Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Truth Is, You Should Lie With Me

Back To School

by suchaphuckinladyy

Chapter title from myself. it fucking sucks. i just couldn't think of one right now.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro,Bob Bryar - Published: 2014-11-15 - 7312 words

Mr. Way smiled as he watched Frank get out of the car with Sean and start heading towards the school. It was the first day back after winter break and he wasn’t happy about it, other than the fact that he gets to see his Frankie. Mr. Way walked towards the entrance and caught up with the two students.

“Welcome back boys.”

Mr. Way said and they both turned in his direction. Frank smiled shyly and waved while Sean nodded.

“Hey Mr. Way.”

“Hi. Mr. Way.”

Mr. Way smiled at the way Frank was acting. At least he knew he still had a good effect over him. Mr. Way rushed forward to open the door for them and stood to the side as they both entered and nodded their ‘thank you’. Mr. Way entered and let the door close behind him. They all walked in a comfortable silence down the hall.

The hallway was basically deserted since Sean and Frank always get to school earlier than they have to. Teachers are usually in the office, lounge, or in class and other students are usually on a different floor at their lockers. Sean and Frank get to their lockers and Mr. Way continues on. He smiles back at Frank and winks.

“See you in class Mr. Iero.”

Frank let out a breathy chuckle and Sean rolled his eyes.

“You are too much boy.”

Sean put in his locker combination and took off his coat to put it inside.

“Oh shut up. My cousin has you on a string.”

“Yeah… whatever.”

Sean replied but didn’t object to it at all. He is madly in love with Roxanne and he wouldn’t try to prove otherwise. He’s been with her for a long time and he plans on marrying her when he’s finished high school. The only person who knows that is Frank.

“Ha! You couldn’t even deny it.”

Frank opened his locker and grabbed his books. He sat them on the floor and slid off his book bag and coat. He forces them into his locker on the tiny excuse for a hook.

“I could… but then I’d be lying.”

Sean takes his books out and sits them on the floor next to Frank’s.

“Did you do all of your assignments over the break?”

“Do you really think I would’ve been allowed out of the house if I hadn’t?”

Frank’s parents are very strict and Sean of all people knows that. If Frank didn’t do his chores there was no way he’d be able to go out. If he didn’t do all of his schoolwork he had better not even think about fixing his lips to ask about band practice.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“How about you?”

“I did actually. Your cousin helped me quite a bit; the perks of having a girlfriend older and smarter than you.”

Frank laughed and looked down at his friend who was now on the ground.

“I actually have a teacher and didn’t get any help.”

Sean laughed louder than he should’ve and slapped his knee. The irony was written all over that statement. I guess if you think about it that would be cheating by getting help from a teacher. Sure they’re there for school but at home you’re on your own. Frank is a smart kid either way so he didn’t care much about not having help.

“That’s rough man. You shouldn’t have put out just for that.”

Frank looked at Sean with a ‘please’ look and snorted while sitting down next to him.

“I had been waiting for him to fuck me since the first time I met him and that took longer than I expected. There was no way I was holding out because he didn’t help me with my homework.”

Sean laughed again and Frank joined in with him. Sean reached inside his locker and pulled out his phone from his book bag.

“We’re hanging out with your cousin today at my house so be ready after school.”

“I’m always ready.”

“Not since you got with you know who. There’s always some surprise detention or car ride. You’re with us today. It’s been a long time and she misses you. It was her idea.”

“Awe, really? Well then there’s definitely no way I’m missing it.”


Sean sighed and let his head fall on Frank’s shoulder after he sent his text to Roxanne. Frank opened his book and started reading up on his history chapter. His teacher liked to surprise them with tests every Monday and pretend that it’s still a surprise. Frank knew this Monday would be no different.

“Pop quiz?”


Sean nodded on Frank’s shoulder.

“I’m glad I don’t have that teacher.”

“The semester will change dude. You’ll be lucky if you don’t end up having him.”

Sean scoffed and shook his head.

“Don’t jinx me dude. I will murder you if I end up with that guy.”


Frank was walking down the hall to his Science class when Bert came up to him all smiles and white teeth. Frank smiled back and walked into his class with Bert close behind him. Mr. Way looked up as both of the boys entered and raised a brow at Bert.

