Categories > Original > Drama

Take Over

by OMGsLookAtHerBook 0 reviews

You know in films the villain is usually European. What if America took over the world? Everyone was under the control of America. Except a group of kids: One from Britain, One from Russia, One fro...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2014-11-19 - 267 words

"Breaking News! America have taken over Planet Earth!" the news reader read. Suddenly the channel changed, this made Rose jump. The TV went weird then switched to FOX news. Rose sighed and switched the TV off. All of her favourite channels had been hijacked. She was severely pissed off. She then turned on her phone. She went on her social networking sites. They all said the same thing. "All Hail, America,".
Rose was about to slap someone. She went outside and people were putting up American flags. It was the 23rd April. St George's Day. She was the only one that cared about it. Her parents had gone to work, not in work uniform. It was killing Rose. She pa ked her bag for school. She was wearing a St George's flag t-shirt. She walked out of the house and locked her door.
"Ugh," Rose sighed as she saw people wearing American flags. People glared at her as she walked to school. She saw her friend. They turned away from her.
"Wow! Who knew being patriotic was bad," she muttered walking to her form. Her form tutor took her to the headteacher's office.
"Rose Johns. If you are to rebel, I would advise you to stop coming to school," the headteacher said.
"I was celebrating my country, this is not America this is Britain and we need to celebrate our decisions," Rose protested. The head sighed and pushed her towards a group of people.
"Join them," he sighed and shooed them out. There were 9 kids in front of Rose. And they decided to put things right.
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