by the way.”

Sean furrowed his brows and then smiled once he realized what Frank was referring to. He laughed and put the plates in the sink before leaving out of the kitchen.

“I’m sure you would.”

Sean grabbed his keys and headed for the door. He followed suit and put on his coat, scarf, gloves, and hat.

“Let’s go violent man.”

Frank laughed and opened the door for them to get on their way.

(Time Passes)

“I hate that you live so far.”

Gerard smiled and opened the door more so the boys could enter.

“Hello to you too baby.”

Frank smiled and took off his coat.

“Yeah, whatever.”

Sean nodded to Gerard and took off his coat and gave it to Frank.

“This is a nice set up you have in here Gerard.”

“Thank you Sean.”

“You really are an amazing artist.”

Gerard looked at Frank and Frank blushed.

“Thank you both.”

Gerard smiled and Frank blushed deeper. Sean wasn’t supposed to let on that he praises Gerard when he isn’t around. It was just bro code. Frank rolled his eyes at Sean, unbeknownst him.

“So anyway… where’s the pizza?”

Gerard laughed and kissed Frank on his forehead.

“My baby is always ready for the pizza.”


Gerard chuckled and walked over to the sofa to sit down.

“It’s on its way. Come get comfortable.”

Frank went to join Gerard on the sofa while Sean continued to look at all of Gerard’s art pieces.

“Sean wanted to be an artist when he was younger.”


Sean looked at Gerard and nodded before letting his head drop.

“I wasn’t half as good as you are though. I gave up.”

Gerard leaned forward and looked at Sean seriously.

“Hey, that’s no way to look at it. If you’re not good you practice until you are. You never give up on your dreams.”

Sean shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“I guess.”

“Hey… I could even help you out dude. I have plenty of supplies, you could come over, and I could teach you a few things. I don’t mind.”

“I don’t know… maybe.”

Frank took off his shoes and folded his legs on the sofa.

“You should do it Sean. You really loved art and you were happy whenever you were doing it.”

Sean walked over and sat on the sofa with them.

“I guess I could give it a try again someday.”

The doorbell rang and Gerard jumped up.

“Pizza’s here!”

Frank clapped excitedly and went into the kitchen to get some paper plates. He walked back out with the desired number and sat them on the table. He looked at the soda and rolled his eyes. He walked back into the kitchen and got some glasses. Gerard was handing out the pizza when he walked back into the room.

Frank smiled at him and sat the glasses down. Gerard and Sean were talking about art and who their favorite artists were. Sean was smiling and laughing with Gerard and it made Frank happy. He was glad his best friend and boyfriend liked each other because they both mean so much to him.

Gerard smiled up at Frank and Frank smiled back. Gerard gave him his pizza and then they all sat around eating and drinking while talking about their art interests and their favorite types of art. They completely forgot about the movie. By the time they were finished eating Gerard had decided they would mess around in his art supplies.

Gerard stood up and gestured for the rest of them to follow him. Frank had never been in Gerard’s art room before. He knew where it was and everything but he just never wanted to intrude on Gerard’s personal work. They stared in amazement at all the pieces lying around and the supplies.

“Wow Gee, you’re loaded with art stuff.”

Sean ran his fingers across the art on an easel next to him.

“See, I could never do this.”

“You could and I’m about to start you on your way.”

Gerard grabbed his paint coat and put it on.

“I’ll have to get you guys some from my closet. I usually only use this one. Mikey rarely does art with me anymore.”

Gerard left out and made his way to get the coats. Frank smiled at Sean as he browsed the room.

“Why didn’t he become an art teacher?”

“He says it’s still an option. He just wasn’t ready to do it right now.”

Sean nodded.

“He really should though.”

“I agree.”

“What are we agreeing about?”

Gerard walked back into the room and handed the boys the coats. They each took one and put them on.

“He says you should be an art teacher.”

“Yeah… someday.”

Gerard smiled and started gathering the supplies they’d be using.

(Time Passes)

“I enjoyed my time with you guys today.”

Frank smiled into the phone.