“I’ll only be a second Mr. Way.”

Mr. Way nodded and watched intently as Frank sat down and Bert sat down next to him.

“So my birthday is this weekend. Do you want to come to my party? It’s gonna be at my place and there will be plenty of pizza.”

Frank laughed and shook his head. Mr. Way would’ve laughed if this wasn’t the same guy who tried to get at Frank in the beginning. This was like déjà vu except now it is Bert’s birthday approaching and he isn’t asking Frank to be his date.

“I’ll have to check with my parents but I’m sure they’ll agree.”

Frank glanced over at his teacher quickly and then looked back at Bert. Frank knew he would have to get Gerard’s permission to go. Frank also knew given how Gerard felt about Bert it wouldn’t be an easy task.

“Okay cool and look, your best bud is invited too.”

“Okay cool. I’ll be sure to tell him about it.”

“Alright Frankie, text me and let me know.”

Bert stood up and patted Frank on the shoulder before heading towards the door.

“See you Mr. Way.”

Mr. Way nodded at him and watched as he swerved through the students entering the classroom. Frank looked at his teacher while taking out his books. Frank tried to give him a small smile but Mr. Way just smirked slightly and then stood up to write the notes on the board as he always did. Frank opened his book and started heading his paper.

“What’s up Mr. Way!?”

Bob entered the class and yelled out loudly. Mr. Way laughed and continued writing the notes. Bob walked to the back of the class and sat down heavily in his seat. Adam walked into the class next and rushed over to his seat to get started on his notes. Mr. Way only left the notes up for five minutes after he wrote them.

“Hi Bryar. I can tell you’ve had a successful winter break.”

“I sure did Mr. Way, how about you?”

“My winter break was perfect.”

Frank’s face broke out into a smile, he couldn’t help it. Next to him he saw Adam smile too and they chuckled a bit to each other. After they’d finished their drinks New Year’s Day they continued eating pizza and dancing around the house. It was pretty eventful and fun. All of them had agreed that they hadn’t had that much fun in a very long time.

When Sean came to pick them up it was one in the morning and the party was still going. Sean joined in on the fun and they got even crazier. They all ended up in Gerard’s art room and made a huge painting together. It’s now hanging over Gerard’s television in the living room. They didn’t get home until four in the morning and they all stayed at Frank’s place.

“Hey Frankie.”

“Hey Adam. Wanna hang with me and Sean today? You’ll finally meet my cousin.”

“Yeah sure.”

Mr. Way turned to them and gave them a small head nod telling them to cease the talking and they smiled before getting back to their notes.

“After we write all of these notes we have a surprise quiz.”

The class erupted into groans and shouts of disapproval.

“Hey! Hey! Everybody quiet! Get the notes done. The sooner the notes are done the quicker we’ll get to the test and get it over with.”

There were a few more groans before the class quieted down as they were instructed and finished getting their notes.

“This will be my second quiz today.”

Frank spoke up and rolled his eyes as he continued to look at the board and write at the same time. He was pretty good at writing while not looking and that’s why he always got his notes done so quickly. He didn’t have to look up and down; he just looked straight ahead and got the words down.

“Oh really Mr. Iero?”

“Yeah. My history teacher gives us one every Monday and still pretends it’s a surprise.”

The students laughed along with Mr. Way.

“Well that’s just stupid.”

Mr. Way replied and took his chair to the side of his desk to sit down. He picked up his coffee and began sipping it slowly. It was still pretty hot since he’d just run to get it from the teacher’s lounge before class started.

“Tell me about it.”

Frank finished his notes and sat down his pen. Mr. Way leaned forward and grabbed the stack of papers off his desk.

“Do you mind passing these out since you’re finished first?”

Frank shrugged and nodded.

“Sure, I’ll do it Mr. Way.”

“Thanks Frank.”

Frank took the papers and started counting off the recommended number for the first row and so on. Mr. Way discreetly kept glancing over at Frank’s ass. When he leaned over his own desk to give the papers to the kid that sits behind him Mr. Way choked on his coffee. Everyone looked at him and Frank gave him a worried look. Mr. Way waved them off and patted his chest.

“I just swallowed the wrong way.”

