Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Luck Charm

Chapter Seven

by Black_Moon_Shadows 0 reviews

Widening you circle of friends.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 329 words

Chapter Seven
Ray drove the six of them to the closest BoJangles. Caty sat in between Eveie and him the whole way, bouncing. When they finally got to a BoJangles, Eveie flew out of the car, screaming;

"BOUCING! OH GOD, THE BOUNCING!!" Ray smiled and grabbed her arm, guiding her behind the other four. They walked up to the register. A girl around their age stood there, looking down. She had black hair tied back in a pony tale. She looked up as Caty hit the counter, her hazel eyes startled. Caty's eyes widened.

"JULIE!!!!" she screamed jumping over the counter into Julie's arms. "JULIEJULIEJULIEJULIE!!! ICAN'TBELIEVEI'MSEEINGYOU! HOWLONGHASITBEEN? TOOLONG! IMISSEDYOU! HOW'SBERT?!" She took a deep breath and began talking at top speed again. Emily and Andy held onto each other, scared for their lives. Eveie looked sideways at Ray. He shrugged. They watched Julie hold Caty, looking slightly surprised.

"Uh, Caty? If you don't get down, I'm gonna drop you."

"Huh?" Julie dropped Caty on her ass. Eveie, Lauren, and Emily laughed while Andy and Ray tried to hide their smiles. Caty glared and stood up.

"Caty, get your ass back here so we can order, I'm hungry." Caty scrambled over the counter and the group ordered. They sat down and talked loudly, earning glares from other customers. They laughed and threw the icing off of the Sweet Biscuits at each other. Julie took a short coffee break and slowly walked over to the group. Caty grinned and pulled her onto her lap.

"Guys, this is my bestest friend in the world. Julie. Julie, that's Lauren, Andy, Emily, Eveie, and you know Ray." Julie waved slightly and looked down. Caty smiled. Julie hid a small smile. After a few moments Andy looked around.

"Uh, Ray, do you mind if we go to the mall after we finish? I promised Pete and Moli that I'd meet them there." Ray shrugged and looked at his watch.

"Sure. We've got time to kill."
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