“We enjoyed ourselves more.”

“I doubt that. Like I said Mikey doesn't do art with me much anymore. It was fun to have that kind of company."

"Well I'm glad we could do that for you."

"Are you in bed?”

“Yes I am. I’m going to try and get an appropriate amount of sleep tonight.”

“You should definitely do that.”

Frank turned off his lamp and snuggled down into his bed.

“Are you in bed?”


“Cool. So what’s on your mind?”


“Yeah? What about me?”

“I wish you were here with me. I got a little spoiled those three days.”

“I did too, to be totally honest.”

Gerard smiled and shifted on his bed. He looked over at the spot where Frank would be and put his phone on speaker. He placed his phone on the pillow he’d be using and pretended he was lying right next to him and talking.

“Are you still coming for the New Year’s get together?”

“Of course baby.”

“Good. That’ll be more time for us to be together.”

“Mom wants me home that night.”

“So we’ll get you home, as long as you’re at my house when the ball drops. I want us to kiss at twelve.”

“I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss.”

“Wow really?”

“My mom and dad but that’s it.”

Gerard felt bad because he’d had plenty and most of them were with Toby.

“Well we’ll be changing that.”

Frank grinned and then yawned.

“My baby sounds tired.”

“I am.”

“Okay. We can fall asleep together.”

“I’d like that.”

Frank sat his phone down and put it on speaker.

“Put me on your pillow like you’re on mine.”

Frank chuckled.

“Awe really?”

“Yeah baby.”

Frank turned over in his bed and put Gerard on his pillow. He closed his eyes and yawned again causing a chain reaction. Frank giggled when Gerard yawned.

“You sound cute when you yawn.”

“Yeah, you’re tired.”

Frank giggled again and then yawned.

“Shit. I’m sorry.”

Gerard finished yawning and dismissed Frank.

“It’s just yawning.”

Frank mumbled an ‘okay’ and Gerard smiled. He knew he was falling asleep now. He couldn’t wait until the day where he’d be holding Frank while he sleeps every night for the rest of their lives. Frank would definitely be the person he marries if he has to stop this world in order for it to happen.

Gerard closed his eyes with a smile still plastered on his face. He knew he’d be dreaming of Frank as usual. He heard Frank’s small snores and giggled. Frank only snores when he’s super tired and Gerard knows that because he’s spent way too much time stalking everything about Frank. Gerard finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep with Frank on his mind and in his ear.


Gerard put out the cups on the table in his tiny dining area and rushed into the kitchen to grab the pans of pizza. He brought them out and sat them on his table with the cups. He checked the time on the clock that hung on the wall and started panicking.

“Is the cake done!?”

Mikey came into the dining room with the cake in his hand and dropped it harshly on the table.


“Are you okay?”

Mikey hissed when he stuck his burnt finger into his mouth. That was definitely a dumb move on his part, along with touching the hot cake pan.

“I need some Neosporin.”

“Bathroom cabinet.”

Gerard picked up the oven mitts that Mikey had disregarded and slipped them on his hands.

“These are meant to go on your hands Mikey.”

“Shut up.”

Mikey left the room in search of the medication. Gerard shook the cake out of the pan and it landed on his glass cake dish. Gerard grabbed the icing and started icing the cake. He made the cake especially for Frank since Frank said he’d like a ‘moist chocolate cake’ during one of their conversations.

Mikey came back into the dining area and dropped napkins on the table and a bag of chips. Mikey grabbed the chip bowl and opened the chips. He poured them into the bowl and the grabbed the bag of pretzels that was already on the table and emptied those out too.

“Thanks Mikes.”

“No problem.”

Mikey went back into the kitchen and grabbed the soda from the refrigerator and brought it to the table.


“In the top cabinet on the right.”

Mikey nodded and headed to get it. Gerard is an alcoholic but he is a controlled one. He could have a cup without wanting to drink the whole bottle. Which is why he had a drink when he first saw Frank perform and he’ll be having one tonight with everyone when the ball drops.