“Come on Mr. Way I know you’re better at swallowing than that!”

Mr. Way burst out into laughter with the rest of the class. When he finally started containing his laughter he spoke out to Bob.

“Because that was so funny I’m not going to give you a detention.”

He continued to giggle at the boy along with a few students scattered throughout the room.

“I’ll be here all week.”

“You will if you pull that again.”

The class laughed and Frank brought the remaining papers over to Mr. Way. Mr. Way took them and sat them on his desk.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Frank walked back over to his desk and sat down.

“Okay, so let’s get this done as quickly as possible, and then share some winter break stories.”


Frank closed the door and jumped on Sean’s bed. Roxanne hit him in his back and he sat up quickly. He crawled away from her and sat next to Adam. Adam just laughed at them and took a sip of his soda. Frank grabbed Adam’s soda and took a long pull from it.

“Well geez Frankie. Leave me some please?”

Frank gave Adam back his soda and kissed his cheek.


Sean walked into the room and sat at the top of the bed. Roxanne crawled over to him and laid down in his lap.

“So Frankie, what’s been new?”

Frank shrugged and chuckled.

“Any shows coming up?”

“I have some but they’re not until next month.”

“Okay cool. Be sure to tell me so I can make them.”

Frank nodded and she kicked him in the leg. He looked at her and she gave him the ‘well’ look. Frank reciprocated the look with a confused one.

“I’m confuzzled, what’s up?”

Roxanne laughed and hit him in his thigh. They made up that word when they were fourteen and bored in Frank’s mind. They may have also just finished their first blunt that night too. Sean has a cousin he scores from and it was not easy to convince him at all.

“Come on now, I see you glowing. I’m not stupid by far. Who’s the guy that’s got you looking like a pregnant chick?”

Adam and Sean started laughing while Roxanne smiled at him knowingly.

“Oh fuck off!”

“Come on man, spill I’m your cousin! I should’ve known first!”

“Technically no, because they’re both with me when I’m with him.”

“So it’s someone from school?”

“You could say that, yeah.”

“Hmmm… is he cute guys?”

“He looks good.”

Sean answers and Roxanne looks over at Adam.

“He’s pretty gorgeous.”

Roxanne smiled and beamed at Frank.

“So when are you bringing him by for dinner?”

“I’m not.”

“Oh come on! Auntie and Uncle won’t embarrass you.”

“That’s not the point.”

“So what is the point?”

All of the boys got quiet and looked anywhere but at Roxanne. She shifted and gave them a look. After they hadn’t said anything for longer than she liked she sat up correctly and looked at all of them.

“Alright, what’s going on guys?”

Adam looked at her and then looked away quickly. He didn’t want there to be any bad blood when they just met, he was steering clear of that; this is Frank’s matter. Sean kneed Frank and nodded at Roxanne. Frank looked at her and sighed.

“Look Roxanne, I am dating someone, and he does go to my school. I can’t bring him home to my parents though because… well you see…”

“Spit it out!”

“He’s my teacher Roxanne.”

Roxanne’s eyes grew wide and she gasped. She looked between the boys waiting to see if any of them were joking, she soon found out that this was no game.

“Frank, how could you do that? That’s your teacher!”

“He kind of just told you that.”

“Now is not the time for your sarcastic bullshit Sean. Shut the hell up.”

Sean threw his hands up in surrender and Roxanne turned back to Frank.

“How old is he?”

“He’s twenty-six.”

“What the hell are you thinking!?”

Frank gets on his knees in front of Roxanne now.

“I’m thinking he’s amazing and I’m in love with him.”

“No man that would have sex with a sixteen year old boy when he’s clearly too old for him could be amazing. He’s a pedophile.”

Frank frowned at Roxanne’s choice of words.


Roxanne turns to Adam and scowls.


Adam clears his throat and looks at her nervously. He isn’t scared of her but she’s honestly scary right now. She looks like she is going to set the house ablaze with just her stare.

“That’s the correct term. Frank would have to be thirteen or younger for it to be considered pedophilia.”

“Does it look like I give a shit what the correct term is right now? My cousin is fucking a twenty-six year old man!”

Frank pushed her back and snarled at her.

