Categories > Books > Harry Potter > MayorHaggar's Drabbles

Surprise in the office bathroom

by MayorHaggar 0 reviews

After a long day at work, Harry finds a most welcome surprise waiting for him in his private bathroom.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Ginny,Harry - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2014-11-27 - 484 words

Harry pushed the day’s reports aside and got up from his desk with a sigh. His recent promotion to Head Auror was a show of respect and recognition, but the job was tedious and the hours were long. Ron joked that the luxurious private bathroom that came along with it made it all worth it, but Harry doubted he would still feel that way if he had to skip dinner with his wife and children to do paperwork.

Still, it was a nice bathroom.

He turned the knob, intending to quickly do his business before getting back to work. Instead, he stopped dead in his tracks and blinked, sure that the tedium had broken his brain and he was imagining things. After all, there was no way his wife was really standing in his office bathroom naked as the day she was born.

“Hello, Harry. Fancy meeting you here.” So, not his imagination then.

“G-Ginny? What’re you...”

“We haven’t had sex in almost a month. I decided that was quite long enough, so here I am.”

“But the kids...”

“Are with their grandmother for the rest of the night. Now how about you come over here and shag your wife in this fancy new bathroom I’ve heard so much about?”

He still had lots of work to do, but it would have to wait. Reacquainting himself with his wife’s body took priority just then. He crossed the room in quick strides and kissed her, claiming her lips with a passion that wasn’t often possible in a house with two kids. She moaned into his mouth and twined her arms around his neck, and he wrapped his own arms around her slim body. One hand stroked the smooth skin of her back, the other going lower to squeeze one taut arsecheek.

Harry could have stood there kissing and touching her forever, but he wanted to make the most of this rare time alone. He backed her up until she was pressed against the sink, then dropped to his knees in front of her.

“I don’t think there’s a sexier sight in the world than you on your knees in front of me,” she said. She put both hands on the sink for leverage as he slung her pale legs over his shoulders.

“I beg to differ,” he said, peering between her freckled thighs. He cupped her bum with both hands and buried his face in her red curls.

“That’s it, Harry, right there!” his wife screamed, and he was especially thankful for the privacy wards placed on the Head Auror’s office. “Oh, I’ve missed this so much!”

His promotion had changed his life in many ways, both positive and negative. But as his tongue lapped at Ginny for the first time in weeks, he realized Ron had been right about the bathroom all along.
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