Gerard went into the kitchen with Mikey and got the champagne glasses down and took them into the living room and sat them on the coffee table. Mikey followed behind him and sat it down on the table with the glasses. He handed the cork to Gerard and showed Gerard his injured fingers.

“Oh right.”

Gerard picked up the cork and started the process of getting it open. There was a knock at the door and Mikey smiled as he headed towards it. He opened the door and smiled at the three boys.

“Here you go. Two boyfriends, unharmed, and still annoying. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to get to my annoying girlfriend.”

Mikey laughed along with Gerard and Gerard looked over at Sean.

“Thanks a lot for dropping them off. There was so much to get done here.”

“No problem. Have fun tonight guys.”

Sean hugged both of the boys and then left. Frank closed the door and looked over at Mikey and Adam after hearing Adam gasp.

“What is it?”

“He burnt himself.”

Frank took off his coat and walked over to Mikey. He took Mikey’s hand in his and grimaced at the blisters Mikey’s fingers.

“How’d you do that?”

“Fucking idiot didn’t actually put the mitts on his hands.”

The cork popped out and Gerard smiled happily at his work. Mikey looked at him and scowled.

“Fuck off asshole.”

“I’m just saying.”

Gerard stood up and put his arms out for Frank. Frank rushed into his arms and hugged him tightly.

“Hey baby.”

“Hey Gee. I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

Frank pulled back and smiled up at Gerard. Mikey kissed Adam on his cheek and took his coat from him.

“I could do that Mikey, you’re hurt.”

“Would you look at that? You get one little burn and your boyfriend treats you like you’re incapable of hanging something up. I’m fine baby and I can still hang up a coat.”

Adam shrugged and stepped out of Mikey’s way.

“By all means, continue please.”

Mikey chuckled and put the coat on the hook.

“Oooooh Gee! Pizza!?”

“Baby you just had pizza not too long ago.”

“Shut it. You can never have too much pizza. I told you from the beginning that I love pizza.”

Gerard rolled his eyes and headed to the kitchen while Frank grabbed the biggest slice of pizza and started eating it.

“I got it especially for you. I had to make it myself since pizza stores are closed.”

Frank closed his eyes and savored the taste. Gerard made the whole thing from scratch and Gerard did an amazing job at it too. It had veggies on it and the whole nine. Frank would surely be pestering Gerard to make more soon. When Gerard returned he laughed at Frank’s exaggerating facial expression.

“I take it you like it?”

Gerard sat the bowl of mixed vegetables on the table and then the pot of vegan soup.

“I love it. This is so good babe. I think you’ll be my pizza man from now on. Do you make deliveries?”

“Depends on how you’ll be paying me.”

Gerard smirked at Frank and Frank smirked back at him. He sat the remaining piece of pizza down and walked over to Gerard. He kissed him slowly and looked at him seductively.

“I’ll pay you however you want me to baby.”

Mikey looked over at them and shook his head. He wanted to laugh at how corny they are but he didn’t want to ruin their moment so he just continued to watch while Adam ate his pizza and watched with him. Gerard leaned in and whispered in Frank ear and Frank pulled back and feigned shocked.

“Oh Sir, I don’t think I could do that.”

Gerard winked at him and licked his lips.

“You don’t have to do anything but take it.”

Mikey decided that was all he wanted to hear. He walked to go use the bathroom. Adam was stood eating his pizza and still looking interestedly. He wasn’t bothered in the littlest form by what they were saying. He found it pretty entertaining.

“I’m pretty good at that. Maybe I could give you another demonstration.”

Gerard closed his eyes for a second; he was getting way too wrapped up in this. He had brief flashbacks I his head of him having sex with Frank. They hadn’t had sex again after their first time and Gerard didn’t think they would anytime soon but that didn’t stop him from wanting it.

“There’s no way I would object to that.”

“Well it’s not gonna happen while I’m standing here so cut it out.”

Frank and Gerard jumped and looked over at Adam. He laughed at them as he shook his head.

“You two are unbelievable man. You should see it. I’m going to record that shit one day.”