“Would you quiet the fuck down? This isn’t something you can just yell at the top of your lungs.”

Frank knew the house was empty but that didn’t mean that someone couldn’t walk in on their conversation. They would be having dinner at Sean’s tonight after all. Sean’s parents usually came home early on dinner night at their house. Roxanne pushed him back and he fell over from his previous stance.

“Fuck you Frank.”

“Fuck you Roxy! Why do you care so much!? This isn’t your life, it’s mine! I know what I’m doing!”

Roxanne stood up and looked down at Frank with her hands on her hips.

“Oh do you now? What you’re doing is committing two types of crimes, or should I say he is. He’s sleeping with a minor and his student. What else has he done?”

“He hasn’t done anything Roxanne. He’s a perfect human being and you would know that if you got the chance to know him.”

“Oh there is no way I am meeting someone who’d stick his cock in a teenager that’s ten years younger than him. No thank you.”

Roxanne started pacing the room and shaking her head causing her long ponytail to swing back and forth down her back.

“Why do you keep assuming we’ve had sex?”

“Because I know you Frank! You love sex and if it isn’t penetration you’re having some other form of sex! I’m not stupid!”

“If you must know we’ve only had sex one time.”

“Why, because you can’t necessarily fuck him whenever you want? You can’t bring him over to your place and sneak him into your bedroom. You can’t fuck him on your parent’s couch because he’s damn near their age!”

Frank stood up and shouted in Roxanne’s face loudly.



Frank pushed up into Roxanne’s face and she shoved back. Sean jumped up and forced himself between the two.

“Look Roxanne, just calm down. You’re being mean.”

“Are you seriously taking his side right now Sean?”

“Well he is my best friend and I’ve known him longer than you. That’s neither here nor there though, you’re being mean.”

“So because I’m speaking the truth I’m being mean? How are you even okay with this Sean?”

Sean sighed and put his hands on his head.

“He’s my best friend Roxanne.”

“Yeah, yeah I got that part.”

She placed her hands back on her hips and rolled her eyes at him.

“So I’m going to be behind him in anything he does.”

“So if he decides to blow up the white house are you going to go and get him the arsenal you dumb fuck!?”


Sean closed his eyes and let out a long exhale.

“This is his life and he’s in love.”

“How are you even trying to justify this Sean? We are going to have children one day! Would this be okay if your daughter or son was fucking their teacher?”

“No Roxanne and I wish you would stop calling it fucking! That’s not the only thing they have okay. I have seen them together, they are meant for each other.”

“If they’re meant for each other then why couldn’t he wait for him then?”

“I’m standing right here and I’m the one who pressured him into it.”

Roxanne scoffed and made a face.

“Oh come on! He’s a fucking adult! How could you have pressured him into it?”

“He did Roxanne, trust me. You know Frank, when he wants something he gets it.”

“Well that’s just selfish. If you love him so much Frank why are you with him?”

Frank looked at her like she just fell and bumped her head.


“If you love him then why are you with him? You can’t love him as much as you say if you’re putting his job on the line. You could get him fired or better yet… locked up! Then what… are you going to be visiting him in Riker’s!?”

“Fuck you okay!? Why should we have to wait for love because some assholes say it’s wrong!?”

“Frank have you lost your everlasting mind!? I guess it’s a good thing two males can’t elope because you’d just let them run wild wouldn’t you!?”

Frank scoffed and shook his head at her. This is his family and she is talking to him like he is some random guy on the street. There’s one thing to be against what he’s doing and there’s another to insult him entirely. Frank stared at her with tears filling his eyes.

“For your information I’m going to adopt. You’re supposed to be my family. Why are you saying such mean things to me?”

“I am your family Frank and if you know me you know I don’t sugarcoat anything. There’s no reason for me to.”

“There is… the shit you have said is hurtful Roxanne and what hurts even more is that you can’t even see it.”

Sean took Frank into his arms and shushed him as he started crying into his shoulder. Sean looked over at Roxanne and she just stood there shaking her head. She looked over at Adam and it was clear that the boy felt she was wrong too.

“Look… I’m sorry Frank for whatever I may have said to hurt you, but I’m not sorry for how I feel about the situation. It’s wrong and I’m not going to sit here and act like it isn’t.”

