Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Skylines and Turnstiles (Gerard's first love)


by imnotokay 1 review

MCR plays at the battle of the bands, and gerard meets a beautiful girl, goes on a date but still doesn't know her name.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 556 words

Gerard's POV

I am tooooootally stoked, song one of battle of the bands is over, and I'm getting ready to start song number two, we had a rehearsed stop so I could announce our next song, but I get struck dumb at the mike. There's this girl standing in the audience so beautiful I almost jumped off the stage to go talk to her.

She has black hair with a brown tint. It is cut really short about as long as my hair. It has purple highlights. Her makeup has thick black eyeliner, purple shadow with glitter, and a dark red lip stick. Looks like there may be some fake eyelashes involved too. She's wearing a studded belt with an army jacket and matching skirt, black camisole and ripped black leggings, her shoes are shiny black heels. She's just looking at me and I'm just standing there in the awkward silence, which reminds me of a song I would rather do. Behind my back I motioned through our secret code, that I would rather do a different song.
"Okay, are you guys ready to rock?!"
the crowd cheered like crazy
The intro started

"You're not in the sun, no!
Let me break this awkward silence"

Every word was directed at the girl, so beautiful!

"Hello angel"

But instead of saying "tell me, where are you?" I sang

"Tell me who are you?"

After we were all done, we went back stage with the other bands. Right when I sat on the couch, my little brother Mikey, got up next to me and said
"What happened out there?" I sighed, no use lying to your brother...
"There was this girl, I couldn't think of anything else!!"
Then some random guy from another band, said
"The kind that's so beautiful you forget to breathe?"
"Yeah! And we were just looking at each other, but that's all we needed."
"yep! He's in love!" the random guy announced. Around then frank came over,
"So, Mr. Song changer, you gonna change the song we do if we win?"
"Actually, yes..."

Suddenly the manager of the battle of the bands comes in and says
"Hey I need Gerard from My Chemical Romance over here!!"
"I went over, and the girl was with the manager!
"This chick says she needs to see you, that it's urgent"
"Umm, yeah, C'mon"

I put my arm around her, and she smells like a concert, I can smell the fog machine fog on her, but I don't smell sweat. There's also a hint of something else, something sweet, something familiar and pleasant. She has her arm around my waist and I have mine on her shoulders. I turn and put both my hands on her shoulders she puts hr arms around my waist and I say
"My name's Gerard." And in a voice as smooth and as sweet as honey she said
"I know"
I pull her close, I like the way her hair smells. We just kind of stay there. It feels so good, but all good things have to end, so of course frank comes up, and says,
"Okay, time to go!"
She pulls back,
"I'll be right in front of you when you win." I give her one last quick squeeze, and she walks toward the door, and I walk to the guys...
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