Frank placed his hands on his hips and looked at Adam condescendingly.

“And you’re one to talk?”

Adam knew Frank was referring to the way he had sex with Mikey when they were supposed to be arguing.

“Shut up.”

“Yeah, I thought so.”

Frank kissed Gerard on his cheek and then went over to finish his pizza. He looked over and saw the soup and squealed delightfully. He went into the kitchen and returned with a stack of bowls and his pizza hanging in his mouth.

“Vegan soup is the best soup and Gerard is the best boyfriend.”

“Hold on.”

Adam put up a ‘wait a minute’ finger and pointed it at Frank.

“Well they’re both Way’s so…”

Adam nodded and smiled.

“Yeah, you’re right.”


Gerard called out in the direction of the bathroom.

“Is it over!?”

“It’s over fucker now come start the music!”

Mikey came shuffling down the hallway causing everyone to laugh at him. The dance he did was indescribable.

“What do you guys wanna hear first?”

“Say Anything!”

Frank and Adam both requested and the brothers laughed at them.

“You two would’ve been a cute couple.”

Frank snorted and wrapped his arm around Adam’s neck.

“I don’t think he would’ve liked me much after the first week.”

“Ha… we still have next lifetime to find out.”

“I thought I automatically got next lifetime.”

“Sorry, he called dibs. I didn't know about the automatic thing. I can't go back on my word now.”


Frank kissed Adam’s forehead and let him out of his death grip.

“I guess you could always have Mikey.”

“Ew! Fuck no! Sorry bro but nuh uhn!”

“Ditto man.”

Adam and Frank laughed harder than they should’ve at the brothers but instantly stopped once the music started. They started jumping and singing along to the tune as the brothers stood there watching them and laughing. They could both tell that they were the luckiest boys in the world and they both knew the other was thinking it.

“I know.”


They went over and joined in on the dance party. Tonight was going to be one to remember just like all their other nights together.

(Time Passes)


They all shouted out and turned to each other to kiss. Gerard kissed Frank slowly and lifted him up off the ground. Mikey and Adam smiled into their kiss and held each other tightly.

“I love you Gee.”

“I love you too Pumpkin.”

Adam looked at Mikey and blushed. They’d never said that to each other and he knew they wouldn’t for a long time coming. However Mikey shocked him by pulling him into a tight hug and kissed his forehead.

“I’m falling for you.”

Adam stared through Mikey like he wasn’t even there. He had to be hearing him wrong. Mikey didn’t fall for people, that just wasn’t his style. What the fuck made Adam so different? It’s just one of those things that happen.


“I’m falling for you.”

Gerard and Frank stood there in just as much shock as Adam did. Mikey leaned forward and brushed his lips along Adam’s.

“I’m falling for you.”

Mikey kissed Adam after that and Adam had a hard time reciprocating the kiss. His mind was a tangled mess and Mikey kissing him wasn’t making it any better.

“Why? What makes me different?”

“I’ve been asking myself that since I first bought you that hot chocolate.”


“This is the part where you say ‘I’m falling for you too Mikey’.”

Adam chuckled nervously and nodded. He couldn’t swallow the lump in his throat.

“I-I’m f-falling for you t-too Mikey.”

Mikey smiled and swept Adam up in his arms. Gerard and Frank smiled brightly at them. They looked at each other and shrugged. They giggled and Frank walked over to the radio.

“Who’s ready to finish this party before we have to get out of here?”

They all chorused out a ‘me’ and Frank pressed play on the radio.

“Is it worth it can you even hear me; standing with your spotlight on me? Not enough to feed the hungry. I’m tired and I felt it for a while now.”

Gerard poured the champagne into the glasses and gave them out.

“And won’t you think I’m pretty when I’m standing top the bright lit city?”

Frank sung the lyrics to Gerard and Gerard smiled and nodded. Frank took Gerard’s hand and started swaying with him as he sung the lyrics.

“And I’ll take your hand and pick you up and keep you there so you can see.”

They all stopped singing and commenced to drink their champagne.
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