With that Roxanne turned and left out of the room. Adam stood up and walked over to Sean and Frank. He hugged Frank from behind while Sean continued to hold him from the front. Frank was now shaking with the intensity of his breakdown. He never expected things to go this way when he told her.

Frank hadn’t told Roxanne because he didn’t know how she would take it. He really wanted to tell her so when she asked about it he was kind of happy. Frank never expected it to escalate to this though. This got way out of hand and too many harsh words were spewed. Frank didn’t know if he could forgive her for this so quickly; if ever.

Roxanne didn’t just say how she felt on the matter she went as far as saying she’s glad Frank can’t have children with another man. She insulted his intelligence by saying he wouldn’t take care of them correctly. Just because Frank is gay doesn’t mean he’ll raise them to be gay. Just because he’s in a relationship with someone ten years older than him doesn’t mean he’s going to force his children to sleep with their teachers too. Frank would be a great father and he knows Gerard would be too.

Frank understands where she’s coming from but at the same time it pisses him off. He gets that he’s underage but it’s not like he isn’t old enough to consent. If Frank was fourteen or younger then he could see why she would react so angrily. If this is Roxanne’s reaction Frank can only imagine how his parents will react if they ever were to find out. There is no way he could let that happen.

Frank started panicking when he realized that Roxanne could possibly tell them. Frank knows she’s upset but he would hope that she wouldn’t betray him in that way; no matter how upset she may be. Frank knows they have a bond that’s more like brother and sister than cousins; he trusts her. She may be belligerent but she isn’t an idiot. She knows that Frank’s parents would probably kill him.

“Do you want to sit down?”

Frank sniffed and nodded while pulling back to wipe at his eyes. He has a headache now from all the shouting and crying; he just wants to sleep. Sean and Adam guided him to the bed and he laid down on it in fetal position. Frank’s phone started ringing and Adam picked it up. ‘Sir’ flashed on the screen and he smiled softly.

“It’s Gerard, Frankie.”

“He shouldn’t take it.”

“N-no, I’ll t-take it.”

“You can barely talk.”

“He’ll calm me down.”

“At least let me explain to him what’s wrong first.”

Frank nodded and Sean took the phone from Adam and answered it.

“Hey Gerard.”


“Yeah, Frankie’s lying down right now. He wants to talk to you, but he’s a bit upset, and I know he won’t be able to explain why to the best of his ability; so I’m going to.”

Gerard was getting anxious now. Did something bad happen to Frank? Gerard was now sitting up straight in his seat and anticipating what was to be said.

“Okay Sean, what is it?”

Gerard sat and listened intently as Sean recounted what had just gone down before he placed the phone call. He was now happy that he did call; it was like he was supposed to. Gerard wishes he was with Frank to really comfort him. Gerard knew Roxanne was right in some of the things she said, but she was wrong to demean Frank. Gerard knows Frank is really down.

Gerard can even hear as Frank starts crying again while Sean spoke the hurtful words again. Gerard listens to every single word and sighs. For a brief moment he gets the urge to go over and get Frank but he knows he can’t just show up there. He also knows this is the night he has dinner with his family so he knew that wouldn’t be okay. Maybe he could sit at the end of the street with him in his car.

“Can I talk to him now?”

“Of course Gee.”

“Hey Sean?”


“Thanks for taking up for him. You didn’t have to do that but you did. You’re a great friend to him and I’m glad he has you.”

“I’m glad he has me too.”

Gerard laughs lightly with Sean.

“I’m glad he has you too.”

Sean says seriously and he means it. He knows that this is against the law, but why now? In the olden times grown ass men were marrying and impregnating fourteen year olds and most times against their will. Frank made this choice and he can go back on it at any time if he wants to. Sean is behind him one hundred percent.

“Thanks Sean.”

“No problem. Here he is.”

Sean hands the phone over to Frank and lays down to wrap his arm around him. Adam ran his fingers through Frank’s hair and listened as he tried to talk.


“Hi baby.”

“I-I-I w-wish you were h-here with me.”

Gerard’s heart was breaking listening to Frank on the phone. He never heard him this upset before, not even when they had their disagreements. Gerard knew that was because he had never said anything half as hurtful as Roxanne.

“I know you do baby. Do you want me to come over and sit with you?”

“W-would you?”

“Of course baby. I’d do anything for you, especially something as simple as that.”

Frank smiled sadly and nodded.

“Okay. G-get here soon okay?”

“Okay baby. I’m leaving out right now.”

“Okay. Text me when you’re outside.”

(Time Passes)

Frank pulls on his shoes and heads downstairs with Adam and Sean right behind him. They all throw on their hoodies and walk towards the door. Roxanne walks out of the kitchen and looks at all three of the boys.

“Where are you guys going?”

Adam and Sean looked at her while Frank opened the door and kept on walking. Roxanne shook her head and sighed.

“We’re walking him somewhere real quick. We’ll be back in two minutes.”

“Will he be back?”

“When he’s done with what he’s doing.”

Roxanne twisted her lips and looked at Sean.

“He’s meeting up with him isn’t he?”

Sean nodded and Roxanne scoffed in disgust. She turned around and went back into the kitchen. Sean walked out and closed the door after Adam was out of the way of it. They both shuddered as the cold air hit them and walked briskly over to Frank. They linked their arms with his and walked down the block to get to Gerard’s car.

Gerard watched as the boys headed towards his car and smiled at them. Gerard admired how condoling they were to and for each other’s. They would be friends for the rest of their lives and Gerard could tell. They have closeness like Mikey and he does. He adores that about them immensely.

Gerard got out of the car and opened his arms and Frank rushed into them. Gerard held him tightly as Frank nuzzled into his neck and fought back more tears. Sean reached forward and patted Sean on the shoulder. Gerard nodded to both of the boys and they nodded back before turning and heading back to the house.

Gerard walked Frank over to the car and opened the back door. Frank climbed inside and Gerard followed closely behind. He closed the door briskly and took Frank back into his arms. He kissed Frank’s forehead and ran his thumb along Frank’s clothed arm.

“I understand what she was saying, but I love you so much Gerard. I don’t care if it’s wrong. I will never leave you for anyone in this world. Fuck what everyone thinks. We love each other and that’s all that matters.”

“I know Frankie, but she is right. What I am doing is horrible. This shouldn’t be happening so just try and understand a little bit more. I’m sure she’s trying to understand your side more right now as we speak.”

“It’s not just that. Sean told you what she said to me. She was evil for no reason.”

“At that moment she felt she had a reason just as you feel she didn’t. She was angry Frankie and people don’t know what to do when they’re angry so they spew things they don’t always truly mean. I don’t think any of those things she said was meant to hurt you.”

Frank sighed and snuggled into Gerard more. Gerard lifted Frank’s head and Frank looked up at him with innocent eyes. He could see how truly hurt he was. Gerard leaned down and kissed his lips softly. He pulled back and ran his finger along Frank’s bottom lip.

“I love you… that’s all that matters.”

“I love you too Gee.”


“You were horribly wrong Roxanne. You should’ve never said those evil things to him. He’s your flesh and blood and you broke him down badly.”

“What he is doing is wrong! You’re really going to sit here and reprimand me but not him!? What is wrong with you Sean!? I do not understand how your mind is functioning!”

Roxanne walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. She sat down on the sofa that Adam was occupying. He tried to get away from the whole thing, but it was just following him around. Adam knew the only way he’d truly escape would be to leave, but he couldn’t do that.

“He’s my best friend!”

“So that makes it right!? I am your girlfriend!”

“You are, and we’re in love!”

Roxanne turned towards Sean dramatically and threw her hands in the air.

“What does that have to do with anything!?”

Sean dropped down in front of her on one knee and took her hand in his.

“We’re in love so why can’t you just let Frankie be in love!? You’re being selfish and not seeing this from his point of view!”

“Yeah! Because his point of view is fucked and nasty!”

Sean dropped her hand and stood up with an angry glare plastered to his face.

“You’re acting like the dude is twenty or thirty years older than Frank! Frank knows what he’s doing!”

“Clearly he doesn’t Sean!”

“Why because it’s not what you think he should be doing!?”


“Fuck you Roxanne!”

Roxanne recoiled like Sean had just slapped her. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. In the entirety of their relationship Sean had never spoken to Roxanne like that and he surely never used those words towards her.

“So you’re picking something wrong over our relationship right now?”

“If you can’t be a little understanding of the situation for your own cousin then this relationship is wrong.”

Roxanne stood up and marched up to Sean and got in his face.

“Are you breaking up with me?”

Roxanne looked like she was about to explode. That wasn’t what Sean had meant, but if she didn’t reconsider her anger towards Frank he’d have to do something.

“I’m just saying that I never thought you’d react like this. This isn’t the Roxanne I know. The Roxy I know would be understanding and try to help her cousin out. She wouldn’t insult him and make him cry. Even if she thought what he is doing is wrong she would try to tell him that in a different manner.”

Sean pulled her into a hug and squeezed her tightly.

“I just think you should go home and give yourself some time to think about all of this.”

Roxanne pushed Sean off of her and stalked towards the steps to recover her shoes and phone from Sean’s bedroom.

“Fine. If you want me gone then I’m gone. Don’t worry about taking me home, I’ll call my friend Jason.”

“The hell you are, you know I hate him!”


Roxanne walked into Sean’s room and slipped her shoes onto her feet. She grabbed her back pack and phone and opened it up to place her phone call. She walked back downstairs and grabbed her jacket, hat, scarf, and gloves and started putting it on while she waited for the other line to pick up.

“Hey! Could you do me a huge favor Jason?”

Sean walked up to her and gave her a warning glare.

“Could you come pick me up from Sean’s house please? Oh I don’t want him taking me home. Yeah, sure. Everything’s okay I just need to get home. If you could help me with that I’d be grateful. Thank you so much Jason. You remember the way right? Okay see you soon.”

Roxanne hung up the phone and Sean shook his head at her. He rushed up to his room and slammed the door shut. Adam looked at her and she looked at him.

“You think I’m wrong too don’t you?”

“I think you should just try to be more understanding. No one is saying that you have to agree, just don’t hurt Frank in the process of disagreeing.”

Adam let her ponder that while he went upstairs to check on Sean. He opened the door slowly and poked his head inside.

“Knock, knock.”

“Come in buddy.”

Adam walked into the room and went over to the bed.

“This wasn’t what I was expecting when Frank invited me over.”

“Truthfully none of us were. I knew she wouldn’t agree, but I didn’t think she’d turn into the mother from Sister Act. This is a side of her that I never knew existed.”

“That’s because she was never faced with this kind of bombshell. You should try to understand that if you want her to understand for Frank.”

Sean thought about it and knew that Adam was right. Everybody just needed to sit down and understand for everyone else’s sake. Sean got up and walked downstairs. He walked over to Roxanne and held his hand out.

“Give me your phone.”

“For what?”

“Do what I fucking said Roxanne.”

Roxanne raised a brow at Sean but didn’t hesitate any longer with handing over the phone. Sean unlocked it and went to her recent calls. He redialed Jason’s number and waited for the voice on the other end.

“Hello? Yeah. You can turn your car around.”

Roxanne rolled her eyes.

“I can take care of my girlfriend I don’t need you to do that.”

Sean looked at the phone when he heard the next thing out of Jason’s mouth.

“That won’t be happening ever again if you both know what’s good for you. Good bye.”

Sean hung up the phone and handed it back to Roxanne.

“If you ever speak to him again you and I are over.”

“So now I can’t have friends?”

“Not ones that disrespect me and you’re lucky this is the only reaction you’re getting.”

Roxanne looked at Sean in total shock. She’d never seen this side of him. She stopped talking and just looked at him.

“We’re going to talk and try to understand each other. You got that?”

Roxanne nodded and Sean sat down next to her. Adam closed Sean’s bedroom door with a smile on his face. He had faith in the evening ending the right way.


Gerard reciprocated the kiss Frank was now pressing against his lips. They worked their lips together sensually slow. Frank maneuvered himself in Gerard’s lap and held his face in his hands. Gerard wrapped his arms around Frank’s waist tightly. He pulled back and looked into his eyes while rubbing his thumbs under Frank’s shirt.

“I think you should try to talk to your cousin now baby.”

“I will Gee. I just want to make you feel good for a little bit.”

“I don’t think that’s appropriate right now baby. I just listened to someone tell me horrible names that my boyfriend’s cousin called me.”

Frank nodded sadly at Gerard.

“You’re right. That was insensitive of me.”

“It’s fine baby. Besides you’re the one who needs to be taken care of.”

“You’ve already done that babe. I feel much better now.”

Gerard pecked Frank’s lips and smiled at him sweetly.

“I’m glad baby. Come on so I can walk you back to the house.”

Frank smiled and climbed off of Gerard. Gerard had never walked Frank to his house before or Sean’s. Frank knew it was because they didn’t want to chance anything. Gerard wanted to share this with Frank so that he could make Frank feel better. Gerard opened the door and climbed out of the car.

He held his hand out for Frank and Frank slid over and took it. He let Gerard guide him out of the car and turned to shut the door. Gerard wasn’t stupid enough to put his hands on Frank while being near his house, but he did walk as close as considered appropriate. They walked to the house in a comfortable silence, both sharing side glances and smiles with the other. They reached the door and Frank reached for the knob and opened it.

Frank glanced at the clock on the wall and then ushered for Gerard to enter. He knew it would be another twenty minutes before their parents were due back at the house. Sean and Roxanne were sitting on the couch and Adam had just walked in from the kitchen.

“Hey Gee!”

Adam walked over to him and hugged him since he wasn’t able to properly address him while Frank was so upset. Gerard returned the hug while getting daggers thrown in his direction from Roxanne’s piercing eyes. Adam pulled back and walked over to the recliner and sat down with his hot chocolate.

“I made you some too Frankie. There’s your mug.”

Frank nodded to Adam and then looked over at Roxanne. She stood up and walked over to him. She hugged him and he hugged her back tightly.

“I’m sorry Frankie. I still don’t agree with this, but I’ll keep my comments to myself, and I won’t tell my auntie and uncle.”

“Thanks Roxy.”

“We are going to talk about this again though; one on one.”

“I know.”

Frank turned to Gerard and gestured to him.

“This is Gerard.”

Roxanne looked at him closely and then her eyes grew wide.

“This is your teacher!? The hot guy from the mall! Oh my God.”

Roxanne shook her head and put her hand out for Gerard to shake while placing her other one on her hip. Gerard accepted the shake and smiled at her.

“You’re Roxanne. I’ve heard tons about you and yes I remember you from the mall too.”

“I would’ve never thought you were that old.”

Gerard laughed and she rolled her eyes.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I know what you mean.”

Frank looked at the time again and interrupted them.

“The parents should be heading in soon. I think it’s time for you to go.”

Frank looked at Gerard and Gerard smiled sadly.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”


Gerard hugged Frank tightly and then kissed his forehead.

“Give me a call when you’re settled in.”

“Of course.”

Gerard smiled and headed to the door. Frank rushed ahead of him and opened the door.

“Good night guys. See you tomorrow and nice meeting you Roxanne.”

“Nice meeting you too.”

With that Gerard left the house and Frank watched him walk away. Gerard smiled back at him and Frank waved.

“Okay Frankie, it’s not the summer time out there.”

Frank stuck his tongue out at Roxanne and closed the door.

“Yeah, yeah.”


Frank woke up to the sound of his door closing softly. He peaked from under his blankets and saw Sean approaching.

“Don’t touch me. You already woke me.”

“We’re going to be late Frank.”

“What time is it?”

“Seven o’ clock.”

“We have plenty of time.”

“We always get there early.”

“Well this day we’ll get there on time.”

Sean reached down and yanked the duvet off of Frank.

“What the fuck man!? You know I hate that shit!


Frank’s mother called from downstairs and Sean started laughing.

“I’m sixteen now remember!?”

“It’s too damn early in the fucking morning!”

Frank laughed while Sean laughed louder.

“Both of you cut the shit!”

“Okay Dad!”

Frank and his mother answered at the same time. Frank climbed out of bed and pushed a hysterical Sean out of his way.

“Go downstairs and laugh. I’m going to shower.”

“Hurry up babe we have to go.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Frank closed his bathroom door and Sean went downstairs to join Frank’s mother and father in the kitchen and eat breakfast… again.
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